Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 144 The war starts!

Chapter 144 The war starts!

As soon as Gandalf yelled, two half-orcs in heavy armor rushed over from the side street one after the other.

Gandalf raised his staff and knocked on the head of the first half-orc, and then stabbed the half-orc to death with a sword in his right hand.

Bilbo, who was following closely behind, rushed forward immediately, and stabbed the second orc's armored neck that was trying to attack Gandalf with his sword, and quickly killed it.

Morgan looked back, with the bow and arrow in his hand constantly.

He shot to death several fearless half-orcs who rushed forward one after another, clearing away the half-orcs in this section of the street.

Then he looked seriously at Gandalf.

"The news from Legolas is too important"

Gandalf walked quickly, looked at Morgan on the horse and said quickly: "We must tell Thorin and Ironfoot Dyne the news."

Morgan understood Gandalf's meaning almost immediately: "Do you want me to tell Thorin the news now?"


Gandalf nodded, and continued: "I think about it, and only you can do it."

Looking at Morgan's expression, Gandalf added in a deep voice: "I know that something happened between you and Thorin, but this matter is of great importance, and you must make a trip."

Hearing that Gandalf was still worried about this matter, Morgan smiled: "Don't worry, of course I know what is more important."

"As for your worry about the matter between me and Sorin, I think that since he was able to walk out of that mountain on his own initiative, I think he should have changed a little bit."

"Okay, leave this matter to me, and I will bring the news to them as quickly as possible."

Time is running out, Morgan said as soon as he pulled the rein, he was about to turn around and leave.

He heard Bilbo's voice from the side: "What do you think they are doing in Bahrain?"

Morgan and Gandalf immediately turned their heads, and saw Bilbo pointing at the Lonely Mountain Battlefield in the open air on the side of the street. On the battlefield, Balin, the white bearded dwarf, was riding a heavy chariot of the Iron Hill Dwarves, madly rushing towards the heavily armored orcs. Army phalanx.

Looking carefully, with Morgan's eyesight, he could even see who the people sitting on the chariot were.

"Bahrain, Dwalin, Kili, Fili."

Gandalf looked at the situation on the battlefield and kept talking. Suddenly, he saw the figure who was riding alone on the giant horned sheep and was almost drowned by the orc army. He said quickly: "Wait, Thorin is here, Still ahead."

Morgan looked carefully, and sure enough, he saw the short Thorin Oakenshield who was about to be overwhelmed by the army of orcs. Even if the opponent was riding on the giant horned sheep, he was still not tall.

Looking at this scene, he knew in his heart that the reality was going in the direction of the plot in his memory.

If he doesn't intervene quickly now, Thorin Oakenshield and Kili Fili are very likely to die in Raven Ridge as in the plot.

Morgan seems to remember that Kili's death in the plot was killed by Borg, the leader of the half-orcs, because he saved Tariel.

Now Tariel is almost his own woman.

Without Tariel, would Kili still die at the hands of Borg as in the plot?
Suddenly thought of here.

Although Morgan had some doubts in his heart.

But he didn't intend to test whether Kili would die.

He couldn't afford to experiment, and he didn't want to experiment.

"Drilling into the orc army, what are they doing? Are they crazy?"

Bilbo looked at the dwarves on the battlefield in the distance in doubt and immediately asked in doubt.

"They are not crazy. Judging from the direction they are heading, they should be planning to go to Raven Ridge."

"That's where the Orc army is commanded, and Azog the Defiler, the largest of the poisonous snakes."

"They should be planning to kill the poisonous snake."

Gandalf narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the dwarven chariot that was moving forward on the distant battlefield. He spoke slowly, and then continued: "As long as we can succeed, we are very likely to turn defeat into victory this time."

"However, the Gondabad goblin army led by Borg is coming from the north"

Having said that, Gandalf immediately looked at Morgan and said, "Morgan, you must warn them to leave as quickly as possible."

"I know."

Morgan withdrew his gaze and nodded seriously, and was about to turn around and leave.

But he heard Bilbo on the side say again: "Take me with you."


Gandalf immediately turned his head and looked at Bilbo with surprise. He suspected that he had heard wrong.

"I'm going with Morgan to inform Sorin and the others."

Bilbo looked at Gandalf seriously and said.

"Don't be kidding, you're not only going to slow Morgan down, you're going to hold Morgan back!"

"I won't agree, you don't have to think about it."

Gandalf shook his head resolutely and said, what's the matter with this kid, he was clamoring to deliver news for Morgan just now, and now he is going again.

But this time, facing Gandalf, Bilbo did not flinch, and said softly, "I am not asking for your permission, Gandalf."

"Then let him go."

Morgan immediately interrupted Bilbo and looked at Gandalf: "Bilbo has grown a lot along the way, and we should give him more trust."

Of course he knew what Bilbo was thinking, but with a Bilbo who could be invisible, he believed that there were only advantages and no disadvantages.

As long as Bilbo doesn't get knocked out like in the plot.

As soon as Morgan spoke, Gandalf immediately looked at Morgan seriously. He didn't understand why he brought Bilbo when it was so dangerous and urgent.

But Bilbo insisted on going, and Morgan now agreed, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Gandalf said helplessly: "That's fine, just don't let Morgan get in the way."

Bilbo's face brightened and he went to Morgan.

