I can see the finals

Chapter 237 Coincidence, stupid?

Chapter 237 Coincidence, stupid?
On the bridge, the battle is in full swing.

Wushuang wanted to break through the Jiuchi meat forest hiding behind the bunker on the bridge, so naturally he would not just attack the road head-on. The latter's tires were knocked out by other teams before that is the best example.So they each sent two long-rangers, and drove to the left and right sides of the bridgehead.

As for the middle section of the road, the frontal battlefield is delayed by the smoke seal, and only waits for the players on the left and right to reach the appropriate positions. The three God of War in the middle will immediately launch an attack on Jiuchiroulin.

Bicycle: "Jiuchi Roulin is very passive! We all know that although cars can be used as cover, they can't block enemies in every direction. As long as Wushuang's flanking personnel are in place, Jiuchi Roulin will basically be difficult."

Qingyu: "That's right, because of the attack range of the flank personnel, Jiuchi Roulin had to change the direction of the cover."

Cycling inspected the situation and made suggestions for Jiuchi Roulin: "Perhaps Jiuchi Roulin can also smoke, and then mix into the smoke, so that Wushuang's two flankers can't see them."

Qingyu felt that it was not very good, but judging from the current situation, Jiuchi Roulin could not do much to deal with it, so she sighed: "I can only smoke first, let's talk about the later things, it is important to deal with the immediate crisis first."

As they said, upon sensing Wushuang's intentions, Jiuchi Roulin was also forced to start smoking.

Five seconds later, plus the time spent before, Wushuang's dual long-range has been pulled to both sides of the bridge.

When they looked at the bridge from the left and right directions, suddenly, the commentators suddenly thought of something!
The bicycle exclaimed: "Wait, isn't there someone under the bridge in the dark fairy tale?"

Qingyu was confused: "Where are they? Where did they go? Behind the reef... or in the water?"

The director switched to the perspective of the Dark Fairy Tale team members at the right time, and then saw Li Huo and Jiang San, who had already climbed the bridge at some point?


When did you go up?

Didn't anyone from those two teams spot them?
The two commentators were stunned, watching them sneak into the smoke created by the two teams, and were speechless for a while.

Fortunately, the bicycle reacted quickly enough: "It's time for Wushuang to smoke. The smoke formed a barrier at the bridgehead, cutting off the vision of both sides. The team member who was pulling the position of Wushuang just got on the car at this time, and the other three were also throwing cigarettes. Then I went to find a car to prepare for the subsequent attack. And at this moment, the two newcomers of Diablo Fairy Tale seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to sneak into the smoke, not only did Wushuang miss it, but it was even more impossible for Jiuchi Roulin to see it!"

Qingyu continued his words: "And they mixed in the smoke, and Wushuang's flank just drove away, so they wouldn't see it either. I have to say that these two rookies are too good at seizing opportunities, no more, no less, everything Just right!"

Cycling pondered: "If I remember correctly, these two rookies should be from youth training, right? It is true that youth training has such a keen sense of smell and a clear judgment on the battle situation, and seized this fleeting opportunity. It’s incredible. To be honest, it surprised me.”

Qingyu guessed: "I don't think so, I think seizing this opportunity... must have something to do with their commanding player Ding Wen. Also, you haven't noticed that the positions of the remaining three players in Diablo Fairy Tale... are a little subtle? "

The bicycle looked at it, and was surprised again: "They are approaching the bridge?"

Even at this point, no one except Bai Mu could understand Ding Wen's true intentions.

First of all, the two youth trainees who were mixed into the smoke, yes, they had a good chance, this must be admitted.

But... what next?
There will always be a moment when the smoke dissipates, and there are not many bunkers on the bridge. The two people in the dark fairy tale can neither go to the disabled car formation on the other side of Jiuchi Meat Forest, nor to the direction north of the bridge head, or they will be discovered by Wushuang.

So their actions... are kind of pointless.

And there are only two of them, they are not many, they can't do much, once the smoke clears, they... will be discovered sooner or later!
After rational analysis, the two commentators felt that Ding Wen made another 'wrong move'.

