Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 199 The battle against the Balrog, a turning point in fate [Da Zhang, please subscribe~~]

Chapter 199 The battle against the Balrog, a turning point in fate [Da Zhang, please subscribe~~]


A deep, shocking roar suddenly resounded in the dead silent underground world.

The expressions of everyone in the expedition team became suspicious almost instantly.

"what sound?"

"Is it a monster?"

"do not know"

"I'm afraid so."

Someone in the expedition team immediately asked anxiously.

Gandalf stared almost intently in the direction from which the roar came.

Morgan also turned serious when the roar sounded.

With his current strength, this time the Fellowship of the Ring is on the way.

If you say that the huge, giant octopus-like monster that you encountered in the river in front of the west gate of Moria before, it will only make Morgan feel difficult rather than afraid.

The monster that was very likely to appear now really frightened Morgan.


The deep and shocking roar came again.

Everyone finally heard the source of the roaring sound, it was on the side of the crowd, at the end of the giant stone pillar, and it came from a tall arch.

Because along with the roaring sound, there is also the continuous firelight behind the arch at the end of the front side.

If the first roar made everyone doubtful.

With the second shocking roar, everyone immediately realized the horror of the monster that was about to appear.

Although no one could see the monster at this time.

But with that extremely powerful roar, and the brighter and brighter firelight in the arch at the end of the front side.

An invisible deterrent and oppressive force immediately enveloped the entire magnificent square, and enveloped every member of the expedition team.

The firelight at the end of the arch in front of the side is getting brighter and brighter, and Gandalf's expression is getting uglier looking at the firelight.

"What monster is that?"

Boromir, who was standing beside Gandalf, asked anxiously.

Without saying a word, Gandalf finally spit out a word slowly: "The Balrog!"

"The existence of the demons from ancient times that I fear most."

"I didn't expect it to be a surprise"

"None of you are its opponents."

Looking at the brighter and brighter fire ahead, Gandalf shook his head in a deep voice, and then shouted: "Run!!!"

After the words fell, Gandalf was the first to rush towards the intersection ahead with a staff in his hand.

The crowd immediately reacted and immediately followed closely.


The roaring sound from behind came again, and the shocking sound was obviously clearer and the distance was closer.

Feeling the stronger sense of oppression coming from behind, everyone wished they could grow a few more legs.

"bang bang bang"

The sound of chaotic footsteps was particularly loud in the silent, empty square.

But at this time, everyone has completely ignored it.


Gandalf took the lead and rushed to the stone gate at the end of the grand square, but stood beside the stone gate and greeted the people behind him loudly.

The leading Boromir rushed into the stone gate first, but after rushing out of the stone gate, he couldn't brake enough and almost fell into the abyss under the dead bridge ahead.

Following closely behind, Legolas quickly stepped forward and grabbed Boromir and pulled him back.

"Huh, damn it!"

The people rushing out from behind immediately slowed down when they saw this scene, all of them looked extremely nervous.

"Go forward, keep going and don't stop!"

Gandalf's voice continued behind him.

"This way!"

The leading Legolas shouted and immediately chose to run forward from the side winding path.

Morgan and Aragorn behind rushed into the stone gate, and Aragorn in the lead helped Gandalf, who was panting, and said quickly, "Are you all right?"


The roar behind him grew louder.

The temperature in the air is also rising at a visible speed.

Unknowingly, the originally dark space in the underground world also began to illuminate brightly in the massive firelight.

"Of course it's fine!"

Gandalf looked back at the majestic square that had been illuminated by the fire and said in a low voice, "Go, your sword can't deal with it!"

"What about my sword?"

Morgan rushed up quickly and asked in a deep voice.

He had already heard that Gandalf meant to stay behind.

"Your sword?"

Hearing Morgan's words, Gandalf couldn't help but seriously glanced at the scabbard hanging around Morgan's waist, and immediately remembered that Morgan's elf-forged sword was called "Gramdrin" from King Turgon of Gondolin. saber.

