Chapter 20 Wanted
The roasted spotted deer feast is very refreshing.

Even half a day ago, the expedition team had just been attacked by orc scout cavalry, so they could only flee with injuries.

This barbecue meal is eaten.

The atmosphere of the originally silent team was significantly relaxed.

There was a fierce battle last night, plus running wildly for most of the night.

The members of the expedition team were really tired.

After eating the roast deer feast, Thorin Oakenshield didn't let the team go on the road immediately.

Instead, he rested in place.

The members of the expedition team were chatting, smoking, or lying down to rest.

There was only one person who was waving a cross sword in an open space not far from the temporary camp.

The one who practiced swordsmanship was naturally Morgan.

After strengthening the three attributes not long ago, the sudden increase in strength and agility made Morgan a little uncomfortable.

That was the reason for the humiliating fall before the meal.

Otherwise, with Morgan's strength and mastery of the body, no matter how slippery the ground is, it would be difficult to fall.

"Hoo hoo."

The footsteps kept moving, and the iron cross sword in his hand kept chopping through the air with thick and heavy sounds.



The third white crow swordsmanship practice is over.

Morgan just felt hot all over and felt extremely comfortable.

Morgan was in a good mood.

Originally thought that it would take at least a day or two to fully adapt to the body after strengthening attributes.

I didn't expect that I just practiced the white crow sword technique a few times.

He felt almost familiar already.

As long as you do it a few more times, you should be able to fully adapt and return to normal.

Turning his head and glanced at the camp not far away, the members of the expedition team were all resting.

Morgan silently let out a long breath and continued training.

"Hoo hoo."

The footsteps moved, and the sound of the long sword breaking through the air continued to resound.

Morgan's body kept moving and changing following the white crow swordsmanship moves.

At the same time, I was thinking about the next journey in my mind.

In his memory, in the plot, the scene of being attacked by the orc scout team last night was not there.

Was it my own participation that caused the dramatic change in the plot?
Or some other reason?
Will the future plot continue as shown in the plot?
Or will there be changes?

Morgan came into this world.

The biggest reliance is of course the time traveler system in the body.

It allows Morgan to obtain soul power and then continue to strengthen it.

Then it is to understand the progress of this Middle-earth world through the plot in memory.

This allows Morgan to have a God-like perspective and be able to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

These two are the biggest reliance for Morgan to survive in this world.

If the future course of Middle-earth World will change because of his participation.

What should I do myself?
Of course, it may not be because of me, after all, I am just a little guy now.

But no matter what, what should I do if there is a major change in the plot?
The body is very familiar with it, and the white crow swordsmanship that has formed a self-reaction is constantly waving the long sword.

At the same time, I was thinking about this important question in my mind.

But after thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure out why.

When a set of swordsmanship is finished.

Panting for breath, Morgan stopped, picked up the water bag on the side, and was about to drink water.

Suddenly, he understood in his mind.

There is no need to think about this question at all.

Because I can't change anything.

The next thing I have to do is to master the system-enhanced white crow sword and bow as soon as possible.

Then kill as many orcs as possible, gain soul power, strengthen and strengthen yourself.

As for other aspects, it is necessary to let nature take its course and play by ear.

If the expedition team's journey can be as smooth as shown in the plot, then enter the lonely mountain together.

If it doesn't go well, the plot will change suddenly halfway, and you will encounter a major danger, which involves the danger of your own life.

Morgan will also withdraw from the expedition team without hesitation.

He was never the type to lay down his life for whom and for what.

There is no one, nothing worth his will.

Figured this out.

Morgan stopped thinking about it.

Gulu Gulu took a big mouthful of water.

Carrying the long sword to continue training.

The fatigue of last night's night battle and running away all night has long since been dispelled by the warm current injected several times.

Speaking of which, this is also a hole card that can save lives.

Think about how the two of you will be exhausted from the fierce battle in the future, and you will suddenly strengthen yourself once.

Then he can be resurrected with full blood, which is definitely a nightmare for the enemy.

"Well, you must save some soul power for the next strengthening."

Morgan secretly thought.

As for his current physical condition, it has never been better.

Temporary camp.

Morgan trained alone not far away.

All the team members have already seen it.

Over the past month or so, Morgan has practiced archery with such a person several times.

Everyone has seen it before, and it is not surprising.

Although this time it was after fighting and fleeing in the middle of the night, it was the first time that he continued to train after being so tired.

After the dwarves whispered a few words, they stopped paying attention.

Only Morgan has an unnamed student, Kili the Dwarf. Looking at the "teacher" Morgan not far away, there is some urge to go to training together in his eyes.

But feeling the fatigue and weakness of the body, think about it or forget it.

Bilbo was leaning against a dead stump, smoking his pipe.

Thinking of the battle last night, I still feel a little uneasy.

For more than a month, although I was traveling, I couldn’t take a bath often, I couldn’t eat delicious breakfast and dinner on time every day, I couldn’t sleep on a soft and warm bed, I couldn’t sleep well without snoring all night, etc.

But Bilbo endured it.

Originally, he thought that adventure was like this. Although it was hard and tiring, it was worth it after walking so far and seeing so many beautiful scenery.

However, the group of ugly, ferocious orcs appeared last night.

Completely overturned Bilbo's imagination.

Let him really realize for the first time what a real adventure is.

A corner of the camp, inside the abandoned dilapidated house.

Gandalf and Thorin Oakenshield were talking.

"I just entered the range of activities of half-orcs, and was discovered by half-orcs."

"It can't be such a coincidence"

"Thorin, who else have you spoken to about the expedition besides your family?"

Gandalf turned his head as he spoke, looked at Thorin's oak shield and asked seriously.

"no one!"

Thorin Oakshield shook his head.

"It can't be such a coincidence, who did you tell?"

Gandalf didn't believe it, and asked angrily again,

"Didn't tell anyone else, I swear!"

Thorin Oakenshield spoke seriously.

But even when everyone disagreed with Bilbo joining the team, Thorin Oakenshield had never seen such an angry Gandalf, so he asked, "What's going on?"

Seeing that Thorin Oakenshield didn't seem to be lying, Gandalf didn't ask any more but replied in a deep voice: "You are probably wanted!"

(End of this chapter)

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