Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 290: The Overlord Bows Hard!

Chapter 290: The Overlord Bows Hard!
Night falls.

Inside the brightly lit "Red Fort" banquet hall.

At this time, there was a lot of noise.

A large number of well-dressed figures walked back and forth.

Some are chatting with wine glasses;

Some are burying their heads in dealing with delicious food;

Some fight wine until their faces turn red;

Although the situation is similar to what Morgan saw at the Winterfell banquet.

But this is the center of the Seven Kingdoms, King's Landing City, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

The people who can participate in this banquet are all famous people, their identities and rights are far different from ordinary people, and they are generally relatively restrained, after all, they have to face.

Except for one person.

That, of course, was King Robert Baratheon.

How could he be without a woman at such a happy banquet.

At this time, King Robert Baratheon was sitting in front of the largest table in the banquet hall, with a beautiful young woman in each arm, chatting heartily with everyone around him.

All the king's ministers in the banquet hall have long seen the king's indulgence and pleasure.

Even Queen Cersei Lannister is present, and King Robert Baratheon can hug other women wantonly and make out.

Apparently the queen is not in the eye.

Naturally, none of the ministers dared to talk too much.

But Queen Cersei Lannister has obviously seen such a scene long ago.

He just made a brief appearance at the banquet, met with a group of ministers and guests, as well as Morgan, the biggest legend of this martial arts tournament, the "Triple Crown", turned around and left after a simple drink.

But when he walked to the back door of the banquet hall and left.

Queen Cersei Lannister suddenly turned her head and glanced at the entire banquet hall, then stretched out her hand to greet the attendant behind her and said something before twisting her body and leaving.

After hearing the order, the attendants stood at the edge of the hall, and after carefully seeing where the target was, they quickly walked towards the target.


Delicate glasses collide with pleasant sounds.

Morgan raised his glass to "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish and drank the wine in one gulp. Then he heard the other party say: "Morgan, you really surprised me this time."

"Before this, no one has won the championship of the three competitions. You are the first in history."

Morgan signaled to the attendant beside him to add more wine, then smiled and said that it was just a fluke, without saying much.

But Petyr Baelish obviously wanted to chat with him, and continued: "I heard that you have moved out of Lord Stark's mansion?"

Morgan nodded: "My employment agreement with Lord Stark has expired."

Petyr Baelish smiled and said, "If I haven't decided where to live yet, I still have a spare house in Nun Street."

Hearing Littlefinger's goodwill, Morgan shook his head and said with a smile, "Thank you for your kindness, sir, I have already found a place to live."

Petyr Baelish seemed to be planning to get to the bottom of it and continued to ask with a smile, "Oh, where? It won't be "The Coast of Enchantment", right?"

Morgan's actions with the hound Sandor Clegane last night can't be hidden from those who are interested, and it's not surprising that "Littlefinger" knows him: "Yes, it's the "Wonderful Coast"."

The voice fell.

The two laughed together.

Littlefinger Petyr Baelish clinked wine glasses with Morgan again, took a sip and said again: "I know "The Shore of Enchantment" is very good, and I've heard of Diana's reputation, she is a very beautiful girl."

“However, eating the same dish for too long will always make you tired”

"Maybe you can come to the "Colorful Forest" to play, the girls there have been looking forward to you, the "Triple Crown" for a long time"

Petyr Baelish said jokingly.

But Morgan knew he wasn't joking.

He has been in King's Landing for a long time. Apart from the news he inquired about, the news he bought from the underground black market, he also asked Ed Stark's guard captain Kelson.

He knew that the "Colorful Forest" that Petyr Baelish called was his own property.

"Colorful Forest" is also opened on Silk Street, and it is a high-end brothel like "Enchanted Coast".

However, in the word-of-mouth of the high-end brothels on Silk Street, "Colorful Forest" is slightly higher in grade than "Missing Coast" and several other high-end brothels.

This high-end refers to whether the prostitutes are beautiful or not.

After all, to become a high-end brothel, there will be no shortage of beautiful girls. The girls needed are not only purely beautiful, but also have their own services and their own characteristics.

The main reason why "Colorful Forest" makes people feel that it has a higher grade is because it is a brothel that is not open to ordinary people.

Most of the guests that "Colorful Forest" came into contact with were the nobles of King's Landing City and the guests invited by Petyr Baelish.

A specific membership system, plus its own strength is not bad, plus a strong background.

It is no surprise that "Colorful Forest" is the most exclusive brothel on Silk Street among other people.

Just like "other people's girlfriends are beautiful" and "other people's daughter-in-laws are attractive". What you can't get is the best.

