Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 233 Extreme Temptation!

Chapter 233 Extreme Temptation!

In front of the Orthanc Tower.


As a white figure quickly fell, there was a heart-shattering muffled sound.

The Lord of Essinger, the president of the Holy White Council, the most powerful council in Middle-earth, and Saruman, a white-robed wizard known as the "Wise Man", died so simply in front of everyone.

Next, it wasn't that the scene after the death of the big man was silent for a while.

Instead, the voices of complaints and cursing immediately rang out among the people below.

"Damn, what is this?"

The dwarf Jinli felt that his face was covered with a thick, slippery and hot liquid for a moment, and immediately yelled.

"Looks like brains, Saruman's brains."


"Bah ah."

“This stuff tastes really bad”

"My God, you actually tasted it?"

"I don't want to taste it! That thing just splattered in my mouth, damn it!"


"What's that smell?"


In front of such a bloody scene.

Jinli was the only one who wanted to make noise for a while.

There were only two little hobbits whispering.

Morgan, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Eomer, who knew Saruman's identity quite well, looked at the headless corpse in front of him whose white robe was stained red with blood and began to slide into the water.

For a while, they all fell silent.

Among them, Eomer, who was the third Marshal of Rohan, was especially important.

Rohan and Isinger are on the border. Over the years, Eomel is very clear about what Isinger has done to Rohan.

It can be said that he is more aware of Saruman's evil and power than anyone else on the scene.

So, looking at the headless corpse in the white robe in front of you.

Éomer was stunned for a moment.

Apart from Éomer, it belongs to Gandalf. He was greatly touched by Saruman's death and had the most complicated feelings.

a long time.

Watching the headless corpse gradually sinking into the murky water.

There was only a sigh in Gandalf's heart.

And for Morgan.

Saruman's sudden death was full of drama and irony.

In fact, it was at the bottom of the mines in Moria.

After he and Gandalf fell into the underground abyss to fight the Balrog.

He knew Gandalf's body, the body that came to Middle-earth to walk.

Possesses great power because of the soul.

But at the same time, this body is extremely fragile.

He will be hungry, he will need to be fed, he will be wounded, he will bleed, and he will die as well.

As the first white-robed wizard who was ordered to come to Middle-earth.

Saruman's strength is beyond doubt.

But in the same way, the body he used to place the soul and walk on his behalf is naturally the same as Gandalf.

Will be injured, also will die.

It's just that Saruman, who is as arrogant as Saruman, never expected that he would eventually die at the hands of Grima, whom he regarded as a slave and running dog.

Although others did not expect it at all.

But Morgan was not surprised.

Even if he is not vigilant enough, he will be attacked and killed by others.

It's no surprise.

"So, we've... already won?"

At this time, Legolas, who calmly wiped off the brains splashed on his face, looked at the silence of the companions beside him, and suddenly spoke.

"If Grima is not counted, I think there should be no other enemies in this stone tower."

Morgan withdrew his gaze following the body sinking into the water, and looked up casually.

On the upper edge of the stone tower, Grima in a black robe was leaning out and looking down.

At this time, I saw Morgan's eyes looking from below.

Grima couldn't help shaking.

Then the body slowly backed away.

"Let's go, maybe there is something hidden in this Orthanc stone tower."

Then Gandalf spoke at last.

As soon as he spoke, Jieying immediately stepped forward.

At this moment, the Hobbit Pippin who was sitting behind Aragorn suddenly jumped off his horse and strode towards the muddy water where Saruman's body was.


Aragorn shouted in confusion.

Pippin's action immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Looking at this scene, Morgan's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately remembered something.

Then, under the eyes of Morgan and everyone.

The little hobbit Pippin accurately reached out and fished out a black crystal ball the size of a human's palm from the water.


"It is the black crystal ball that Saruman revealed above the stone tower of Orthanc."

"It is also one of the crystal balls of true knowledge."

Morgan looked at the crystal ball in Pippin's hand, and various images quickly flashed through his mind.

different from others.

Gandalf's eyes widened when he saw the crystal ball in Pippin's hand.

Then, he pulled the rein quickly, rode forward quickly and said, "Perry Green Tuke."

