Chapter 213 The pie in the sky

After the terrorist hijacking case of the Adam Smith International Aristocratic School ended, Li Er returned to the three points and one line to enrich his life.

Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila also joined the serious crime team of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station as they wished, but instructor Hu and others always had a grudge against Zhou Xingxing's use of paprika on toilet paper, so after Ma Jun recovered from his injury and was discharged from the hospital, Li Er immediately found an excuse to kick Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baile out of the serious crime team.

CID department.


"Good morning!"

"Morning brother!"

"Morning!" Zhou Xingxing wore a pair of big sunglasses and returned to his seat coquettishly.

After the CID department was reorganized by Li Er, every policeman also had his own desk. Zhou Xingxing's desk was larger than that of other policemen because he was the team leader.

Although Li Er kicked Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baile out of the serious crime team, he did not continue to delegate to the traffic team. This time he was transferred to the CID department, and Zhou Xingxing was promoted to the team leader as soon as he was transferred, and he was in charge of five people. , one of them is Chen Bai Lak.

This made Zhou Xingxing very happy. It doesn't matter where he works, what matters is that he can get a promotion and a salary increase. He can become the chief superintendent of police, become the chief of police, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life from then on. Think about it It's exciting.

"Hey! It's broad daylight, are you dreaming?" Chen Baile patted Zhou Xingxing's table vigorously and shouted.

Zhou Xingxing gave Chen Baila a hard look, and then remembered that he was wearing sunglasses, as if staring at him was useless, Zhou Xingxing immediately took off his sunglasses, and gave Chen Baila a hard look again.

"Have you forgotten that I am your boss now, believe it or not, I will fire you right now, cut up your raw pork, and sell you to Africa to make ducks." Zhou Xingxing snorted coldly.

Chen Baila: "Uh——!"

"Is it true that you turn your face and deny people?" Chen Baila groaned.

"So what? I don't have the qualifications now? You see, I wear Armani suits now." Zhou Xingxing raised his right hand, showing the brand logo that he was reluctant to cut off from the cuff of his suit, and raised his voice. .

"Okay! Pay it back, pay it back!" Chen Baile picked up a piece of A4 paper and rolled it into a tube, and shouted loudly into Zhou Xingxing's ear.

Zhou Xingxing: "Uh——!"

"Brother Lat, I was just joking. What kind of relationship do we brothers have? One pair of underwear is worn by two people, and two pairs of underwear are worn by four people."

Before Zhou Xingxing finished speaking, Chen Baila interrupted: "Four people wear it? Who are the other two people?"

"I'm just a metaphor. Do you understand the metaphor?" Zhou Xingxing said with a headache. He had just been promoted from a police officer to a police chief the day before yesterday. Lat borrowed some money and promised to pay it back this month.

"So it's a metaphor!" Chen Baila didn't expose Zhou Xingxing, and laughed cheaply pretending not to understand.

"By the way, did you do anything today?" Chen Baila asked.

"Tonight at eleven o'clock, there are only five people in our team. Don't miss me." Zhou Xingxing said quickly. This guy is a new official, and he is very active in his work every day. He has tasks to do. , If there is no task, I will look through the old cases before, and Chen Baile, a lazy guy, will follow suit.

"Gambling? Cutting people's money is like killing their parents, you are a sinner!" Chen Baila criticized Zhou Xingxing righteously.

Zhou Xingxing gave Chen Baila a sideways look.

Chen Baila smiled wretchedly in the next second: "But it's someone else's money that's broken, I like it, hahaha——!"

"It's said that there is a lot of money in the gambling stalls." Chen Baila rubbed his fingers and whispered to Zhou Xingxing: "How to divide first."

"You idiot, damn it, it's too bad. Sao Baxing has come to look at us. I hope I will be lucky today and not be targeted by her." Zhou Xingxing swallowed, and looked away with wandering eyes.

Broomstar is now a discipline inspection investigator of the CID department. Her job is to catch unruly guys like Chen Baile, and then report it to Jian Huizhen for summary. Chen Baile is not afraid of being criticized, but he is afraid of Broomstar. Last week, Chen Baila was called by the mob star for questioning. As a result, he lost seven races in a row, without winning a single one, and fell into a sinkhole when he returned home.