After Lord Eldron's science popularization, Gandalf knew that Turgon once held the "Gramdrin" in the "Battle of Tears" and "The Fall of Gondolin" and killed countless enemies, making great achievements. One of the enemies is the existence of Balrog.

"'Glamdrin' should do."

Gandalf said and looked up at Morgan.

The reason why he didn't want the members of the expedition team to collide with the Balrog was because the former couldn't hurt the latter at all.

The Balrog used to belong to the Maya family.

Despite the depravity to become a lackey of Morgoth.

But its strength is beyond doubt.

Why did the Turin dwarves abandon Moria for thousands of years?
It's because they woke up the Balrog because they dug too deep.

The awakened Balrog killed the two kings of the Turin dwarves one after another, and killed countless dwarf soldiers.

The Turin dwarves were forced to leave Moria and go to the Lonely Mountain to establish the Kingdom of Erebor.

As the former Maiya, the power of the Balrog is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, Morgan's strength also far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Gandalf has known Morgan for a long time, and until now, he still doesn't know Morgan's true strength.

Just like not long ago in the west gate of Moria, Morgan was swallowed by the monster and brought into the bottom of the water, and Morgan was able to fight back.

Of course, it is also possible that Morgan did it on purpose.

But whether it was intentional or not, Morgan's strength far surpassed that of ordinary people.

Even the other members of the expedition team were far behind Morgan.

At this time, it will take at least one day before the passage to leave Moria.

For such a long time, it was difficult for the expedition team to escape the pursuit of the Balrog.

Gandalf had prepared for the worst: to fight the Balrog if necessary.

With Morgan's strength, holding Glamdrin in his hand, maybe he can really help him when dealing with the Balrog.


The roar continued.

"Come on!"

Gandalf came back to his senses in an instant, and ran forward immediately after speaking.

Morgan and Aragorn quickly followed.

After rushing into the stone gate, the three of them quickly caught up with the expedition team led by Legolas.

At this time, a series of long stone bridges appeared in front of the eyes across the entire huge underground space.

Similar to the long stone bridge that Morgan had seen in the lonely mountain Erebo, on both sides of the long bridge, there are deep mine pits and abysses. If you accidentally fall off the long bridge, you will be crushed to pieces.

It's just that there have been too many battles and endless ages.

These long bridges are broken and collapsed.

Legolas was in front, leading the expedition team to stop in front of a collapsed broken bridge.

The breaking distance was about three meters, which was not a problem for everyone, and Legolas was the first to jump across.

at this time.


An arrow shot out from the darkness in the distance with the sound of piercing, and shot at Legolas' feet.

"No, there are still enemies!"

Legolas exclaimed.

"whoosh whoosh"

Several more arrows shot from the darkness in the distance.

Gimli dodged one, Boromir blocked two with his shield.

Everyone immediately looked around. In the slightly dim upper corner, there were hideous monsters wearing armor and holding bows and arrows. They were either half-orcs or who.

Obviously, the appearance of the Balrog made these orcs who had been hiding for an unknown period of time active.

Morgan immediately took off the longbow on his back, stretched out his hand and opened the bow with three arrows, and shot towards the half-orc in the distance.

"whoosh whoosh"

In the next second, three muffled groans sounded one after another.

The three orcs hit by arrows immediately fell into the pit of the abyss one after another.

"Hurry up!"

Gandalf cried out at once.

In the expedition team, only Morgan and Legolas were the best at bows and arrows, and they also carried bows and arrows.

The two of them were trying their best to shoot the orc who was sneaking up in the dark, buying time for others.

at this time.


A deafening roar came from behind.

The flames became brighter and brighter, and the ground began to vibrate slightly.

This is the Balrog approaching!

Gandalf shouted anxiously.

Jin Li immediately stepped forward and jumped over.

With Merry in one hand and Pippin in the other, Boromir jumped across.

Then Gandalf took Frodo, and Aragorn took Sam.

When everyone jumped over the broken bridge one after another, it was Morgan's turn.


