dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 70 Chapter Earth

Chapter 70 Return to Earth Again
In a blink of an eye, Luo Lan took Taisi to several planets and witnessed the features of different planets. This series of trips finally greatly satisfied the blonde beauty's curiosity about the outside world.

On this day, Luo Lan brought Taisi back to Earth.

"I've already visited the outer planets. From now on, just stay on the earth and don't think about going outside." After Luo Lan let go of Taisi, she educated her.

Taisi let out a "puchi" laugh, stretched out her hand to brush her hair, bent down and said, "Little Brother Luo Lan, I'm older than you, don't make me look like you are my brother."

"It's really bigger." Luo Lan looked up at Taisi's body, thoughtfully.

Taisi hit Luo Lan on the head with a "slap", she covered her chest with both hands, and said angrily, "I didn't expect you to be like this Luo Lan, it seems that I have to be more careful with you in the future." Although he is only a nine-year-old child and his body is very young, for some reason Taisi feels that he does not look like a child at all.

Is it because Saiyans are particularly precocious?

This may be the case. According to Jak, the Saiyans will be sent out to conquer the planet when they are young children, and they must be different from ordinary children on the earth.

You can't treat Luo Lan like a child in the future.

Feeling embarrassed to speculate on Luo Lan's thoughts, Taisi asked Luo Lan to come to her house as a guest, Luo Lan thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.So they set off towards the western capital, and soon arrived at their destination.

In front of Taisi's house, this lively woman was chattering like a lark again.

"Luo Lan, you must stay at my house for a few more days, my parents will be very happy to see you."

Luo Lan nodded with a smile, and the two walked into the villa compound together.

"Ah, Tais is back, and she brought a little boy with her. It seems that you really like young boys." The old and disrespectful Dr. Breaves watered his yard with a hose, and saw Taisi and Luo Lan came in and couldn't help joking.

"Dad, he's Luo Lan!" Taisi yelled at Dr. Breaves.

"Hey, it's really Luo Lan. It hasn't changed at all for so many years. I thought you came back with other boys!" Dr. Breaves adjusted his glasses, and was surprised to find that Luo Lan hadn't changed in four years. Time didn't grow up at all.

Taisi snorted coldly, what does it mean to bring other boys back? Is she such a casual person?Glancing at Luo Lan, seeing that he didn't feel unhappy about it, he nodded slightly and took his hand, "Luo Lan, ignore my father, I'll take you around the villa."

Luo Lan nodded, motioned to Dr. Breaves, and walked in with Taisi.

"Taisi is 20 years old and hasn't had a boyfriend yet. Should I hurry it up? Forget it, if she really likes a little boy, let her choose!" Brives looked at the big boy. The back view of the daughter and Luo Lan laughed a little, and continued to water the plants in the yard with the water pipe.

If Taisi knew that her father was arranging her like this behind her back, she didn't know how she would feel, and she might be so angry that she picked up a hammer and smashed her father's laboratory.

This is the second time for Luo Lan to come to Tais' home. Because of the experience of living there last time, Luo Lan is quite familiar with Cheng She here. She was taken into her studio for a tour.

"This is where I specialize in writing, and people don't usually come in."

"I should feel honored." Luo Lan said with a smile.

"Of course, after all, you are going to be the male lead in my next book." Taisi smiled, her golden hair falling down her shoulders and falling on the crimson coat.

As soon as she entered the studio, Taisi talked endlessly about her creative ideas for the next book. Luo Lan listened with a smile and made some comments on her setting from time to time. A few hours passed quickly.At this time, night fell outside, the lights of the city began to light up, and the bustling western capital soon fell into colorful neon lights.

During dinner, Luo Lan saw Tais's mother, Mrs. Breaves, and her younger sister, Bulma.

Taisi's family is very good-looking, and the eight-year-old Bulma has already begun to show the potential of being a beauty. At this time, this cute little girl is looking at Luo Lan with blinking eyes, and seems to have forgotten who he is.

Mrs. Brives was even more monstrous. She asked which of her daughters Luo Lan had taken a fancy to, and said that as long as she dated her, she would marry her to him, and Dr. Breaves was even worse. They were not angry at all, and they joked together.In the end, amid Taisy's dissatisfied roar, the farce was finally over.

Dr. Breaves and Mrs. Breaves are so funny, maybe that's how they live!

Thinking silently in her heart, Luo Lan smiled and said to Taisi: "What do you think of their proposal?"


"Marry me in the future!" Luo Lan half-jokingly said.

Taisi's expression was startled, she didn't expect Luo Lan to ask her like this, she fell into thinking for a while, but after she realized that she saw Luo Lan's playful eyes, she knew that she had been tricked, so she pinched his arm hard , shouted: "You also boo with them!"

"Just talking casually." Luo Lan shrugged and said.

At this time, Taisi's younger sister Bulma cast a wary look at Luo Lan, "Hey~~ I want to stay away from you." After speaking, she jumped off her seat and ran towards the research room.

"Look, Bulma looks down on you."

Luo Lan said indifferently: "I'm not interested in brats."

"..." Taisi suddenly opened her eyes wide.


The next morning.

The sky was clear and cloudless.

After Luo Lan got up, he exercised in the yard for a while, and after talking to Taisi and the others, he headed towards Kailin Tower.After four years, Mao Xianren should have planted several batches of fairy beans.

Returning to Earth this time, Luo Lan certainly won't let go of the celestial beans there.

Frankly speaking, in recent years, Luo Lan's consumption of celestial beans has been intense. The more than 1 celestial beans he snatched from the cat fairy back then were used up thousands of celestial beans when he was looking for the wandering Saiyans. A little more was consumed in the gravity room, and now he only has [-] celestial beans in his hand.

These numbers seem to be a lot, but in fact they cannot withstand his massive consumption!
Of course, simply grabbing the fairy beans from the cat fairy is not enough, there is not enough motivation to promote it, and the cat fairy can't grow many fairy beans in a year, so Luo Lan plans to meet the cat fairy besides going to see it. God in the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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