I can see the finals

Chapter 279 Ambush in the Western Regions

Chapter 279 Ambush in the Western Regions

Bard: "Yes, I heard that too, what should we say, will we be caught?"

The holy monk thought quickly, and pondered: "Probably not, Fengsheng, have you pulled it out?"

The wind responded quickly: "Not yet, I'm walking, there is too much smoke on the street, I can't walk!"

Saint Monk: "Can't you see clearly...then open the map and go."

"okay, I get it."

The commander of the Western Regions is actually not a holy monk, but the border.Because their team is very special, the command system is different from many teams, the command does not have to take care of everything and make all the decisions.

The boundary is only responsible for the operation command, and the battle command is the holy monk. When entering the circle, listen to the former, and when playing a group, listen to the holy monk.

Of course, it’s not that they deliberately want to be special, but that the command level of the border is not enough, PGK has too few good commanders, and those who are slightly better are the treasures of each team, and they are reluctant to let them go, so the Western Regions can’t get better than the border. Strong players can only disassemble the command system and hand it over to two players, which is a helpless choice.

In addition, the lineup of many teams has changed this year, and the overall strength has been reduced or increased. The Western Regions are similar to Gubao and 404, and they all left a very important player.However, cigarettes are different from the latter two. After 404 and Gubao left the team, they really plummeted, and they were incomparable with the Western Regions.The cigarettes are strong, but because they are afraid of shooting, they rarely play. Even if they leave the team, they will not cause serious damage to the Western Regions. After all, their starting lineup has not changed.

There are only a few strong teams in the group stage. Wushuang, Jiuchi Roulin, Diablo Fairy Tale, Youmi Video Games, Rainbow Girls, and the Western Regions are recognized as the six strong teams, and they are also the six teams with a high probability of advancing.

So now that the fully-staffed Western Regions encountered a dark fairy tale where one person died, there was no reason to be afraid of them.

"It's time to make a comeback."

In the last round, the Western Regions, as the dominant defender, still defeated the three of the Dark Fairy Tales first, but in the end, they were pierced by Fang Luoqing's 2-for-5. Looking for a chance to win back a city.

Of course, compared to the overall performance of the first round of Dark Fairy Tales, the popularity of 5v2 is not so great. Except for the fans of the Western Regions who often talk about it, others seem to have forgotten this ugly defensive battle. Not many I took the initiative to mention it.

But no one mentioned it... It doesn't mean that the monk can pretend nothing happened.

Professional players are very competitive, whether it is a mistake or a moment of glory, they will remember it for a long time, and it may even accompany them for a lifetime.Others forget, but the saint can never forget.

Now, they once again have the advantage in numbers, which is undoubtedly a good opportunity for revenge, they must grasp it!

The holy monk: "Fengsheng, is it in place?"

At this time, the sound of the wind had passed through the street shrouded in smoke, and came to the house on Fang Luoqing's left. Hearing the holy monk's inquiry, he immediately reported: "Well, I'm here."

The holy monk asked again: "Can you see the car coming from the west?"

Feng Sheng: "Okay, what do you want me to do?"

The holy monk: "Don't take a taxi, wait for the driver to get off. They are here to support Alabing, and they must meet up with Alabing. You bury him, wait for the moment he gets off the car, find a chance to kill him."

Wind voice: "No problem."

He paused, then asked the bard again: "Poet, keep an eye on the room next to me, and don't let Allabin come out, I can't beat her."

The bard's answer was not so sure, he hesitated a little: "It's hard to fight, the street is full of smoke, I can't see her coming out, you can listen to your own footsteps."

"Oh, that's the only way to go." He couldn't help, and there was no good way to deal with the wind. After speaking, he quietly hid behind the gate, avoiding the window facing Fang Luoqing's room, and waited for someone to come from the west. Enemies coming by car are coming.

Since they were going to form a group, the others couldn't just watch him bury the spot alone. After the wind lurked, the holy monk and the ronin also crossed the street and came to Fang Luoqing's right, responsible for dealing with the enemy reinforcements from the east.

As for the ones in the north, they can't do anything if they want to. After all, there are houses blocking that direction, so they can't go around.

The defensive preparations are ready, the three people from the Western Regions cross the street, and then click one left and one right, leaving the bard and the border on the opposite side of the street, the former waits for the smoke to clear, to help the wind, the latter judges the situation, and changes the weather at any time if the situation is not good. Cover the evacuation of the monk.

A strong team deserves to be a strong team, and the defensive work is well arranged and very reasonable.

The Western Regions are not like the new team's Jiuchiroulin. They are all old teammates and they have a good understanding with each other. When they heard the sound of the car and before the rescuers from the dark fairy tale arrived, they quickly put up a tight line of defense, trying to The members of the dark fairy tale were hit hard for a while!
The first car to arrive was Li Huo, who came from the west and was in charge of Feng Sheng.

Hearing a sudden sound of brakes coming from the street in front of the door, the sound of the wind was concentrated, and he judged the distance between the parking person and the house, and then he clenched the knife in his hand, planning to give him a surprise attack when the other party passed by. attack.

Professional players are very utilitarian. Basically, you can play whichever profession is strong. Only those with unique skills will choose unpopular professions. The bard played a few times in the first round, but the effect was not very good, except for the second round. Lost two of Dark Fairy Tale, the remaining few times were almost useless, so everyone in the second round of the Western Regions honestly played a regular strong class, Feng Sheng's melee class also chose the knife-wielding class as expected.

He didn't know who the enemy coming from the west was, whether it was Cigarette or Li Huo. Anyway, if the other party wanted to join Fang Luoqing, he couldn't blatantly walk in the middle of the main road, unless he didn't want to live anymore.

He must pass by his own door and then reach the team's house!

This is Fengsheng's professional judgment as a seasoned veteran player.

Sure enough, after the car stopped, the footsteps of the other party gradually sounded, and they were getting closer.

"Six, five, four..."

Based on the parking location, the wind estimated the approximate distance from there to his house, and counted silently in line with the sound of footsteps.

"Three, two, one."


The sound of the wind felt that it was almost over, so he pushed open the door suddenly, and quickly slashed through it blindly!

However, he unexpectedly... cut it empty.

Obviously the sound of footsteps came closer, but there was no one in front of him!
All he saw was the dark night and the never-ending torrential rain.

The raindrops were like bullets, hitting the eaves of the roof quickly and rhythmically. Not only did people not see it, but even the sound of footsteps disappeared without a trace the moment the wind opened the door.

Everything around was silent, as if no one had ever been here before, it was eerily quiet.

How could a living person disappear out of thin air?
Feng Sheng was slightly stunned, but his reaction was quick, he didn't stay in a daze for too long, then he turned around and slashed at his back!
There is only one profession that can make a player disappear instantly, and that is... psychic medium!
Its 3+3 summoned Dixian can lead players through walls.

Therefore, the other party must be behind!

However, Feng Sheng misjudged again.

Because he cut an air a second time.

There was no one in the room, only himself.

At the same time, the moment he turned around, Li Huo nimbly fell from the short eaves directly above the door, swiped his sharp converging claws, and launched a backstab attack on the sound of the wind!

(End of this chapter)

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