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Chapter 208 Operation Commander Li 2 is online

Chapter 208 Operation Commander Li Er is online
"Boom bang bang bang bang."


"Shit, why did someone appear behind us, where did Blair die?" Robert jumped angrily and roared.

'Well--!Robert guessed right, Blair was really dead. '

Li Er is really an expert at throwing bombs. His way of throwing grenades is extremely strange. The grenade slides against the floor, with a very tricky and vicious trajectory. Robert and others wanted to kill Li Er, but they couldn't see Li Er. There, they were greeted only by grenades one after another.

Ma Jun's bulletproof vest was riddled with holes, but he still coquettishly held a submachine gun and shot at the terrorists. If it weren't for the bomb that was afraid of Li Er's haunting, the terrorists would have been killed by Ma Jun a hundred times.

Of course, Ma Jun's saturated firepower output also covered Li Er's hiding place.

"Bang bang!" As soon as the terrorist's firepower loosened, Li Xianying, Chen Jiaju, Miao Zhishun and others who supported the Flying Tigers downstairs seized the gap to fight back.

Instructor Hu's "Bawanghua" women's special police team may be good at performing special tasks, but they are far inferior to Li Xianying and others, especially Chen Jiaju. This guy knows very well The corridor is narrow, and there is no advantage for the people on the police side to be crowded together.

After Chen Jiaju, the big-nosed man gritted his teeth, he ran upstairs with gunfire from left to right. The bullets of the terrorists kept passing by Chen Jiaju's side.

"Is it all right?"

Miao Zhishun's eyes turned red when he saw that Chen Jiaju had really successfully rushed upstairs. As soon as this unlucky fellow Miao Zhishun went upstairs, before he had time to fire a shot, he was shot by a bullet flying from nowhere. The stray bullet hit the thigh and almost lost his combat effectiveness, but Chen Jiaju ran through the hail of bullets without a single bullet touching his body.

On the other side, Li Er saw two terrorists chasing after Chen Jiaju, and immediately waited with grenades.


Li Er killed a terrorist, but his position was also exposed, and the terrorists immediately opened fire.

Li Er quickly withdrew his head and jumped to the window sill downstairs.


When the audience downstairs saw that Li Er was about to fall downstairs, they all screamed.

In the next second, Li Er grabbed the window sill of the next floor with both hands and did not fall. Not to mention ordinary citizens, even the high-level police officers in the command center were shocked by Li Er, thinking that he was going to rush to the street Now seeing that Li Er is fine, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, in the next second, Li Er once again challenged everyone's heart contraction function.

Li Er loosened his hands from the window sill, and fell free again.


Everyone twitched their hearts violently again.


Li Er was at the window on the next floor, and once again narrowly grasped the window sill with both hands.

"Hey! I'm scared to death, Mr. Li is so bad." Sandy said, patting her plump chest.

Le Huizhen also glared at Li Er's back fiercely. Although they didn't know each other, Le Huizhen was sure that Li Er, who was hanging on the outer wall of the building, was a bastard.


Li Er 'jumped off the building' again.

Even though they knew that Li Er was unlikely to be in danger, everyone was still frightened, it was too thrilling.

Li Er grabbed the window sill with both hands, and with a shake of his body, he swayed from the window into the building.


After all, it was too late for the terrorist to shoot. With half of his body exposed through the window, he shot twice at Li Er who was downstairs. Unfortunately, Li Er had already slipped into the building.

'Sniper! '

This time without Xu Rulin shouting, the Flying Tigers sniper squatting outside had already locked on the terrorist at the window.


The two snipers of the Flying Tigers fired at almost the same time. The bullets pierced the terrorist's head at the window from two directions, and a bloody mist exploded. The terrorist twitched and fell straight from the upstairs. , This is the real jumping off a building.


The audience downstairs screamed again, regardless of whether it was a good guy or a bad guy who fell down the stairs, this scene was indeed frightening.

"Master, why are you here?"

Seeing Li Er appearing behind her, Bai Anni screamed in surprise but confused.

Instructor Hu, Hui Yinghong and Chen Yalun also looked back at Li Er as if they had seen a ghost.

"Don't be moved, Master deliberately rushed downstairs to fight side by side with you!" Li Er waved his hand and said calmly and greatly.

Bernie: "."

Instructor Hu and the others looked at each other, feeling speechless for a while. They didn't even believe the punctuation marks that Li Er said.

Li Xianying rushed to fight at the front of the Flying Tigers, but he didn't notice that Li Er went around to the rear.

"Li Er, what's the current battle situation?" Xu Rulin immediately asked Li Er after he knew that Li Er had joined the large force of the Flying Tigers.

"Director, the situation is very good!" Li Er said perfunctorily.

Standing beside Xu Rulin, Huang Bingyao happened to hear Li Er's perfunctory nonsense, and looked up at the stars in embarrassment during the day.

Ye Dexian looked at Huang Bingyao and snorted coldly.

"Bastard, don't talk to me, how long will it take to end the battle?" Xu Rulin cursed.

"Director, I'm not the commander of the operation. I'm good at being a pawn. I really don't know how long it will take for such a big event!" Li Er said very seriously.

