Chapter 400 Jet Pills
Stanley Prison, Staff Cafeteria.

"Prisoner, this is prisoner Lin Dayue's meal." Two prison guards walked into the restaurant.

The old jailer looked up at his subordinates: "Have you two tried it?"

"I've eaten it, there's definitely no problem this time." The two prison guards said with great certainty.

'Ding--!Congratulations on triggering the new skill: use poison, the first-order poison skill.Skill code, jet machine. '

Li Er: "????"

When Li Er was stunned, his hand holding the vegetables stopped.

"Li sir, what's the problem?" The warden found that something was wrong with Li Er and asked quickly.

"It's alright!" Li Er shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Your prison staff's food is really average, not to mention big fish and big meat, at least put a little more oil and more chili!"

"It's not too bad." The old warden said bitterly: "The Correctional Services Department only allocates so much to our prison each year, and people often complain that the staff meals of our prison guards are much better than that of the prisoners, which will cause resistance from the prisoners. mood."

"Uh-! This clear soup and Baishui's food, are you in jail, or are the people in it going to jail!" Li Er shook his head and said speechless. He used to watch prison movies, and always felt that being a prison guard was bad.

"Hey! It's almost there! It's nothing more than that we receive wages, and the prisoners don't have to worry if they don't receive wages." The warden said indifferently, this old guy is about to retire, and it really doesn't matter.

After Li Er finished eating, he found a place where no one was around, and quickly called up the system to check this so-called new skill. It turned out to be just using laxatives. What's the use? , at least you don't need to bring your keys when you go out.

Fortunately, it only takes [-] experience points to exchange a first-order laxative. Li Er has not used the system for a long time, and now his experience value reserves are as reassuring as those of Zhongli Grain, so he exchanged one easily.

'Exchange successful'.

Li Er looked at his empty hands.

What about laxatives?Was it eaten by a dog?
"Wow!" A big wolf dog just barked at Li Er through the iron fence.

Li Er opened the system again, and it did show that the exchange was successful.

"." Li Er turned over his trouser pockets, jacket pockets, jacket lining pockets, er, there was no 'spray pills' as the system said.

"Li sir, is there anything you can do for me?" a voice asked flatteringly.

Li Er turned his head, it was Yang Xiong, nicknamed 'The Killer Xiong', from the Indoctrination Section of Stanley Prison.

Although Killer Xiong is a well-known black-faced god in the prison, he did not dare to be slighted in the face of Li Sir, a popular man in the police circle, especially after he saw Ma Jun put down all the thorns in the prison with his own eyes. , but only for the sake of looking up to Mr. Li.

"It's okay, you raised this dog?" Li Er asked casually, looking at the wolf dog who was eating.

"Yeah! It's called Tony. It's been raised for five years and has helped to catch escaped prisoners twice." Killer Xiong said proudly.

Li Er nodded: "It's a good dog."

Li Er had already found out where the 'spray pills' redeemed by the system were, it was his core mustard seed space.

Killer Xiong was about to give Li Er a cigarette when he suddenly realized that something was wrong with his Good dog.

"Tony, Tony, what's wrong with you!" Killer Xiong hurriedly opened the iron fence.

The killer's Tony was constantly diarrhoea, and in such a short time, he was sitting on the ground and couldn't stand up.

Li Er was speechless when he saw it, and he secretly thought that it would not be a 'jet machine', it was awesome.

"Bastard, what did you guys feed my Tony!" After Li Er pinched his nose and walked away, he could still hear Killer Xiong roaring at his subordinates.

Of course, Li Er did this. Li Er's use of the mustard seed space is definitely innovative and unique. This guy opened an invisible space hole in Tony's dog basin, and the 'spray pill' was projected into the dog without knowing it. inside the basin.

Li Er was so happy that he exchanged ten more 'spray pills' to prepare, with high experience value, which is self-willed.

Under the leadership of Cao Dahua, the Wanchai Crime Squad quickly arrived at Stanley Prison.

"Sir Li, have you also come from the Tsim Sha Tsui Serious Crime Unit?" Cao Dahua waved and smiled when he saw Li Er from a distance.

"Uh-! Two people are here." Li Er nodded casually to Cao Dahua, then looked up at the group behind Cao Dahua: "Cao Sir is well prepared! It seems that this time is foolproof."

"Hahaha! It's easy to talk about it!" Cao Dahua laughed and said, "Then how will this operation be divided, and who else will be the commander in chief?"

After the warden heard Cao Dahua's words, he gave Li Er a worried look.

Cao Dahua's meaning is already obvious. He wants to be the commander-in-chief of this operation. This guy brings a lot of support. In theory, he should be the commander. However, Li Er is also notoriously strong. Chang was worried that the two of them would make trouble.

"I don't care! Warden, this is your territory, you have the final say." Li Er kicked the ball to the warden elder.

"Ah—! Well, then, let me plan the division of labor for this operation!" The warden said bluntly.

"Okay! Then you divide the labor!" Cao Dahua said unhappily.

There is a reason why Cao Dahua is so confident. This guy brought up Miao Zhishun, who was kicked into the traffic team. Miao Zhishun can rush forward if something happens, and Miao Zhishun can take the blame when something happens. Cao Dahua has nothing to lose. .

"Hello Li sir! I heard that the first wave of killers has just arrived." Fang Jiexia, who was behind Cao Dahua, asked Li Er in a low voice.

"The information is quite well-informed!" Li Er squinted at Fang Jiexia.

"I want to check the background of the two killers." Fang Jiexia said immediately.

"Okay, anyway, we don't have enough staff in Tsim Sha Tsui for serious crimes. Let your Wan Chai crime team be responsible for these chores!" Li Er shrugged and said.

"Okay! Thank you, Sir Li." Fang Jiexia's eyes lit up, of course she understood that this was no chore.

But Cao Dahua didn't understand, this guy felt that Fang Jiexia made their Wanchai crime team show weakness in front of Li Er, and glared at Fang Jiexia.

Fang Jiexia shook her head secretly and continued to instruct the Wanchai Crime Squad to investigate the killer killed by Li Er.

"Li sir!" Miao Zhishun greeted him awkwardly when he saw Li Er walking towards him.

"I heard that my subordinates have troubled you?" Li Er smiled and patted Miao Zhishun on the shoulder.

People like Miao Zhishun are not strong enough in will, and are easily influenced by others to be emotional.

"No, no! I accidentally caused trouble for Sir Li's subordinates." Miao Zhishun said quickly.

Li Er nodded.

Miao Zhishun took a quick look at Cao Dahua, and found that Cao Dahua was talking to the warden with his stomach full of anger, and he didn't notice his side.

He hurriedly said to Li Er: "Li sir, the case that your Tsim Sha Tsui serious crime team is investigating has nothing to do with me. Your investigation is in the wrong direction. I have already found another gun expert who can hit double-hit. ."

"Oh! Who is it?" Li Er asked with a smile.

Miao Zhishun nodded solemnly: "Peng Yixing!"

Li Er's face turned cold: "Don't you know that Peng Yixing is my friend?"

"I know!" Miao Zhishun quickly replied: "So I said that the direction of the investigation may be wrong, and the killer may also be a foreign gun expert. Whoever has good marksmanship cannot be suspected."

Li Er nodded in agreement.

"Boom bang—!"

Suddenly two bullets flew over Li Er's head.

Li Er's face turned green, and he turned to look in the direction of the bullet.

(End of this chapter)

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