Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 80 36. The End of Darkness 【3100】

Chapter 80 36. The End of Darkness 【3100】

"Don't make trouble! Can't I stay?"

Outside the pier, in the darkness, Constantine gritted his teeth when Fury's pistol was pressed against his head. He raised his hands, turned around, and looked at Fury helplessly.He said:

"MD, why do I always encounter such unlucky things! I need a weapon! At least give me a gun!"

"There are grenades behind the car, go get them yourself!"

Of course, Fury would not give the gun to Constantine. He couldn't trust this cunning third-rate wizard who had no bottom line.Fury turned back and set up a sniper rifle on the hood of the car, and said without looking back:

"And aren't you a wizard? Isn't there anything you can do about it?"

"I'm just an autodidact!"

Constantine opened the trunk and took out the box of grenades.He raised his head and looked at the half-demons burning in the darkness in front of him, and at the ignited ground, just like the scene when the gates of hell were opened, he said:

"I don't even have a wand. Merlin has a wand. I saw it with my own eyes!"

"That lucky guy became an official wizard. He is much luckier than me. I can only use my own methods to stop them, but unless an official wizard like Merlin helps, we can't stop these half-demons at all."

"Then we will stick to it here! Stick to it until the end!"

Fury pulled the trigger and shot the head of a half-devil rushing out of the pier. He looked down at the time, gritted his teeth and said:

"Merlin will appear! Certainly!"

"What if he doesn't show up?"

Constantine pulled the latch of the grenade a little clumsily, and threw it towards the running monsters in front of him.In a violent explosion, the two half-demons were blown out.

The third-rate wizard looked at Fury who was fighting back with a sniper rifle with some fear, and said:

"We'd better have a backup plan and not pin our hopes on other people."

"The backup plan is to fight!"

Fury pulled the bolt of the gun with a touch, and he said in a deep voice:

"This is a problem we made, and we have to fix it."


On the other side, in the underground warehouse at the pier, Merlin put the silver walking stick in his hand back into his pocket.

He shook his hands, trying hard to suppress the desire to kill and destroy that reverberated in his soul.Holding the wand, he let the somewhat irritable magic power in his body continue to run, bringing it back to calm, and at the same time his red eyes returned to normal little by little.

During the half a year after getting the silver cane, Merlin roughly deciphered the meaning of the runes on the cane by referring to the magic book.He knew that the cane was part of a magical artifact called the "Warrior Cane".

It comes from the mysterious god domain Asgard, and it is said that it is a weapon distributed to the commanders of the berserk legion, and only warriors above a centurion are eligible to use it.

In other words, only a true warrior can use his will to resist the negative emotions brought about by the violent cane.

And those runes are incomplete like this cane, but Merlin can probably guess that it will turn soldiers into lunatics and beasts who only know how to kill. If the will is not strong enough, then the warrior holding the cane will continue to kill until the fuel is exhausted. Only when the lights are dry, or when you die in battle, can you completely get rid of the influence of the "power curse" of the cane.

This is indeed a very offensive magical object, but it does not belong to the category of "treasure". In fact, in Merlin's view, this object is more like an "evil object".

Regardless of whether Asgard, the domain of the gods, is the residence of the gods in Norse legends, or whether this thing is made by the gods, one thing is certain, its creators definitely did not have peaceful purposes when they made it.

This cane has another function, as long as Merlin holds the cane, Merlin's strength will be terribly strengthened.

Merlin conducted experiments in the Paris base. When holding a silver cane, his strength will be increased by 5-6 times. The power has exceeded 1.5 tons.

This cane is not complete, it is only one-third of the real Berserker's cane, once it becomes complete, the increase in strength is estimated to be greatly improved.

What is this concept?

Now, under Merlin's feet, the head of the mighty mad dog Morris seemed to be hit by a shell and exploded, and it was like a completely smashed watermelon.

The red, disgusting liquid mixed with green and white, the fragments of flesh and bones, dyed Merlin's shoes and trouser legs extremely disgustingly.

Merlin took a step back with disgust on his face, he didn't feel sorry for his shoes and pants.

