I can see the finals

Chapter 189 The Four Great Names

Chapter 189 Four Famous Supplements

Ding Wen thought about these four words for a while, and then asked, "Who came up with this name?"

"Me!" Li Zhenpi snatched the phone, and said with a smile: "How is it, isn't it good?"

Ding Wen: "How should I put it..."

Li Zhenpi's ID is Grandpa Wolf. Looking at his words alone, it fits well with dark fairy tales. Dante Wenwen and Fang Luoqing are both alphabets, which must be very inconsistent.

Because this involves the ID inheritance system.

What is the ID inheritance system?To put it simply, when the club owner creates a team, in order to cater to the team name, they will prepare some special and fixed IDs.

For example, the five elements, the five starters are based on gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. If a certain player joins the team, his previous ID will no longer be available, and he must change to the ID prepared for him by the club.

Wu Zhan wasn't called Vulcan before. In the e-sports school, his game ID was called Yeyou Dren. After joining the Five Elements, this game ID could no longer be used, and he was forced to change it to Vulcan.

To be precise, he is Vulcan 7.0, because before him, this ID had six different owners.

ID inheritance can be said to be more beautiful, or it can be said that the club owner has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. At the beginning, only a few teams did it, and then it developed into a trend somehow.

For ordinary players, ID inheritance is not a good thing, because their strength is average, and the frequency of changing teams may be very high. Once the number of ID changes increases, many viewers may not know who he is.

For star players, it doesn’t really matter whether the ID is changed or not. For example, Wu Zhan, when ordinary audience fans mention him, they will only say Wu Zhan, not Vulcan.

Another example is Jiang Tong, she really doesn't like others reading her ID, because it's too embarrassing.

The above-mentioned people are star players with huge traffic, so their real names will be more famous than game IDs.

But now that Ding Wen heard that Li Zhenpi catered to ID and named him Dark Fairy Tale, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, after he hesitated to say this, Li Zhenpi said excitedly again: "Anyway, you are famous now, and DW is difficult to pronounce and convoluted, why don't you change your ID!"

Ding Wen was very helpless: "What to change?"

Li Zhenpi: "An ID related to dark fairy tales is fine!"

Ding Wen: "Give me an example?"

Li Zhenpi blurted out without hesitation: "Pinocchio!"

Ding Wen: "???"

"You're enough." Seeing that the situation wasn't right, Haze quickly pushed Li Zhenpi away: "Don't listen to him, I don't have obsessive-compulsive disorder, ID inheritance doesn't matter, you can do whatever you think of, and we'll study it slowly in the future .”

Ding Wen: "Okay."

Yin Haze coughed, and said very seriously: "Okay, it's getting late, I'll come to see you tomorrow, and we'll talk about it in detail then, by the way, there's Master Fang, don't forget to inform her, let's go to the club together take a look.

Oh, and if you have time at night, you can also consider a few players in advance. After all, it’s better to trade sooner rather than later. In case someone you like is taken away by another team before you have time to make a move. , how uncomfortable it is, don't you think? "

Ding Wen hummed, and replied: "No problem, I will prepare as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll hang up first, and I'll come to you at eight o'clock tomorrow."


The matter of Ding Wen's new team has finally come to an end. We can't blame him for agreeing too happily. We can only say that the conditions given by Yin Haze are too tempting. Subtle point.

Don't look at this man's vicissitudes and wretched appearance, but his heart is very delicate. Ding Wen has only met him once, and it seems that he has figured out Ding Wen and knows what he wants like the back of his hand.

Also, a person who is not delicate in heart can't be the sixth child.

In this regard, he was on equal footing with Ding Wen. After all, before the death of the fox, the sixth child was sad, and he was the leader of the sixth child, so he must have thought carefully.

When Ding Wen was on the phone, Fang Luoqing was listening on the sidelines. Although he couldn't hear what they were talking about, Ding Wen turned on the information conversion function, and all their calls were converted into text, which appeared on the virtual light screen .

Fang Luoqing watched with temper, and suddenly said after reading: "Good name!"

Ding Wen: "Huh?"

Fang Luoqing's eyes lit up: "That's a good name!"

Ding Wen was a little dazed: "Okay?"

Fang Luoqing nodded affirmatively: "I've already thought about it, so I'll call it Princess Coal!"

Ding Wen: "This..."

Fang Luoqing's preferences are always so different from ordinary people.

The nature of her name is similar to that of Grandpa Wolf, all of which are reversed, which reminds Ding Wen of Li Zhenpi's old partner a few years ago... Big Red Riding Hood.

But what about the Coal Princess?

It sounds like nonsense, Ding Wen can accept ID inheritance, but at least think of a decent ID!
Ding Wen shook his head helplessly, temporarily ignoring Fang Luoqing, who was in high spirits, and opened the information that Guan Xing gave him before leaving.

The data belonged to all the players in PGK, Zheng Er Ba had obtained the data through official statistics, and this was also the last gift Guan Xing gave him before parting.

Originally, this information was used to study opponents, but before that, Ding Wen had to select teammates suitable for the new team.

Since Yin Haze guaranteed to focus on him, Ding Wen should be looking for players with strong combat effectiveness first.

This feeling is very strange. During the day, he was still waiting for someone to choose him, but he didn't expect that at night, it was him who chose someone else instead.

Opening the thick document, Ding Wen uploaded it to the screen. Fang Luoqing had nothing to do, so she followed along and started watching.

"Who do you want to choose?" She asked curiously.

"Hmm..." Ding Wen thought for a while, and then asked her in turn, "Do you know the four famous men?"

Fang Luoqing continued to nod: "I've heard it, ruthless, iron hand, chasing life, cold—"

"It's not the catcher's arrest." Ding Wen was ashamed, and immediately interrupted her: "It's the replacement's replacement."

Fang Luoqing was full of confusion: "Substitute?"

"That's right." Ding Wen found four contestants and transferred the information to the screen.

In PGK, there are not only IDs between players, but also many special titles.

For example, the strongest mercenaries, the five phantom gods, the top ten murder kings, and the four famous men are easy to understand.

Literally, there are four substitutes.

Of course, they are not ordinary substitutes. These four people all have the strength to start, but due to various reasons, either because the team is too strong, or because of conflicts with the club, they can only play as substitutes. Big name make up.

Earthwalker, Wu Xing's No. [-] substitute, has a strong style and fierce melee combat ability, but because Wu Zhan is the starting No. [-] position in the team, he can't play, and Wu Xing dare not release such a strong No. [-] position. To enhance the strength of other teams, so he has been kept on the bench for nothing.

Penglai, the substitute for Tiangong's No. [-] position, the reason is the same as that of Earthwalker. Because Jiang Tong is the No. [-] position in the team, he can only be supported on the bench.

Lei Bing, PGK's sixth-ranked "Gravity" No. [-] combo player, has a fiery personality and pride. He often has conflicts with his teammates. He only starts occasionally at certain times, and most of the time he stays on the bench to watch "water coolers." '.

The last one, Cigarette, is the PGK seventh-ranked substitute for the No. [-] position of 'Western Region'. His reason for being a substitute is outrageous...he doesn't like playing with guns.


In the version of Imperial Mercenaries T0, it is incomprehensible not to play with guns, and the club management is even more unacceptable, but many exchanges have failed, so I put him on the bench, and when he has figured it out, he will come back. to the starter.

(End of this chapter)

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