What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in?.

Chapter 374 Li 2 is going green.

Chapter 374 Li Er is going green.


"Um--!" Tang Judy responded, looking at Li Er suspiciously.

Li Er shook his head and told Tang Judy not to make a sound.

"Judy, do we have no room for remedy?" Cheng Wenjing said after a long time.

"What do you think? You killed my husband!" Tang Judi hummed angrily regardless of Li Er's eyes.

Li Er patted his forehead with a headache, a strong woman who is too assertive is really terrible.

Cheng Wenjing was silent again.

"Is it because Li Er is obstructing it?" Just when Tang Zhudi thought Cheng Wenjing had hung up the phone, Cheng Wenjing asked again.

Li Er hurriedly covered Tang Judi's mouth and made a quick gesture: 'Say yes! '

"It's none of his business, I fell in love with him myself. Who told him to look like my husband and his physical strength is better than my husband." Tang Judy said with great satisfaction.

"." Li Er's face was embarrassed, I asked you to repeat my words, but I didn't let you surpass it!Moreover, his family knows his family affairs, and Li sir is very explosive, but his physical strength is not that good.

"it is good!"

Cheng Wenjing only said the word 'good' and hung up the phone, but whether it was Li Er or Tang Zhudi, you could hear the hatred in Cheng Wenjing's tone.

"How's it going? I'm doing well!" Tang Judi shrugged at Li Er proudly: "Fortunately, I don't go to the acting, otherwise, the actress or something will not come easily."

Li Er silently gave a thumbs up, which was all right.

"It's Cheng Wenjing again!" Tang Judy's phone rang again.

Li Er gave Tang Zhudi a strange look. Tang Zhudi clearly hadn't checked the caller ID on the mobile phone. How did she know that it was Cheng Wenjing who called.

Tang Zhudi noticed Li Er's eyes and said with a pouting: "Only Cheng Wenjing knows my phone number."

"Be careful Lin Dayue!"

After Tang Judi got on the phone, Cheng Wenjing just said one sentence and hung up the phone.

"Lin Dayue? This man has a pig's head and a pig's brain. He shouldn't have the guts to provoke my husband!" Tang Zhudi turned to Li Er and said.

"The word pig head and pig brain is used well!" Li Er couldn't help but praise Tang Judi again.

'But is Wang Wanwan really that powerful?A business boss like Lin Dayue dare not deal with him? ' Li Er expressed doubts.

"Judging from Cheng Wenjing's performance, she will not aim at nothing." Li Er said with a cold smile: "Lin Dayue! This guy has a lot of problems!"

"Hey! You really look like a shameless villain in a movie when you laugh." Tang Judi looked at Li Er seriously and smiled.

"." Li Er hurriedly restrained his smile: "Look at you, I am clearly the sunny male protagonist of a youth idol drama."

Tang Judi was speechless for a while, this man was even more narcissistic than his dead ghost husband.

"It's here anyway, why don't you go up and have a look?" Tang Judy pointed to the apartment building and urged: "Frighten your lover, even if you don't buy a gift to compensate, at least go up to explain and show your concern!"

"It's none of your business!" Li Er sneered at Tang Judy curiously: "It looks like you are quite experienced!"

"That's it!" Tang Judi proudly spread her hands and smiled: "There is no way people are attractive, there is no one or two lovers of mine in the [-]th district of Hong Kong Island, why don't you find some time to learn from each other and exchange experience. "

"Uh--!" Sir Li's expression management went out of control instantly, and he didn't know what expression he should use to slap Tang Judy.

Tang Judy was used to taking care of her coquettish purple tie.

"Admiration! It seems that I have to work harder to catch up." Li Er shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Work hard! I'm optimistic about you!" Tang Judi didn't know if she didn't hear the sarcasm in Li Er's tone, and patted Li Er's shoulder very proudly and encouraged.

However, Li Er's sarcasm was untenable. He and Tang Judy were just laughing at a hundred paces.

He Min's house.

Tang Judi looked at He Min from the left, and Serena from the right, with shock and disbelief on her face.

"Li Er, how did you do it?" Tang Judi turned her head to look at Li Er naively: "I thought you were a beautiful woman in the golden house, but you actually hid two of them, and they are both superb, Shuangfei? Wow! It's exciting just thinking about it."

"It's just, how did you make them get along peacefully?" Tang Judi was really about to throw herself on Li Erwu at this time.

"Shut up! If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!" Li Er hurriedly stopped Tang Judy, who was running the train with his mouth full of words.

He Min and Serena also glared at Tang Judy.

