I can see the finals

Chapter 257 2 vs 3, counterattack preparation

Chapter 257 2 vs 3, counterattack preparation

The bicycle yelled in shock: "Oops, three dark fairy tales fell down!"

Qingyu was thoughtful: "I just found out that Ding Wen's ID...it turned out to be this."

The focus of our attention... isn't it a little different?

Cycling glanced at his good partner in astonishment, and then naturally focused on the battlefield on the screen.

Wushuang didn't know what happened on the other side, but God's perspective was very clear.Just five seconds ago, the dark fairy tale full of full-speed advances stared at the location of the Western Regions in the circle. It was a deserted town with about 20 houses. There were only two entrances, east and west. It was easy to attack and difficult to defend. Wen had no problem making this a surprise target.

Although the town is small, two full formations are needed together, and one team has one entrance to defend. Ding Wen has calculated that it is impossible for two full formations to exist in the town at the same time, so he resolutely launched a decisive attack on this place.

The dark fairy tale comes from the east, and the direction of advancement is also the east entrance. Ding Wen adopted the position of attacking the gas station in the previous training match, with one far, one middle and three near points.

Originally, it went very smoothly at first, Fang Luoqing directly knocked down the opponent's No. [-] position with a long-distance headshot, but when the second step advanced... something went wrong!

The dual-powered bards of the Western Regions chose the Windchaser very rarely, and had already arranged a transparent and difficult-to-distinguish sharp line at the entrance. When the three dark fairy tales arrived by car, they pulled the line and set off to run, killing each other. The formation is cut.

Li Huo and Jiang San were the first to be caught by the second, and Yan Juan caught the bard when he was running, and killed him instead. After that, Ding Wen got out of the car by luck, and was taken away by the team members who were closer to the Western Regions.

The situation is probably like this. The dark fairy tale was hit hard, and Ding Wen naturally had some responsibility, so he quickly took the initiative: "Mine, mine."

The defensive side is always better than the offensive side. This is Tieda's principle. Although Ding Wen led the team to break through the defensive lines of other teams several times before, but that is a special situation, and today is considered normal.

In fact, Ding Wen's heart was not affected too much. This has nothing to do with strategy. They want to get a good position in the next lap and a higher ranking. The monsters followed behind, so they made a decision slowly.

Now you only need to consider the enemy when fighting, and if you slow down, you will be the double threat of the enemy and the monster.

The reason is simple and the logic is clear.That's why Ding Wen didn't follow Wushuang Moji at the 'Wu Er Mu Fang', partly because of the trap, and partly because they wanted to grab the spot quickly.

Of course, grabbing points is not very accurate, it should be attacking points.

Due to the selection of unconventional wind chasers in the Western Regions, the dark fairy tale has changed from full to full to the current 2v3.You can still fight if you are defeated. After all, there are not many opponents, only 3, and the remaining two are the strongest output points in the team.

Although the words are harsh, in fact Ding Wen's role in the team's frontal combat...is really not very high.

When there is a psychic medium, he is responsible for summoning paper figurines to serve as cannon fodder, if he is not selected... then he can only come by himself.

He's not on the defensive side, and he's not in the circle, so whether he dies or not doesn't matter much, and no one will feel sorry for him.

"Are you still fighting?" Fang Luoqing naturally didn't feel distressed, but just asked calmly.

Even if three people fell down in a row, she was still not affected in the slightest. She held the sniper steadily with both hands, and looked intently at the entrance of the town through the scope.

Ding Wen didn't even think about it, just one word: "Hit!"

You can only fight, if you don't fight, the dark fairy tale will have nowhere to go.

After finishing speaking, he asked again: "Cigarette, can you make up what you knocked down?"


Maybe it's because everyone is very calm, or maybe it's because of the cigarette's personality. At this time, he is also very calm, just listening to his tone, and it doesn't look like he has downed three teammates at all.

"Player Western Region丨Ronin eliminated the dark fairy tale丨Pinocchio with colorful dazzling cloud arrows!"

"Player Western Regions..."

While talking, the three people who fell to the ground were also made up. After hearing the news of the elimination, Cigarette couldn't help asking: "Do you want me to make up for him?"

Who knows, Ding Wen didn't mean to make love to him: "No need to make love, let him crawl, pay attention to the direction he climbs."

This is a small trick that has been tried and tested for passers-by matchmaking, but for experienced professional players, this small trick... generally no one will fall for it.

According to other situations, the people in the Western Regions will definitely not, the people who fell to the ground abide by the discipline of the team, and will never blindly climb past the point in order to survive. His being blocked is secondary, and the main thing is not to allow the other party to pass through the direction of his crawling. , to determine the position of other teammates.

Today is considered a special situation. The Western Regions successfully destroyed three of the dark fairy tales, and only two of them were lost.But the two they dropped were all main output players.

A No. 0 position outputs the wind sound, and a dual-energy position outputs the bard. How can it compare with Ding Wen's 'zero effect' cannon fodder.

They have an advantage, of course they can survive without dying, otherwise it would be too distressing and a loss.

But saving people is saving people, the most basic discipline of the Western Regions still did not dare to forget, the bard crawled in the direction of his teammates, he chose the ronin whose location had been determined, not the other two.

Those two have never made a move, their positions are not clear, their occupations are not clear, and there is no information at all.

But at this time, the role of the data analyst came into play. According to the probability of the players' career choice and the list of personnel before the game, even if Ding Wen didn't see it, he had already guessed what the occupations of the remaining two people were.

No. 1 holy monk, melee savage, good at fighters and wilderness swordsmen, the new version of sunset swordsman is also good.Although he does not belong to the ranks of the top ten killers, he has also won the platform competition twice, but he was not included in the list due to insufficient number of times, but his strength is not good. He is a very strong player and a core figure in the Western Regions. .

Position No. 3 is the border of the Western Regions, the commander in the team, and generally chooses Southwest Medicine King, Hard Prisoner, and Monogatari.

The No. 5 replacement player Xiyu 丨 Ronin, the supplementary direction is mainly dual-energy, and there are threats from both near and far.

And through these pre-match data information, it is not difficult for Ding Wen to know the distribution of their far and near firepower, and the two strongest long-range points have fallen, so he said that 2v3 can also be played.

"He's very smart, he crawled towards the ronin." Cigarette looked at the crawling bard in the binoculars from tens of meters away: "If it doesn't work, let him make it up first, and accept 100 points first."

"Let him climb."

"If I keep climbing, I won't be able to mend it." Cigarette was a little strange, and he couldn't understand Ding Wen's intention.

Maybe it's the first time we play a regular game together, and the running-in between each other is not enough, and we don't have that tacit understanding.

But Cigarette is also a smart person after all, after doubts, he quickly understood Ding Wen's meaning: "I see, you mean—"


Ding Wen, who turned into a box, was even more focused. He had already thought clearly about the steps and logic before the attack: "When you can't see him, you move immediately and let Xiaofang escort you there."

(End of this chapter)

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