Chapter 208
Luofengtang is a team from another secondary league. It is also one of the few teams that participated in today's training match with the starting lineup. Their birth point is in the entertainment city more than 1500 meters north of the river in Area B.

The Dark Fairy Tale moved very fast, and it started to transfer in 5 minutes. According to the time calculation, they almost came to the river to look for a boat at this time, so even if they couldn’t tell who these three people were through fashion, they still had time. It is not difficult to know that they are Luofengtang.

The strength of this team is not strong, it is about the same as Xiaying.Of course, not being strong is relative. If it was Qi Qi before, they would definitely be a strong opponent, but now they are compared to a dark fairy tale, so they are not so interesting.

Because it was them, Ding Wen dared to rest assured that Cijiu would place the order alone and harass him there.

As for what they would do if they didn't get wiped away in area B, they would start moving across the river. Ding Wen's guess is...they want to step on them separately.

As Ding Wen said before, after the new version, many teams will adopt a fringe style of play. The birth point of Luofengtang is not so far from the riverside, and the first stage is the E area in the middle of the map.So if they want to play on the edge, it will be very easy, because they have an inherent geographical advantage.

According to Ding Wen's analysis and the information they had, they dispatched three people to find a boat to reach the other side, and the remaining two stayed behind. This would not only help control the boat, but also facilitate the transfer in the next stage.

Area B brushes away, and the two remaining people go to Area D by boat. On the contrary, the people in Area D return to Area B. Regardless of the circle shape, whoever moves will have his teammates on the other side to support him. Safe and efficient.

"Very good tactics. It seems that the coaches of the new version of Luofengtang have studied it a lot."

Ding Wen couldn't help feeling the difference between PGK and PGL. Even if it is a not-so-prominent team, they can still find the most suitable style of play for their birth point, and it is also very perfect and rigorous, and they can hardly find any faults.

This must have been arranged by the coach, and the data analysts have collected data to make the style of play. It has nothing to do with the command. The later the stage, the more the role of the command can be reflected. Now it is necessary to play step by step.

"Cigarettes, I guess they left two people behind, please pay attention, if their teammates are nearby to escort them onto the boat, don't make a move."

"Well, I'm watching. There's no rush. Those three people haven't arrived on the boat yet."

Yanjian answered calmly, and cautiously looked at the three people in his field of vision through the telescope.

After five or six seconds, he said again: "Xiao Li, don't come, retreat, I saw their teammates, and those two are indeed escorting their teammates onto the boat."

"it is good."

Ding Wen listened, and suddenly asked: "Can you determine their coordinates?"

"Here, Xiao San makes up the bid."

The cigarette first marked a point on the map, and when Jiang San added a mark to cover his mark, he canceled it and replaced it with a new mark.

"1 bid, 5 bids."

This is the exact location of the remaining two people in Luofengtang.

Ding Wen took a look, and couldn't help saying 'huh': "Their a little far away."

Cigarette: "Well, they should all be long-range, Team Ding, we can put three on board and leave, and then eat the remaining two."

Benefits often coexist with risks. Although split stepping can expand the territory controlled by the team, it will also face the price of being attacked by a full formation.

However, this is only the first stage. The safe area of ​​the map is large, and there are a lot of areas for the teams to stay in. At this time, choosing to eat the team that is divided is not worth the loss, because it will consume the transfer time.

If it was a match, Ding Wen might just let them go, and he originally thought so, but considering that this is a training match, and the two left on the opposite side are long-distance.

After thinking quickly, Ding Wen still couldn't refuse the temptation. If there are more people and fewer people, he will basically not lose. It just happens to be able to hone the combat coordination between the team members.

So he immediately said: "Xiao Li, don't come back, continue to go to the cigarette."

After speaking, he said to Jiang San and Fang Luoqing: "All of you follow me, prepare to eat those two people."

"it is good."

"no problem."

Then everyone who removed the cigarettes drove the car together and drove to the location of the cigarettes quickly.

When he was about to arrive, Ding Wen got out of the car first. He didn't use any of the psychics and trap experts. He just found a high point and looked at the three people who had just boarded the boat by the river.

"I can do it in a second." Fang Luoqing was also watching, and at the same time the heavy sniper in her hand aimed at the three people on the boat: "Hit it?"

"No, don't worry about these three people, go and help Xiao Li and the others set up guns."

Ding Wen quickly made tactical arrangements: "I'll stay and watch the ship, Xiao Li Xiaosan drives closer to put a mark, Xiao Fang, you go to the three-frame frame and one mark, the cigarettes are close to 5 marks, kill if you can, and hold if you can't kill, Don’t let him support you. Remember, you have to go on foot, so don’t expose yourself!”

"Well, I'll pull the position closer immediately."

When the combat order was issued, everyone held their breath and began to act seriously and focused.

Another five seconds later, the Luofengtang team members on the shore reported the safety information to the boat, and then the fast boat started, paddling across the water and sailing towards the opposite bank.


Ding Wen's voice fell, and the two cars drove from behind the slope, at full speed, and with a deafening roar, they rushed straight to the first mark!
The distance between the first mark and the vehicle is about 150 meters, and the driving sound can only be heard within 100 meters of the game settings. The team members then turned their heads and peeked out from the window of the dilapidated cabin by the river.

But before he could make any attacking action, a muffled gunshot resounding through the sky immediately followed!

In the blink of an eye, heavy sniper bullets flew in, and one shot... exploded his head!
Scarlet blood sprayed up and immediately sprinkled the entire window.

He was shot heavily in the head, and this person still hasn't fallen. In the red blood mist, a golden light also spread all over the body at the same time, shining brightly!
Before the light ended, he immediately lay down in a panic and left the window.

Fang Luoqing's military ring heavy sniper is a 2+2 weapon, if it starts, it can kill any enemy in seconds.

But the opponent had a talisman, and this shot failed to kill him in seconds.

But it doesn't matter if they didn't kill them, the two cars that rushed to the point arrived at the same time, and hit the outside of the cabin.

Li Huo and Jiang San pushed open the car door, strode out of the car, clasped fists and knives, and rushed into the cabin together!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

After learning that his teammate had been hit, the Luofengtang team members of the fifth bid bent their bows and set arrows, and showed themselves from behind the cover, preparing to support the teammate of the first bid from a distance.

But as soon as he got out of the bunker, a large expanse of locust rocks rushed down like raindrops.

He shrank slowly, and he was immediately hit by seven or eight stones, and was forcibly suppressed by the cigarettes that were approaching more than 50 meters away.

"Dark fairy tale丨The giant knocks down Luofengtang with an ink knife丨L Zhang!"

Without the long-distance support of the team members, the members of Luofengtang in the small wooden house were immediately killed by the two vicious big men who rushed in.

"Next!" Ding Wen stood at the highest point in the distance, firmly grasping all the vision information of the two marked points.

"Press the cigarette closer, little square gun!"

 Thank you for giving me a good name! V500 for the reward, and thank you for liking to open a store and super Li Dada for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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