the president's wife

Chapter 451: A little bit in the heart of the wind (4)

Chapter 451: Little in Fengxin ([-]) "Noodles."

The voice was a little dry, and it seemed too hoarse.Feng Tuoxi looked away from Yuan Diandian's body, then put the strips aside, turned around and left, and the door was gently closed.When Yuan Diandian heard the sound of the door, the wind driven by the closing door brought Yuan Diandian back to his senses.

His face was burning hot.



He just...

Yuan Diandian felt that she was about to spontaneously combust. The thing she had been looking forward to for a long time was actually so shy when it was really seen.A heart, hot and hot.


It's just that when thinking of Feng Tuoxi's reaction in such a shy and excited mood, Yuan Diandian just felt that another pot of cold water was suddenly poured down.Are you the same as yourself, blushing and shy?

How can you be so calm...

Could it be that he didn't feel anything when he looked at himself...

Yuan Diandian was completely enveloped by self-resentment, turned around, and looked at herself in the mirror.Originally, Yuan Jueye's consolation today had already worked, and she also felt that those people were not telling the truth, but now...

Is it true that she is too fat and ugly, that's why brother Xi despises herself so much.Yuan looked at himself in the full-length mirror, and the words of those people kept echoing in his mind.Gradually, an idea has taken shape in my mind.Brother Xi didn't react even when he saw her naked because she was too fat and ugly, so he just left calmly...

No wonder brother Xi doesn't like me...


Feng Tuoxi closed the door with an extremely calm attitude, blocking the stupid light that filled the room.

Turn around and go back to the room.

The door closed, and Feng Tuoxi leaned against the door, closing his eyes that couldn't see any emotion.

Breathing, a little rough.His throat was still very dry, and when he closed his eyes, the scene in front of him seemed to be more clearly in front of him.Exhaling heavily, Feng Tuoxi quickly walked towards the bathroom.

the next day……

Yuan Diandian couldn't fall asleep because of thinking about it at night.Naturally, she woke up very late the next day. Yu's mother came over to look at it a few times, and seeing that Yuan Diandian hadn't woken up, she didn't call Yuan Diandian.When Yuan Diandian woke up naturally, it was almost noon.Because Yuan Diandian was seen last night, on the one hand she was a little shy, and on the other hand she wanted to prove that Feng Tuoxi didn't dislike her.After half an hour of ink in the room, he walked out of the room slowly.

did not expect……

Feng Tuoxi left without saying hello to her.Dad said, brother Xi is home.However, Yuan Diandian knew that brother Xi didn't go home, but because he saw his dislike of him last night, that's why he abandoned him.At noon that day, Yuan Diandian felt for the first time that the food in front of him was no longer tasty, and it was the first time that the word in the book called "can't swallow" could really be used...

Every time Feng Tuoxi goes home, or leaves for something, Yuan Diandian will be in a bad mood for a while.But in a blink of an eye, after seeing the delicious food, I will forget about it.Yu Ma saw that Yuan Diandian hadn't eaten anything at noon, so she made some delicate desserts in the afternoon, which were Yuan Diandian's favorite.After sending it to Yuan Diandian's room, Yuan Diandian saw the dessert for the first time, her eyes didn't shine.

Just sitting on the edge of the balcony, silently looking into the distance.There was a little melancholy in those eyes, these two words should hardly appear on Yuan Diandian's body.

Things are getting a little bigger...

In the evening, Yuan Jueye came back to have dinner with his precious daughter, since his wife passed away.Yuan Jueye plays both the role of mother and father.Because I was afraid that my daughter would feel a lack of love, no matter how busy I was these years.He never eats out for dinner, and will come back to have dinner with his precious daughter no matter how urgent he is.

When I heard Yu's mother say that Yuan Diandian hadn't eaten from noon to night.Alone in the room, he was so stuffy that he never came out.

Daughter who doesn't eat, play, or make trouble.Yuan Jueye has never seen...


Yuan watched Yuan Jueye come in, instead of throwing himself into Yuan Jueye's arms to act like a baby, but pursing his lips, the voice was pitiful, like a poor little boy.