The degree of stupidity is almost comparable to the time when I came under the bridge before.

Ding Wen once again sent his players to the middle of the two teams and sent them to the encirclement, which is really incomprehensible.

This is not boxing, and there are no referees. Why do you say you took the initiative to join people?
Didn't you ask for a dead end?
However, due to Ding Wen's amazing performance in PGL, the two commentators had some reservations, and they didn't make a final decision. They also wanted to see what kind of idea Ding Wen had, and whether it was really as "stupid" as they saw on the surface. ' and 'mistake'.

Cycling stared deeply at the screen, "The wings are in place, and the smoke will be gone soon."

Wushuang's formation is set up, so they won't be in a hurry, and then they will wait for the smoke to dissipate slowly, and the two flankers will launch an attack, forcing Jiuchi Roulin who is hiding behind the car to change positions, and then the God of War will lead people to the middle to launch a charge !
They are worthy of the top five teams in PGK. Although their command is not as outstanding as those of Shiraki Daji, their tactical layout is perfect and as stable as a textbook.

They embody the demeanor of a strong team, their indomitable confidence, and—

"No!" Bike suddenly frowned: "Why hasn't the smoke cleared?"

Qingyu also noticed it, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Yeah, why aren't they scattered? Wushuang and Jiuchi Roulin's smoke reserves... are there so many?"

The former used some, and there may still be some, but their formation has been set up, and even if there is, they will not be sealed; while the latter, Jiuchi Roulin, has sealed some before, and now has sealed some, so it must be exhausted.

So...why doesn't the smoke clear?
Obviously, there is only one answer-Xinyan is from a dark fairy tale.

They are the ones with the most complete smog reserves. As long as they calculate the duration, they can keep the bridgehead covered in smog for a long time!
Bicycle has been shocked by Ding Wen's decision for many times: "Wonderful! Because the field of vision is blocked by the smoke, even if the team members of Dark Fairy Tale seal the smoke, they will still not expose themselves. Wushuang will think it was thrown by the opponent, otherwise , Jiuchi Roulin would think it was thrown by Wushuang!"

Qingyu clicked her tongue even more: "I want to know, is this a temporary decision by Ding Wen, or did he premeditate? If it's the latter, then this person is simply too outrageous, so it's already here..."

Bicycle suddenly seemed to think of something, and he couldn't help interrupting without even finishing his partner's sentence: "Also, did you notice something?"

Qingyu: "Which one?"

Bicycle: "The reason why Wushuang fought with Jiuchi Roulin was because it was the one who took the initiative to attack. The dark fairy tale... has always been the key factor that fueled the flames! Thinking about it carefully, originally Jiuchi Roulin was going to leave, but it didn't happen, Wushuang Originally, he didn't intend to take the initiative to attack, but he was harassed by Ding Wen driving beside him.

At first, I didn't quite understand it, thinking that player Ding Wen was just trying to annoy Wushuang God of War, but now I realize that I was wrong, big mistake!

The purpose of Ding Wen's doing these things is to tell Wushuang...there is another team beside them, and this team...will not leave for a while! "

The volume of the bicycle gradually became louder, and it seemed a little excited: "Just imagine, if there is no one behind Wushuang, even if they are in a circle, they still have a choice. They don't have to fight with Jiuchi Roulin, and Feng Yan withdraws from the north. But because Ding Wen's behavior made them have to worry about the team around them, and because of their worry, their right to choose also disappeared, from being able to stay or playing to... having to fight!"

Qingyu also seemed to have figured it out, her beautiful eyes widened: "Since Ding Wen has been promoting this matter, if the result has not appeared, he will definitely...will continue to do it!"

This battle around the bridgehead should be over soon.

The three teams, whether it is Jiuchi Roulin with stronger combat power, or Wushuang who has the upper hand in the scene, they will not be the final winners!

Ding Wen had calculated everything from the very beginning, so he would never let this victory slip away from his hands.

At the bridgehead... only one team is destined to survive!
(End of this chapter)

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