"bang bang bang"

The roaring sounds coming from the rear and the stone gate starting to shake and crack, as well as the violent shaking of the ground and the broken bridge, proved that the Balrog was very close.

"bang bang bang"

Suddenly, the shaking of the ground made the stones in front of the broken bridge finally unbearable and fell into the abyss pit below.

This break immediately made the distance between Morgan and the broken bridge where everyone was at six or seven meters.



The faces of the people on the other side changed, and they immediately shouted.

Morgan glanced at the unbroken stone door not far behind, and the surrounding area, and even the burning flames that appeared in the abyss pit below both sides of the broken bridge with the appearance of the Balrog, illuminating the entire dark underground space.

He already felt the huge power of the Balrog.

It's just that the distance of six or seven meters can't trouble him.

In the eyes of everyone, Morgan immediately retreated, took a few run-up steps, and then jumped up.

The whole person flew across the Broken Bridge in mid-air and jumped on the people on the other side of the Broken Bridge.

at this time.


The stone gate on the opposite side of the broken bridge was finally completely broken, and the rocks rolled down.

In the red flames that filled the sky, a huge figure revealed a hideous figure in the endless black smoke and flames.

"Come on!"

Gandalf, who helped Morgan up, yelled as soon as he saw the terrifying figure.

Everyone came back to their senses, and immediately rushed towards the stone bridge ahead without looking back.


Gandalf led the way, and the expedition followed.

Everyone rushed forward desperately.

I don't know how long it took, but in the line of sight of the people who were running wildly, a long arch bridge finally appeared in front of them.

"The Khazad-dum Bridge, that's it!"


Gandalf roared and rushed forward.

Behind the crowd, there were repeated loud crashes and shocking roars.

Everyone in the expedition team is very fast.

Balrog is faster.

For the Balrog, he has ruled Moriah for a long time.

Although most of the time he is asleep.

However, he will never forget the breath of his deadly enemy Maya.

After so many years, he finally met one again, how could he let him go.

Although in his eyes, the guy with Mai Ya's aura is very weak, but this does not hinder his determination to kill him in the slightest.

All Maia, Elves, all free races are enemies of the Master (Morgoth), that is, his enemies.

Therefore, all these human elves that appeared in front of them must die!


The roar resounded throughout the Moria mine.

Huge monstrosities leaped between the stone bridges of Moria, blazing with flames.

Wherever it passed, the stone bridge broke, the sky was full of fire, and thick smoke billowed.

In front.

Gandalf, who was the leader, finally rushed up to the stone platform, getting closer to the Kazadum Bridge in front of him.

It's just that when he turned his head and saw the huge Balrog following behind him and approaching rapidly, his complexion immediately became extremely ugly.


Gandalf turned around and shouted to the players behind him.

At this moment, the stone platform he was standing on and the surrounding stone gates, steps, stone pillars, statues and other places immediately burst into flames out of thin air.

The flames are raging, burning bigger and bigger.


Gandalf eagerly greeted the team members one by one to rush up from the stone bridge.

When Morgan, who was at the end, rushed up the stone ledge, Gandalf immediately turned and ran towards the bridge of Khazad-dum.

It's just that they haven't waited for the two to run far.


A violent trembling and rumbling sound like an earthquake suddenly came from behind.

The faces of Morgan and Gandalf who were running wildly changed.

Balrog is catching up!

At this moment, all the ground in front of him was burning with flames at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Legolas, who was leading ahead, was the first to rush onto the Kazadum Bridge.

Then Gimli, then Boromir, the Hobbit
The Khazad-dum bridge is about 50 meters long, and it is not wide like many stone bridges in Moria not long ago.

When Morgan and Gandalf rushed to the bridge, the Balrog followed closely.

With the bearing capacity of the Kazadum Bridge, it must not be able to bear the weight of the huge Balrog.

At this time, the members of the expedition team in the rear had not yet been able to cross the stone bridge, and were still trying their best to rush towards the opposite side.

If Morgan and Gandalf chose to retreat to the stone bridge like the rest of the members at this time.

