Black Technology R&D Center

Chapter 450 'The Fat Sheep List'

Chapter 450 'The Fat Sheep List'

While Wang Hao was chatting with a group of people, suddenly a beautiful figure walked in, glanced around, and his eyes lit up when he saw Wang Hao.

"Boss, I heard that you are here. I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect it to be true." Jing Xi said with a smile on his face. Although he looked at Feng Wei and the others, he was a little surprised, why the other four were here.

However, after seeing Wang Hao, everything else didn't matter.

"Jingxi, it's just in time for you to come. Just now Shen Xiucheng cried miserably to me, saying that he would be crushed by your Tianyou technology and there would be no room for living. I really couldn't bear to say that. I agreed first for you that it will be released in the next month. Your husband just cried really badly, you need to be more considerate."

After Wang Hao saw Jing Xi, his face was a little weird, and there was a hint of something different in his smile. He opened his mouth and said, and gave a thumbs up at the end.

Shen Xiucheng was crying so badly on the phone just now, why didn't Wang Hao use it to make fun of it, just like Chu Tian used it, he didn't feel cold about this crying behavior.

Wang Hao's words stunned Shen Xiucheng's face. He had just cried miserably, and his face flushed slightly.

But it's not appropriate for the boss to say that in front of my wife, right?I still want to save face.

Shen Xiucheng looked dull, looked at Wang Hao's amiable smile, and murmured in his heart, people who don't understand Chinese probably thought it was a compliment to themselves.

The problem is that he understands Chinese, and he made such teasing in front of his face. He immediately grimaced and glanced at Feng Wei and the others, especially Chu Tian, ​​with a hint of danger and fierceness in his eyes.

However, Wang Hao's words gave the four of them an urge to cover their faces. There was a trace of sincerity on their faces, and they turned their faces away, not to look at Shen Xiucheng who was about to go berserk at this time.

"Okay, boss, you have the final say." Jing Xi nodded lightly. She had suggested to Shen Xiucheng before that he should go to the boss, but now it seems that the boss has found it, but he is not here. Under the instigation of four people.

She doesn't know what kind of temper these four people have. They just want to report to work, want to dig some results, and know that Wang Haoxijing doesn't want to call the boss, and know that calling is useless. Such a situation.

And for half a month, she can still accept it. If it takes a month, she will probably raise an objection to Wang Hao.

"That's fine, it's done. Don't cry miserably next time. If it's still like this, I'll just hang up the phone." Wang Hao glanced at Shen Xiucheng, and then looked at the others with a sense of warning.


Shen Xiucheng and the other four people didn't know what Wang Hao meant, they all nodded silently.

"There are four of you, since we met. It just so happens that the funds of the Haohan R&D Center have bottomed out. It is not right to claim the protection fee one by one, it is the consulting fee!!" Wang Hao originally planned to buy the island, so he asked These people want money.

He didn't expect such a thing to come to his door. Although he didn't spend money to buy the island, he ordered it in advance, so he can rest assured. Besides, the 30 billion he saved may not be enough money to let Licensing buy some mining companies.

As for Yunmeng, Tianyou, and other newly established pollution control companies and household appliance companies, because these companies have not yet achieved profitability, if it is not that the profits are too small, he looks down on them.

So he still started from the first four companies, just like a fat sheep, he was slaughtered when he had nothing to do, which made Wang Hao's small life a lot more peaceful.

"Boss, come again, our Tianfeng Technology is going to die of poverty." Chu Tian said with a mournful face, especially when he heard the three-character 'protection fee' inadvertently revealed in Wang Hao's mouth, he felt helpless for a while.

"Lanwei helped you optimize some programs before, this is the reward, it is Chutian's labor fee."

Wang Hao glanced at Chutian, and said without hesitation, Chutian's mournful face, he would not buy it.

"Feng Wei, don't justify yourself, you are the product renewal fee!!"

Wang Hao looked at what Feng Wei wanted to say, and immediately blocked the other party's mouth, Feng Wei's tone froze.

"As for you, it's my fee for helping you with the interview. You don't need to talk, and you can double the talk."

Wang Hao looked at Ma Qing, his tone was like a cannonball, and he spoke without hesitation.

"There is also you, Gu Shan, you." Wang Hao looked at Gu Shan and his tone was a little choked. Gu Shan's battery had just set foot in several companies recently. hesitated.

This is not like the other three companies, which are completely profitable. Although the development momentum of battery companies is definitely not bad in the future, that is the future, and now it is just a development stage. Take a look at Nantian Group, which was established at the same time, and it has already gained a great reputation. , Looking at Feixi Battery again, he felt ashamed to ask for money.

"Boss, tell me how much you want, and I'll just claim it." Gu Shan said. As soon as Wang Hao stopped talking, his heartbeat accelerated by three points.

Does the boss know how many big orders I have made?

Gu Shan murmured in his heart, it was precisely because of this thought that he spoke so decisively, without hesitation, now Feixi Battery has not only become a supplier of car batteries, but also moved towards mobile phone batteries, and at the same time set foot in major fields.

After lifting the commercial protection of Nantian Group, Feixi Battery is now on the way to take off.

"Look, this is the responsibility. Learn more from Gu Shan, much better than you."

Wang Hao looked at Gu Shan with a look on his face that I would be willing to do, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, and immediately began to teach others a lesson.

Feixi battery will soon be richer than us all..

After hearing such a lesson, the three of them didn't dare to talk back, but murmured silently in their hearts. They were all engaged in the same industry, but after Feixi Battery lifted the commercial protection of Nantian Group.

It has been driven to get involved in various industries, as long as there is a battery, Feixi battery will be plugged in, think about whether they are in the car, or in the network, or in the environmental protection industry.

However, Feixi Battery has already entered the whole industry. Although it only focuses on batteries, once Feixi Battery supplies all battery-related industries, it will represent the pinnacle of an enterprise.

What follows naturally is profit, which will be crazy to explosive profit.

"Boss, do you usually ask for money like this?" Shen Xiucheng walked to Jing Xi's side, poked Jing Xi, and said in a low voice.

Although what he said was miserable, the relationship between him and Jing Xi was still very harmonious.

"Yes, we just haven't made a profit yet. It is estimated that our two companies will appear on the boss's fat sheep list next year." Jing Xi also said in a low voice, with some weirdness in his face.

As if he saw that next year, he would join the four of them. Then he faced the butcher's knife dropped by the boss from time to time.

". The list of fat sheep. I quit now. Is it too late?"

After Shen Xiucheng heard the 'List of Fat Sheep', his expression froze suddenly, and he hesitated to speak in a low voice.

"You are still struggling in Yunmeng in time, but it's hard to say in other hardware companies." Jing Xi said leisurely.

"Forget it, let's just stay here and be a fat sheep." Shen Xiucheng thought for a while, then shook his head. Although it is a fat sheep here, it is better than going bankrupt outside the hardware company.

PS: Today is Valentine's Day, I wish all lovers in the world will finally become brothers and sisters. Uh, I made a slip of the tongue, I will finally get married and have a happy marriage for a hundred years. I wish book lovers a happy Valentine's Day, and finally please subscribe to the weak ones.

(End of this chapter)

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