"I have been fascinated by the name of "Colorful Forest" for a long time, but I have never had a chance."

"But I heard that it is only open to nobles."

"Morgan, you are the dream of all the girls in King's Landing now, don't underestimate yourself."

"Here, it's more convenient for you to carry this in and out of the "Colorful Forest", and you can also enjoy the most perfect service from the girls."

"Then I'm welcome"


The two chatted together.

While Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish was the main one talking, Morgan was listening.

But Morgan wants to know Littlefinger, and Littlefinger also wants to befriend Morgan.

The two chatted happily.

At this time.

An attendant came straight to Morgan.

"Her Majesty the Queen invited me?"

Hearing what the attendant said, Morgan asked in surprise.

Seeing the attendant nodding again, Morgan looked at Petyr Baelish who was chatting happily beside him: "The queen has orders, I'll go and see first."

"Go, Her Majesty's business is important."

Petyr Baelish nodded.

Soon, I watched Morgan leaving with his attendants.

Petyr Baelish narrowed his eyes slightly, as if thinking of something, then frowned.

Follow the squire.

Morgan walked out of the banquet hall of the Red Castle, and walked all the way to the back.

Passing through small squares, gardens, attics
While Morgan was looking at the decorations in the Red Castle, he also wondered why Queen Cersei Lannister invited him.

After a little thought.

Morgan quickly guessed that there are only two possibilities for the other party to find him.

One should be to enlist his allegiance to her, or to the Lannister family, the same way he recruited Sandor Clegane the Hound and Gregor Clegane the Magic Mountain.

After all, his current status is too light.

Even with the honorary achievement of the "Triple Crown" of the martial arts tournament;

No matter how powerful and astonishing he is.

In the eyes of those powerful nobles, he is still a mercenary, not even a knight.

Because Morgan was the swordsman of the Stark family before that.

To be a knight, Ed Stark, the Prime Minister of the Imperial Palace, is required to be granted a knighthood.

Morgan, who has already won the "Triple Crown" of the tournament, is absolutely eligible to be named a knight.

But Ed Stark didn't mention this.

Morgan didn't bother to ask more.

Anyway, if he wants to make trouble in the future, it doesn't matter whether he has the title of knight or not.

But even though Morgan is not yet a knight, his strength is obvious to all.

Tournaments are the most popular events in the kingdom.

As long as there is a little celebration, things will be held.

It's okay, King Robert Baratheon, who likes to have fun, will find an opportunity to hold it.

With Morgan around, he would be able to secure the championship of the tournament, which would be of great benefit to the family's reputation.

At the same time, you can also crush the Stark family in the North: Look, Morgan, who you failed to recruit, was recruited by us.

and many other benefits.

In short, although Morgan is only a mercenary and a "hunting dog", he is the most powerful and the most popular.

This was the biggest reason Morgan could think of for Queen Cersei Lannister to invite him.

After all, the dispute between the Queen and Ed Stark is known to the nobles in King's Landing.

If the front foot left the Stark family castle, and the back foot was recruited by the queen, what would others think of Eddard Stark, the new Prime Minister?
This is the biggest possibility Morgan can think of.

As for another possibility, it is possible that Queen Cersei Lannister has taken a fancy to herself.

With the deeds of Cersei Lannister known in Morgan's memory, and the ignorance and insult of the king's husband Robert Baratheon.

He has no doubts that the queen with extraordinary background and proud personality will cheat.

Based on what Morgan has seen and heard in Westeros these days, he knows that cheating in this world is really a very common thing.

And when it comes to cheating and finding a lover.

Tall and handsome, Morgan, who won the three championships with absolute strength in yesterday's martial arts tournament, was dubbed the "Triple Crown" by the king himself. Morgan is definitely the best cheating target and the most popular lover.

Therefore, it is by no means surprising that the Queen has a crush on Morgan.

Although this possibility is very small.

After all, the royal family is the most ruthless, and there are too many examples to illustrate this.

Not to mention the dignified and lofty queens of the Seven Kings.

between thoughts.

The attendant had already taken Morgan a long way.

As he approached a small two-story building with an exquisite castle structure hidden among the green trees in the garden, the footsteps of the attendants immediately slowed down.

Morgan knew that.

It didn't take long.

The attendant took Morgan up to the second floor and came to a luxuriously decorated room.

After the attendant stepped forward to report.

Morgan soon heard a slightly cold voice coming from the room.

"come in"

The servant stepped aside.

Morgan stepped forward and opened the door, and walked in.

The first thing you see when you walk into the room.

Morgan saw Queen Cersei Lannister sitting on the bench in front of the round table drinking tea.