Yuan Jueye suddenly felt that someone was cutting his heart with a knife, even though he was injured quite a lot when he was young.There are still many scars left on the body, but those pains are not as good as my daughter's poor father.It broke Yuan Jueye's heart, wishing he could rub his precious daughter into his bones.


One day passed...

Both Yuan Jueye and Yu Ma felt that Yuan Diandian could last for one day at most.

But the next day passed, and Yuan Diandian still only ate a little food, saying that it was tasteless.

The third day passed, and Yuan Jueye couldn't sit still.

I really don't know what happened to my daughter?No matter how you ask, you can't find out why.As soon as Yuan asked, she pursed her lips and looked at Yuan Jueye with pitiful eyes, as if she would burst into tears if she asked one more question.

Yuan Jueye didn't have the mind to take care of other things at all. He was the boss, and all he thought about every day was to think about what delicious food he should make for Yuan to eat.Whenever she saw Yuan Jueye wearing an apron and frowning in the kitchen cooking, Mama Yu stood aside and looked at Yuan Jueye. The only people in this world who could let a man like Yuan Jueye cook were his wife and young lady.

Just thinking about this stomping can make Sicily shake, and even the whole of Italy will be shaken.The picture of washing hands and making soup, but even so, Yuan Diandian still didn't buy it.Half a month passed like this, and seeing her precious daughter start to lose weight, her chubby little face became smaller.

Yuan Diandian didn't know what was wrong this time, no matter how delicious and delicious the food made by Yu Ma and Yuan Jueye was, she would lose the taste after just two bites.She is obsessed with food, now when she sees food, she seems to see the disgusted expressions of those two people towards her.As well as the back view of Feng Tuoxi turning away, it is because she is too fat that Brother Xi doesn't want her...

He even took Yuan Diandian to Chinatown. In Yuan Diandian's eyes, these are the most delicious things.Yuan Diandian will be asked to eat once a month, and Yuan Diandian will eat it clean every time.After eating, Yu's mother took great pains to boil soup that clears the fire and nourishes the lungs, so as not to let those toxins remain in Yuan Diandian's body.

Although Yuan Jueye allowed Yuan Diandian to eat some every month, there was a limit.

Today, for the first time, Yuan Jueye allowed Yuan Diandian to eat whatever she wanted, as long as she wanted to eat, even if she ate the entire street.

But Yuan Diandian just shook his head no matter what snacks he saw, even some of his favorite Taiwanese snacks kept shaking his head.

Yuan Jueye finally got mad at the last beef noodle restaurant...

He slapped the table heavily with his hand, and with that slap, the beef noodles on the table were shaken and spilled out.He also shook the shop owner's legs and almost knelt down...

"What kind of noodles do you make? Why doesn't my daughter like it and can't eat it."

The boss wanted to cry when he was questioned...

"What's the most famous one? My daughter can't even eat a bite. What else is there to do with it? Dismantle it."

Yuan Jueye was furious. Seeing that the baby was losing weight, he couldn't help it.Now, the anger that had been suppressed for half a month was vented on the beef noodle boss.Although the owner of the beef shop didn't know Yuan Jueye, but from the moment they came in to clear the place, and Yuan Jueye sat there, with his imposing manner and appearance, he could be seen as a well-known figure on the road.

Those who make snacks, the ones who can't afford to offend are those on the road.Once Heili was offended, the business would be impossible in the future.

Yuan Diandian was a little apprehensive, as if this was the first time he had seen his father so angry.


Yuan tugged at Yuan Jueye's sleeve, knowing in his heart that it was because of him that Yuan Jueye was so angry.So he immediately picked up the chopsticks and smiled at Yuan Jueye: "It's delicious, really."

Then, he took the chopsticks and started eating noodles.Keep feeding into your mouth, hello.Soon, a bowl of noodles entered my stomach like this.

The owner of the shop was relieved to see that Yuan Diandian left no soup left over from the noodles.

