Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 192 Heading towards Modo! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 192 Heading towards Modo! 【Subscribe】


In the small garden.

Facing the noisy meeting crowd.

Morgan watched the play calmly, Aragorn looked a little dazed, and Eldron watched the farce in front of him blankly.

"Never let an elf wear the Ring. An elf cannot be trusted."

"Dwarves are greedy and selfish."

"If the Lord of the Rings cannot be destroyed, the whole of Middle-earth will suffer catastrophe"

"What if the Lord of the Rings is taken away by Sauron?"

"Now that the Lord of the Rings is in our hands, isn't it just right that we can use it to deal with Sauron?"

"You cannot control the Lord of the Rings"

"The Ring must be destroyed."

"Okay, even if you want to go to Modo to destroy the Lord of the Rings, then who and who can take on this task?"

"As long as it's not an elf, I agree with anyone who will take on this task!"


Looking at the representatives of the free race forces in Middle-earth in front of them, they blushed arbitrarily.

Frodo struggled to look at the Supreme Lord of the Rings on the stone table not far away with an ugly expression, and from time to time he looked at the noisy crowd.

Finally, he stood up.

"I would like to go."

spoke Frodo.

It's just that his voice is a little softer.

At this time, except for Morgan who was paying attention to him, he could hear it.

The other people who had already made a real noise didn't hear it at all.

Still continue to quarrel.

But anyway, everyone knows that this is in Rivendell, in front of Lord Eldron.

Even though each of them looked extremely angry, they could still control themselves not to make a move.

"I would like to go!"

Frodo spoke again, much louder this time.

At last the multitude heard Frodo speak, and the voices fell silent.

Gandalf, who was facing away from Frodo, closed his eyes helplessly when he heard Frodo's voice.

"I would like to go."

Looking at the quiet people, Frodo said again: "I am willing to take the One Ring to Mordor."

The voice fell.

Immediately there was no sound in the whole garden.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on the short but resolute Hobbit in front of them.

Yes, although the quarrels and disputes just now sound a little complicated, but in a careful summary, the meaning is one: that is, everyone is satisfied with Lord Eldron's proposal, but going to Modo is too dangerous, who can take on this important task ?
Legolas agrees with the decision to destroy the Lord of the Rings, but he doesn't know who to recommend. Of course, he himself has no intention of recommending himself, as long as he knows.

The fact that the dwarf Jin Li's words can come out is also a decision to agree to destroy the Lord of the Rings.

But because he grew up in the Blue Mountains, the Lonely Mountain had not yet been recovered at that time, and he was extremely impressed by the betrayal of the Mirkwood elves, so he spoke purely to vent his anger on the elves.

So as soon as he taunted like a map cannon, he immediately annoyed the other elves from Gray Harbor, which led to a big quarrel.

As for Boromir from Gondor, he wants to use the Ring wholeheartedly, and he certainly does not agree to destroy the Ring.

But the arms can't beat the thighs, so the danger of going to Modo can only be exaggerated and exaggerated.

Only in this way can everyone dispel the idea of ​​going to Modo.

Only in this way can he have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

As for Gandalf, who also participated in the debate, he purely wanted to persuade Boromir, who had the greatest opinion.

Frodo spoke.

Immediately, everyone was speechless.

The Lord of the Rings was brought by the hobbit in front of him.

With regard to his character, strength and identity, as well as his willpower to fight against the Lord of the Rings, the hobbit in front of him is obviously the best and most suitable candidate.

That is, at the moment of Frodo's consent.

Originally a little confused, Aragorn, who thought he was about to lose hope, immediately brightened his eyes.

Gandalf, who cared most about Frodo, looked half relieved, half helpless and half painful.

Of course he knew that Frodo, who had brought the Supreme Lord of the Rings from Shire to Rivendell intact, was the best candidate.

However, because of the power of the Demon Lord Sauron, the Lord of the Rings is constantly waking up, and he has already noticed that Frodo's body has been affected by the Lord of the Rings.

Go on, and Frodo could not tell that day there would be a problem, or even a breakdown.

He did not want to see Frodo, who had been so lively, continue to bear such painful and dangerous responsibilities.

But there was no one more suitable than Frodo.

Therefore, at the moment when he heard that Frodo had the courage to stand up, Gandalf was really relieved and complicated.

