I can see the finals

Chapter 296 Chapter 1 Chapter 97 is gone

Chapter 296 The first hand Chapter 97 It's gone

Sapphire: "..."

The audience on the field was even more arguing, completely unable to understand Li Hei's actions.

"Oh my god, this giant really..."

"That is to say, don't you save people? What the hell are you picking him up?"

"Maybe it's the new version's new posture to save lives?"


No matter what the audience said, it can be summed up in five words——

what are you doing? ? ?
They must have all kinds of questions now, but it didn't take long for their questions not only to be unanswered, but...intensified!

On the screen, Li Huo carried Ding Wen downstairs, and Han Gedan followed.On the other side, Cigarette came to the place where the Trojan horse fell to the ground, and then... even resisted him!

Bicycle has a strange face, wanting to talk but doesn't know what to say.

He was exactly the same as those audiences, and he didn't know why the dark fairy tale resisted people, and he also brought the enemy along with him.

But after a while, when he saw their follow-up actions, he seemed to understand something instantly, stood up abruptly, and said in a broken voice: "No, can't you?"

In the game, Yanjuan found another second-floor building, carried the wooden horse to go up, then came to the window, very decisively... pushed down the wooden horse that was bleeding to death immediately!
"Player Wine Pond Meat Forest 丨 Trojan horse died from falling!"

The game elimination message appeared, and at the same time, Li Huo also carried Ding Wen to another building and did the same thing as Cigarette.

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨Pinocchio died by falling!"

This time the fall of the two people was different from that of King Zhou. No one was hit by the fall, but it triggered... Shen Gongbao's two chessboards!
"It's confirmed, it's not a trap, it's an octagonal chess player!"

Ding Wen's thoughts turned quickly, combined with the distance limit of all 2+2 chessboards and the triggered chessboard, he immediately found Shen Gongbao wrapped in the middle by the chessboard.

"Auxiliary is at the 3 mark! Do it!"

The dark fairy tale immediately moved. According to the precise punctuation, the cigarette was standing on the second floor with a shake of hand, and a barbed caltrop shot out of the air instantly, and was nailed to an incomplete house card.

Han Gedan used to be an assistant, so he was very clear about the layout of the chessboard and where to go. Immediately, he followed the hidden weapons that flew out of him, bypassed the third one, avoided the fourth chessboard, and successfully arrived at... Behind Shen Gongbao's bunker!

The latter wanted to run, but because he couldn't see clearly in the dark, he tripped and fell to the ground in a panic, and was easily caught up by Han Gedan.

With melee output and support, there was no suspense. Shen Gongbao, who had been lurking and never made a sound, was killed cleanly.

After Shen Gongbao was unplugged, Li Huo went downstairs, and the cigarettes remained on the second floor, reporting information to them from a high place.

The situation was reversed in an instant, Daji and the count were forced to hide in the bunker without daring to move, while Han Gedan was in a group with Li Huo, counting them one by one.

Hearing the footsteps were right next to her ears, Daji couldn't hold back, she stood up suddenly and wanted to strike first, but finally stood up, the cigarette upstairs immediately spotted him, raised her hand and shot out a hidden weapon, suppressing her back.

Li Huo and Han Gedan caught up with the situation and killed Daji together.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when his teammates were being attacked, the Earl immediately stepped forward and ran towards the parked vehicle, intending to escape when they got stuck.

But he seems to have forgotten... Fang Luoqing in the middle of the bridge!

The familiar and dull heavy sniper sounded, as if piercing the eardrums, the earl shook uncontrollably, and then fell powerlessly in front of the car.

The bullets from the military sniper passed through the back of his head, dyeing the ground in front of the car red.

So far, the Jiuchi Roulin ambushing the bridgehead with a very large advantage... all fell to the ground, and all members were eliminated.

Seeing that the dark fairy tale actually cracked the chessboard in such an unimaginable way and won the bridge, the bicycle couldn't help but inhale. After a long while, it finally managed to squeeze out a sentence: "Is this considered... a reasonable use of resources?"

Everyone thought that Li Huo was going to save Ding Wen, but no one expected that Ding Wen, who had the highest status in the team, was regarded as a tool man and became one of the "resources" to solve the problem.

Of course, the Trojan horse is another one. Although he was already loudly reporting to his teammates when he was picked up, Daji and the Earl could not move, because if they moved, they might be discovered, and the carefully selected burial position... would also lose it original effect.

A battle with obvious advantages and disadvantages in the eyes of others was easily resolved by Ding Wen before it started.

Once again, he broke people's inherent thinking, broke the experience saying that "it doesn't work if you fall to the ground", and let everyone see that even a dead person... can still play his role!


The two commentators looked at each other at the same time, and they both saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

Cycling kept shaking his head and sighing: "This reminds me of one of the PGL promotion games. It was also the first time in Survivor's history that paper figurines were used to card monsters. Did you watch that game?"

Qingyu nodded and said with a wry smile: "Of course I saw it, but I didn't expect Ding Wen to create a new 'first time' today. I always thought that if you fall to the ground, you can only wait for your teammates to save you..."

Cycling: "From a certain point of view, Ding Wen is quite selfless, daring to sacrifice himself to let the team win."

Qingyu: "To be honest, since he is a trap expert different from others, if he is not in the circle of destiny, he is actually useless, so... uh."

Bicycle: "Ahem."

Qingyu laughed: "I hope Ding Wen won't blame me for telling the truth after hearing it."

Bicycle: "Understood."

After finishing speaking, the camera also turned away from the bridge and came to the battlefield on the other side, so he quickly adjusted his state to explain this wonderful battle.

At the end of the fourth stage, Area A is wiped away, and the final safe area appears.

Since there was no one on the South Bridge, Ding Wen and the others at the North Bridge became the southernmost part of Area E. Before them, there were three unparalleled people.

Although Commander Wushuang is not well-known and is often easily overlooked, he is more self-aware than Daji when it comes to fighting Ding Wen. If they didn't withdraw at that time, I'm afraid they would become a forest of wine and meat and be out early.

As of now, Wushuang's score is firmly in the second place, as long as each player gets a fixed score, 100% will be promoted.

Now all the pressure has come to Jiuchi Roulin. After the next game, the group stage is about to pass halfway. If they don't work hard, they will become the first team in history where the three killer kings gather together, but they can't even pass the group stage.

But fortunately, they got a lot of eliminations. Although Ding Wen fell to his death, his head was also counted on King Zhou. After all, people were knocked down by him. As long as they are not killed by other teams, 100 points Definitely belong to them.

This Dark Fairy Tale is a new lineup, but it also played well. It took the second place with 10 kills, and it was another high score close to 2000.

Among them, the rookie Han Gedan, who competed against Ding Wen for the first time, performed brilliantly, and the number of eliminations was second only to Fang Luoqing. In addition, she used to be in the command position, and she was often able to do things that Ding Wen couldn't see or control. The most reasonable and correct judgment is more spiritual than Jiang San.

As for the final first place was taken by Bingyu Dao, 6 kills won.

After the match, King Zhou took off his U-piece, thinking solemnly, and at the same time, a bit depressed.

He thought that his bad luck would be cleared away and he would never be hit by a car again, but he didn't expect this to experience a new and different way of dying for him.

If he hadn't smashed the Trojan horse, how could Dark Fairy Tale kill them so easily?

So he was a little unconvinced and pondered from time to time.

So after careful consideration, he said to Daji very seriously: "Master... I'm going to wear pants."

(End of this chapter)

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