Morgan reached out and pulled Bilbor onto the horse's back.

Just as he was about to leave, Morgan suddenly thought of something, and immediately turned his head to look at Gandalf behind him and said, "When you see Tariel, tell her not to worry about me."

After finishing speaking, Morgan didn't wait for Gandalf to say anything, clamped his horse back hard, and the two immediately rushed to the street ahead.

Just after rushing out of this section of the street, a half-orc attack appeared in front of him.

"Bilbo, you sit in front and drive!"

Morgan said as he pulled Bilbo up from behind like a chicken and handed him the reins.

Immediately, he took off the longbow on his back, and quickly drew arrows from the quiver on his back to shoot at the incoming half-orc warriors.




Shoot two or three arrows at a time.
Bilbo's eyes were greatly opened by Morgan's incomparably skillful and incomparably precise bow and arrow skills.

It's not that he hasn't seen Morgan's archery skills before.

He had also seen Morgan teach the dwarf Kili the art of archery.

You must know that Qili's bow and arrow skills are already very powerful in his opinion.

Although he knew that Morgan's bow skills were very good, but he didn't know how good it was.

Now Bilbo knew.

Watching Morgan shoot an arrow can only be described as dazzled.

Morgan draws and draws his bow fast, and shoots even faster.

It was almost as if there was a goblin ahead, and before Bilbo could look over, Morgan's arrow had arrived.

And every arrow is very precise.

Just this section of horseback riding.

Bilbo never saw Morgan miss that arrow.

Of course, there may have been some misses, but Morgan was too fast, and he didn't see it at all.



It was another arrow that killed two orcs who were leaning against each other.

Bilbo rode quickly out of the gate of Dale Town, and rushed straight to the long bridge full of orcs ahead.

Morgan once again got used to grabbing the quiver on his back, but it was empty again.

At this time, he didn't care about being noticed by Bilbo, and with a quick thought, a large number of arrows appeared in his hand again out of thin air.

Quickly inserting the arrows back into the quiver on his back, Morgan quickly pulled out three arrows, raised his hand and shot at the half-orc in front of him.

"whoosh whoosh"

The two of them rode horses all the way out of the Changqiao Bridge in Hegu Town and rushed straight towards Raven Ridge.

There were half-orc corpses all the way behind him.

In the town of Hegu.

With the arrival of the Wood Elf army.

It became the fatal blow that crushed the half-orc army in River Valley Town.

Because they could not be replenished, the half-orcs quickly died in large numbers under the hands of the human and elf army.

On a desolate and dilapidated street.

Legolas and Tariel found the elf king Thranduil who was staring at the dead bodies on the ground in a daze.

Most of the dead bodies on the road belonged to half-orcs wearing black armor, but there were also many elf warriors wearing golden armor.


Legolas stepped forward, looked at the blood-stained elf king in beautiful and exquisite silver armor and said, "There is another army of half-orcs coming, and the half-orcs of Gundabad led by Borg are coming down from the north." , will soon reach the lonely mountain."

After the words fell, Thranduil paused, turned his head, looked at his son and said in a cold voice, "That's none of our business."

As the Elf King said, he stretched out his hand and summoned the Elf Adjutant not far away to order: "Call all the troops back."

Seeing his father's words and actions, Legolas immediately understood, and quickly said, "Father, are you leaving?"

"To defend this doomed land, we have shed too much elven blood to continue."

Thranduil watched his son Legolas speak softly, and walked forward after speaking.

At this time, Tariel stepped forward to block the Elven King.

"You still dare to appear in front of me, you no longer belong to Mirkwood."

Before Tariel could speak, Thranduil immediately said coldly, and was about to push Tariel away.

Legolas heard the problem, and immediately asked, "Father, what do you mean by that?"

"What's the meaning."

"She was exiled when she stepped out of Mirkwood, disobeying orders without authorization."

After the words fell, Tariel immediately froze.

Legolas' complexion changed, and he looked at his father's back and said immediately: "If Tauriel has nowhere to go, then I will have nowhere to go either."

This time it was Thranduil's turn to be stunned. He turned his head to look at his son, snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and pushed Tariel away, and left straight away.


Tariel looked at the elf prince in front of him with complicated eyes: "That is the king's order."

"He's the king."

Legolas continued to speak without changing his face: "But he can't command my heart."


At this time, a voice came from behind.

Legolas turned his head and saw Gandalf striding forward with a staff in hand.

lonely mountain.

Raven Ridge.

At the foot of the majestic mountain.

Morgan and Bilbo rode together at last to their destination.

"Get off the horse, let's go up the mountain."

Morgan looked at the peak above his head and spoke immediately.

At this time, a large amount of misty cold mist has risen from the mountainside.

The dwarves Thorin Oakenshield and Kili Fili who had been on the mountain earlier had long since disappeared.

 Thank you "Bronze Age OL Singles, '', Shura, Shijiang" for a thousand rewards, and also thank you "Old Book Fan~, Ah Xiangxiang, Eddie Bear No. 33, Tiger in the Sunset, Big Sang, Demon Eater Tianzun, Sunshine at Noon, Daji 0 Find 1, Night Xz War Ghost, Millennium Dao Deng" and other book friends give rewards, thank you very much~~Ask for a monthly ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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