Both of these items were bought in Diagon Alley, and they both have the ability to cleanse and restore themselves. They only need to be exposed to magic power, and after a few minutes, they will be as clean as new.

He squatted down and looked at the twitching corpse under his feet.

After Morris's brain was destroyed, the irritable magic power in its body turned into scorching wind, surged crazily in this underground warehouse, and gathered all those hellfires.

These ownerless magic powers will dissipate with the passage of time, but before it dissipates completely, this warehouse and this pier are probably unusable.

Magical power can infect the souls of ordinary people, especially the magic power from demons. If exposed to it for a long time, it can easily turn ordinary people into lunatics.

But these magics are not the most pressing issue.

In front of Merlin's eyes, Morris' distorted corpse was changing back into a human form, and as the half-demon form disappeared, a dark red light bloomed from Morris' heart.It was suspended in front of Merlin's eyes, like a piece of dark red crystal, flickering like a flame.

The fragment flickered, as if waiting, calling, luring Merlin to touch it with his hands.

Merlin knew what this thing was.

This is the "seed" of power given to Morris by the Demon of Three Palaces. The super-level demon injected this seed of power into all the "sons", and Merlin should also have it in his body.

The great devil Mephisto told Merlin that these power seeds can be transferred.

When one of Sannomiya's sons kills another son, he can draw on these powers to make himself stronger.

And in each era, among the numerous sons of Sangong, only one will survive in the end.It will absorb all the power seeds released by the Sangongmo and become a degraded version of the Sangongmo, and the power it collects will grow with the growth of the only demon prince.

Until the power is truly mature, the demon prince will be swallowed by Sangong, and the released power will return with a stronger posture.

This is Sangong's way of self-improvement, as Mephisto said, cruel but effective.Before the era of Merlin, this kind of reincarnation had lasted for an unknown number of tens of thousands of years.

"How desperate do you have to be to accept something like this?"

Merlin half-kneeled in front of Morris's body. He looked at the headless body. He stretched out his hand and took out a sealed box bought in Diagon Alley from his pocket.This thing is made by alchemists who are proficient in sealing spells, and it is specially used to store precious or dangerous magic items.

He stretched out his hand cautiously, put the shining dark red power shard into the box, fastened it tightly, and added a small lock.

Merlin stood up. After he collected the power fragments, Morris's body decayed quickly as if washed away by time. After more than ten seconds, only a pile of gray ashes remained on the spot.

The red wand Lola was swung, and a gust of wind blew that ashes into the air.It was like a dissipated bit of light, and as Merlin turned and left, it completely dissipated in this scorching underground warehouse.

It represents a life named Morris, which died here completely.

It also represented that the first battle between Merlin and the Devil's Son was completely over at this moment.

But he is not happy.

Killing, taking life, and destroying everything is not something that makes people happy.

Outside the pier, Fury pulled the trigger, and the last holy silver bullet shot out, breaking the arm of a half-demon. The pain of the severed limb made the lunatic who had lost his mind utter an even crazier Roaring, it rushed towards the two guys in front of it who were trying to stop it from destroying everything. Behind it, there were more than a dozen half-demons following it.

Fury dropped the sniper rifle, pulled out the pistol, stood still, and shot a few bullets at the half-demon that was rushing over, its whole body was burning, blowing its head off, but the remaining ones were not frightened. arrive.They are still roaring, they are still charging.

"time to go!"

Constantine threw the last grenade, and without looking at the explosion behind him, he grabbed Fury and was about to run away.

When the two of them turned around, a wisp of dancing smoke appeared behind them, quickly condensing into Merlin's body.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Merlin said to Fury, and then walked past Fury, in front of Fury and Constantine.

He flipped his wrist, and the dark red magic power poured into Lola's wand, and the top of the wand shone like a lamp. Amidst Merlin's deep singing, a spell was thrown out.

"Impedimenta! (Impedimenta)"


The fastest half-demon rushed as if it had hit an invisible wall, and its whole body stuck to the invisible obstacle, as if it was locked in the invisible obstacle.

This is a hindrance spell.

A spell used to block enemies.