"Amin, don't listen to her nonsense, this person's brain is a little different from our normal people." Li Er explained to He Min.

"By the way, what are you two doing with a kitchen knife?" Li Er quickly changed the subject.

"Planning to cut people!" Serena stared fiercely at Tang Judy.

"Cut who?" Tang Judy is definitely a hob meat, she asked Serena with interest.

Serena directly flashed the knife, and Li Er hurriedly grabbed it.

What a joke, it's not fun to use a knife.

"Uh-! Haha!" Li Er smirked awkwardly: "Salena, she's joking with you, she's a bit more funny."

Serena hummed with a sullen face: "I don't like to joke with strangers."

"Let me introduce you, Tang Judy." Li Er said with a haha, "Salena, you should know her, the Wang Group in the real estate industry."

Serena wants to venture into the business circle, and she actively goes into the circle of celebrities and ladies all day long. Although she has never met Tang Judy, she has long heard of Tang Judy's name.

"Ah—! Are you, woman?"

Serena suddenly remembered the rumor in the circle that Judy Tang likes to pretend to be a man.

"Hello, Miss Tang! I'm sorry just now, my name is Serena, the founder and general manager of 'One Burger'." Serena instantly greeted her with a smile.

"Oh—!" Tang Judy nodded and said, "I haven't heard of it!"

Serena suddenly dangled her outstretched right hand in embarrassment.

Tang Judy is not like Serena, she is arrogant and aloof. Although 'One Burger' is very famous in the catering industry, Tang Judy is a real estate owner and really doesn't care about the catering industry.

"Salena, don't pay attention to her, you see she is not dressed as a man or a woman." He Min comforted her, which eased Serena's embarrassment. He Min's first impression of Tang Zhudi was very bad. Especially the pair of eyes of the other party are always wandering in front of his chest.

"Amin, don't say that, Miss Tang is just more free and easy." Serena smiled.

"." He Min glanced at Serena speechlessly: 'I'm helping you. '

"You're wrong, I'm very stingy, not free and easy at all." Tang Judi shook her finger at Serena, then turned her head and smiled at He Min: "You're right, I sometimes It is indeed nondescript, inexplicable, don't take it offense!"

"Ah?" He Min was stunned. This was the second time she heard someone belittle themselves. The first time was Li Er. Li Er often told He Min that he was a useless patrol policeman. He Min almost lost sight of it.

Li Er also looked at Tang Judi with a weird face, what a hell, this woman's wretched smile, Li Er seemed to see a female version of herself.

"Haha! You must be A Min. I often hear Li Er praise you for being beautiful." Tang Judi looked at He Min with bright eyes and smiled: "I always thought he was bragging, but I never thought you were so beautiful. ."

"." Li Er frowned and looked at Tang Judi: 'When the fuck did I say this?And what does this woman want to do, tease my wife, do you have the money? '

He Min heard Tang Zhudi's straightforward compliment, her face flushed slightly, and she looked a little more charming and charming, and Tang Zhudi's eyes brightened.

"I came in a hurry today, I have nothing in my hands, and I didn't bring anything. Fortunately, I just got a bunch of very chic gadgets for you as a gift." Tang Judy said, and took out a small exquisite box from her pocket.

"This—! This is not good!" He Min turned to look at Li Er while rejecting it.

"Don't look at me, she's a prodigal woman, you won't accept it for nothing." Li Er said with great certainty.

"Thanks then!" He Min said with the gift.

"Aren't you going to open it and take a look? This is a bunch of bracelets, I think it suits your temperament very well." Tang Judi said hurriedly and graciously when she saw that He Min was about to put the gift box away.

"Okay!" He Min couldn't refuse, so she had to open the box. She picked up the silver-white bracelet in the box in surprise. Women are creatures. They can roughly know the valuation of a piece of jewelry purely by the feel and appearance. And this bracelet from Tang Judi is set with dozens of large and small diamonds, all fools know that this bracelet must be very precious.

"This is too precious!" He Min liked it, but said to Tang Judi with an embarrassed expression.

"It's not expensive or expensive, things are made for people to use, and I'll put them on for you." Tang Judi said that she had already skillfully put on the bracelet for He Min.

"It's so beautiful!" Tang Judi looked at He Min's hand and admired, the ghost knew whether she was talking about bracelets or people.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Li Er grabbed Tang Zhudi and warned in a low voice.

"What can I do! Pry your corner!" Tang Judy replied earnestly.

"Ah—??" Li Sir suddenly had a toothache. You're a woman, and you still miss Lao Tzu.

(End of this chapter)

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