Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 181 Get in trouble, slap me in the face!

Chapter 181 Get in trouble, slap me in the face!


Autumn thunder roared.

"Whoa Whoah"

The rain poured down like pours.

Rain and fog rose and filled the earth.

The whole world seemed to be shrouded in heavy rain.


Lightning pierced the extremely gloomy sky.

In the rain.

One, four, and five figures in black robes were walking briskly in the heavy rain, and walked into the gate of Bree Town.

"Bang bang bang!"

The tall figure reached out and knocked on the iron ring on the thick door.

Not long after, an old man holding an old umbrella opened the small window in the center above the thick door.

"What are you doing here?"

The old gatekeeper looked at the tall figure and asked casually.


The tall figure replied coldly.

The old man at the gate didn't care about the attitude of the tall man in front of him.

He could tell at a glance that the man in front of him was a ranger wandering in the wilderness, the most dangerous kind.

I asked a question habitually, and got a standard answer.

The old man quickly opened the thick door.

The small town of Bree is not very large.

In order to resist invasion and live a safer life, a tall wall was built around the entire town to enclose the whole town.

Almost all cities and towns in this world are like this.


The thick door was opened.

It was not human rangers who entered first, but four small hobbits.

The old man at the gate was stunned, and subconsciously asked, "Aren't you alone?"

"Did I say I was alone?"

The tall man gave the old man a cold sideways glance, and took the four hobbits straight to the street ahead, not caring about the other's reaction.

Looking at the backs of the five quickly approaching in the rain.

The old man muttered a few words, and then closed the door.

These five were, of course, Morgan and Frodosam and Meripippin's five-man party who had come all the way from Hobbiton.

In order to avoid the chase of the ring spirits.

The five floated down the river from Buckleberry Pier in Hobbiton to Brandywine Bridge.

It took more than a day to finally reach the small town of Bree.

Morgan has been to this small town more than once.

Every time he came to Hobbiton to see Bilbo, he used to stop in the tavern here when he passed by.

"Wow, we're finally in Bree."

"This is the first time I've been this far from home."

"me too."

"I'm so hungry, I can almost smell the food."

"There is also wine, just this time I can taste human wine."

"We made the right decision this time"

In the heavy rain, Morgan walked straight towards the most famous Prancing Horse Inn in the small town of Bree with the four chattering little hobbits behind him.

It didn't take long.

Morgan came to a house with a logo of a galloping horse.

He turned his head and glanced at the four behind him.

Seeing that no one was left behind, he strode up the stairs and opened the door of the hotel.


It was raining heavily and cold outside, and the warmth and noise inside the hostel mixed with various smells such as the smell of wine and food formed a heat wave that immediately hit us head-on.

Morgan strode to the counter.

Behind them four little hobbits walked into the inn with different expressions.

Although it is the first time to come to the human world.

But there was a hint of nervousness in the curious face of Frodo, who was full of thoughts.

Sam, who was walking close beside Frodo, looked wary.

Merry and Pippin, on the other hand, were evidently delighted.

Although their trip is because of the reasons to help fellow Frodo and Sam.

But their longing for the outside world of Shire is also an important reason for them to follow.

"It's really lively here."

"Yeah, I haven't tasted human food yet?"

"There is also beer. I heard that there are many kinds of beer in the human tavern. I can try it this time."

"By the way, Merry, do you have any money?"

"Of course, I'm always ready for the trip"

The hobbits chattered behind them.

In front of the tall counter, Morgan was ordering food.

"A basket of white bread, grilled sausages, smoked sturgeon, another fresh mushroom soup, and five glasses of beer."

"By the way, let's get a bigger table."

Morgan looked around the bustling and crowded lobby of the hotel, knocked on the counter and said.

"Okay sir, I'll arrange it for you right away."

The hobbit under the counter could not be seen. Although the hotel owner doubted whether the human beings in front of him could eat so much food, he was naturally happy to arrange it if the other party needed it.

Soon, under the leadership of the attendants.

Morgan took the four hobbits to a large table against the wall.

The hobbits looked around curiously.

Morgan, too, was scanning the hotel lobby.

He hadn't asked the innkeeper about Gandalf at all at the counter.

Because he knew that it was impossible for Gandalf to arrive.

Find Aragorn, stay here for another night, and then hit the road tomorrow for Rivendell.

This is Morgan's plan.