Merlin put away his wand, turned his head and said to the two people behind him:

"Stand back!"

"What are you going to do?"

Constantine, who was holding Fury's arm tightly, asked:

"Are you going to destroy them?"

"There's some anger gathering inside of me..."

Merlin rubbed his forehead, the aftereffect of using the violent cane still exists, there is still a faint red light in his eyes, his body turned into black smoke, roaring towards the imprisoned half-demon in front of him, his voice echoed in the wind echoed in:

"I have to free it!"


A few seconds later, with a violent explosion, Merlin drove the magic power, and exploded in the black mist like a bomb. A dozen half-demons wrapped in the black mist were carried into the air. It was like being thrown into an erupting volcano.

The limbs were detonated together with the demon power in the body, like the brightest fireworks lighting up the night.

Fury and Constantine raised their arms to block the intense flash in front of their eyes. After the scorching hot flash dissipated, Merlin, who was slightly pale, appeared before their eyes again.


Constantine looked at the burning wreckage scattered in the darkness, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave Merlin a thumbs up.

Merlin ignored the guy. He looked at Fury and whispered:

"The trouble is solved, we can all breathe a sigh of relief. Besides, sir, I will leave the aftermath to you."

He looked at the dead pier in the darkness behind him, and said:

"Maurice's magic power and aura remain underground on this pier. Before it dissipates, this place is not suitable for anyone to enter. Well, it is estimated that it will take one to two months for the magic power to dissipate naturally."

"give it to me."

Fury nodded calmly. He stretched out his hand, patted Merlin's shoulder, and said softly:

"Thank you for your hard work tonight."

"The trouble I caused, I've got to fix it."

Merlin smiled, opened the car door with Fury, and sat in the front row.And Constantine sat in the back seat, beside him was Agent Hitwell who was seriously injured and unconscious.

The vehicle started slowly, and amidst the piercing sirens sounding in the surrounding night, the four people who eliminated a disaster just left the battlefield.

After a big battle, the mentally exhausted Merlin didn't notice that in the back seat, Constantine turned his head frequently, looking at the pier surrounded by the police behind him.

In the eyes of this third-rate wizard, a trace of curiosity, and a trace of longing, are shining.


Seven days later, outside the completely cordoned-off pier, a yellow taxi pulled up to the side of the road.Konstantin, who was wearing a yellow windbreaker, opened the car door, lit a cigarette, leaned against the car, and looked at the pier ahead.

His appearance was a bit vicissitudes, but hesitation shone in his eyes.

"John, I heard that this pier has been haunted recently, are you really going there?"

The driver of the taxi was a young, slightly chubby young man. He opened the window and said to Konstantin:

"How about we go back?"

"Thank you for your concern, Chas."

This driver seemed to be Constantine's friend. It was hard to imagine that a guy like Constantine, who hated people and hated ghosts, would have friends.

And it seems that the relationship between the two is very good, just like Fa Xiao.

"But I've made up my mind."

Constantine said to the driver named Chas:

"Go and make money, you just came to New York and need money... You can't live with me all the time and still not pay the rent."

"Hey, you're right."

Brother Chas smiled naively, and he said to Constantine:

"Then you be careful and call me whenever you meet, okay? Don't get into a lot of trouble like we did in England. You have a job now, and you are a decent person. Stop putting your life on the line. destroyed."

"You're looking more and more like my mom! Chas!"

Constantine waved impatiently to his friend:

"Let's go! Remember to pick me up at night."

After speaking, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground and walked towards the blocked dock.A police officer blocked him as he approached the pier.

"Sir, this place is blocked and no one is allowed to enter."

The policeman warned Constantine, who took out a black wallet from his pocket, opened it, and shook his ID in front of the policeman:

"Strategic Crisis Intervention and Logistics Intelligence Division, Special Affairs Secondary Adviser, John Constantine..."

Konstantin proudly reported his family name, and he said to the policeman:

"I'm a public servant, too. Open it, sir."

"I came here with work. This is a secret matter, so remember, the news about my coming here must be kept secret!"

(End of this chapter)

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