Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 296 A New Journey!

Chapter 296 A New Journey!

"Have you thought about how to convince me?"

In the depths of the Red Castle, in the unique open balcony room, Queen Cersei Lannister looked at Morgan not far away and sneered.

"As for this matter"

Looking at the sneering and angry queen in front of him, Morgan shook his head in a deep voice and said, "I can only say sorry about this matter."

"Confrontation on the battlefield is very dangerous."

"Your Majesty understands the character and strength of that Sir Gregor Clegane better than I do. If I hadn't gone all out, I would have fallen that day. I will definitely not be able to stand in front of you, Your Majesty the Queen today."

"I am therefore sorry for the death of Ser Gregor Clegane."

Morgan looked at Queen Cersei Lannister in front of her and said seriously.

After listening to Morgan's words, Cersei Lannister's face remained unchanged, she snorted coldly, and said again: "You are eloquent, but no matter what you say, your behavior of helping Stark this time is very serious to Lannister. It's a provocation for the family."

Having said that, she asked Morgan again: "You can't deny it, can you?"

Morgan didn't speak this time.

Indeed, this matter is the same no matter who it is.

This means that Morgan's own weight is enough. Queen Cersei Lannister has taken a fancy to Morgan's value and wants to take it for her own use, which has been delayed until now.

Otherwise, Morgan would definitely have suffered revenge from the Lannister family on the day that happened.

Looking at Morgan's silent appearance.

Cersei Lannister raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and continued: "Then you should think clearly now, right?"

Morgan remained silent.

"My patience has a limit, Morgan"

Cersei Lannister's face remained unchanged, he seemed to like the feeling that Morgan was suppressed to the point where he had nothing to say.

Thinking of being forced by him last time, she felt a little unacceptable afterwards.

Although Morgan's appearance, figure, and strength in that aspect made her feel disgusted.

But she just didn't like to see the sure look on Morgan's face.

She likes the way the other party is starting to give in now.

Looking at the silent face, it seems to be Morgan who is thinking.

Cersei Lannister got up, picked up the teapot on the small table beside her and poured herself a cup of milky black tea, then stood in front of the tulle blowing in the wind, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the large open balcony, slowly drank up.


Morgan seemed to have figured something out and let out a long breath.

He strode to the small leisure table, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of black tea.

Sensing the movement behind her, Cersei Lannister turned her head to see Morgan's rude behavior, and she wasn't surprised. Anyway, this guy has done anything even more daring.


Drink the steaming milky black tea in one gulp.

Morgan put down his teacup and looked at Queen Cersei Lannister and said seriously: "Three days, give me another three days, and I will give Her Majesty the Queen a satisfactory answer."

heard here.

Cersei Lannister smiled from the bottom of her heart for the first time today.

Although there was still a sneer on her fair-skinned, beautiful and cold face, her tone softened significantly: "Then I'll give you another three days, I hope you won't let me down again."

"Of course, Her Majesty the Queen will not be disappointed."

Morgan nodded, looked up at the queen who was close in front of him, and his eyes immediately became fiery: "But before that, please promise me one condition, Your Majesty?"

Looking at Morgan who suddenly had extremely hot eyes.

Cersei Lannister suddenly thought of something, and her heart felt hot, and she couldn't help trembling and angrily said: "What do you want to do?"

at the same time.

In front of the side hall square of the Red Fort.

A large convoy is waiting.

Not long after, King Robert Baratheon, dressed in exquisite military attire, strode out of the palace with several people.

Renly Baratheon, Minister of Justice, and Barristan Selmy, Captain of the Kingsguard, who were waiting at the side, immediately greeted him.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."


Robert Baratheon nodded, glanced at the entire convoy but couldn't see that figure, and couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you see our "Triple Crown" Morgan?"

The voice fell.

Barristan Selmy, Captain of the Kingsguard, stepped forward and said, "Report to Your Majesty, Morgan was called away by Her Majesty the Queen."

Hear the words of the Captain of the Iron Guard.

Robert Baratheon frowned.

He knew that the woman wanted to recruit Morgan, who had just left the Stark family.

He asked his old friend Ed the day after Morgan left the Stark family.

But Morgan's temper and thoughts are as tough as his strength.

At the dinner party a few days ago, he knew Morgan was called away by the woman for the first time.

Last time she failed to recruit Morgan.

This time, he obviously didn't give up.

But soon, Robert Baratheon thought of the incident that James Lannister led troops to besiege his old friend Ed a few days ago.