Yuan Jueye saw that her daughter finally ate, and finally she didn't get angry in vain.He knew that his precious daughter was the most soft-hearted, and he hated others being wronged and wronged the most, let alone because of her.Having achieved his goal, Yuan Jueye's expression finally relaxed.But when he saw his precious daughter covering her mouth and suddenly turned around and walked out, she immediately stood up and followed her...

Hearing the sound of vomiting, the owner of the beef shop lost his legs and knelt down.As for Yuan Jueye's vomited daughter, she didn't dislike her at all, and took the tissue handed over by her hand to wipe the filth from the corners of her precious daughter's mouth.

"A little bit, a little bit, don't scare Dad."

Yuan Jueye had already forgotten about other things, and hugged his precious daughter.That waist lost a lot of weight, and Yuan Jueye's heart ached beyond words.Yuan Diandian vomited earth-shatteringly, and leaned against Yuan Jueye's arms, his eye sockets were still wet from vomiting, and his long eyelashes were agitating, and fell pitifully into his arms, apologizing in a hoarse voice: "Dad, I'm sorry, I really can't eat a little bit."

Yuan Jueye's eyes turned red immediately, and he reached out to pick up his precious daughter and walked into the car.While walking, he said: "Don't eat, Dad won't force you to eat. Be good, let's go home, let's go home."

Yuan Diandian leaned against Yuan Jueye's arms, bit her lip, buried her head in Yuan Jueye's arms, the warm liquid kept rolling out.All of them flowed on Yuan Jueye's chest, and he grabbed his waist with his hands, crying silently.

She knew that her father was worried, and she knew why her father did this just now, but she really couldn't eat it.The food was like a curse, as if it was satirizing her once it entered her mouth, there were always many voices floating in her head, and they collided together so that she couldn't swallow it no matter what.


Feng Tuoxi held the snacks made by Yue'er's godmother in his hand, and there was still a week left in a month.But, inexplicably, I decided to go back to Italy in advance.

When I got off the plane, there were already people waiting at the airport.Feng Tuoxi sat in the back seat, with a deep look between his brows.He obviously hasn't slept well for a long time, and there are faint marks under his eyes.Glancing at the snacks that were put aside, every time he brought the snacks back, that foodie would fly over with deer-like eyes, snatch them from his hand, and then rush into his arms.She hugged his waist and did not let go, she kept leaning into his arms, and kept flattering and said: "Brother Xi, brother Xi, I love you the most."

He would always reach out to lift the chubby ball away in disgust, and then walk towards his room expressionlessly, but when he reached the corner of the stairs, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at the sitting room in the living room. He quickly opened the box there, and then couldn't wait to feed the small pastry that was just one bite into his mouth, with a satisfied look, and licked his chubby fingers by the way.

That appearance, obviously, would make people feel unbearably disgusting.However, if she makes it, it seems that people will suddenly have a feeling of longing for the food in front of her.When she eats, people will always feel that what she eats is the most delicious thing in the world, the so-called delicacy in the world...

The car went all the way into the iron gate, and Feng Tuoxi got out of the car.

Seeing no familiar figure at the door, Feng Tuoxi frowned slightly.

In the past five years, it was the first time that Yuan Diandian did not greet him at the door, and his heart felt a little flustered.Still holding the pastry in his hand, he stopped at the door for a while and still didn't wait until Yuan Diandian called Brother Xi from inside while rushing out.Folds formed between Feng Tuoxi's brows, and with the pastry in his hand, he walked to the trash can on the side.

The moment the fingertips were released, they were quickly pulled up again.With a calm expression, he stepped in.

Knowing that Feng Tuoxi is coming back, Mama Yu is preparing lunch.Hearing the noise from outside, the dishes were almost ready.Seeing Feng Tuoxi walking in, he immediately greeted him enthusiastically.Yuan Jueye didn't eat at home at noon because he had something to do, and there were many dishes on the table, all of which were Feng Tuoxi's favorite dishes.