Chen Baila is not afraid of everything, but he has a psychological shadow on Sao Ba Xing. He was not superstitious at first, but now in order to deal with Sao Ba Xing, he specially bought a book of I Ching and Ba Gua to study.

Sao Baxing glanced at Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila, and then turned his gaze elsewhere, but Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila were in a cold sweat.

"Damn, no, safety first, accompany me to buy grapefruit water to wash away bad luck during the lunch break." Chen Baile whispered to Zhou Xingxing.

"Who pays first?" Zhou Xingxing was like a copy of Li Er when he was stingy.

Chen Baila: "Go to hell! Do you want to pick anything worth two yuan?"

Zhou Xingxing: "I don't have any money. When I get rich, I will ask you to wash your feet and massage every day."

Chen Baila naturally wouldn't believe Zhou Xingxing's nonsense.

Serious Cases Team.

Li Er checked his worksheet, and he had nothing to do again. This guy was going to skip work on a day of soy sauce.

"Here is a case between our police station and the Wanchai Police Station. I checked the records. The owner also reported to the Wanchai Police Station. Do we want to take it?" Instructor Hu asked Li Er for instructions on a difficult case. .

Li Er shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "You make up your own mind."

Instructor Hu has a toothache.

'Can you make up your own mind? '

Li Er delegated authority without restraint. Although Instructor Hu was very happy, he was also very tired, but there was nothing he could do. This was caused by Instructor Hu herself.

"Annie, get away!" Li Er winked at his precious apprentice.

"Okay!" Annie put on some lipstick, put on a small satchel, and stood up happily. The master and apprentice should not be too leisurely at work.

Instructor Hu looked at the backs of Li Er and Annie and sighed. Who knew whether she was envious or jealous.

Salina had an appointment with Li Er for a negotiation today, so Annie wanted to dress up a little more beautifully to compare with Serena.

'Number One Fried Chicken Burger'

This is the third fried chicken shop opened by Salina, and the business is still very hot. 'Lin Kee Tea Restaurant' has been closed by Salina, and she is now focusing on foreign fast food.

Serena really has a business mind. After she found that the Chinese tea restaurant could never compare with the 'Liji Tea Restaurant', she decisively gave up Chinese fast food and was very business-minded.

Of course, the 'Linji Tea Restaurant' was closed, and this is due to Li Shan. Li Shan's ability to care about every detail is very, very good. He is in charge of the food delivery team of the 'Li Ji Tea Restaurant' to deliver meals to Salina's tea restaurant. , as long as the meals are delivered at the same time, every time the fast food from "Lee Kee Tea Restaurant" is delivered first, and then "Lin Kee Tea Restaurant", even if there is only a difference of 1 minute or half a minute, it is "Lee Kee Tea Restaurant" 'Hurry up.

Li Shan's timing is as delicate as that of the old Huang's family. While making Selena's teeth itch, there is no evidence. No one will believe this kind of thing. It's only a minute and a half away. , It is simply impossible to command the food delivery staff remotely.

But the customer experience is the most practical. The employees at the stall next door to the same mall have already had their first mouthful of hot food. Your takeaway has just arrived. It's just unbalanced. I won't order your house next time. For every customer lost in Salina's tea restaurant, Li Er's tea restaurant will gain a customer.

In the end, Salina simply gave up on being a tea restaurant and did not compete with the 'Li Ji Tea Restaurant'. She really couldn't compete with their brothers. Each of these brothers was worse than the other, and Salina was afraid that she would go crazy.

Salina's "No. [-] Fried Chicken Burger" is similar to the dishes of KFC and McDonald's, or it can be said to be a replica of the foreign fast food of the two. This kind of foreign fast food has been made by many people in Hong Kong Island. The business and management are not too different. The reason why Salina's "No. [-] Fried Chicken Burger" can far surpass her peers is because she has a very advanced food delivery service.