The defeat of the terrorists has been revealed, and it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out. Now Li Er really doesn't want to charge on the front line anymore, because at this time, it is very easy to encounter the enemy's dying counterattack. Of course, the most important thing is that Li Er is desperately suppressing himself Violent bloodthirsty feeling.

'Did I take the wrong medicine? Otherwise, how could a person who is qualified to win the Nobel Peace Prize have the urge to kill? Li Er really couldn't figure out where the bloodthirsty feeling he had born out of thin air came from. He would rather think about women than kill people.

"Li Er, I now appoint you as the temporary commander of the operation. I will only give you three ten minutes to take down this group of terrorists." Xu Rulin said sternly.


Xu Rulin's one-paper order frustrated Li Er's desire to hide in the back and slack off with pay. Xu Rulin may not have believed in Li Er's on-the-spot command ability, but everyone in the command center admired Li Er's ability to save his life. Ma Jun was the only one who could use it, but Li Er had killed more than a dozen terrorists, and he had nothing to do with it.

At least from the time when Li Er was jumping up and down the floor of the building, Xu Rulin, the commander-in-chief of this operation, even felt that Li Er was a little leisurely, and he had to squeeze the remaining energy.

"Director, I'm injured, I'm afraid I'm not qualified for this glorious task." Li Er refused decisively, even though the other end of the communicator was the second in command of the police department, the boss of the operation department.

Instructor Hu and the others gave Li Er a weird look. They didn't see where Li Er was injured, except that the bulletproof vest on his body was stained with dust.

"You're injured, right? The ambulancemen are also here, so I'll send someone up to treat you well." Xu Rulin said sadly. Of course, he wouldn't believe Li Er's nonsense. How can an injured person move so dexterously? land.

There are indeed five ambulances on standby and two teams of medical staff parked downstairs in Huitong Building.

"Haha! That's not necessary!" Li Er smiled awkwardly. When the ambulancemen came up, he pretended to be injured and didn't want to give up.

"Director, although I am not qualified for the job of an action commander, I can recommend someone to you." Li Er said immediately.

"Who?" Xu Rulin asked immediately.

"Chen Jiaju, the fierce general of the serious crime team of the Central District Police Station!" Li Er said seriously.

Lin Leimeng hurriedly shook his head at Xu Rulin.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, Chen Jiaju is reckless. It's not bad to charge into battle, and this time the opponent is an international criminal terrorist. He can't handle it." Lin Leimeng knew very well that if Chen Jiaju had an accident at the Central District Police Station, he and Uncle Biao would be able to deal with it. Just thinking about it, if something goes wrong in this operation, let alone Chen Jiaju, Lin Leimeng is worried that he will be blamed too.

Xu Rulin's eyes were so sharp, and when he saw Lin Leimeng's performance, he knew that Chen Jiaju was really bad.

"I just informed Lin Bing to ask you to hand over, you still have 28 minutes." Xu Rulin looked at his watch and said sternly.

Li Er was driven to the shelves.

"The Flying Tigers withdraw, withdraw, just block the stairs at both ends, the corridor is so big, too many people squeezed together in one place is useless except for the convenience of others to shoot." Li Er shouted domineeringly from the rear.

This guy Li Er really has the air of a commander. At least from the perspective of being a general and not standing under a dangerous wall, he has done a good job, definitely standing in the rear in the real sense.

As soon as the Flying Tigers retreated, the terrorists got a little unaccustomed to it.

"Lu Qichang, what are you doing sitting here? Are you lazy?" Li Er was stunned when he saw Lu Qichang, an old acquaintance. He had known Lu Qichang during the Song Zihao case.

"Li sir, I was shot, I might increase the casualties if I rushed to the front line." Lu Qichang smiled wryly.

His subordinate Miao Zhishun was hit in the thigh by a stray bullet, but Lu Qichang was hit in the ass by a bullet. It would be embarrassing for him not to sit down and stick out his red butt.

"Don't worry, I guarantee you won't die." Li Er patted Lu Qichang on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Unless I guess wrong."

Lu Qichang: "."

"Li sir, replace me too!" Lu Qichang said with a sullen face. The reason why he was injured and never went downstairs was because no one gave orders. Li Er is now the commander of the operation. If Li Er lets him go down, Then Lu Qichang didn't run away, but was honorably wounded.

"You have a good idea, and I didn't retreat, so what are you doing?" Li Erjian smiled. He found that the guy protecting Lu Qichang was very good at marksmanship. Whenever he had a chance to shoot, he could almost hit terrorists. The terrorists crowded to the stairs on the other side of Li Xianying and Li Wenbin.

Li Er replaced the Flying Tigers, which had been fighting for a long time, for repairs, and put people from the Political Department, the Central District Police Station, and the Wanchai Police Station on top. Li Er ignored them directly, anyway, his role as the commander of the operation was only temporary.

Li Er followed the Flying Tigers and retreated to the rear, only to realize that the Flying Tigers had injured so many people. Several members of the Flying Tigers were shot at vital positions, and it seemed that it was going to die.

The PTU police officers helped to carry the injured Flying Tigers down the stairs, but Li Er didn't notice. One of the PTU police officers looked at his back adoringly.

"Who is the captain of the Flying Tigers? I have a task to arrange when I come here." Li Er shouted loudly.

When Li sir started cheating and cheating, the terrorists were about to cry again.

(End of this chapter)

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