Feng Tuoxi put down the pastry in his hand, and scanned the living room with his eyes.I didn't see the foodie circling around Yu Ma, and looked at the table. Usually, even though I go home and come back here, Yu Ma will cook a lot of dishes he likes, but there must be several of them that are Yuan Diandian Favorite dish.It's just that today, it seems that Yuan Diandian's favorite dishes are missing.

He frowned even more, and greeted Yu Ma.Then he waited for the meal to be served, and sat in his seat waiting for Yuan Diandian to go downstairs.

Mama Yu brought over the rice, because Yuan Jueye is from Taiwan, so the staple food has always been rice.

"A little bit, aren't you at home?"

Feng Tuoxi saw that dinner was already served, but the person who was always the first to serve did not show up.

Feng Tuoxi pondered for a moment, then asked the question.Not being at home seems to be the only reason that can be explained.But knowing that he is back, the person who has been pestering him is not at home.As soon as Yu Ma heard Feng Tuoxi ask Yuan Diandian, the smile on her face froze.For more than 20 days, the lady didn't eat much.Looking at the appearance that has lost a lot of weight, she almost doesn't look like the original lady.Although the thin lady is much prettier than before, Yu Ma still feels distressed when she sees Yuan Diandian grow up and see Yuan Diandian become so thin.

They watched Yuan Diandian grow up, and only hoped that Yuan Diandian could eat, drink, play and grow happily.There is no need to be restrained, but, just overnight, their beloved young lady began to be unable to eat.


Yu Ma's voice was a little hoarse, and Feng Tuoxi paused with the chopsticks in his hand.Looking up at Mama Yu, when she saw her red eyes, she put down the chopsticks in her hand.

"what happened?"

Things were weird and weird, and it was already weird not to see her greet her out.It's even weirder not to see a foodie while eating, and now, when it comes to foodies, Yu Ma's sad and distressed expression is even more weird.

"Miss, she hasn't eaten much since you left... As long as she forces herself to eat more, she will vomit..."

As Yu Ma was talking, she thought that the young lady forced herself to eat in order not to worry the master. After trying a few times, she vomited as soon as she ate.He vomited so much that he could even vomit gall water, which made her and the master never dare to let the young lady eat again.The young lady obediently went to see the doctor, and the doctor also said that the young lady was fine, but she just couldn't eat...

"I gonna go see."

Feng Tuoxi's face remained calm all the time, but when he looked at the favorite dish in front of him, he no longer had any taste.Putting down the chopsticks in her hand, she asked Mama Yu to prepare some meals and pick them up, holding the pastry on the tea table in her hand.With slender legs, she walked upstairs with steady steps.


"Mother Yu, Diandian has no appetite yet."

Yuan Diandian sat facing the light, her long hair hanging down.Without any artificial processing, the long black hair hangs over the shoulders.The whole bag|surrounded her as if sitting there, circling her knees, looking into the distance.Hearing the sound of the door and smelling the aroma of food, he thought it was Mama Yu, Yuan Diandian didn't look back, his voice was apologetic.

"Mother Yu..."

Yuan Diandian couldn't hear Yu Ma's response, thinking that Yu Ma was going to persuade him to eat again.It's not that she doesn't eat, it's just that every time she forcefully eats it will make her body reject it, and the feeling of throwing up is even more uncomfortable than eating.

When Yuan Diandian saw that the person who came in turned out to be Feng Tuoxi, his expression was slightly startled, and his hands clasped his knees quietly.

Seeing Feng Tuoxi's cold face, it seemed that he could imagine his disgusted expression when he returned to the room alone after seeing her nude/naked that day.Yuan Diandian only felt that his stomach was starting to turn upside down again, and seeing Feng Tuoxi covered his lips all of a sudden, he got off the chair and rushed into the bathroom quickly.

Retching, he spit out all the water he drank into his stomach.In fact, there was nothing, just leaning against the sink, vomiting.

The bathroom door was not closed, and the pastry in Feng Tuoxi's hand was clenched tightly.Putting it aside, he quickly walked to the door of the bathroom.When I saw Yuan Diandian retching there, my heart seemed to be pulled into a ball suddenly.


