Quickly wear the host, she is beautiful and sweet

Chapter 720 Snow White and the Black Witch (10)

Chapter 720 Snow White and the Black Witch (10)

Xue Tuanzi flipped through the small notebook in his hand.

[Host host. ] It weakly reminded, 【It seems that the original plan didn't include the link that brought Snow White...cough Prince back? 】


Chu Wu replied casually, "Indeed, there isn't one, it was added temporarily. You can buy one get one free, isn't it delicious?"

Xue Tuanzi looked at the prince's face, and knew that the host's old habit of being good-looking had committed again.

But looking at that delicate young face, it can't be duplicity.

【……fragrant. 】

That is a really fragrant!
César didn't expect that Chu Wu would focus on herself while chatting with the group of little lolitas.

Being watched by this person with such soft eyes, it is undeniable that the boy's heart became very soft, as if he was stepping on the clouds.

He opened his mouth uncontrollably and was about to agree, but in the next second, his sanity returned.

The young man lowered his hands slightly, covering those emerald-like beautiful eyes, and very lightly refused: "Sorry."

Chu Wu was not surprised by this result, she still tempted the young man in front of her gently and tolerantly, "Is that so... can you tell me your reason then?"

César's eyelashes trembled, covering his bright eyes, making this fair-skinned and beautiful prince feel a little more tender and pitiful.

He said: "Because... because I am a troublesome person."

Chu Wu: "?"

Thus, Chu Wu heard a story about a sexually transformed version of "Snow White".

It is said that the stepmother of the prince, who is now the queen, suddenly asked a question to the magic mirror one day.

"Mirror, mirror, who is the most handsome boy in the world?"

The magic mirror replied, "Of course it's Snow White~"

At that time, Snow White was just born.

His mother died in dystocia, so he simply gave birth to the prince. Because his skin was as white as snow when he was born, the king named him "Snow White Prince".

Because of this, soon after, the king married his current successor.

After hearing this, after all, Snow White is still young now, although he can be seen as a beauty embryo from his eyebrows, but he is really too young.

...I can't finish my mouth.

Afterwards, she remembered the words of the magic mirror. Unlike all the stepmothers, she gave Snow White the best, until the prince gradually grew into a boy's eyebrows and eyes, and he was indeed a handsome young man.

That day, at the prince's birthday party, he asked the mirror again: "Mirror, mirror, who is the most handsome boy in the world?"

The magic mirror still replied: "Of course it is Snow White~"

Seeing that the delicious fruits will gradually grow, let's move out!

Different from the original book, after changing the gender, I no longer envy the prince's beauty and want to kill her, but try to lure the prince to be my guest of honor!

The clever prince also gradually discovered this point, and he avoided the clutches of his successor countless times, but because of the embarrassing relationship between the two, the prince wanted to tell his king's father many times, but he was too embarrassed to speak.

After failing again and again, I became a little annoyed afterwards, and began to try extreme methods——

Before that could happen, the prince ran away.

Afterwards, hunters were sent to hunt down the prince. No one thought that Jihou had such thoughts. Even the hunters thought that Jihou was going to execute the prince so that his children could inherit the throne in the future.

The prince was so beautiful that even the male hunter couldn't kill him. In the end, the hunter showed mercy and let the prince go, and only took the prince's clothes to report to his successor.

Although she escaped everything for the time being, as long as she still has that magical mirror in the future, I believe that she will find out the fact that the prince is not dead soon, and come to catch him again.

After listening to this magically reformed fairy tale, Xuetuanzi tsk-tsk:

[The next one is the witch, the witch who loves the brain... the host host, do you think this setting sounds very familiar? 】

Chu Wu glanced at it blankly: "You can not hint so vaguely."

Xuetuanzi: [Hey hey hey! 】

A soft and cute group, it laughs like a wretched uncle.

The little lolis who had been happily packing up their things came to the side at some point, dragging their cheeks and lifting their heads, quietly listening to César's story.

"No wonder you are so good-looking, so you are a prince..."

"It's so pathetic."

"The queen is disgusting! To think so much about you..."

"Is it a sin to be too beautiful?"

"Boys should protect themselves even more outside~"

"So the queen has the magic mirror and will find you again soon, that's too bad!"

"What to do? What to do?"

"It's better to strike first, let's beat the queen hard!"


"I'm going to pull her hair out, you nasty old hag."


The more the little lolis talked, the more angry they became, their cheeks were bulging, like fermented buns, which amused the worried prince.

"Thank you." César said, "But you shouldn't be able to beat her."


"Don't underestimate the dwarf, the dwarf is super powerful!"

"It's really impossible... If it's really impossible, there is her!" One of the lolis pulled Chu Wu down, and said righteously, "She is your friend, she looks so good-looking, as long as she makes an announcement, I believe there will be Many brave men and princes from other countries are willing to help!"

"Yes, yes."

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"Qiqi, you are so smart!"

César secretly glanced at Chu Wu, his ears turned red first, and then he remembered the suggestion made by Little Lolita, to use her to seduce other men...

With her beauty and character, I believe there will be countless men willing to go through fire and water.

But a thorn suddenly appeared on the tip of his heart, which made him extremely uncomfortable, and his chest seemed to be bleeding profusely.

"No, it can't be like this, it can't." César said twice, strongly expressing his resistance, and thinking of his successor who was far away in the kingdom, his face was a little serious.

"My stepmother, she...should be a witch."

This time, the little loli was stunned.


"A bad witch with a sharp nose and a wrinkled face?"

"That's disgusting!"

"In this case, we really can't beat her. I heard that the witch has a lot of good things in her hands. It's too weird."

"Ah...you are so pitiful."

The prince smiled lightly and accepted the comfort from the little lolitas. The other party came over and patted his arm, "It's okay, we will always find a way to deal with her."

César: "Thank you."

It was at this time that Chu Wu suddenly reminded, "It's getting dark, you don't want to pack up? Don't you want to go to my castle quickly?"

Little Lolita's heart and nature are all children, Chu Wu yelled at the reminder, and quickly put aside her concern for César, and went to pack things again.

Only Chu Wu and César were left in the room.

Chu Wu raised her head and met the green eyes of the young man, "Come with me, I will protect you and prevent your stepmother from finding you again."

"Didn't you understand me?"

The puzzled expression on César's face was not sarcasm. He thought he had made it very clear just now, but now he can only emphasize the attitude of the other party patiently.

"No, she will keep looking for me until she is found. She is a powerful witch, you...you can't beat her."

So run.

Don't get involved with this troublesome guy.

"heard it."

As Chu Wu spoke, she approached slowly. Although the prince looked like a teenager, he was still a few centimeters taller than Chu Wu, so Chu Wu had to raise her head to meet his gaze.


She lifted the prince's chin gently with one hand.

At such a close distance, the woman's beautiful skin and dark and bright eyes are fully exposed to the other party's eyes, and she even tilted her head slightly.

The black hair swayed gracefully, and at the same time, a section of the snow-colored neck came into the young man's eyes, and at the same time, an earring was exposed under the right ear.

Fluffy, bright and bright that doesn't match her bright appearance.

César was attracted by this little thing at first sight, and even felt that this pair of fluffy earrings was especially suitable for this person.

Pound, thump, thump—

His heartbeat was uncontrollable again, as if there was a deer jumping happily on it.

Please don't jump.

His heart was about to beat to death!
Immediately, the woman bent her gorgeous red lips again, and for a moment, César felt his heart jump out completely, and he was no longer bound by anything!

She said with a smile and Yanyan:

"It's a coincidence, so am I."

(End of this chapter)

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