I can see the finals

Chapter 114 Horror Game (1)

Chapter 114 Horror Game ([-])

[Survivor] The most bizarre game in history appeared. Whether it is PGL or PGK, there has never been a finals battle like today.

Of course, it cannot be said to be a battle.

After all, even if there is, the audience can't see it.

Main point of view, combat point of view, other points of view, whatever it is, all points of view are pitch black.

People seem to be watching a black-screen TV with only sound but no picture, except for the walking and crawling sounds of the remaining players on the field, and then there is nothing else.

The two commentators seem to have never encountered such a situation. Although there was a final round of the Mausoleum of Deimos in a large-scale competition a long time ago, that game ended in the tomb, and the winner was already divided. Unlike In today's game, two lone wolves entered the hole, and the dominant side had to follow in.

So how to explain it?
this is a problem.

Yi Yan and Muzi couldn't help feeling embarrassed, and after a moment of silence, Yi Yan said, "Okay, what we're watching now is from the perspective of Happy Lin Xingjiao, a bandit, um... where is he now?"

Muzi smiled wryly: "This...I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know."


"Don't scatter, keep climbing forward!"

In the game, the old man in the green forest, the commander of Happy Forest, said in the dark: "Even if we can't find them, we must keep our personnel concentrated. Don't be afraid, we can't see them, and the two lone wolves will definitely not see them either. If you can't rely on fighting To solve the game, then we will compare their numbers and luck with them, and see who will be killed by the monsters behind!"

The King of the Mountain had some doubts: "Can't you really see it? We all remembered the information about Qiqi Lone Wolf wrongly before, but we can't be more wrong. You must have heard the news about his murder just now. How do I feel..."

Green Forest Old Man: "What do you feel?"

King of the Mountain: "He seems to have a special method that can provide certain vision."

The old man in the green forest said decisively: "Impossible, there is no such item in the game, what does he think?"

King of the Mountain: "Then how did he kill people with his fists?"

The old man in the green forest hesitated, and then said: "I'm still thinking that there may be other reasons for killing people, but it definitely won't be due to eyes."

He is right, the game setting is here, the Mayan map does not brush props that provide lighting, and among the 24 basic occupations, there is no occupation with such functions.

So the only reliable guess is probably——


The old man in the green forest took a long breath: "There is only one explanation, which is the most reasonable explanation."

Speaking of it, listening to the voice to find someone is not a particularly exaggerated operation, it is the most basic, and even professional players can do it.

Speaking of this, the tense heart of the old man in the green forest relaxed a little: "Brothers, put your ears up and listen carefully! If there is any movement, we will chase after it immediately!"

Their current hole is big, tall and wide, and they can walk. Although they can't see the things next to them clearly, it doesn't affect their walking. Just be careful and walk slowly.

Walking at the forefront of the team was the King of the Mountain, and the old man from the green forest also specially reminded him: "When the road ahead is impassable, you should explore the side and try to find a big hole to go."

King Shan nodded: "Yes, I know."

After walking in the dark for a while, it went smoothly at first, and the king of the mountain explored a few big holes, but after all, the number of holes of this kind is not as large as that of the other, so the king of the mountain stopped when he walked.

This stop lasted ten seconds.

He has a problem.

And ten seconds...it is very precious in the finals.

The roar of the monster behind was getting closer and closer, as if it was close at hand, and it was about to catch up with them.

The situation was urgent, and the old man in the green forest immediately asked: "What's wrong? There is no way?"

The King of the Mountain, who has not found a suitable hole, is naturally very anxious. He fidgeted around with his hands and tried one by one, but the final answer was very helpless: "It's all small holes, we have to go on our stomachs."


If it wasn't for being forced to help, none of the five would be willing to enter this kind of hole.

The wandering thief slammed the dirt wall beside him: "Where did those two lone wolves go? Why is there no movement at all!"

The old man in the green forest: "Who knows, there are so few of them, it's really easy to hide, as long as we just find a hole and squat, we won't hear anything."

After finishing speaking, he didn't waste too much time, and hurriedly added: "There is no way, I can only go in, the monster behind is coming soon."

King of the Mountain: "That..."

Old man in the green forest: "You say."

King of the Mountain: "Since our purpose has become to avoid monsters instead of looking for lone wolves, I think we are too concentrated...isn't it good?"

The current situation is to compare who can live longer, and will not be the first to be chased and killed by monsters.

There are five in Happy Forest, and there are two Lone Wolves on the opposite side. They have an advantage over Gouhuo, and there are more people.If they were dispersed, someone would be luckier, and the monster could never find him.

Concentrate on the march, the purpose is to kill the remaining two lone wolves, and will not be overshadowed because they are alone.

Marching separately, the purpose is to avoid monsters, who will die first with the lone wolf, and the risk naturally comes from the latter's ambush in the dark.

As the conductor, the old man from the green forest couldn't make up his mind on how to choose between the two, and was very hesitant.

In addition to hesitating, he also held back his anger.

It was originally a game that was sure to win, but who knew that it would develop into this now. The fighting game has suddenly turned into... a hide-and-seek game.

How does this allow him to choose.

It seems that both options work, but they don't work, neither of which is 100% sure.

In the end, under all kinds of entanglements, the old man in the green forest could only make a compromise choice.

"Let's go together first, and when the monsters behind are very, very close, we will separate!"

"Okay, that's a good idea." The other team members agreed without any objection.

So the king of the mountain picked a hole at random, reported the direction and location, and the four people followed in turn.

Seven seconds later.

The King of the Mountain stopped again.

"what happened again?"

Stuck in the narrow hole and unable to stand up, the mentality of several team members has gradually developed into a manic state.

The old man in the green forest held back anyway, and asked in a calm tone as much as possible: "Is it the end?"

"It's not over, I..." Shan Dawang faced down, straightened his body up, leaving a small space for his chest, and then touched it with his hand: "I seem to have pressed something, and the system prompts that I am in a state of bleeding."

After touching the hard object inserted into his chest, he immediately said, "It's a ground thorn, Qi Qi's trap."

"Earth thorns?" The old man Lin Lu frowned, but quickly stretched them out: "I remember that thing has three points of damage, it's not a big problem, he should be next to—"

"Hush, don't talk!" The thieves suddenly said anxiously: "There is movement! There seems to be someone in the cave next to me!"

The team voice and the public voice were disconnected. The reason why he made the other teammates quiet was mainly to listen to the subtle sound and see if he heard it wrong.

The four of them understood, and instantly quieted down, and then pricked up their ears.

But they didn't hear anything about the 'movement' in the mouth of the thieves.

"Leave or?"

Several people raised questions unconsciously.

"Depend on!"

At this moment, the pedestrian thief suddenly cursed, and then there was a clear and clear sound of a knife coming from his voice.

"He's pulling my arm!"

 Thank you for the 2000 tip that I hate being lonely but I can’t get rid of it, and thank you for the 001 tip from Crazy Blood 1000, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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