When Yuan Diandian felt that Feng Tuoxi was looking at her, she immediately avoided her face, then closed the door with one hand and quickly locked it.She must be ugly now, Yuan Diandian propped her hands on the washbasin, feeling very sad in her heart.When seeing Feng Tuoxi, that sad emotion spread in his heart more obviously.

"Open the door."

The cold words pierced through the door and entered Yuan Diandian's eardrums.

no response...

Feng Tuoxi stood at the door, looking at the closed door, he couldn't believe what he saw.In just twenty days, the silhouette of the woman in front of him was still the same, but the thinness was clear at a glance.Inexplicable anger rose and fell in his heart, as if he had never been so angry in 15 years.Looking at her thinner appearance, she became inexplicably angry.

"Yuan Diandian, open the door, don't make me say it a third time."

Before knocking on the door again, Feng Tuoxi clenched his fists tightly, the words that spit out seemed to make the whole room shrouded in sub-zero...

Yuan Diandian was still startled by Feng Tuoxi's voice, and was still thinking about whether to open the door, only to hear a loud noise.

Yuan Dian looked at the door that was kicked open, and then Feng Tuoxi's terrifying face appeared in her eyes.The body was easily dragged, lifted up like a chicken, and thrown into the bed with a bang.

Yuan Diandian, who was a little dizzy from being hit, hadn't eaten anything, and his body didn't have much strength.Being smashed into the bed, he didn't recover for a long time.

Feng Tuoxi's chest was rising and falling, looking at Yuan Diandian's weak appearance, the flame in his heart was burning more and more intensely.There was an illusion that she was going to swallow Yuan Diandian in front of her. Yu Ma who was outside heard the sound and immediately walked in nervously.When he saw the domineering appearance of Jian Zhang inside, Yuan Diandian's head was still buried in the quilt, as if he had been abused.

"Master Feng."

"Mom Yu, you go out first."

Feng Tuoxi's voice was full of suppressed anger, but it had a natural momentum.Yu Ma's heart aches for Yuan Diandian, but she also knows that apart from Yuan Jueye, what Diandian listens to most is Feng Tuoxi's words.Maybe, Feng Tuoxi really has a way to make Yuan eat something.He retreated silently, and when the door was closing, Yuan shook his head a little bit, feeling aggrieved by being treated so rudely.

"Feng Tuoxi, what are you doing?"

Sitting up on the bed, looking up at Feng Tuoxi.Why does he treat himself like this, isn't it because he likes him?Why should he shout at himself, why should he despise himself, and why should he feel uncomfortable because of his reaction? Isn't it all because of him that she is like this now?He still acted fiercely in front of him like this, why should he...

"Look at your appearance, have you been self-willed enough?"

With her forehead pinned, Yuan Diandian felt that her eyes were turned to the direction of the mirror, looking at the face in the mirror, she felt sickly pale.Because of malnutrition, his complexion was very poor.She doesn't need him to force herself to look, she knows that she is ugly now, but no one wants him to see her.

"It's none of your business, this is my room, you go out."

The tears in Yuan Diandian's eyes were swirling, and he waved Feng Tuoxi's hand away with one hand.The whole person fell back on the bed, bit his lips tightly, and murmured: "Get out, I don't want to see you, you get out. I don't need you to take care of me, no need."

Yuan Diandian's voice was a little choked up, her eyes were red and tears were rolling in her eyes.

Seeing the tears in Yuan Diandian's eyes, Feng Tuoxi's heart twitched again.This strange feeling made Feng Tuoxi's complexion ugly, and there was food on the side.Feng Tuoxi softened his tone a little, brought the food over, first picked up the soup and handed it to Yuan and said in a cold voice, "Eat."

One word, without any emotion.

Yuan nodded without raising his head, but felt a tightness in his arm.

"Have a meal."