Gandalf's voice immediately brought Pippin, who was staring at the crystal ball in his hand, back to his senses.

"give it to me."

Seeing the reluctance in the little hobbit's eyes, Gandalf said seriously, "Hurry up."

Although very sad.

But at this time Pippin could not resist Gandalf.

I had to offer the black crystal ball very reluctantly.

Gandalf took the crystal ball of true knowledge, and immediately wrapped the crystal ball with his large white robe.

Looking back at Pippin with an inexplicable expression, Gandalf pulled the reins, and Jieying immediately walked towards the gate of the towering stone tower ahead.

Pippin watched Gandalf's retreating back with unwilling eyes.

Watch this scene.

Morgan knew it well, no wonder Pippin became the No. 1 member of the Fellowship of the Ring Expedition.

However, Sauron, the Dark Lord, really understands human nature and people's hearts, and is extremely good at bewitching and seducing.

Among the members of the expedition team who were closest to the crystal ball of true knowledge just now.

Only the young hobbit, Pippin, was active and exuberant, with an extremely strong curiosity.

Such objects are the most likely to be seduced by Sauron.

Although this crystal ball of true knowledge, which has been polluted by Sauron, is far less seductive to people than the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

But it was not something young Pippin could resist.

"Let's go."

At this time, Aragorn rode forward and pulled Pippin onto the horse's back.

The crowd quickly followed Gandalf towards the gate of the majestic stone tower in front of them.

It was Grima who opened the gate to the tower of Orthanc.

Eomer also followed through on the promise he had made in his previous tower call.

Grima was given freedom.

Gandalf led a group of expedition members and began to search for this towering tower.

after an hour.

On the upper floor of the stone tower, in a very spacious and solemn hall.

There are rows of tall bookshelves.

Every shelf is filled with books of all kinds.

Not far from the bookshelf is a long desk, on which are scattered a large number of various materials and books, as well as some other scattered experimental things.


The black stone seat right in the center of the room is tall and majestic.

This is where the study, laboratory, and meeting room are integrated.

It is the place where Saruman usually stays most often.

At this time, Gandalf was standing at the desk and flipping through something.

Legolas is helping.

Jinli sat on the bench in front of the desk and smoked.

Morgan, on the other hand, sat down on the tall stone seat in the center of the room, closed his eyes and meditated.

It didn't take long.

When the figures of Aragorn and Éomer arrived in this huge room successively.

Gandalf finally stopped flipping through the books.

"How about it?"

"Did you find anything?"

Gandalf looked at the two people coming and asked.

Aragorn and Éomer just shook their heads.

"Saruman left the only information about Mordo pointing to Gondor."

"Does that indicate that the target Sauron is attacking is Gondor?"

At this time, Morgan, who was leaning on the tall stone seat, opened his eyes, looked at the frowning Gandalf and the others and spoke.

He knew that Modo's attack target was Gondor because of the memory plot.

But if he can't come up with reason and evidence, he can't convince Gandalf and Aragorn for such a big event.

"Although there is such a possibility"

"But, it's not enough."

Gandalf looked at Morgan and shook his head, and continued: "Without sufficient reasons, we cannot persuade King Theoden to send troops to aid Gondor."

The voice fell.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Gandalf's mind was clear to everyone in the hall except Gimli.

That is since Essinger's defeat.

It is determined that Modo must send troops to start a war.

However, Gandalf was not sure where Mordor was targeting.

Although Gandalf also suspected that Mordo's target was most likely Gondor, which was the closest.

But just like what he said, enough reasons and evidence are needed to convince the power object he wants to ask for help for Gondor.

Also convince yourself.

This kind of major matter that concerns the safety of the entire Middle-earth world cannot be sloppy.

Hear Gandalf say this.

Morgan also remained silent.

Speaking of it, there is another way, and that is to use the crystal ball of true knowledge that Pipin picked up and is now in the hands of Gandalf.

But that would be too dangerous.

Even if Morgan said clearly that Gandalf would definitely not agree.

And knowing the crystal ball is not easy.

It is impossible for ordinary people to know the existence of the crystal ball of true knowledge.

Morgan is naturally among them.