The hotel lobby is crowded and crowded, almost all of them are human beings.

The combination of Morgan and the four hobbits is a bit conspicuous, and people look over from time to time.

At this time, the male servant came over with five mugs of beer.

After roughly scanning the hall, Aragorn was not found.

Morgan immediately stopped the attendant who was about to speak, and asked, "Do you know a ranger named "Strider"?"

"I'm sorry sir, I don't know, I've only been here not long, maybe you can ask our boss, he might know."

The servant left quickly.

Morgan picked up the tall wine glass on the table and drank it in one gulp.


He put the wine glass on the table and got up to go to the counter to ask the boss.

But I think of the hobbit Pippin talking nonsense in the memory plot and causing trouble, which finally led to the Ringwraiths chasing after him.

So he looked at the four hobbits and warned, "Don't run around."

"Don't go to other tables, let alone drink with other strangers."

Morgan finished speaking, his eyes resting on Pippin.

Get up and go to the counter.

Looking at Morgan with some targeted eyes.

It's like talking about yourself.

This made Pippin feel a little uncomfortable: he is not a troublemaker.

Morgan walked away.

The four hobbits immediately felt more relaxed.

It's safe to be with the legendary dragon slayer.

But it's also stressful.


"Wow, that's really good!"

Meili drank the beer in the glass in one gulp, wiped the wine stains from her mouth and sighed.

At this time, the attendant was walking back with a big full glass of beer.

Meili's eyes lit up, she immediately got up and stopped the attendant to bring it over.

At this time, Pippin, who was a little depressed, just finished drinking the beer in his glass.

Seeing the beer next to meli filled with a larger glass of hop foam, he immediately asked, "This big glass?"

"Where did you come from?"


Merry pointed to the direction of the bar where the waiters were heading towards.

"I want a drink too."

Pippin got up immediately as he spoke with eyes shining, and was about to run to the bar crowded with drinkers.

Sam immediately said: "Hey, Mr. Morgan said we can't run around!"

It's just that Pippin, who was greedy for Merry beer, couldn't listen to it.

Soon he rushed to the crowded bar.

In front of the door counter.

Morgan knocked on the table and was busy turning around. The boss immediately turned around and asked with a smile, "Do you need anything, sir?"

"Give me a glass of beer first, the kind you served just now, and ask for the largest glass."

"Okay, please wait a moment, Your Excellency."


The size is comparable to that of a jug, and a huge iron cup of cold beer full of foam is placed in front of the counter.

Morgan picked it up and took a big sip, then asked, "Do you know there's a ranger named "Strider" nearby?"

"Strider Ranger?"

The hotel owner was slightly taken aback, then nodded quickly: "Yes, he has been drinking with us almost every day these days."

"Then is he here today?"


The boss first looked up at a few tables, where the strider always sat every time he came.

"I'm not here today, maybe it's not time yet."

"It's nighttime every time he comes."

"If you want to find him, you might as well wait until night."

Looking at the man drinking in front of him, the boss looked up at the figures of the hobbits in the distance and immediately said: "By the way, we have a room specially prepared for those little hobbits. Your Excellency will wait for the words of the big strider." , might as well stay here for one night.”

"As long as that person comes, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Morgan nodded: "Okay, let's have a room that can accommodate four hobbits."

The voice did not fall.

A loud booing sound suddenly broke out.

Morgan immediately turned his head and saw a group of people pointing and talking at the bar with the largest number of people.

Morgan looked again at the table where the four hobbits were.

Already only saw Sam and Merry, who were stocky.

Frodo and Pippin are gone!

Looking in the direction of the bar again, Morgan's heart immediately sank.


"Where are you, Frodo?"

Among the crowd, Pippin kept shouting.

Morgan put down the iron wine glass with a bang, looked at the boss and said, "There is no need to book the room."

After speaking, Morgan immediately walked to the bar.

Dressed in a black robe, tall and tall, with a long sword hanging from his waist, Morgan, who has a cold temperament, knows at a glance that he is not easy to mess with.

With a serious face, he walked towards the crowded bar.

A group of drinkers who stood in front of the crowd to watch the excitement immediately gave way consciously.

Came to the bar that was surrounded into a ball.

As soon as Morgan stretched out his hand, the crowd was violently separated by him.

I saw that there was no one in the surrounded space in front of me.