The long golden wavy hair hangs down naturally, and the slightly tight light golden silk robe outlines a perfect figure. With fair skin and beautiful green eyes, the appearance of Cersei Lannister, who shows the temperament of a lazy lady, makes Morgan feel like There are cats scratching.

The door was slowly closed behind him.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

Morgan bowed his head slightly.

"Morgan, I heard that you left the castle of Lord Stark, our former prime minister?"

Cersei Lannister sat on the bench, looked at Morgan without changing her posture and asked directly.


"The time for my employment agreement with Lord Stark has come."

Facing this question again, Morgan replied truthfully. While speaking, he stepped forward slowly, closing the distance with Cersei Lannister.

Looking at Morgan who walked forward without permission.

Cersei Lannister was a little surprised, but when she thought about how this guy dared to challenge her younger brother outside King's Landing in front of her disgusting and rude king husband and all the people, she felt nothing.

Looking at the queen in front of him who suddenly approached and just frowned slightly, then immediately stretched out, and then said nothing, Morgan's mouth slightly raised a smile.

"Oh, with your strength, didn't you stay in the Stark family?"

Cersei Lannister asked again.

"No, Lord Stark and Mrs. Stark have persuaded me, but they just don't intend to stay in the Stark family."

Morgan spoke calmly.

The secret thought in my heart was indeed guessed by myself. The queen Cersei Lannister, whose body was so ripe that she could squeeze out water, was obviously trying to recruit herself.


"Although Winterfell in the north is a bit colder, Lord Eddard Stark is the current Prime Minister of the Emperor. You actually don't like it?"

After hearing Morgan's words, Cersei Lannister smiled, but she didn't find it strange.

This guy in front of him is not only stronger than the two brothers "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane and "The Hound" Sandor Clegane, but also obviously much smarter.

"If I can use it for myself, then what I want to do next will be safer."

Thinking of this, Cersei Lannister looked at the man in front of her with even more interest.

"I just don't want to be a little swordsman"

Facing Cersei Lannister's gaze, Morgan shook his head and smiled. He lied, although that was also what he was thinking.

"Oh, with your strength, our imperial prime minister didn't pay attention to you?"

"By the way, I remember you haven't been canonized as a knight yet, have you?"

Cersei Lannister looked at Morgan in "surprise" and asked.

Facing an outsider like herself, Cersei Lannister, who was so outspokenly hostile to Ed Stark, the former prime minister of the kingdom, was gloating in her words.

Morgan faintly noticed that the wisdom of the queen in front of her didn't seem to be that particularly smart.

Slightly relieved in his heart, Morgan nodded: "Yes, it is Lord Stark's guarantee to participate in the tournament held by His Majesty this time, and I am very grateful to him."

"But he doesn't seem to need your gratitude"

Listening to Morgan's polite words, Cersei Lannister's voice changed, and she said directly: "Morgan, are you interested in serving the Lannister family and me?"

"If I can reuse the two brothers of the Clegane family, I will definitely use you even more."

"If you want, it won't be a problem to let you enter the Kingsguard in the future?"

"How about it?"

"Interested in pledging allegiance to me?"

Seems to have decided why Morgan was dissatisfied with the treatment of the Stark family, Cersei Lannister directly offered conditions without waiting for Morgan's answer.

More reusable than "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane and "The Hound" Sandor Clegane;
In the future, you can also join the legendary guard "Kingsguard";
Such conditions are indeed very attractive.

If Morgan was the native, he would definitely agree without hesitation.

But he is not.

Looking at the Queen Cersei Lannister who seemed to be determined that she would agree.

Morgan suddenly said, "It's not impossible."

"But... I hope Her Majesty the Queen can promise me a condition?"

The voice fell.

Morgan's eyes on the queen in front of him immediately became extremely hot.

Being stared at by Morgan so presumptuously, Cersei Lannister couldn't help but panic.

She did have some thoughts about this Morgan in her heart, otherwise she would not have called him to the depths of the Red Castle and only belonged to her private small castle, or the two of them were alone in a closed room.

But she really didn't expect Morgan to be so bold at this time.

"What conditions?"

Taking a deep breath, Cersei Lannister asked while suppressing emotions in her heart, trying her best to keep calm.

Looking at Cersei Lannister under his wanton gaze, the flash of reddishness on her fair face and the flicker of panic in her eyes.

Morgan looked at the queen in front of him more and more passionately, and said softly: "I think I like you, my majesty the queen"

After speaking, Morgan strode forward and hugged Queen Cersei Lannister by force.

(End of this chapter)

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