Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 24 Kill that Human! 【Ask for a recommendation ticket】

Chapter 24 Kill that Human! 【Ask for a recommendation ticket】

"Huh, huh, huh."

The heavy rain is still in the sky.

Three huge trolls in the forest strode quickly, and there was a slight vibration on the ground.

Looking at the dozen or so dwarves who were standing scattered and holding various weapons in front of them.

A troll with a height of four meters and a bald flat head said sharply, "It's the first time I've seen such a small thing. What are they? Are they human?"

"They should... be dwarves. My mother caught a few when I was a child."

The taller and stronger one, who was nearly five meters tall, stretched out his hand and scratched his bald head, thinking for a while before speaking in a muffled voice.

"Then can they eat?"

The ogre with the flat head spoke quickly.

"Of course it can be eaten, and humans can eat it."

The biggest troll shouted loudly.

"The humans we caught last time were not tasty, the meat was too old."

The ogre with the flat round head continued to speak, obviously a bit arrogant.

"Idiot, those are farmers, or two old farmers, thin and meatless, of course they don't taste good!"

The biggest troll slapped the flat-headed troll with his slap, and continued muffled: "These dwarves are different. You can see that they are all round and strong, and they must have flesh."

"I ate dwarves when I was a child. The meat was thick, juicy and chewy."

"Now the dwarves must be as well."

"Robb, how did you meet these dwarves?"

The biggest troll looked at the smallest brother who was leading the way and asked loudly.

"I caught two big sheep where I caught the farmer before, and then I came across those dwarf turnips."

"There are a lot of sheep there."

A pig with scallions stuck in its nose, no, the ogre with an arrow stuck in its nose said.

"Sheep, sheep are the best."

"Member, did you hear, Robb said they have meaty dwarves and a lot of sheep?"

Hearing his younger brother's words, the eyes of the ogre with a flat, round, bald head seemed to glow, and immediately screamed at the elder brother beside him.

"Shut up, of course I know!"

The biggest ogre slapped the flat-headed ogre again, and continued: "As long as we catch them, we can eat them for a long time."

"Hey Hey."

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Seeing the three behemoths holding thick tree trunks as weapons, they rushed over with the momentum of shaking the earth.

A group of dwarves said they were not nervous, of course it was a lie.

A monster several times taller than him, with a huge body and an ugly and hideous face.

Facing such a creature, the instinctive tension in his heart was inevitable.

But the nervousness is the nervousness, and the dwarves are not afraid.

When the two arrows of Morgan and Kili roared, they shot the leading troll first.

The dwarves rushed up.



Two arrows shot away.


The smallest of the three trolls, the one with the arrow in his nose screamed, two arrows appeared on his ugly face, and his running steps stopped abruptly.

At this moment, the four dwarves rushed up immediately.

Taking advantage of the injury on the ogre's face, the four dwarves quickly rushed to the ogre with weapons such as daggers, axes, and hammers.

Facing the troll's crotch, legs, and toes, there was a burst of stabbing and stabbing.

Pain continued on his face, and his lower body was attacked again.

The troll roared angrily, looked at the nasty dwarves below him, raised his big hand and grabbed them.

The prepared dwarf immediately dodged flexibly.

At this time, two other larger trolls also rushed over.

Seeing this, the dwarves immediately backed away.

The ogre, who was in pain all over his body, didn't catch the dwarf and was furious, so he immediately raised the thick tree trunk in his hand and smashed it.


The ground shook violently, and the vegetation, mud and water were smashed and splashed in all directions.

The dwarves fled quickly.

at the same time.

Morgan drew the arrow again, and drew the bow and arrow into a full moon.

When the ogre with three arrows stuck in his face turned his head.

Morgan focused his eyes deeply, held his breath, and plucked the bowstring with his fingers again.


The arrows flew away with a whistling sound.

In a blink of an eye, he was in front of the ogre, who was as huge as a living target.


The scream of the ogre shot by the arrow was much louder and more horrific this time than before.

The sudden increase in screams immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It's just that the ogre, who was shot again, covered half of his face with one hand, howling, and picked up the thick tree trunk with one hand, and smashed it wildly.

Even if it hit another ogre not far away, it didn't notice it at all.

Seems to be caught in a rage disorder.

But soon, the abnormal troll whose face was shot into a hornet's nest by the arrow stopped his crazy actions.

The thick tree trunk used as a weapon in his hand fell to the ground, and the huge figure also began to shake and stand unsteadily.

Finally, the big hand covering half of the face fell down feebly, and the shaking troll crashed to the ground.

It was only then that everyone saw clearly where Morgan had hit with the arrow that made the ogre scream madly just now.

It turned out that it shot into the ogre's eye.

Black and red blood flowed out of the shot eye socket like a frenzy.

Unlike the long arrows piercing the ogre's head, the arrows that hit the eyes can only see the tail feathers of the arrows.

The sharp arrows and long arrows all pierced deeply into the ogre's head from the eye sockets.

This is also the reason why the ogre was killed by this arrow after being shot several times before.


The huge troll fell to the ground with a crash.

The dwarves scattered in the forest cheered immediately.

For the dwarves, these gigantic monsters with several arrows stuck in their heads and still jumping around like normal people gave them a powerful impression.

Though the dwarf's most valiant warrior, he has no fear of these gigantic monsters.

But how to defeat and kill these monsters is the most troublesome thing for them.

Now that Morgan has successfully killed the first huge troll monster, this problem has been solved, and it also symbolizes a signal.

As long as the right method is found, this powerful monster can also be killed.

As the eldest brother among the three trolls, and also the tallest and most powerful one, the troll Monbe immediately became very angry when he saw his younger brother Robb fell to the ground and died.

Pointing to Morgan who was hiding behind a big tree in the distance, who was shooting his bow and arrow, he shouted: "There, Kuibo, kill that human being!"

The voice of the ogre Menbai fell.

The dwarf Qili who was hiding on the other side let go of the arrow in his hand with a calm gaze.


The arrow shot out and arrived in an instant.

It's just that the Troll Menbai noticed Qili in advance, and raised his hand to block his face.

The arrow hit the arm.

The troll Monber didn't mind the arrow in his arm, as the troll's brother Quibb strode toward the damned human who had killed Robb.

The troll Quebe turned abruptly, striding towards Kili, the dwarf holding a longbow.

(End of this chapter)

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