He was straining a little, and his arm hurt a little.The grievance in Yuan Diandian's heart was even worse, with a wave of his arm, the soup in Feng Tuoxi's hand was tapped by Yuan Diand, Feng Tuoxi didn't avoid it, and the soup directly spilled on him.Yuan Diandian's heart tightened, and he raised his head quickly, with tears in his eyes, when he saw the soup on Feng Tuoxi's body.

Still steaming, his hands were clenched quietly.A pain in my heart, did she burn him?

"Yuan Diandian."

Feng Tuoxi was scalded by the heat, needless to say, his chest was already red a lot.Those pains are nothing, but Yuan Diandian's sudden change of appearance is really unbearable for him.

The raised hand was about to fall.Yuan Diandian took a tight breath, and closed his eyes reflexively.Feng Tuoxi withdrew his hand abruptly, and then clenched his fist forcefully.Feng Tuoxi stared at Yuan Diandian firmly as he withdrew his hands with the sound of the wind, his eyes seemed to have penetrating power, Yuan Diandian felt more and more uncomfortable being stared at.

He was angry, and very angry.

This kind of anger was something he had never had before, even since she was ten years old, she had started to pester him, and she was always afraid of going to his bed from time to time.From time to time, I want to peek at him taking a shower, and from time to time, when he is training, I want to see him sweating profusely with his shirtless.I just think he is really charming and good-looking like that.

She always thought that because he let her pester him, he also had some affection for her.However, the scene of that day emerged before his eyes.In fact, she was thinking too much alone.He thought that people all over the world should revolve around her, but in fact, Brother Xi didn't like him.He's just been enduring himself...


The sound of the door being slammed made Yuan Diandian's eyes burst into tears.His heart felt like it was being torn apart, and those self-imaginings were confirmed, and he really hated himself.Everything he did was just because she was Yuan Diandian, Yuan Jueye's daughter.

As soon as the tears rolled out, they became more and more.Yuan Diandian felt uncomfortable, and the more she cried, the more tears shed.The more I feel, the more I want to cry, and in this cycle, the tears keep pouring out.I just feel that my heart is getting more and more stuffy, and the more stuffy, the more uncomfortable.

After Feng Tuoxi slammed the door and left, the stormy anger was inexplicable.But when he saw her like that, and that sentence had nothing to do with him, it had nothing to do with him.Every word felt extremely unpleasant to my ears, and I just felt it was extremely unpleasant.Standing outside the door, it seems as if you can feel the sound of crying inside...

The footsteps frown slightly, and finally walk out...


On the training field, Feng Tuoxi knocked down his opponents one by one.Sweat dripped from his body, but the stagnant atmosphere in his heart still remained.Today's Feng Tuoxi has not practiced for a month, as if he is desperately trying.When everyone lost their strength, Feng Tuoxi's chest was heaving, as if he had some vague understanding, but also seemed unable to understand.

I thought that I would forget the inexplicable unhappiness before if I vented in the last game.However, at this time, the body was a little tired, but the picture in his mind still didn't stop.

As soon as I went back, I saw Yu Ma running around in a hurry.

That crybaby has been crying since he left.

"Follow her. Cry as much as you like."

After leaving a word coldly, Feng Tuoxi walked towards his room.I took a shower and changed clothes.Sitting there reading a book, 10 minutes, 10 minutes, it's still the same page, without turning the page at all.

Is she still crying?

It has been more than two hours, and I should have stopped crying a long time ago.

Standing up a little anxiously, threw the book in his hand on the sofa and stood up...

"Have you cried enough?"

Feng Tuoxi stood beside Yuan Diandian's bed, and he didn't know why he came over, but just holding the book, the image of Yuan Diandian's crying face kept flashing across his mind, and his heart was inexplicably gripped.A very depressing and uncomfortable feeling.

Yuan Diandian heard Feng Tuoxi's icy voice, and Yuan Diandian, who was almost out of breath, raised her crying red eyes to look at Feng Tuoxi, and said hoarsely and stubbornly: "No, I cry mine has nothing to do with you, don't worry about it..."

A word Guan, before the sound fell, Yuan Diandian felt her lips warm up, and the aura belonging to Feng Tuoxi shrouded her. Xi's face.

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