I can see the finals

Chapter 379 'Difficulties'

Chapter 379 'Difficulties'

When the idlers around him were almost gone, Ding Wen greeted Yin Haze, and then came to Zheng Gongyang alone: ​​"Waiting for me?"

Zheng Gongyang nodded.

Ding Wen asked again: "So... is there something wrong?"

Zheng Gongyang: "You played well today."

Ding Wen didn't expect him to wait for him just to say this, and he couldn't help being startled, but then he reacted and smiled: "You too."

As the No.1 in this year's draft, the unique No. [-] pick, Zheng Gongyang's trajectory is very similar to that of Wu Zhan back then. From the beginning of the group stage to the current semi-finals, his growth rate is unbelievably exaggerated, just a little more than one round In the competition, he showed his talents to the fullest, and even won the honor of King of Killers on the first day of the semi-finals.

A person like this can be said to be the proud son of heaven, the future is bright, and he naturally has a certain amount of arrogance in his heart. out and very 'strange' words.

With doubts, Ding Wen found that Zheng Gongyang hesitated to speak, and his expression was a little abnormal, as if he was not sure whether he should say something or not.


Zheng Gongyang hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "I heard that you are the senior of Sister Mao, and you were taught by that person."

Miss Cat... who is it?
I don't know.

Ding Wen was in a daze and didn't know what he was talking about. Just as he was about to ask a question, Zheng Gongyang said to himself: "Before I graduated, she told me that only you can answer the questions in my heart. so……"

Although Ding Wen was still a little confused, at least he heard something: "Problem, what problem?"

"It's just..." Zheng Gongyang's eyes were confused, and his right hand seemed to be unconsciously placed on his chest, and then he quickly let go: "Do you have time, we can find a place to chat alone."

What kind of problem should we discuss in private...

Ding Wen was even more surprised, but he did not refuse: "Today should not be possible, or tomorrow, we will not have a game tomorrow, the venue is up to you."

"Okay, thank you." Zheng Gongyang seemed to be relieved, then said goodbye to Ding Wen very politely, and left with unclear meaning.

After he left, Yin Haze and his team also came to Ding Wen's side. The team members had nothing to say, but Yin Haze must have said: "Why is he looking for you, is he planning to come to us next season?"

What he said was more of a joke, and he just said it casually, because he knew that Zheng Gongyang would not come, after all, he was also the number one pick this year, and more than one round of competitions also proved that his potential is unlimited, so Even if he had such thoughts, Xichao's management would definitely not let him go.

The contract of a rookie player has a lot of constraints, even if it is the number one pick, Ding Wen naturally knows that he is joking: "It's nothing, it is said that there is a difficulty in the game, and I want to talk to me in private."

Haze didn't have a lot of expressions, rather flat: "Oh, what day?"

Ding Wen said truthfully, "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is fine, we don't have any games." Yin Haze nodded, and then said worriedly: "But you have to be careful, try to avoid being photographed by those media, you know, those people have nothing to say. I can tell."

"Well, I understand."

In the past, limited by the terms of the old contract, players from different clubs were prohibited from meeting in private, such as the one signed by passing through, but now the policy is different, and there is no such provision in the new contract, so Ding Wen thinks It's not a big problem, and I'm not particularly worried that his meeting with Zheng Gongyang will have a big impact.

After talking about this, there was nothing else to do at the competition venue, and everyone in the dark fairy tale immediately went back to their homes, and returned to the base to celebrate today's victory.

The speed of the media is very fast. Not long after the game ended, a large number of reports have appeared on the Internet and newspapers. On the way back, Li Zhenpi was also happily broadcasting to everyone.

[Chengnan Express]: Dark horse?No, not a dark horse! The results of the second round of PGK Group A were released, and the genius command played again, overpowering the strongest brain waterman to win three consecutive victories, and achieved the No.1 total score in a single day!Here are the details of the event...

[Quick Entertainment Short News]: No. [-] again?With the appearance of a phenomenal team, the title of the number one commander in the seven districts may not be guaranteed...

[Sanqi Daily]: No weakness, unstoppable, who else can stop their pace...

[Survivor Official Sports Lottery]: According to the results of Group A matches, the odds have been updated. The current odds for Dark Fairytale to qualify are...


"It's going to die when it's hot." After listening to Li Zhenpi's oral broadcast, everyone was full of this idea. The media really didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. Almost all the content was touting dark fairy tales, and the various titles were even more Exaggeration, how to attract attention.

The higher the praise, the worse the fall will be. Although Ding Wen is really good, he is human after all. If he can't guarantee it, one day his mental state is not right, and he leads the team to fight into a pile of shit. Not impossible.And at that time, the people who criticize him most verbally and bring rhythm to him are often the people who praise him to the sky now.

Naturally, Ding Wen wouldn't get bogged down by praise and flattery, and become inflated, just listen to some words, and it's over if it's true.

Back at the club, Yin Haze spent money as usual, and improved the food for the players. Although Ding Wen and the others usually ate not too badly, the price of things that can "spend money" for Yin Haze must be expensive, and the two cannot be compared. .

After eating and drinking, Ding Wen went back to the luxury single bedroom that Yin Ha had prepared for him, lay on the sofa, and called up the virtual light screen.

Under normal circumstances, when a player performs particularly well in a single day, many people will have the habit of visiting the forum after the game. The purpose is self-evident, just to go up and see those posts that praise him, so as to satisfy themselves Vanity, big or small, in the heart.

There is nothing embarrassing about this, let alone embarrassment, after all, it is not a machine, it is human nature.

However, Ding Wen did not go to the forum. He turned on the light screen because he planned to search for something.

After entering 'No. [-] E-sports Academy in Seven Districts' on the search engine, the screen flashed and immediately jumped to the official website of the academy.

Ding Wen logged on to his student number, swiped his finger, and the page jumped again, and came to the ranking list of previous outstanding students.

At the top is Zheng Gongyang's very clear profile picture. He is this year's No. [-] scholar, and he can be seen without searching.Ding Wen didn't want to look at him either. He dragged the list down, and here is the list of outstanding students. Zheng Gongyang's title before was 'Cat Sister', which is a respectful title, and it is most likely one of the list.

However, he has been pulling for two terms, that is, this year and last year, but he has achieved nothing.

He finally let go of his fingers, with a slight solemnity between his brows.

After thinking for a while, he handwritten another cat character, and directly pressed the search box.

First Esports Academy wants to search for a person, ID and real name are fine, even if there is only one word, the system can also give relevant results.

One second, two seconds...

Soon, a large string of IDs with cat characters appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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