The hobbit Pippin stood beside him looking anxious.

Morgan immediately reached out to grab the open space, and immediately caught the entity in his hand.

Morgan, with Frodo in his hands, was about to leave.

At this time, among the crowd who had just been angered by his rude actions, a tall man with a crossed sword hanging from his waist immediately stood up and stood in front of him.

The man blocking the way put one hand on the hilt of his waist, and looked at Morgan just opening his mouth, smelling of alcohol.

Morgan suddenly slapped the tall man in front of him with his empty right hand.


There was an incomparably loud slap in the face.

The tall and strong middle-aged man was immediately slapped flying out of the spot by this slap, and landed on a wine table full of people not far away.

"bang bang bang"

In an instant, all kinds of ping-pong-pong impact sounds rang throughout the entire hotel lobby.

At this moment, all eyes were on Morgan.

The four men who were knocked over the wine table stood up abruptly, looked at the half-dead man who fell to the ground, and then at Morgan who slapped the whole audience.

Although his face was angry, he didn't dare to make trouble for Morgan who did it.

"Master Morgan."

At this time, Sam and Mei ran over nervously.

Morgan looked up at the food on his table, and immediately ordered the two of them: "Go, pack all the food on the table, and we'll leave here immediately."

at this time.

The figure of Frodo on Morgan's left hand appeared instantly, causing the surrounding crowd who were still watching to gasp in surprise.

Morgan didn't care about the opinions of these ordinary people, and when he saw Frodo's sweaty, white face and panting face, he immediately let go of Frodo.

Then he walked quickly to the counter boss with a more nervous expression, and took out two gold coins with his hand.

"Is it enough?"

Morgan asked coldly.

"Enough is enough!"

The innkeeper's tense face instantly turned into a smile, and he nodded repeatedly.

At this time, Sam and Merry had already packed the food on the table and ran over.

Pippin, looking tense, and Frodo, still a bit out of his mind, followed Morgan closely.


After speaking, Morgan immediately turned around, opened the door and walked out quickly.

The four little hobbits followed quickly.

Although it is not clear why Morgan suddenly left the Prancing Horse Inn.

Still so eager.

But the four have long followed Morgan's lead.

Follow closely behind Morgan.

At this time, the sky was completely dark.

The rain is getting heavier.

It was as if a hole had been broken in the sky, and the pouring rain made everyone unable to open their eyes.

It was pitch black.

Morgan led the four hobbits into the rain and disappeared.

"Bang bang bang bang."

In the torrential rain, in a mountain forest not far from the town of Bree, the sound of horseshoes rumbled.

Several figures wearing black robes and riding tall horses suddenly grabbed the reins and stopped, with ear-piercing screams from their mouths.

Immediately afterwards, the tall black shadow immediately turned around and galloped towards the small town of Bree.

Town of Bree.

Morgan and the four hobbits stood in front of a house with a sign saying "The Black Knight Tavern".

Morgan opened the door and led the way into the house.

Pippin looked at the sign above his head and couldn't help muttering, "I hate the name of this tavern."

"Me too."

The good friend Meili who was walking behind nodded immediately: "This reminds me of those scary monsters."

The four little hobbits followed Morgan through the door and walked into the tavern.

In an instant, a heat wave hit us head-on.

Immediately, sounds far more noisy, lively and noisy than those in the Prancing Horse Hotel immediately filled my ears.

Crowded crowd, bustling male servants shuttle back and forth, hot tavern maids in cool and cool clothes, and dancers standing in the center of the tavern hall with sparse cloth and more revealing and seductive clothes are doing seductive dances.

The crowd of onlookers kept booing and the sound of coins rolling down.

Everything in sight.

Immediately, the eyes of the four little hobbits widened.

They really didn't expect that the Human Tavern would be so different from the Shire Tavern.

At this time, Morgan, who had finished the settlement, turned his head and looked at the four irritated little hobbits stretching out their hands in front of them.

"Hey, don't be dumbfounded."

"Follow up."

at the same time.

In front of the thick gate of Bree.

The old man who heard the knock on the door was opening the window on the door to check.

Suddenly, a long sword stabbed in from the window.

The old janitor who was pierced in the head fell silently in the heavy rain.

Then, there was a loud bang.

The thick gate was violently broken open from the outside.

Several pitch-black figures galloped into the town, rushing towards the black rain curtain ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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