When listening to the report, I heard that Morgan's shot helped Ed defeat Jaime Lannister's chance, and Morgan also killed the most powerful retainer of the Lannister family, Gregor "Magic Mountain" on the spot. Clegane.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but frown.

If the woman used this incident to force Morgan, maybe the boy really couldn't bear it.

After all, the power of the Lannister family is not just talk.

Although he didn't want to see Morgan join the Lannister family, he couldn't do anything about it for the time being.

"If that kid Morgan can withstand the persecution this time, and when he comes back from hunting, give him a chance to be loyal to me and join the Kingsguard."

"Yes, it is like that."

Thinking of this to himself, Robert Baratheon waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it's getting late, let's go."

Not long after, the king's huge hunting convoy slowly drove out of the Red Castle and headed towards the city gate.

When Morgan left the Red Keep.

It was already noon.

Looking at the light cluster hanging above the head, there is light and heat all the time.

Morgan suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Thinking of the ups and downs with Queen Cersei Lannister just now in that romantic castle balcony room.

He couldn't help but smacked his lips, feeling a little aftertaste.

However, such an opportunity should not come again in the future.

Because he planned to leave King's Landing City.

He would definitely not serve any other family, not even King Robert Baratheon.

The three-day time limit promised to Queen Cersei Lannister was just to buy some time.

After all, before leaving King's Landing City, he still had some things to do and arrange.

When they came to the temporary stable of the Red Castle.

Morgan was seeing his beloved horse "Carrot" next to a beautiful filly with pure white hair, constantly rubbing its head and neck with each other, as if the love was strong.

Seeing the owner's arrival, "Carrot" seemed to realize something, and couldn't help but immediately turned behind the white mare, raising her feet to get on top of it.

The young filly was obviously frightened by the sudden eagerness of the "radish", and immediately moved in panic to resist the sneak attack of the "radish".

After the courtship failed, "Carrot" yelled a few times in grievance.

At this time, Morgan had already arrived at the stable. Knowing that he had no chance, "Carrot" had no choice but to walk up to his master dejectedly, and yelled again.

It seems to have seen the grievance and embarrassment of "Carrot".

Morgan patted "Carrot" on the head and said with a smile: "You have to be patient, and you can't be so impatient and arrogant, otherwise what is the difference between you and those scumbags?"

"Don't worry, I didn't see what you did just now"

"Let's go."

Morgan comforted "Carrot", but the gloating laughter in his mouth made "Carrot" hear it, and it grunted dissatisfiedly and stood there refusing to leave.

Morgan said helplessly, "I'll find you some more fillies next time."

As if understanding Morgan's words, "Carrot" yelled excitedly, and immediately ran wildly in the Red Castle Square.

This made Morgan sigh: "This guy is about to become a genius."


Morgan finally returned to the "coast of fascination" on Silk Street.

The little lover Diana, who had been parting for several days, rushed into the arms of her lover when she saw Morgan.

A few days ago, at the gate of the high-end brothel "Colorful Forest" on Silk Street, the Kingsguard Jaime Lannister led troops to besiege the former Prime Minister Ed Stark, causing a lot of trouble.

Although there was no news from the Red Castle, it was quiet.

But at that time, there were quite a few pedestrians and vendors who witnessed this incident. After spreading the news, there was still lively discussion in King's Landing City.

After all, the "Kingslayer" and "The Prime Minister", as well as the brutal "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane, have a lot of reputation.

In addition to the last one, who is also the most famous and hottest, the debut of the "Triple Crown" Morgan in the martial arts tournament not long ago.

The heat of this bloody battle has increased a lot.

If it weren't for the fact that the authorities deliberately suppressed the discussion on this matter, King's Landing City would definitely be even more lively.

But even so, the people in the nearest Silk Street are still very aware of this matter.

However, the focus of everyone's attention is not on the "King Slayer" and "Prime Minister" of the two protagonists.

Instead, they all focused on the matter of Morgan killing "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane on the spot.

After all, compared to the foggy conflicts between the two families.

"Triple Crown" Morgan's battle with "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane obviously made the residents of King's Landing even more excited.

In the recent martial arts tournament, many people regretted that the pre-competition favorite Magic Mountain failed to face Morgan.

Now it is satisfied.

Morgan lived up to expectations and defeated the "Magic Mountain" in the street, cutting off the opponent's head.

This really excited the Morgan fans in King's Landing.

Some "Morgan Blows" even yelled that Morgan is the strongest man ever to exist!
Yes, not the strongest player in the tournament, but the strongest player in history, including everyone.