Yes, Serena still uses the delivery service of 'Lee Kee Tea Restaurant', and 'No.[-] Fried Chicken Burger' crushes other competitors in terms of food delivery quality, including KFC and McDonald's, all of which are rubbed on the floor .

Western fast food is basically deep-fried, so after the dishes come out, the delivery time is very high. Once the time passes, the burgers and fried chicken will become soft and tender, which is very difficult. Eat, and the dishes of 'No.[-] Fried Chicken Burger' are still hot when they are delivered to customers, and the taste is still crisp. The word-of-mouth of 'No.[-] Fried Chicken Burger' has soared immediately.

The food delivery speed of KFC and McDonald's is not much slower than that of "Lee Kee Tea Restaurant", but their products are expensive, and they also charge huge food delivery fees, which has caused the food delivery business to fail.

"Oh! Business is booming, business is booming!" Li Er took out a big red envelope and handed it to Selina with a smile on his face.

"Thank you!" Salina smiled reluctantly. She was used to the routine of the Li brothers. Don't look at Li Er's opening red envelope is very big. In fact, there are only eight yuan in it. Salina didn't even bother to open it, so she gave it to the courier herself. I gave ten yuan as a tip for the bulk takeaway order, and eight yuan, hey!
Sha Lianna always called Li Er Li Tie secretly.

Li Er quickly glanced at Salina's foreign restaurant, the business is really booming.

'Lee Kee Tea Restaurant' is very busy during meal times.

Salina's "No. [-] Fried Chicken Burger" is on fire from [-] o'clock in the morning until it closes at [-] o'clock in the evening. Fried chicken, burgers and french fries are not like a box lunch. Eat it as a snack.

The production process of fried chicken hamburgers is still very simple. Fry the marinated fried chicken in a frying pan, pick it up on time according to the schedule, and then pack it. There is almost no technical content. Li Ergui looked at the glass cabinet In the back kitchen, there are a total of eight employees divided into two groups to work, but the speed of serving dishes is very fast. The delivery staff came one by one, and Li Er was envious.

"How about it, Boss Lin, is there anything important that I can help you with?" Li Er said with a smile, and then ordered several fried chicken burgers. of.

"These things are deep-fried, easy to get angry, you should eat less, there are ice creams in the store now." Salina persuaded habitually, and then realized that it was Li Er, who immediately wanted to smoke herself Big mouth, this kind of person should get angry and kill him, so lustful.

"Annie, the new ice cream in the store is pretty good, do you want to try it?" Salina recommended to Bai Anni.

"Okay!" Bai Anni was kind, she didn't eat these fried foods in the first place.

"Let's get to the point! I'm very busy!" Li Er was obviously very idle, but he wanted to pretend to be busy with hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute.

"I would like to invite you 'Liji Tea Restaurant' to become a shareholder of 'No. [-] Fried Chicken Burger'." Serena was really direct enough, and the first thing she said was Wang Zha.


Li Er touched his forehead, but couldn't help it anymore, and reached out to touch Shalena's forehead.

"You don't have a fever, did you say something wrong, or did I hear something wrong?"

Li Er looked at Salina up and down, as if he had never known this woman, yes, it was her, the one with no breasts, of course, compared to He Min.

Salina gave Li Er a hard look.

'You bastard, where are you casting your eyes?Isn't watching your own girlfriend enough? '

"You didn't hear me wrong, and I didn't say it wrong. I want to invite you to invest in 'No. [-] Fried Chicken Burger'. You have seen the business in my store. Not only this store, but the business of the three stores is so hot. Now Word-of-mouth has already built up, and the future branches will only become more prosperous." Salina spread her hands and said.

"I know this, you don't need to show it off." Li Er scratched his forehead and frowned, "I just don't understand how you came up with such a crazy idea?"

Li Er would never believe that there will be a pie in the sky, and it is a big pie. He is more willing to believe what Zhang Wuji's mother said, the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is.

"You're not in love with me, are you?"

"Pfft!" Salina just took a sip of boiled water and sprayed Li Er all over her face.

"I didn't do it on purpose." Salina said hastily, but she was secretly happy, yes!
Li Er: "."

(End of this chapter)

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