At this time, the knowledgeable Gandalf and the noble Aragorn in the stone palace know.

"Can't say it, can't say it."

"Is it really necessary to wait for Pipin to form a group privately?"

Morgan sat on the tall stone seat and muttered to himself.

He didn't have a sudden whim, but he thought that accelerating the progress of the world through his own hands should be more beneficial to the progress of the body's system exploration.

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly flashed in Morgan's mind: Yes.

Getting ready to speak.

At this time.

A burst of messy footsteps suddenly came from outside the hall.

Everyone raised their heads, and soon saw a large group of tall men in black robes walking into the hall.

It was the group of black-robed knights who came to look for Aragorn before.

Not long ago, they were sent by Aragorn to search for the huge stone tower at their feet.

The same goes for the hussars brought by Éomer, who also went to search for the giant tower.

But they searched the tower floors nearer the bottom.

The uppermost floors were searched by members of the expedition.

"How about it?"

Gandalf looked at the two elves approaching and asked.

For Eldron's twin sons Elradun and Elohir.

Gandalf must have known it.

Although the relationship with them is not as good as Aragon.


Erradan shook his head.

What they searched was the floor where supplies and food were stored in the tower, where confidential information might be found.

Gandalf knew it well, and he just asked casually.

No further information can be found in the stone tower.

A group of people did not continue to gather together.

Everyone has traveled long distances.

Now Essinger is captured.

Saruman is dead.

Although time is still urgent, it is necessary to have a good meal and rest at such a time.

There is no shortage of food and drink stored in such a majestic and giant tower of Essinger.

The elite hussars from Rohan and the [-] Dunedain who came to support the patriarch Aragorn, known as the "Grey Army", lived in the wild all year round, and they were very skilled in cooking food.

Soon, everyone in the hall dispersed one after another, leaving only five partners, Morgan, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli.

Morgan suddenly said, "Gandalf, what happened to the crystal ball that Saruman showed us earlier?"

The voice fell.

Everyone's eyes first focused on Morgan, and then they all looked at Gandalf.

After all, everyone watched the scene where Gandalf took the crystal ball from the Hobbit Pippin.

Gandalf took a closer look at Morgan.

After seeing the clear and deep eyes of Morgan, the scene of Morgan refusing the Supreme Lord of the Rings at Bilbo's house immediately came to mind.

Can't help but secretly scold myself for being suspicious.

Listening to Morgan's question at this time, it is better to simply talk about Palantir (the crystal ball of true knowledge) and a few partners.

Think so.

Gandalf took out the crystal ball covered with a white cloth and placed it on the table.

Immediately began to say: "Perhaps, you have heard of a treasure that can see from a distance, and can communicate with each other across mountains, forests, rivers, wilderness and other long distances."

"Yes, now I tell you that this treasure does exist"

Gandalf had just finished speaking.

Jin Li immediately couldn't help but interrupted: "Wait, Gandalf, are you sure you're not joking?"

"I heard it right?"

"of course not."

Gandalf shook his head and continued, "You heard me right."

"Because that treasure is right in front of our eyes now."

As soon as these words were said, several people immediately looked at the round ball tightly wrapped in white cloth on the table.

"that's it"

Gandalf said softly, "Palantyr."

At this moment, Aragorn, who was sitting at the corner of the desk, immediately widened his eyes.

But soon he realized that, looking at the "Palantier" wrapped in white cloth, his complexion also became complicated.

"So miraculous?"

"Can you open it and take a look?"

"I want to talk to Gloin who is far away in Erebor."

Jinli asked immediately with an excited face.

"Of course not."

"It's not capable of one-way communication."

"Also, it's been polluted"

The voice fell.

Aragorn suddenly stood up and looked at Gandalf: "You said it was polluted?"

Gandalf nodded: "Yes, I suspect that Saruman's betrayal has a lot to do with his contact with Sauron."

Aragorn: "So, can it connect to Sauron?"

Gandalf nodded again: "Of course."

Aragorn: "I have an idea."

Gandalf: "You'd better not think about using it, the evil of the giant eye is more dangerous and evil than you and I imagined."

Aragorn: "I know, but I insist"

(End of this chapter)

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