I can see the finals

Chapter 212 First Kill

Chapter 212 First Kill
The fourth stage is a very important time node in the new version.

Only at this stage will the players know which of the five regions is the final safe zone.

However, compared with the old version, the preparation time reserved for players in the new version is very friendly. Although the circle has not been shortened, it has already told you what to do next.

So when they saw that the fourth area C was wiped away, the Datongmu team members on Snake Cliff couldn't help but cheer up!
They are in the D zone, and they are still in a perfect card edge position. Among other things, they will definitely get a lot of elimination points.

For this reason, they were not limited to one location on Snake Cliff. When the team members came out of the orphanage and the photo studio and there was no one there, Datongmu's commander Mu Tongmu even greedily released two team members and stepped on the other two. point.

Anyway, standing on the Snake Cliff, with a commanding height, you can have a panoramic view of the nearby river, and you can clearly and always grasp the traces of the enemies on the river.

It’s okay for the opponent to go around Snake Cliff and go to the other two points. Datongmu can catch this information and go to the teammate who placed the order in advance to rescue.

On the other side, on the east side of the orphanage, the remaining three of Wuxing were also standing on the edge of several cliffs, observing the river.

However, compared with the Snake Cliff, the cliffs they are on are relatively short, and there are many landing sites next to them, which is not a suitable location for Kabian.

The reason why he chose this place was of course forced and helpless. Bai Mu wanted to find the dark fairy tale, but he couldn't find it. The time he wasted before had pulled their ranking to the bottom. Now he wants to enter the circle deeper position, it was too late.

So there is no way, even if Bai Mu is unwilling, he can only put the team in a place where he can accommodate, far away from Datongmu, and wait and see the situation temporarily.

"Sure enough...the last safe area is Area D!"

Bai Mu pondered in his heart, and became more and more convinced of Ding Wen's magical ability to find circles.

It seems that even though it is a new version, he can still find the finals through the rules. It has to be said that in this ability, Baimu can't match it anyway!
At least he has studied for so many years, but he still failed to do this.

"Interesting, the player with a score of 99 is really not called for nothing. The new version has only been out for a few days, and he immediately found the pattern of lapping."

The reason why Bai Mu is so "fascinated" by Ding Wen is his amazing PGL performance, and the other is the scoring system from the e-sports school.

Bai Mu never went to an e-sports school. Before playing professionally, he was a top student in a prestigious school, the serious kind.Later, because of interest, he gave up taking a series of degrees such as a doctorate, and resolutely chose to become a professional player.

Because of his astonishing IQ, he rose to fame when he first entered the arena. In just one year, he became the strongest conductor in the history of the seven districts in 11 years, and his journey went smoothly.

But off the field, it's the opposite.

During the period, he took the theoretical subject exam of the most famous e-sports school in District [-]. He went there full of confidence, but came back with a little disappointment.

He originally thought that even if he couldn't get the full score, he would at least get 98 points or more, but he didn't expect that after scoring, his score was only... 95 points.

Yes, 95 points, even he only got this score in theoretical subjects.

So he was not convinced, and took the exam again the next year. This time the score was a little higher, but he still couldn't get to 98 points. From 95 to 96, it is enough to show how difficult the theory class of e-sports school is.

But in such a difficult exam, someone can get a score of 99?How could this not move Bai Mu?
Speaking of which, he had been looking for this man named Ding Wen since he entered the league, but the latter seemed to have disappeared, and he never found it until... this year's PGL!

Therefore, Bai Mu should be the super giant player in PGK who cares most about the July 99 competition. He watched all the games that Ding Wen participated in, and even watched it many times. He repeatedly studied how this person arrived. [-] points.

However, due to the low overall level of PGL players, he can't see anything deeper just by watching the video. Now that Ding Wen has come to PGK and can meet him in person, of course Shiraki will not let it go. The training match came immeasurably.

Because it is Ding Wen, Bai Mu's "inexplicable operations" and "urgent heart" that are inconceivable in the eyes of others can be understood.

It's a pity that it's the fourth stage, and he still couldn't find Ding Wen, and the three of them even stayed on the sidelines, just for shelter.

If there is no guarantee of survival, then finding Ding Wen is unrealistic.

"Bai team, there is a fleet heading east."

The members of the Five Elements didn't know what was going on in his mind, and they were still doing information collection work with trepidation and honesty.

"Don't worry about it." Bai Mu replied in a daze, his teammates were looking at the river, but he was looking at the south, the opposite direction.

While thinking about it just now, he suddenly realized a certain problem.

"He can find circles...find circles..."