As for Eldron, he was naturally happy.

When chatting with Gandalf about this matter a few days ago.

Eldron intends to let Frodo continue to undertake this task.

But Gandalf disagreed, because he didn't want Frodo to bear such a heavy responsibility, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

Going from Shire to Rivendell is far less dangerous than going from Rivendell to Modo.

Eldron failed to convince Gandalf.

Gandalf could not find a better suitable candidate, nor could he convince Eldron.

So, they decided to hold today's meeting to select personnel.

And now Frodo jumped out of his own accord.

For Eldron, it is naturally the best.

At this time, everyone looked at Frodo with complicated eyes, including relief, appreciation, smile, surprise, and unwillingness.


Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Frodo, who was determined because he couldn't bear to see the behavior of the people just now, immediately returned to his usual appearance, and said softly, a little embarrassed: "I don't know the way."

After the words fell, everyone laughed, but they were all good-natured smiles.

"Don't worry about that."

Gandalf was the first to step forward and said with a smile: "Frodo Baggins, as long as you are willing to take on such a heavy responsibility, I am willing to assist you."

Gandalf patted Frodo on the shoulder as he spoke, and stood behind him in support of him.

"I would like to help you too"

At this time, Aragorn strode forward and looked at Frodo and said, "Even if it costs my life, I am willing."

"Frodo, don't worry, my sword will protect you."

Aragorn squatted down and looked at the little hobbit in front of him seriously.

Looking at Aragorn who jumped out unexpectedly, Gandalf and Eldron exchanged a look, and the two were in a much happier mood.

With Gandalf and Aragorn taking the lead, those representing other forces are naturally not far behind.

"And my bow and arrow will also protect you."

Legolas walked out with a smile and stood behind Frodo like Aragorn.


The dwarf Gimli also stood up: "My ax is not as good as the elf boy's bow and arrow."

Glo Yin, who was standing behind Jin Li, watched his son walk out without saying hello, and did not stop him.

Whether Jinli can take the initiative to go out and venture, or participate in important matters related to Middle-earth, no matter how dangerous it is, Gloin will only support him unconditionally.

Dwarves are not far behind others, especially elves.

Seeing the weak hobbit jumping out to take on the task, watching the elves representing Mirkwood, Gimli representing the dwarves, and Aragorn all stood up.

As the eldest son and heir of Denethor, the ruling prime minister of Gondor, Boromir now represents Gondor, the most powerful human kingdom in Middle-earth.

He will certainly not fall behind, nor can he fall behind.

"You carry everyone's expectations, and the fate of the world, boy."

At this time, Boromir walked out slowly, and he looked at the crowd and continued to speak: "If this is everyone's decision, Gondor will naturally support it."

Boromir said and walked to the side of the dwarf Gimli.

Although there was disappointment on his face, he could only support everyone's decision.

"Add me too"

At this moment, Morgan's voice suddenly sounded from behind the crowd.

Everyone turned around and saw Morgan standing up from the bench and walking in front of everyone.

"Frodo, your courage really astonishes me."

Morgan walked up to Frodo, looked at the little hobbit in front of him, smiled and said, "This time, I will still stand by your side."

Watching Morgan also stand up.

The smiles on the faces of Gandalf and Eldron became more obvious.

Other members who knew Morgan's identity also showed smiles on their faces, they all knew Morgan's powerful strength.

Of course, there are also those who don't understand, such as: Boromir.

"And I!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

Then, everyone saw a figure emerge from the dense vegetation on the edge of the garden.

Who was it but the short, stocky Hobbit Sam.

Sam quickly rushed into the garden, squeezed beside Frodo and looked at Lord Eldron in front of him and said anxiously, "I will go wherever Lord Frodo goes."

"Yes, it is indeed difficult to separate you"

"Even the kind of meeting you're entitled to, you can sneak in."

Eldron looked at the sneaky hobbit and smiled, he was in a good mood after the expedition team was formed.

"Hey, there's us!"

At this moment, two short figures touched the entrance of the small meeting garden at some point.

After eavesdropping at the door for a while, I couldn't hear what everyone was saying, but the battle in front of me was obviously very interesting, so I immediately ran out yelling.

