I can see the finals

Chapter 196 Experiment

Chapter 196 Experiment
Early the next morning, before dawn, Ding Wen had already gotten up, and started a personal match on the game list.

After the new version is updated, all players and professional players need to adapt and change. Ding Wen played a few rounds, and met several professional players in PGK, including substitutes and youth players.

However, Ding Wen didn't have many encounters with them. He was here to test Goldfinger's ability, and he would choose to be killed by monsters when he felt that it was almost enough.

After experimenting a few times, the golden finger can still be used as expected. Ding Wen is not surprised by this, because he knows that the golden finger may be related to his illness.

If the disease is not cured, the golden finger should not disappear.

After making sure that the finals could still be seen, Ding Wen immediately exited the game, called up Yin Haze, Li Zhenpi, and Fang Luoqing, and then contacted Yanjuan to let him play.

You can see it in the circle. Next, Ding Wen will also test the operation, combat, etc. in the team mode, to see if the knowledge learned in the e-sports school can be seamlessly integrated into the new version, and by the way, give Yanjuan a little trial training a bit.

Cigarette also saw last night's patch notification, although what he said yesterday afternoon was "without changing the circle-making mechanism, he trusts Ding Wen very much."But unlike Yin Haze and the others, after the patch appeared, he didn't say anything, and he didn't express any worries.

One is that he doesn't like to talk at first, and the other is that he just happened to be able to see Ding Wen's new version of conducting.

He has not signed a contract with Diablo Fairy Tale, but only verbally promised the contract. If Ding Wen doesn't know how to play the new version, maybe he will have to reconsider.

Because of the quality of the game, Ding Wen chose the e-sports mode, that is, the ranking mode, and did not play ordinary matches.

The game map is a lost city. Ding Wen randomly found a birth point in Area A (upper left corner of the map), and then started normal development in the early stage.

"The first stage wiped out the D area." Yin Haze glanced at the map, and asked while searching: "Have you figured out the final circle?"

When the new version of the game character appears, you can see the circle shape of the first stage, and you don't need to wait until the safety time has passed to know.Of course, the intervals between all stages of the new and old versions are still the same. After the first 10 minutes, the first stage will start and monsters will appear.

"The final circle is on the 4S street in District E (central part)." Ding Wen replied.

"Then how do we transfer, should we look for a car first? Oh, by the way, isn't there a templar in the new version? In addition to refreshing the vehicle, does it also have a horse? Then if we see a horse, should we kill it? Templars can't ride vehicles without horses?"

The haze in the game is like two people outside the game. In reality, he has a calm personality and outstanding temperament. He can tell the difference between the rich second generation and ordinary people at a glance; but in the game, he starts to chirp like a bird , There is no end to it.

In this regard, he is very similar to Passing, but the latter's game and reality are the same, and he can only talk non-stop when playing with familiar people.

Perhaps because of his own identity, in reality, Haze needs to disguise another appearance, but in the game, there is no need to suppress it, and his own personality is exposed.

Even compared to passing by, he talked more. After all, regardless of his identity as a rich second generation, he was just an ordinary player in the game, and he didn't know as much as a professional player, so he asked these questions like a cannonball, which made Ding Wen felt dizzy.

But Haze is right in saying that if there are no templars in his team, then all the horses he encounters will not be spared.

The new Templar equipment is indeed buggy, but it has advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, that piece of equipment is 3+3. Considering resource issues, the treatment of players in each team is different, so not every church can actually get this equipment.

What's more, the new version removes the treasure chest, that is to say, in the first four stages, no one can have this top-level equipment. In case of encountering enemies during this period, the templar is just an ordinary profession.

The second is the problem of vehicles. Templar horses, like other vehicles, are not bound to the player at birth, and it takes time to search.And to make matters worse, these horses... are randomly spawned.

The car has a fixed brush point, and the players can remember it, but the horse cannot.

So once the horse cannot be found, the templar has to separate from his teammates and play the game on foot, which is prone to embarrassing situations where the team's rhythm is interrupted.

These disadvantages can be imagined, and can also be proved through game practice. Anyway, Ding Wen feels that his team does not need Templars very much.

The equipment is small, but the rhythm is broken... definitely not!
"If there is a horse, kill it. We will go to a fixed point to get the car later. We will transfer from this route."

Ding Wen drew a precise route on the map, and then said: "Cigarettes?"

Cigarette said lightly: "Understood."

As a combo player, he may not be as strong as Lu Guo, but he has a smarter mind.

Ding Wen didn't say anything, but just drew a rough transfer route, and he immediately knew what he should do.

As I said before, part of the purpose of playing the game today is to experiment and adapt, and the other part is to try out cigarettes.

This can be regarded as a small trial training content, and the result is actually not important. Ding Wen just wanted to see if Cigarette, as a dual-energy position, can know what he should do in the first place when the transfer route is determined.

The combo position is a very important position in the team, and the most important spirituality is to test whether a player can become a qualified combo position.

The passing brain can only be regarded as average, not very outstanding. He can become a top combo player because of his too strong strength, and the overall level of PGL is almost the same, which also makes up for his own lack of spirituality.

After all, most of the time, the combo position is separated from his teammates and hangs out alone. The information situation on his side cannot be seen by the commander, and he can only listen to his dictation, and cannot make the most correct decision immediately.

And when the commander can't help, the dual-energy position has to think for himself, judge the situation according to the situation, and make the right choice.

Therefore, if the spirituality is insufficient, the risk in the double energy position is extremely high, and often the judgment is wrong and the sacrifice is in vain.


One minute later, Cigarette spoke again: "I'm here."

Ding Wen glanced at the teammate marks on the map, saw his current location, and then nodded in relief: "Act by yourself."

Cigarette: "Okay."

In the game, he has fewer words than in real life, but there is no nonsense, all necessary information communication sentences.

It may not be obvious when playing matchmaking, but in the professional arena, short and effective communication will greatly save time.

It was the first time to play games with Yanjuan, and Ding Wen was quite satisfied with this person.

(End of this chapter)

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