I can see the finals

Chapter 183 Ending, PGL League

Chapter 183 Ending, PGL League
This is specifically about the promotion and relegation of PGK.

Like PGL, there are a total of 100 teams participating in the PGK League, and after each match, 60 teams will be eliminated, that is, [-] teams.

Then these forty teams will be divided into two groups to compete again, and 24 relegation places will be determined to stay in PGK.The remaining [-] teams were distributed to the four sub-leagues of PGL, PGD, PGM, and PGZ.

And each sub-league has 100 teams each, so once it falls, without strong strength, it is really like a big wave washing the sand, and it is difficult to fight back to PGK.

Huang Quan was an exception, but teams like Deep Sea Hairtail were relegated because of their poor strength, so they didn't necessarily have a clear gap with these teams when they came to the secondary league, and they basically couldn't make it up.

Every year in the secondary league, there will be some strong dark horses, such as this year's Qiqi, Xia Ying, who is given high hopes by people, will squeeze out these relegated teams and get the places they should have.

The PGK league is cruel. After each match, sixteen teams will be relegated, accounting for almost one-fifth of the total.

Therefore, PGK only has 84 teams. To be more strict, maybe there are only [-] teams, because only the teams that do not play in the knockout rounds can be regarded as having absolute strength and gaining a firm foothold in the PGK league in the true sense.

The nine teams that Ding Wen selected were all before the [-]th place, because the teams that were a little behind were not so stable, not only because of command issues, but also in terms of combat.

If Ding Wen is used as the unit of measurement, a small Chong can beat five of him, and these teams after the 10th place will probably beat about [-]. There is indeed a gap in strength, but it is not so exaggerated.

If Ding Wen joins these teams, that is, Qiqi 2.0, if he wants to play well and enter the top [-] or higher rankings, he will have to add additional strong fighters.

And even if it was supplemented, it would be difficult to find a player with the strength of passing by.

Of course, if the club owner has a dream and is willing to spend money, that's another story.

Otherwise, Ding Wen's first choice would only be the top [-] teams, which lack command but have strong players.

Port of Paradise is the best choice. The combatants are available and do not need to be replaced. They are also the most promising team to supplement the command.

No matter how you look at it, Port Paradise is the perfect place to go.

But these are just Ding Wen's guesses. Sometimes the ideal is good, but the reality is cruel.

In addition, he had to consider Fang Luoqing's point. If Paradise Port only paid for the command and not the combat power, it would be a headache.

While thinking, Ding Wen looked at the second choice, 44, which was ranked 404th.

The name of this team is strange, but the players in the team are normal. Compared with Paradise Port, their supplementary command may be slightly smaller, but there is also a 70% probability.

404 itself has a command, but the small problem is that the command is not that brilliant. Ding Wen watched some videos about them. During the game, 404’s command decision was not so decisive. Most of the time it was discussed with the players. According to their Timely information and opinions are provided to make the final decision.

Like this kind of team that negotiated with each other, they either didn't change their command, or they changed to the best one. Only this kind of command can significantly change the team's operational decision-making problems.

After skipping 404, Ding Wen looked at the other teams, thinking silently while watching.

Before I knew it, it was dawn.

The sun was shining outside the window, and Ding Wen finally felt a little drowsy.

Compared with a month ago, nothing else has changed, but his ability to stay up late has improved a lot, and before he knew it, the long night had passed.

After turning off the screen and putting away these materials, Ding Wen fell asleep full of thoughts.

When he woke up, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, because Qiqi didn't have a game today, so he slept in for a while.

Went to the cafeteria for a meal, during which he also met passing by.

The two looked at each other, and they forgot the conversation last night in a tacit understanding, and neither of them mentioned it.

After a normal day, the third round came.

There is no suspense, Qiqi is the first in a single day, because considering the future, Ding Wen did not let Qiqi enter the finals every time, but used a different method to show everyone more of his ability in command .

As expected, TNT failed to bring trouble to Qiqi, but was taken advantage of by Qiqi several times.

Because not every one is the first, and not every one can be eliminated at a high level. After three rounds, Qiqi's total score reached 28000, but failed to break through 30000.

However, there were no strong teams in the next two rounds, and Qi Qi played very smoothly, and had a few big bursts to win the first place.

After the final five rounds, Qi Qi's total score was fixed at 47000 points.

On average, they can score nearly 10000 points in each round, which not only broke the previous PGK promotion record held by the ancient civilization, but also became the first team in the seventh district to score more than 11 points in five rounds in 35000 years.

While breaking the record, Qiqi even surpassed 12000 points, which is extremely terrifying.

Because their promotion scores were exaggerated, even the audience who disdain to watch the PGL game finally began to pay attention to Qiqi's team.

Among them, the most eye-catching and noteworthy person must be Ding Wen, the new conductor, followed by the passerby who took the PGL Killer King, and finally Fang Luoqing.

As for the two players Xiao Chong and Jiu Feifei, not many people paid attention to them. Xiao Chong is slightly better than Jiu Feifei, and the statistics are barely eye-catching. In terms of discipline and execution, some viewers also pointed out that Appreciation and praise.

In terms of statistics, Ding Wen undoubtedly won the MVP and the assists king, passing the murder king, and Fang Luoqing's injury king.

Several important awards were almost all divided up by Qi Qi's players.

As for the four promotion places, the remaining three are Huang Quan, TNT, and Xia Ying.

After the downturn on the first day, Xia Ying made timely adjustments in the next few rounds, and lived up to expectations. On the last day, he overtook Happy Forest in a thrilling manner, embarked on the last train to PGK, and got the last and only promotion spot.

In fact, in the fifth round, the focus of the game was instead on their duel with Happy Lin. After all, there is no suspense in the first place.

When the score came out, Wudu Dao even cried out, looking at the screen with red eyes, and kept wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

This year is the year they have the best chance. The duo of Nine Yin and Nine Yang has grown up and is at its peak. If there is no play this year, after their peak is over, it will be difficult for Xia Ying to attack PGK again. I hope it will only Getting slimmer.

It was a pity that everyone in Happy Lin who got the fifth place was not in a good mood. They were all seven or seven in this ranking before, and they finally realized the feeling of being one step away and missing the place.

Ding Wen has a good sense of this team, and gave them warm applause full of encouragement at the game site.

The award ceremony will be held simultaneously on the last day, after the last competition.

Ding Wen silently recalled several times the draft testimonial that Wang Changchun had prepared for him in advance. Dressed in a suit and formal attire, amidst the applause and shouts of the audience, he walked through the brightly lit passage and came to the big stage.

Although he had guessed the result a few days in advance and was prepared in his heart, when he stepped onto the stage, his mood still couldn't calm down. Press down on time.

The PGL league has finally ushered in the end, but for him, this is just the beginning.

Because he knows that PGK is still waiting for him, and the World Championship is also waiting for him.

Those arenas where strong enemies are like clouds and top players gather are the real test!

(End of this chapter)

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