Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 273 If there is no if, the storm is about to come【Please subscribe~~】

Chapter 273 If there is no if, the storm is about to come【Please subscribe~~】

The night was darker.

The cold wind blows through every street and alley in King's Landing City wrapped in a biting chill.

Walk through the bustling and noisy steel street and go down the street.

Morgan quickly walked into the dark alleyway on the side.

For Morgan, who has night vision, the night is not much different from the day.

Stride down the dark alleyway.

The surrounding environment quickly quieted down.

At this point, except for the busiest streets in the city, most of the other places have quieted down.

This city is sleeping, but there are always people and places that don't sleep.

After turning three intersections in a row in the dark alleyway.

Ahead, there was finally a dim light of uncertain brightness.

Morgan moved on.

Soon, with the dim light, he saw a rather small street in front of him.

On both sides of the street, there are many shops of different sizes.

However, unlike the normal shop signs outside, the bigger the better, and the louder the name, the better. Basically, there are no signboards above these shops.

Not only that, some shops have pitifully small windows on the outside, while others have no windows at all, only one door.

The lights that Morgan saw at this time came from those windows and the doors that kept coming in and out.

He looked at the solid black figures that kept coming in and out of the doors of various shops, and covered most of their bodies.

Combined with the news from the three gangsters before, Morgan knew he was in the right place.

stride forward.

At the intersection before entering the underground street, Morgan saw figures of several men gathered around to chat and laugh wantonly.

Just squinting at the other party, Morgan strode past the figures of the crowd without stopping and continued to move forward.

Behind, one of the young men looked at Morgan's figure and immediately licked his lips and said, "The one who came from this road must be a newcomer who came here for the first time. Are you interested in waiting for him to come out and divide the things equally?"

"I'm not interested, you want to fuck yourself"

"But let me remind you, if you dare to come here alone at this point, don't let us collect your body the next day."

"Hey, it's not the first time, what are you afraid of?"

"Did the woman from Casterly Rock City have a good time last time?"


Step into this dark and mysterious underground market.

Morgan's footsteps slowed down, and he heard all the words of the people behind him without any hesitation.

He doesn't care either.

No matter which city has a bright side, it also has a dark side.

Just don't mess with yourself.

Looking at the busy shops with no signs on both sides, Morgan chose a shop at random after a little consideration and strode in.

After half an hour.

In a slightly crowded room.

Morgan was sitting in front of a tall counter. Opposite him, behind the counter, an old man with glasses and white hair and beard was holding a pen and asking questions.

"I want to ask for dragon eggs."

"I also want news about the dragon egg."

The old man with glasses looked at the man in front of him and nodded, and quickly recorded the yellow paper roll in his hand again.

"It's hard to find stones like dragon eggs here, because there are too few buyers for those things, and they basically won't appear here."

"Over the years, I've only seen it once."

The old man with glasses seemed to be a little talkative, and he said while copying.

Morgan was coping, but his eyes fell on several huge bookshelves behind the old man with glasses.

The six large bookshelves with a height of six to seven meters are full of various books and the like, and the pages of the books are full of extra labels or tails.

Those who don't know this will definitely think that the old man in front of him is some kind of knowledgeable university student.

But in fact, he is the oldest intelligence merchant in the underground street of King's Landing City, and also has the widest information channels.

As long as you want to inquire about something, there is nothing he can't answer.

The six exaggerated large bookshelves at the back are proof.

While speaking, the old man with glasses finished copying, turned around and came to one of the large bookshelves, quickly scanned the scrolls on the bookshelf with his fingers, quickly pulled out a stack of thin scrolls, and came to Morgan.

"Look, these are records of information about the dragon egg stone, the latest news should be four months ago"

The old man stretched out his hand to lift the mirror frame, and put a stack of paper rolls in front of Morgan.

Morgan took the roll, and immediately checked the messages on the yellowed roll.

Morgan flipped through slowly, but seriously.

Soon, I read most of the stack of scrolls, and found that the earliest one was a news about a dragon egg ten years ago.

Other records about dragon eggs are at least three years old.

Looking carefully at this kind of news from several years ago, it is basically useless unless the specific time, person and place are indicated.