There is no doubt that the Balrog must follow closely.

By then, if the bridge of Khazad-dum collapses, none of the expedition members will be able to escape.

So Gandalf, who was standing in front of the stone bridge, stopped, and Morgan also stopped.

"Morgan, you go!"

Sensing that Morgan behind him also stopped, Gandalf shouted immediately.

Morgan didn't choose to leave, but turned around, stretched out his hand and slowly pulled out the elven sword from his waist: "I can't escape alone without the friend who saved me."

"What's more."

Morgan turned his head and looked at Gandalf: "Didn't you say that my sword can hurt this monster?"

"Then try it!"

"We've fought side by side many times."

"I won't lose this time either!"

Morgan held the elven sword "Gramdrin" and looked directly at the huge flame monster approaching in front of him.

Also up to this moment.

Only then did he clearly see what the legendary Balrog in front of him looked like.

The figure is four or five meters high, with a bull head and a human body, with huge horns, flaming eyes, a pair of bony wings, and sharp claws. The whole huge body is burning with raging flames all the time, emitting billowing smoke.

Although the figure and height of the Balrog in front of him was not as high as the larger giant ogre he had ever seen.

But the Balrog just stood in front of him, and he could easily kill those larger trolls in a flash just by relying on the infinite power and endless oppression exuding from his body.

Facing such a terrifying power of the Balrog.

Morgan immediately thought of another terrifying existence that once possessed the same infinite power and arrogance: the evil dragon Smaug.

But he didn't have time to compare Balrog and Smaug, who is more powerful, and who is more powerful!
Because the Balrog has come up.

"Haha, Morgan, you are right!"

"This time, we will definitely not lose!"

Gandalf gritted his teeth and said, watching the approaching Balrog suddenly raised the glowing staff in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Go back to the darkness!"


The moment the voice fell, a dazzling white magic power exploded in front of Balrog's eyes immediately from the top of the staff.

The Balrog holding the flaming blade was immediately blasted to the point where he leaned back.

It's now!

Morgan, who was standing behind Gandalf, moved immediately.


With a figure like the wind, Morgan jumped in front of Balrog's huge body in an instant with a long sword in his hand.

At this moment, Morgan, who jumped high in front of the Balrog, felt infinite heat.

If this was an exchange, before he got the dragon scale mail armor, Morgan could hardly even get close to the Balrog's body.

Because the Balrog, which exudes flames and smoke all the time, is too hot, and the temperature is too high.

Most people's clothes, armor, and even flesh and blood were burned when they approached the Balrog.

But to Morgan, in his armor forged from the scales of Smaug the dragon, all he felt was heat.

"Dragon Power!"

The power erupting from the body's limbs was instantly concentrated on the sword in his hand, and Morgan held the elven sword Glamdrin and slashed towards the Balrog's chest with all his might.


In an instant, Morgan, who was holding Glamdrin, opened a wound on the chest of Balrog's huge body.

"Puff puff"

A large amount of flame and magma gushed out from the wound on Balrog's chest immediately.

The Balrog, who had come to his senses, immediately became angry when he was attacked by Morgan's sword, and his flaming claws suddenly grabbed Morgan.

The moment Morgan landed, he immediately rolled aside.

Morgan, who escaped the claws of the Balrog, quickly ran to Gandalf and said excitedly: "Gandalf, you are right, this sword can indeed hurt it."

It's just that the voice did not fall.

Morgan saw the flaming magma gushing out from the wound on the Balrog's chest that was cleaved by him, and it stopped quickly.

Then, the wound healed quickly.

"But that's all."

Morgan's excitement dissipated immediately.

At this moment, Gandalf rarely comforted him: "You are already amazing Morgan!"

At this time, the Balrog held up a huge flaming blade and slashed at the two of them.

Morgan was about to make a move, but saw Gandalf holding a staff and emitting intense light to envelop the two of them.


The moment the flame blade of the Balrog split the light curtain, it immediately dissipated.

Morgan, who was standing beside Gandalf, shot again.

