Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 38 The reason [recommendation ticket requested]

Chapter 38 The reason [recommendation ticket requested]

Seeing that Gandalf has such a close relationship with that King Elon.

The dwarves who were in a tense atmosphere were slightly relieved.

But looking at the elven cavalry still surrounding them, the dwarves would not relax.

Bilbo was still protected in the center by the dwarves.

Morgan stood beside Gandalf looking calm.

"Maybe it's because of us."

Hearing what King Elon said, Gandalf smiled and said.

King Elon didn't speak, waved his hand to dismiss the elf cavalry, and said a few words to the elf named Linde behind him.

Only then did they look at the expedition team.

King Elon's eyes first fell on Morgan standing beside Gandalf.

In the case that the vast majority of the expedition team are dwarves.

The tall, handsome human Morgan is definitely a conspicuous presence.

Well, second only to Gandalf the Wizard.

Not only because Gandalf is taller than Morgan.

More because of Gandalf's traditional wizard image.

In Middle-earth, very few people have actually seen a wizard.

The image of a wizard basically belongs to the legendary existence in the eyes of most people.

King Elon looked at Morgan with a smile and said, "This is?"

Gandalf was about to introduce him, but saw Morgan stepping forward when King Elon spoke, bowed slightly, saluted the elf lord who was well-known throughout Middle-earth, and said:

"I'm Morgan."

"It's an honor to meet you, Lord Elon"

Gandalf looked at Morgan's actions with a smile on his face, but thoughtful in his heart.

In fact, he himself knew that it was a bit risky to bring the expedition team to Rivendell for help.

Because the final goal of the expedition is to steal the "Arkon Gem", which symbolizes the highest authority of the dwarves, from the underground treasure house of the lonely mountain occupied by the dragon Smaug.

With the gem of Akon, Thorin Oakenshield could call for reinforcements from other dwarves to help him deal with the dragon Smaug in order to take back the Lonely Mountain.

There is no doubting the evil and power of the dragon Smaug.

More than 60 years ago, he was able to destroy the then powerful Yamashita Kingdom by himself.

He monopolizes the mountain-like wealth of the Kingdom under the Mountain for 60 years.

During this process, no other force dared to play against Smaug.

This is the terrifying power of the dragon Smaug.

Such an evil and terrifying powerful existence has occupied the lonely mountain for 60 years.

But, it's also been quiet for 60 years.

This is what the major forces in China are very happy to see.

No one knows exactly how much wealth "Iruber", known as the capital of wealth in the Yamashita Kingdom more than 60 years ago, possessed.

But everyone knows that the kingdom under the mountain occupied by the Turin dwarves is extremely rich.

At that time, after the Kingdom under the Mountain was captured by the dragon, it was rumored all over the world that the Kingdom under the Mountain was destroyed because they possessed too much wealth, which attracted the coveting of the dragon Smaug.

that's the truth.

None of the major powers in the Middle-earth world is not jealous of the huge wealth of the Kingdom under the Mountain.

But no one dared to move, no one could do anything!
This is actually the best way, because it is occupied by the dragon Smaug, and no one can get it.

Everyone is balanced.

At the same time, because of the vast wealth, the dragon Smaug can also stay quietly under the lonely mountain, and will not run around and cause harm.

And stay for 60 years.

That's what all powers want to see, and expect Smaug to die at the Lonely Mountain's riches at best.

Such is the case.

Gandalf led an expedition team of dwarves to go to the Lonely Mountain to deal with the dragon Smaug, and wanted to take back the kingdom under the mountain.

Once such a risky move is known to the major forces that protect the stability of Middle-earth, the reaction can be imagined.

This was also the reason why Thorin Oakenshield strongly opposed coming to Rivendell.

Of course, the hatred between the dwarves and the elves is equally important.

The Turin dwarves represented by Thorin Oakenshield want to take back the Lonely Mountain. There is hatred and reason, which is reasonable.

The major forces also have reasons for the peace and stability of China.

As for Gandalf himself, he sensed the imminent move of the dark forces, and this was the motivation for Thorin Oakenshield and his party to take back the Lonely Mountain.

Because once the dark forces make a comeback again, it is very likely that they will unite with the dragon Smaug.

With Smaug's evil power, it will be too late by then.

Gandalf came to Middle-earth as the demigod Maia to maintain peace.

This is his mission.

This is why even if he knows that the expedition team may be prevented from coming to Rivendell.

But he still came, that is, because of his friendly relationship with King Elon.

There is also a reason why he wants to try to persuade other people once he is blocked.

Because he knew that it was difficult to hide this matter from those powerful beings.

As for whether there was a reason for coming to Rivendell to unlock the map of the Lonely Mountain in order to convince Thorin Oakenshield.

Only Gandalf himself knows.

"Welcome to Rivendell."

"Morgan, I hope you can have fun in Rivendell next time."

King Elon looked at Morgan and smiled.

Regardless of his status as Lord Rivendell, Eldron Elf King is impeccable in personal cultivation.

In the story of Morgan's memory, he was deeply impressed by the elf lord who controls the most powerful force in the entire Middle-earth world.

Now came Rivendell.

No matter in identity, strength or status.

Morgan needs to show due respect to the elf king.

"I will, Rivendell is the most desirable place in Middle-earth."

Morgan smiled and offered a compliment.

Although it is true.

Had a brief chat with Morgan.

King Elon's eyes turned to the dwarves who were still gathered together.

At this moment, Thorin Oakenshield came out.

"Welcome, Thorin, son of Thorne."

King Elon looked at Thorin Oakenshield and said in a deep voice.

"I don't think we've met."

Thorin's tone was calm, but the meaning in his words was somewhat thorny.

"You look a lot like your grandfather. I met your grandfather Sol when he ruled the kingdom below the mountain."

As if he didn't care about Thorin's barbed words, King Elon continued to speak.

"Really, he never mentioned you!"

Thorin continued, still stinging.

King Elon's face was calm, and he didn't seem to be angry at Thorin Oakenshield's unfriendly attitude.

But when King Elon finished sizing Thorin Oakenshield, and then saw a group of very vigilant dwarves behind him, he suddenly looked at Thorin Oakenshield and said in elven language: "You are as stubborn as your grandfather Sol, no matter what Whether it's character or speech, it's always so disgusting."

King Elon spoke quickly.

But the expressionless look and the elven language that burst out of his mouth.

Immediately, all the dwarves noticed something was wrong.

The dwarves were not stupid. They seemed to have sensed that the elf lord in front of them had said something bad to Thorin.

The dwarf Groin immediately became angry: "What is he talking about?"

"Is he insulting us?"

Groin spoke angrily, which immediately aroused the sympathy of the other dwarves.

The dwarves immediately booed angrily.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gandalf who was standing aside immediately stepped forward, looked at the group of dwarves and said quickly: "No, King Elon means that he wants to invite you to dinner!"

After Gandalf's voice fell, the dwarves immediately became quiet. You look at me and I look at you, after whispering for a while.

In the end, Ge Luoyin said with some embarrassment: "If that's the case, then lead the way."

 Thank you "Qingyu Pie Manzhu Shahua, 89416, book friend 20190810031243878, book friend 20200511162214674" for their rewards, thank you very much~~~
(End of this chapter)

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