"We must be with Sam Frodo, and you must not part us."

Merry and Pippin, the two hobbits, ran quickly to Frodo's side.

Eldron glanced at Gandalf speechlessly.

Gandalf immediately returned a positive look.

"Okay, so be it."

Looking at the crowd in front of him, Eldron sighed and nodded, "Ten members."

"Then you are the Fellowship of the Ring."

Lord Eldron smiled.

Hearing that he was accepted to join, Pippin immediately said happily: "That's great."

"So where do we go next?"

Everyone: "."

Definitely what to do with the Lord of the Rings.

The Lord of the Rings Fellowship was also formed.

This was later known as the "Conference of Elrond" successfully held.

Let the whole Rivendell laugh a little more easily.

Lord Eldron gave the expedition members three days to rest and prepare.

The expedition team will leave on time in the early morning of the fourth day.

the next three days.

Morgan first wrote a letter, asking the Wood Elf warriors who followed Legolas to bring back Tariel and the two children in the Dark Forest.

The rest of the journey is dangerous.

It's not just the Lord of the Rings expedition that I participated in.

According to Morgan's knowledge, Modo is indeed ready to move and sharpen his sword. In the future, not only the human kingdom of Rohan, but also the kingdom of Gondor will be violently attacked by Modo.

Erebor, the Lone Mountain to the north, and the towns of Dale and the Woodland Kingdom with Mirkwood are also at risk.

Ever since Ephne and Ulysses were born with Tariel.

Morgan has a sense of belonging to the world.

If there is no systematic reason, in order to protect his wife and children, he will definitely not come out at this time, let alone join the Fellowship of the Ring expedition.

However, Morgan is far from strong enough.

He can't hold back the torrent of the world's rolling tide.

Therefore, he could only warn Tariel in the letter, telling her to be careful.

At the same time, Tariel was also asked to tell Thranduil the Elf King about the Lord of the Rings expedition, Modo, and Isinger's rebellion.

Let the Elf King be more careful.

That's it.

The next few days are for Morgan to relax and rest.

At Bilbo's invitation, Morgan went fishing with him for two more days.

On the last day, Morgan took the initiative to find Lord Eldron.

A lot of free food, drinks and arrows have been added.

On the same night, Morgan called Bilbo and Gandalf, and the three had a good drink.

In this way, the three-day rest time passed in a blink of an eye.

The morning of the fourth day.

It was just getting brighter.

The wide square below Rivendell Hill was full of people.

But not a single noise could be heard.

Headed by the elf lord of Eldron, "Princess Muxing" Arwen, "Lord of the Golden Flower" Glorfindel, and a group of elves with higher status in Rivendell all appeared on the square.

In front of the group of elves, there were ten members of the expedition team wearing all kinds of mail armor and leather armor.

At this time, it is extremely difficult and dangerous to go to the Doomsday Volcano in Modo.

Even if there are several powerful members, it can also be said that the mission journey is a narrow escape.

Therefore, the whole practice scene looks a bit heavy and solemn.

Eldron stood in front of the elves in full attire, looked at the members of the expedition team in front of him and said in a deep voice: "The ring-bearers are preparing to set off for the Doomsday Volcano in Modo."

"Everyone who travels with him is not bound by any oath, any promise"

"You can interrupt the journey at any time."

"Goodbye everyone, stick to your beliefs, and remember your purpose."

"May the blessing of all Elves and Men and the Free People of Middle-earth follow you."

As Eldron spoke, he saluted the ten expeditionary team warriors, and all the elves behind him immediately saluted together.

Everyone in the expedition team immediately put their hands on their chests and bowed their heads in return.

Lord Eldron performed for the expedition with a grand ceremony.

Everyone obviously didn't understand, and they were a little stunned after returning the ceremony.

Gandalf was well informed and immediately said loudly: "The expedition is waiting for the Ring-bearer to set off."

Hearing this voice, Frodo came back to his senses, turned and walked towards the long bridge.

Frodo went first, Gandalf followed, and the others.

Eldron led the elves and followed the expedition team all the way to the end of the long bridge.

When the members of the expedition team stepped out of the long bridge, the elves following behind immediately heard a sweet farewell music.

Amidst the fluttering music, the elves watched the expedition go farther and farther, and finally disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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