dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 22 Seven Dragon Balls

Chapter 22 Seven Dragon Balls
The scorching sun, the scorching sun is like a fire, and the hot earth is under the desperate scorching like a stove.

There is not a single bit of moisture in the atmosphere, and even the wind that blows over is indescribably hot.

This is a desert located in the tropics. There are no traces of modernization here. It is similar to the Western Capital. It seems that the civilization here is not yet civilized. All the people are wrapped in gauze to block their skin tightly. , Only people hiding in the shade dare to show their skin.

Sweat dripped from her cheeks, and Taisi followed behind panting while supporting a wooden stick. She glanced at the hot sun in the sky, and suddenly felt dizzy in her head.

"I can't, I can't walk anymore." Taisi called softly, and she squatted on the ground so tired that the veil covering her cheeks fell off, revealing a sweet face.

"You are the one who will follow."

Luo Lan stopped, and helped Taisi to a cool corner. The breeze was blowing, and then she felt a little bit of coolness. Gulugulu poured cold water on her head, and Taisi let out a "babble" and recovered. She got a little airy, "You treat everyone as strong as a monster like you, my sister is a girl."

"Too weak, Saiyan women are not as delicate as you." Luo Lan handed her a fan.

Taisi gave him an annoyed look, took the fan and kept fanning it, wiping the sweat from her cheeks, worried that her skin would be sunburned.

"How far are we from the next Dragon Ball?"

"About three kilometers away." Taking out the Dragon Ball radar and looking at it, Luo Lan roughly estimated that there were five shining light spots in the center of the radar, and there was another shining signal three kilometers away from them. .

"It's still so far away, I can't bear it."

"I'll go get the dragon ball back alone." Luo Lan said.

Taisi quickly shook her head and said: "No, we agreed to travel together, how can we leave me alone, well, this is also a challenge, and I will work hard to overcome it."

Seeing Taisi staggering and pretending to be strong, Luo Lan felt a little funny, but it didn't hurt her self-confidence.

"Forget it, wait until evening to find the dragon ball." Luo Lan said flatly, looking at the vicious sun.

Taisi pulled back her hair, sticking out her tongue embarrassingly: "I'm so sorry."

Luo Lan shook his head, and transformed a hut out of the universal capsule on a flat place: "Come in and cool off."

"Hee hee." The girl chuckled softly, and after entering the room, she ran directly to the bathroom, took a cold shower, and then came out with cool clothes, poured the five dragon balls in her backpack on the table, play with it.

Clinking, the five orange-red beads rolled together, and when they collided, they shone with golden light, accompanied by a humming sound.

These five dragon balls are what they have harvested in the past few days.

Two weeks ago, Luo Lan and Taisi started looking for the Dragon Ball. The first stop was the Guixianwu located outside the eastern sea area, which was the place where the Guixian lived.

Gui Xianren is known as the "God of Martial Arts". Although he is an experienced martial arts master, he is naturally lustful. In the original book, Bulma even lifted up his skirt to seduce him in order to get his dragon ball. This time Luo Lan accompanied him. , naturally won't let Gui Xianren take advantage of it.After landing on the island, he directly found the Guixian who was enjoying the shade under the big tree. Without saying a word, he stabbed the turtle's neck with a hand knife. The old man was knocked unconscious by Luo Lan before he even understood what happened.

When he woke up, Luo Lan had already fled away with his three-star ball. Gui Xianren woke up and felt pain in his neck. He thought he had a stiff neck while sleeping, and he didn't know what happened.

It wasn't until night that Guixian realized that the crystal ball that had been hanging around his neck had disappeared, and there was only a hemp rope hanging around his neck.

Luo Lan and Taisi, who successfully got the Dragon Ball from Gui Xianren, continued to embark on the journey to find the Dragon Ball. The two traveled around the world in a jeep or a yacht...

In just two weeks, they had collected five dragon balls, and the sixth dragon ball was in sight.

Because of Luo Lan's participation, there was no danger along the way, so all the enemies encountered were fatally hit by Luo Lan, but Taisi really felt the charm of martial arts. , carefully record all experiences as materials for future works.


In the evening, the sky gradually dimmed, and the afterglow of the sun disappeared on the horizon, leaving only a fiery red in the sky, which echoed the gray-blue night in the distance.

As the sun went down, the vicious climax receded a little bit, and finally Taisi could go outside without wearing a veil. The two followed the location indicated by the Dragon Ball radar to the tidal flat three kilometers away.Flying sand flows here, and there is no vegetation. The exposed rocks have been weathered under the perennial wind and sand erosion. The surface is covered with fragmentary cracks, and stones will peel off when touched by hands.

"According to the display on the radar, the sixth dragon ball is nearby, but here is all yellow sand. The dragon ball must have been buried in the ground, right?" Taisi put her hands on her forehead and looked into the distance. , The goal is a desolate scene.

Luo Lan glanced at the Dragon Ball radar, adjusted the radar to stereo mode, and the display screen changed, and soon showed the position of Dragon Ball from the ground, which was about five meters deep underground.

"Find a place to hide." Luo Lan's body floated up, and a dark blue energy ball condensed in Luo Lan's hand.

Seeing this, Taisi hurriedly ran towards the raised ledge in the distance, and then hid carefully.Taisi, who had a similar experience, has seen the power of energy bombs. Such a small energy ball is enough to level a mountain.

"I've hid already, let's start." Taisi yelled at Luo Lan, clutching the rocks of the ledge tightly with both hands.

Luo Lan stared calmly at the sandy ground below, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and an energy bomb the size of a ping-pong ball was thrown towards the ground.There was a loud bang, as if hit by the power of a missile in an instant, the yellow sand splashed up, and the billowing air waves spread in all directions. In the yellow sand all over the sky, a glass ball the size of a fist splashed out of the yellow sand shining brightly.

found it!
A light flashed in his eyes, and Luo Lan's figure moved quickly, grabbing the flying dragon ball in his hand.

"One planet!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Luo Lan's face, and he handed the Dragon Ball to Taisi for safekeeping.

Taisi held the Dragon Ball with great interest, as if she couldn't put it down like a beloved object, and now there is only the last Dragon Ball left.


A few days later, Luo Lan found the last dragon ball in a lush bush more than 200 kilometers away from the sixth dragon ball.

Taking out the seven dragon balls and placing them on the ground, the seven dragon balls shone with golden light when they touched each other, and every time they flickered, they made a soft moan sound like a dragon.

"Buzz, hum, hum!"

The seven dragon balls flickered and flickered regularly.

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(End of this chapter)

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