dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 1: Saiyans from the dead to the living

Chapter 1: Saiyans who came back from the dead
"Therapy Officer Horn, this kid's vital signs are constantly declining, and I'm afraid he won't be able to last long without treatment. Hurry up and prepare recovery fluid and nutrient fluid, at least to keep this kid alive... Sigh, the cost is too much It has to be counted in the expenses of the training group."

"How did you get hurt like this? It looks like a little guy who just joined the training group."

"Who says it's not? It's really bad luck to do this for the first time in field training. Forget it, save this guy if you can. If you can't save it, forget it. I'll report to Master Parapi."

"Hey, don't worry, you know the level of our treatment center, many newborns are raised here."

"All right, all right, who doesn't know that all your services here are clearly priced."

"By the way, don't use too good a recovery fluid. The funds for the training group are tight recently."


This is the scene that happened in the treatment center. The Yugal star Horn sent away the Saiyan leader of the training group with a smile on his face, and looked back at the Saiyan child who was no longer in human form. He looked about three years old and had a body Very emaciated, probably malnourished.

"The vitality of the Saiyan is really tenacious, and they are still alive after suffering such serious injuries."

"Hey, so I'm a fighting nation. If I had the physique of a Saiyan, I would have become a powerful fighter long ago, and I wouldn't be a treatment officer in this treatment center." Huo Enna, a Ugal star Checking the injured child with the instrument, the octopus-like head kept shaking his head.

"The internal organs were severely compressed, there were multiple hemorrhages in the body, as many as 16 bone fractures, and the most serious trauma was on the head. There is little hope of resuscitation."

"Call up this little guy's information."

With a beep, the computer system connected to the energy detector next to the child's ear and called up the database inside.Soon, information about this young Saiyan was projected in midair.

Name: Luo Lan

Parents: Tarrence (Killed), Alicia (Killed)

Qualification: Intermediate

Combat Strength: 134
"I'm still a mid-level fighter. If it wasn't for the death of my parents, I wouldn't have sent him to the training group." Picking up the seriously injured Saiyan toddler, the Yugal star put him into a transparent treatment cabin with the help of his assistants. Then inject green recovery fluid into it.

The quality of this recovery fluid is average, but it is cheap.

According to the instructions of the head of the training group, don’t use too good recovery fluid, because the funds are insufficient. In fact, the training group will not take good care of this kind of Saiyan whose parents died unless they are talented. They will directly assign tasks to them and send out Star Vegeta.

To put it bluntly, the training group is a place for concentrated training for some Saiyan orphans, and it is enough to teach them basic survival skills and fighting methods.

They will put the children directly into the very dangerous wilderness, and let them fight alone with the beasts in the jungle. The training method can be described as very cruel.Planet Vegeta is a high-level planet. Although the Saiyans occupy the absolute dominance of it, there are still very fierce beasts in the wilderness.

The casualty rate of this training can be imagined.

Therefore, as long as there are Saiyans whose parents are still alive, their parents would rather train their children themselves than send their children to a training group.


at night.

Luo Lan was still soaking in the recovery solution, when suddenly a series of bubbles appeared in the green solution. The monitoring system found that there were obvious abnormalities in various indicators of the individual, and the warning alarm sounded "beep beep beep".

"what happened?"

Horn, the Yugal star, and his assistant rushed over and saw the various data on the monitor—although the body had been repaired, the brain wave display had become a straight line.

"Let's dispose of it, this guy is hopeless, stop the injection of the recovery fluid, and take out the solution inside for secondary recovery."

"Who's going to dispose of his body?"

The treatment center often encounters Saiyans who died due to treatment failure. Their bodies are usually claimed by relatives or friends, but for some orphans who died, they are directly handled by the treatment center, usually burned on the spot, or by a specialized The disposal robot finds a place to bury it.

After writing the death certificate and signing a letter on it, the Yugal star called to deal with the robot.

The handling robot directly packed "Luo Lan" and transported it to a small forest more than 100 kilometers away. Then he dug a hole, threw the body inside, and buried it again.

After dealing with all this, the processing robot ran a few laps on the spot, and the crawler-type rollers tamped the soil for a while, then reported that the task was completed, and drove back to the treatment center.

The sky is dim, the moon and stars are sparse, and the hazy starlight dots the sky.

Just where the bodies were submerged, a miraculous scene was happening.

Luo Lan didn't know how long he had been in a coma. When he regained consciousness, a stabbing pain from the depths of his soul kept tormenting him.

His body was so heavy that he couldn't open his eyelids even with all his strength.

This was a huge torture. In a trance, Luo Lan felt a huge light in front of his eyes.

After struggling for a long time, he finally opened his eyes.

The smell of earth in my nostrils, wait, I'm buried in the ground?Luo Lan woke up suddenly, and bared her teeth. The severe pain made Luo Lan's complexion turn pale, and beads of sweat immediately flowed down.

Luo Lan struggled to get up from the mud, because of the injuries on his body, he exerted tremendous physical strength every time he moved.

After crawling out of the ground, Luo Lan panted heavily, breathing in the fresh air in the air, his lungs seemed to be moistened, and his body was filled with vitality.

where am i?

Luo Lan's head was still dazed, and a series of memories flooded out in the next second. With a loud scream, Luo Lan accepted the body's memories.

After receiving the memory, an incredible light shone in his immature eyes.

"This is Planet Vegeta, and I have turned into a Saiyan child, and I have already died once!"

Luo Lan was full of surprise. He didn't expect that he would come to the world of Dragon Ball after sleeping. According to the memory of this body, his name was Luo Lan. Asian people.

The parents of this body died in battle a year ago because of their mission. Although they received a pension later, all the pension has been used to pay for the high cost of the child's nutrient solution.

On Planet Vegeta, newborn Saiyans will be soaked in nutrient solution for three years after they are born. These three years are mainly to enhance the physical fitness of young children and stimulate their greater potential.

Because Luo Lan's parents passed away early, the quality of the nutrient solution in the later stage was not good. Compared with the Saiyans of the same period, it was a bit "not acquired".

What a shame!

Luo Lan pulled up the weeds on the ground.

Compared with the Saiyans of the same period, he seems to be naturally weaker.

Even "dead" digging a hole is so perfunctory.

Calm down, even though he is not an advanced fighter, he is an intermediate fighter anyway, um, in fact, an intermediate fighter is not bad!
Luo Lan comforted himself, he should feel lucky compared to transmigrating into an Earthling, if it's an Earthling's start, it's called Hell Mode.

I have died once. According to the characteristics of Saiyans becoming stronger after dying, my strength should be able to increase a bit.Thinking about it this way feels flattering.

Wait, now is not the time to think about this.

If this is Planet Vegeta, we must first figure out how many years are left before the start of the plot. Don't mess with Planet Vegeta, which is about to be destroyed.

A strong sense of urgency suddenly arose in Luo Lan's heart. Having died once, he didn't want to die a second time.

 This book is set according to Akira Toriyama's comics. Monkey King soaked in nutrient solution for three years before being sent away.

(End of this chapter)

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