He doesn't have that much time to search slowly.

Rolls of information one after another turned over.

Soon, I turned to the last one, which was the latest news from four months ago that the old man with glasses said.

Well, four months ago was indeed the latest news.

Because other sources of information are at least two years old.

"Illyrio Mopatis, the wealthy merchant governor of the free trade city of Pentos, married Daenerys Targaryen, the most powerful leader of the Eastern Prairie Dothraki in the Targaryen Dynasty." Go Khal's wedding, three dragon egg stones were offered as a gift."

It was four months ago when the final payment was made.

Look at the clearly recorded information on the last information scroll in front of you.

Morgan froze.

Speaking of which, he knew Daenerys Targaryen of Dragon Mama.

He knew that the Dragon Mama had married Khal Drogo the Horselord.

However, what Morgan didn't know was, when did Daenerys Targaryen marry that horse king?

I don't know where Daenerys is?
Otherwise, if he knew enough, he might have gone directly to find Daenerys Targaryen.

Of course, he didn't go to follow the other party.

Instead, he wanted to steal Dragon Mother's dragon eggs.

After all, those three dragon eggs could be hatched by Daenerys Targaryen with fire to hatch young dragons.

Morgan believes he should, too.

However, before that, Morgan knew nothing about these specific messages.

Now that I read the news, I suddenly come back to my senses.

But, this was already four months ago.

Four months too late.

I don't know if the three dragon eggs were hatched by Daenerys Targaryen.

It also takes a long time to travel from King's Landing City to the free trade city-state "Pantos" across the sea.

With his current status, it is not easy to leave King's Landing City for a short time.

It seems that the three dragon eggs in Daenerys Targaryen's hands may not be related to her.

Various thoughts quickly flashed through his mind.

Looking at the scroll in front of him, Morgan felt it was a pity.

If he came to this world, he would come directly to King's Landing City.

If only he had gotten the news sooner.

He would definitely go to the free trade city "Pantos" without hesitation, as long as he could find the free Daenerys Targaryen.

With his strength, even if he grabs it clearly, he will definitely grab a few dragon eggs.

However, no if.

Just when Morgan was immersed in his thoughts.

Suddenly, the door of the room not far behind was opened.

Seeing a business visit, the old man with white beard and white hair immediately knocked on the counter and said, "You can go, come back in a week, there should be some news by then."

Morgan nodded, and after paying a considerable amount of inquiry fees, he put down the scroll of news in his hand, put on the black wide hood again, turned and left.

Walk the dark underground streets that are still busy.

The howling cold wind blows head-on.

Morgan's face hidden under the black robe was calm.

Although it is a pity that I missed the time and opportunity to snatch the dragon egg from the dragon mother.

But he didn't believe there were no other dragon eggs.

Speaking of which, the giant dragon of this world.

Just judging from the few pictures in his memory.

In addition to the fire-breathing natural talent, in terms of dragon scale defense.

Daenerys Targaryen's three dragons are a bit worse than the evil dragon Smaug that Morgan fought against in Middle-earth.

Not to mention language and wisdom, Smaug crushed three dragons.

Even in terms of hard power, Smaug completely defeated the three giant dragons.

Judging from the fact that ordinary spears can break through the defenses of Longma's three dragons.

If only this level of dragon scale defense.

With Morgan's current strength, it is really not particularly difficult to face the three giant dragons.

Think so.

Morgan didn't seem to need to pay too much attention to the dragon egg and the giant dragon.

That would indeed be the case if Morgan was still a Ranger, still alone.

But if he wants to make a difference in this world, if he wants to improve the progress of world exploration, he also wants to continue to the next world, or go back to Middle-earth to see his wife, son and daughter.

He must form a force to occupy a place in this world.

And for large-scale wars.

The role of the giant dragon is the big killer, the nuclear weapon, and the ultimate deterrent!
Hundreds of years ago, the founder of the ancient Targaryen Dynasty, Aegon I Targaryen, and his two wives, his elder sister Visenlia and younger sister Rhaenys, were able to sweep the entire continent of Westeros and Unified the seven countries in one fell swoop, achieved an unprecedented feat.