These few words that he had been ignoring all this time made him feel inexplicably worried.

He felt that he should have missed something, and then firmly suppressed the anxious emotion in his heart, then settled down and analyzed it carefully.

"That's right, he can find the rules of making circles, why does he have to get stuck on the edge?"

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and his brain was working extremely fast.

"Could it be possible... to reverse the edge of the card?"

Bai Mu's heartbeat instantly accelerated, and it was theoretically impossible to reverse the edge of the card, but considering that this person is Ding Wen, he can find the pattern of laps... that's hard to say!

If his purpose is this...

Thinking of this, Bai Mu suddenly trembled.

No, it's dangerous!

So he immediately reminded his teammates loudly: "Don't look at the river, come back and follow me to look at the south!"

The muffled gunshots resounded throughout the world, as if matching his words, the other two members of the Five Elements heard Bai Mu speak. The next second, the latter's head exploded directly, turning into a thick blood mist, floating in front of their eyes.

"The player's dark fairy tale 丨 Ala Bing knocks down the Five Elements 丨 Baimu with a heavy sniper!"

The bullets came quickly and abruptly.

Bai Mu didn't even know where Fang Luoqing started the robbery. The moment he heard the gunshot, the bullet had already passed through his head.

Fang Luoqing took her first kill to enter PGK, and what's interesting is that the person who got the first kill... turned out to be Bai Mu.

"Mine, didn't move."

Although Bai Mu's authority is supreme, when he has a problem, he will not refute it, and then admits his mistake.

He had been thinking about the problem just now, and his body hadn't moved. That's why he was shot in the head by a heavy sniper.

"You jump into the river."

Diablo Fairy Tale chose to act at this time, certainly not on a whim. While Bai Mu was looking for them, Ding Wen should have sent someone to keep an eye on them.

After all, because of Datongmu's surprise attack, the Five Elements information was exposed. With Ding Wen's ability, if he was nearby, how could he not be able to find them.

Heavy sniper break point, the rest is the dark fairy tale melee rush point.

There are only two people left in the five elements, and they are not 100% opponents who are full of opponents, so Bai Mu can only let them jump into the river, betting that the opponent will not find a new vehicle after abandoning the vehicle and taking the boat.

But the sound of two roaring cars from far to near broke Shiraki's last hope in an instant.

They... actually have a car!
"Stop jumping, it's too late."

Bai Mu smiled wryly, he never expected that the first time he and Ding Wen met formally would be in this kind of scene.

He finally 'found' Ding Wen, to be precise, he was the one who found him.

The duel between the two commanders hadn't even started...it was already over.

He didn't consider Ding Wen's way of playing against the edge of the card, and he didn't calculate their positions. As a result, he was seconded, and there was no room for him to display his commanding skills.

Any space...none!

Of course, Bai Mu was still a little bit dissatisfied, but this was only the first training match. After he understood Ding Wen's style of play, the following training matches would be very easy, and it was not without any benefits.

"I can't escape, you guys try to fight it out and see how many people are in the car." Bai Mu was in a fallen state, not a box soul state, so he couldn't see the perspective of his teammates.

"One car, one car." The Five Elements team members continued to report.

"Only two?" Bai Mu couldn't help but feel moved when he heard that, and felt that the situation had a turning point.

If there are only two, there is no chance...

But it must be too late to pull him up, the rest of the time depends on the performance of the two teammates.

"Jin Xuan, didn't you choose Qianshou Tang? See if you can knock them out of the car!"

"Okay, I'll try—"


The heavy sniper bullet flew past Jin Xuan's scalp immediately, almost killing him again, so scared that he immediately lowered his head and hid in the bunker.

"No, the heavy sniper on the other side has been framing me, I can't lift my head!"

"Then let it go, if it's 2 vs 2, it's not like there's no chance at all."

Of the remaining two of the Five Elements, Jin Xuan is the No. [-] dual-energy position, who can be far and near, and the other is the No. [-] earth monster, so it is no problem to fight melee, and he has the strength to fight!
The two cars traveling at high speed cut across the grass, through scattered housing estates, and finally braked to a stop below the south face of the cliff.

Without Fang Luoqing's support, it would be very dangerous for them to rush over so blatantly.

But with long-range guns, the Five Elements team members could not take advantage of the high and low, and did not dare to show their heads. They could only let the two breakthrough players from the dark fairy tale climb the cliff and come in front of them.

The two members of the Five Elements who were planning to have a melee confrontation were suddenly dumbfounded when they saw the weapons in each other's hands——

"Damn, why are there two No. [-] positions?"

 One chapter is 3000 words, don't say I'm short! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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