"Mental shock!"

With the improvement of Morgan's strength and spirit.

The power of special skills will also increase accordingly.

Highly condensed into a bundle of spiritual power that is as substantial as it is, it suddenly shot towards the head of the Balrog invisibly.


The Balrog who was waving the flame whip paused, and immediately roared in pain.

Following the Balrog's roar, Morgan's complexion turned slightly pale.

Gandalf seemed to realize that Morgan had once again used his mysterious ability to attack the Balrog, and immediately turned his head to look back. He saw that the members of the expedition team behind him had crossed the Khazad-dum Bridge and were anxiously waiting for them on the opposite side.

"Come on!"

Gandalf immediately pulled Morgan and turned around and ran towards the Kazadum Bridge behind him.

Morgan immediately reacted and followed quickly.

How could the Balrog, who suffered successive losses, bear it, and immediately roared and waved his flame whip and strode to catch up.

Morgan and Gandalf were not far from the bridge of Khazad-dum.

Immediately felt the shaking and instability of the bridge under their feet, the two turned their heads and saw that the Balrog had already stepped on the head of the Kazadum bridge.

"Don't let him come over!"

The expressions of the two changed suddenly, they glanced at each other and immediately stopped.

"Morgan, come behind me, follow my orders, and use your ability just now!"

Gandalf immediately stepped forward and switched places with Morgan.

The bridge was too narrow to stand the fight, and Morgan could only nod and stand behind Gandalf with his sword in hand.

At this moment, the Khazad-dum Bridge could never bear the weight of the Balrog's huge body.

Once the opponent catches up to the bridge, there is no need to fight at all. The three will immediately fall down the cliff and finish playing together.

Morgan is always ready to release the special skill "Spiritual Shock" again.

Gandalf stepped forward quickly and stood in front of the Balrog.


The Balrog brandished a flaming whip and roared at Gandalf.

Gandalf held the luminous staff and shouted at the Balrog without taking half a step back: "I am the servant of the secret fire, and I control the fire of Arnor!"

"Flame of Udun, the fire of darkness can't help you!"

"Go back to the dark!"

Gandalf roared and raised his staff again.


The dazzling light exploded violently again.

It's just that the Balrog, who had already suffered a loss once, gained experience, and immediately raised another flaming claw to block it in front of his eyes.

The dazzling magic light is fleeting.

The Balrog just took a step back, and the more angry it was after being attacked one after another, it swung its flame whip again and rushed forward.

Gandalf, who was casting a spell, had no energy left to deal with the angry Balrog, and immediately shouted: "Morgan!"

In such a critical moment, there is no need for Gandalf to make a sound.

Morgan had already activated his special skills the moment the other party opened his mouth.

"Mental shock!"

The highly condensed spiritual power that seemed to have substance pierced the Balrog's head instantly like a needle.


The huge figure of the Balrog stopped immediately, and the attack with the flame whip in his hand was half a beat slower.

Gandalf also finished casting the spell at this moment, holding the staff in both hands and slamming it to the ground.


In an instant, the sound of breaking sounded one after another.

The Balrog, who had just recovered quickly from the mental attack, was about to swing the flame whip when he felt no force on his feet, and his body fell straight down.


The arch bridge ahead, based on the position of Gandalf's staff, broke apart suddenly.

Unwillingly, the Balrog fell with the broken bridge.

Seeing the Balrog fall down below, Morgan and Gandalf couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Just when Morgan approached Gandalf to guard against the scene of falling short in the memory plot.

He saw a long whip burning with flames stretching out from the abyss below and quickly trapped the bridge under his feet in front of him.


At this moment, Morgan's face turned pale, and he was about to cut off the flame whip with the long sword in his hand.

next second.


The entire Khazad-dum Bridge immediately snapped apart.

Morgan and Gandalf fell into the dark abyss below along with the broken bridge.

 Thank you "Sugar Chestnut Sweet" boss for [-] rewards, thank you~~Please ask for a few monthly tickets~~
(End of this chapter)

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