Chapter 170

The long-lost thunder resounded through the sky again.

The torrential rain was pouring, and the rain curtain was like a curtain, separating the four teams.

But rain is rain after all, and people are people after all.

No matter how big the rain curtain is, it will be easily passed through, and no matter how tacit the team is, it will eventually fight.

The four-party melee finally broke out at the south village entrance of Shijie Village!
The rain is cold and the weapons are merciless.

Some people kept falling on the wet ground, and some people kept triggering hidden weapons, and were taken advantage of by enemies from other teams.

If there hadn't been a heavy rain, the village would have been bleeding like a river.

The commentators rarely encountered such a large-scale chaos. Their emotions were completely mobilized by the tragic battlefield, and they spared no effort to explain the battle with a roar.

The emotions of the audience also changed with the commentary, and they stared at the big screen with breathless concentration.

In the game, only Huang Quan and their fans are the most peaceful.

When the fight in the south of the village was in full swing, they had already sneaked in from the east of the village, avoiding the traps calculated by Bianhua, and successfully entered the center of the village.

Of course, not all of these traps were avoided, but because Qiqi's people were not in the east of the village, it didn't matter if they accidentally stepped on them.

"Huang Quan is here."

On the other side, Ding Wen also obtained the information that Huang Quan has come from the feedback of being triggered by the trap.

But even if she knew about it, Qiqi didn't have time to take it into consideration, after all, the battle here was not over yet.

Bianhua really picked the right time, she didn't leave any flaws for Ding Wen, just like those previous competitions, all the arrangements were truly perfect!
If Bianhua was a little more greedy and joined this four-way melee, trying to take advantage of it, then maybe Qiqi would be given a chance.

But it's a pity, if it's just if, how could Bi Anhua make such a mistake, after Huang Quan came to the center of the village, he slowly extended to the south, blocking all the roads entering the center!
They are waiting for the team that survived the melee at the end, and only that team has the qualifications to fight against them.

And at that time, it was the time for Huang Quan to make a move!
Who will be the ultimate winner, who will be the team that survived the brutal battle?
Although Bi Anhua did not participate in the battlefield, she already had the answer in her heart.

After a large number of elimination screens, Qiqi, who had the advantage of terrain and defense... finally stood at the end.

But it wasn't easy for them to win.

Xiao Chong, Jiu Feifei, and the three died, and only Fang Luoqing and Passing along were left with residual blood and poor condition.

Knowing that the first place is hopeless, he simply asked Ding Wen when he passed by: "Old Ding, the monster is here, so I won't give you any points?"

"It doesn't matter." Ding Wen, who turned into a box, said, "Give it to them, we are not afraid that they will get two hundred extra points, can try it too."

try it……

Even if he passed by with great confidence on weekdays, he couldn't help but smile wryly at this time. It's such a time, 2 vs 5 is easier said than done!
Fang Luoqing's morale was not as low as his, but extremely high: "Okay, let's try it!"

After finishing speaking, she pumped herself up, wiped the blood off her gloves, and dived into the rain!

Thunder came again, illuminating the night sky.

Mandala appeared from behind a certain house, and the horizontal knife stood in front of her.

"Come again!"

He was still brooding about his defeat in the competition, and after winning the consent of Bi'anhua, he planned to compete with Fang Luoqing again.

"I won't let you this time."

He smiled coldly, and a silver-white iron hook suddenly appeared on his empty right hand!
His sub-profession is captain.

Similar to the convict, this profession is also for the purpose of control, the difference is that the former is a lock and trap, while the latter is a buckle!
Yes, the captain's hook can hold the opponent's weapon, making it unusable.

However, this kind of occupation is extremely manipulative, and there are very few candidates.

After losing in the field, Mandala deliberately chose this profession in order to target Fang Luoqing.

But what makes him regretful is that the other party's... seems to have no career choice for knives.

He glanced at Fang Luoqing's dark gloves with the tiger head logo, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "Why didn't you choose to wear—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Fang Luoqing used the gliding ability of a gladiator to instantly pounce in front of him, without a word of nonsense, just punch him in the face!
"Fuck, why don't you talk about martial arts!"

Mandala's complexion changed suddenly, he quickly raised the hook, and clasped her glove in an instant.

But then, Fang Luoqing swung out another glove and punched him in the face!
Mandala's cleverness made him focus on two purposes, the knife was slow at the first time, and he was knocked back several meters by this punch!

Fortunately, a gladiator can't kill someone, otherwise, with just one punch, the mandala would die again.

At the same time, two gunshots rang out, and Huang Quan's team members hiding in the dark shot in time, and they all hit Fang Luoqing's body.

Immediately after the gunshot, two rapid plum-blossom darts flew out of the rain and precisely hit the shooter in the window.

The latter fell to the ground.

Although passing by said it was useless, he had already followed and kept hiding in the dark.

But there is no way, there are too many people on the opposite side, and they are well hidden. They can't lock their positions without shooting.

And when they are exposed, only one can be lost in seconds.

Fang Luoqing and the shooter fell to each other, and the rest of Huang Quan all showed up and surrounded him.

4 to 1.

Passing by just now has accomplished this feat.

But this time it was Huang Quan's 4v1, he really had no chance at all.

Therefore, when the passer-by ID appeared in the system prompt, the second rainy night lost on the map, won with 7 kills in Huangquan, and finally came to an end.

Taking off the USB, passing by with a sullen expression on his face, just about to complain, but Ding Wen's hand was already on his shoulder.

When he looked up, Ding Wen was smiling all over his face: "It's okay, I'll come back later. There is another point I want to tell you."

Passing by was a little dazed: "What?"

Ding Wen: "Our score... is higher than Huang Quan's!"

Passing by's complexion changed instantly, and then he was overjoyed: "Really?"

Ding Wen: "Nonsense, otherwise I could still laugh."

Ding Wen blew a loss for the first time, and Huang Quan won the first place in the second game, but the final result was not so disappointing.

Huang Quan scored 1700 points for the first plus elimination, while Qi Qi ranked 700, plus 14 eliminations, the total score is 2100 points, which is 400 points more than Huang Quan!
Huang Quan got what they wanted, and so did Ding Wen.

Although if it wasn't for the Bianhua, they would have eliminated the number one by more than 20 points, but Ding Wen has never been a greedy person. 2100 points are more than the total score of the number one, and he is already very satisfied.

Looking at the competition area on Huangquan's side from a distance, Ding Wen could see that everyone in Huangquan was happy, talking and laughing, but when they saw the scores on the screen, their joyful expressions were replaced by shock.

Among these people, only Bi'anhua's expression did not change, and she was still happy.

It might be a woman's sixth sense, she seemed to have sensed something, stood up with a smile, and looked at Ding Wen over here.

Then, Ding Wen seemed to see her say two words.

Guessing through the mouth shape, these two words should be 'again'.

She has tasted the sweetness, and she even wants to repeat this plot, and be a 'neighbor' with Qiqi again.

Ding Wen's face finally changed. He shook his head with a dark face, and replied three words very unhappy.

"not coming."

(End of this chapter)

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