Relying on the three giant dragons of their three brothers and sisters.

From this alone, it can be seen that the giant dragon is powerful and irreplaceable in large-scale wars.

So, as long as there is still a chance.

Morgan will never give up the idea of ​​finding dragon eggs and hatching young dragons.

As long as you can succeed, no matter how much hard work and money you have put in before, it will be worth it.

Thinking of this, Morgan's eyes instantly became firmer than ever before.

When we returned to the noble district, the small castle where the Stark family lived.

It was almost dawn.

Morgan didn't care either. With his current strength, he wouldn't have much impact if he didn't sleep for three or four days.

But he noticed that Captain Kelsen didn't seem to be back.

The captain of the guard didn't come back, presumably Duke Eddard Stark didn't come back tonight either.

Morgan quietly entered the castle, and first walked around the rooms of Arya Stark and Sansa Stark to make sure they were fine before returning to her own room.

Not long after washing up.

The eastern dawn came quietly.

Under the service of the servants, Morgan was the first to sit at the table.

Even though Morgan's current status in the Ed Stark family is not low, it is even higher in the small castle of King's Landing.

However, he still belongs to the next class who served under the Stark family.

Naturally, he is not qualified to sit at the same table with the two young ladies of the Stark family.

We had dinner together yesterday afternoon, it was just Eddard Stark's order.

Before the sumptuous dining table, Morgan concentrated on breakfast.

It didn't take long for the vice captain of the guard, Jory, to appear in the restaurant on the first floor of the castle, followed by the clerk.

A simple hello.

at this time.

There was a sound of chaotic footsteps outside the castle.

Soon, the Duke of Winterfell, former Prime Minister Ed Stark appeared in front of the gate of the castle.

After hearing the sound, Morgan, Jory and others immediately saluted and said, "My lord."

"Lord Stark"

Ed Stark nodded to several people with a weary expression, then looked at Morgan and asked, "Are you all right?"

"It's all right, my lord."

Morgan replied.

Duke Ed nodded, and then walked towards the stairs on the second floor.

It's just that Ed Stark suddenly turned around and shouted when he was about to step on the second floor: "Morgan, Kelsen, you two come up and have breakfast with me."


Morgan responded, and then turned his head to look at the guard captain Kelsen, who was about to return to his room, and the other party also looked over at this time.

Morgan's heart moved, Ed Stark's trip to the Red Castle Palace should have happened a lot.

The Duke ordered, and the two of them walked to the second floor immediately without delay.

After stepping up the stairs, Morgan turned to look at Kelsen behind him and asked, "Did something happen?"

"Lord Stark looks tired."

Kelsen and Morgan are already very close, and with the Duke's importance, he is not afraid to tell Morgan some news: "I don't know what exactly happened."

"However, Lord Stark has been busy until after midnight yesterday before falling asleep."

Kelsen spoke in a low voice.

Kelsen didn't say much,
But Morgan could hear it, too.

The kingdom's right-hand man, the former prime minister Jon Arryn, died suddenly, and the city of King's Landing was already undercurrent.

Plus Queen Cersei Lannister openly contradicted Ed Stark during the journey.

Stepping into King's Landing City on the first day.

Ed Stark still doesn't know anything about the court situation in King's Landing.

The Minister of the Kingdom couldn't wait to invite him, the new imperial prime minister, to the imperial meeting.

This series of actions is clearly aimed at Ed Stark, the new former Prime Minister.

Go to the imperial meeting with eyes darkened.

It would be a ghost if Ed Stark could get better than that easily.

"grown ups."

"Lord Stark"

When Morgan and Kelsen came to the restaurant on the second floor, they saw Duke Ed who was eating and drinking, and immediately saluted.

"Sit, all sit."

Ed Stark greeted.

Morgan and Kelsen sat down, waiting for Duke Ed's order.

After half an hour.

When Morgan left the restaurant on the second floor.

He has one more task, which is to teach Arya Stark sword skills.

a week later.

Outside Junlin City, two figures from the northern border appeared, one tall and one thin.

same night.

Early morning.

Wearing a large black robe, Morgan walked out of the small castle again.

(End of this chapter)

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