Ordinary people who eat melons just watch the fun and eat good melons.

Only some savvy people realize that Morgan seems to be involved in the grievances between the Lannister family and the Stark family.

This includes Diana, the headliner of the "Enchanted Coast".

She knew that Morgan had left the Stark family, and this time she might get into trouble if she participated in the struggle between the two families.

When I was worried, Morgan disappeared for three days in a row.

This terrified Diana.

She couldn't find any news about Morgan, so she could only send someone to find the former Prime Minister Ed Stark's castle in the noble district to ask.

After getting the news that Morgan should be fine.

Diana felt a little relieved.

But the Lannister family is so powerful that Diana, who can't see her lover, always feels uneasy.

At this moment Morgan appeared in front of him.

How can this make her not excited!
"Morgan, it's great that you're okay"

"Woooo. You don't even know how much I worry about you these days."

Diana hugged Morgan excitedly.

Facing the worries of his little lover, Morgan was very experienced in holding Diana and walking straight to her room.

There is always only one fastest and best way to appease a woman, and that is: ram dry!

In order to comfort my little lover's worries these days.

Morgan stayed on the "Coast of Love" until the evening.

Early morning.

Diana, who was completely naked beside her, fell into a deep sleep with exhaustion and satisfaction.

Morgan pinched the back of his neck lightly.

Watching the little lover fall into a deeper sleep.

Morgan just got up and got out of bed.

The time he promised Queen Cersei Lannister was three days, which meant that he could stay in King's Landing for at most three days.

Time was short and he couldn't waste it.

After some skilled camouflage.

Morgan put on a black robe and jumped from the window on the side of the room again.


There was a dull loud noise.

Morgan landed and immediately looked around.

These days, the Black Chamber of Commerce has searched very closely.

Morgan dare not be careless.

Seeing that there was no one around, Morgan strode towards the darkness.

After half an hour.

On the streets of the underground black market.

Morgan once again stood in front of the old man with white beard and white hair and wearing glasses.

A small bag heavy with coins was thrown on the counter.

Morgan lowered his voice and said, "I need the situation in the Red Castle during this period of time."

ten minutes later.

Morgan stood in the cold wind of the underground black market street.

At this time, it became clear what happened in the Red Castle these days.

"The little devil Tyrion Lannister was captured by Mrs. Catelyn of former Prime Minister Eddard Stark."

"Daenerys Targaryen, the last blood of the Targaryen dynasty, is pregnant with the child of Drogo Khal, the greatest lord of the "Dothraki"."

"There was a dispute between the former Prime Minister because he disagreed with the king's assassination of Daenerys Targaryen"

"The incident on Silk Street triggered a fierce quarrel between Queen Cersei Lannister and Eddard Stark in front of the Iron Throne, and was finally forcibly pushed down by King Robert Baratheon"

"James Lannister "Kingslayer" escaped from King's Landing City and is suspected to have fled to Casterly Rock City. Someone saw him on the way to Casterly Rock City."


Although the large amount of news was expensive, it also made Morgan's doubts about the previous few days suddenly clear.

at this time.

Morgan, who was walking on the street digesting the news he had bought, suddenly stopped, squinted behind him, and stepped forward resolutely.

After half an hour.

Morgan returned to the "Coast of Enchantment", and returned to the extremely warm bed of the little lover.

For the next two days.

Morgan found "The Hound" Sandor Clegane to have a drink.

Regarding Morgan's killing of his own brother "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane, although the Hound regretted that he could not kill his brother himself, he still expressed his gratitude to Morgan.

Then, Morgan went to the "Colorful Forest" to find Petyr Baelish, Littlefinger, had a drink and chatted a lot.

The next night.

Morgan appeared in front of House Stark's castle in the Noble Quarter.

He came to bid farewell to Stark and the others, especially the official student "Arya Stark" he admitted.

Early that night.

Finally, Morgan, who bid farewell to his little lover Diana, appeared on the Blackwater Bay pier in the eastern part of King's Landing.

In order to prevent Queen Cersei Lannister from knowing the news and obstructing her.

Morgan left King's Landing City without telling anyone specifically, let alone sent him off.

Standing on the edge of the deck of the huge mast passenger ship, Morgan in a black robe looked at the city of King's Landing in the darkness quietly lost in thought.

With the shouts of sailors coming from the bow ahead.

The mast ship finally left the pier, slowly sailed out of the Black Water Bay pier, and sailed into the dark distance.

(End of this chapter)

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