the president's wife

Chapter 407: You only have a daughter in your eyes

Chapter 407: You only have your daughter Cheng Hanlei in your eyes and smiled speechlessly, overlapping Lei Chenyi's big hand.Before she was born, she had already been accommodated like this. I really don't know how Lei Chenyi will pamper her after her daughter is born.What to do, before his daughter came out, he was a little worried that Lei Chenyi would spoil her.

Beibei is fortunate that she had a good and correct education before she was four years old. If her daughter was spoiled by Lei Chenyi since she was a child, what should she do if she becomes self-willed and savage? The most fearful thing is that she will be willful and savage. p ass encourages her dad, it's really nerve-wracking.

Lei Chenyi, who was holding Cheng Hanlei, didn't think of Cheng Hanlei's worries at all, but touched her belly with a happy look, imagining what his daughter would look like when he was born.

The daughter sketched in his mind is so cute, Lei Chenyi smiled a little silly...

His daughter, hehe...


Apart from working, Lei Chenyi now divides his time at home into three parts.One part was to accompany Cheng Beibei, and the other part was to stick to Cheng Hanlei's abdomen with Cheng Beibei to listen to the fetal movement. Occasionally, the father and daughter giggled happily.Cheng Beibei knew that there would be a younger sister and younger brother soon, and happily circled around Cheng Hanlei every day. What she loved to ask most every day was whether it would be too crowded for the younger brother and younger sister to play hide-and-seek together in Cheng Hanlei's stomach.

Sometimes she would foolishly ask Cheng Hanlei if she could play with her younger siblings in Cheng Hanlei's stomach... Cheng Hanlei giggled.Lei Chenyi rarely mentioned his son, and every time the fetus moved, he would proudly say that it was his daughter.The partiality towards her daughter is so obvious that Cheng Hanlei wants to feel wronged for her unborn son, who also exists as one sibling, Lei Chenyi's differential treatment is too obvious.

Accompanying Cheng Beibei and listening to the fetal movement is actually not much time, now what consumes most of Lei Chenyi's time is burying his head in the study every day.

In the past, Lei Chenyi was only in the study to deal with business.Now, he buried his head in the study for a long time, just for one thing.It's a new and huge project. Since he came back from the bookstore, Lei Chenyi's study shelf has been allocated a part of books on parenting.About what pregnant women should pay attention to every month during pregnancy, what they should eat, and what they should do usually.As for what should be done as a husband, after reading what to do at five or six months, start to study seven or eight months, and what needs to be paid attention to during childbirth.

What needs to be paid attention to after giving birth, and now the main focus is on what the husband should do if the pregnant woman has postpartum depression after giving birth...

No matter what the situation is, Lei Chenyi will seriously study it one by one. Even if this situation does not happen, he will study hard, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Ever since he became obsessed with research, Lei Chenyi used to sleep with Cheng Hanlei on the bed for a while as soon as Cheng Beibei went to bed at night.And now, he won't enter the room until eleven o'clock.When I entered the study, I forgot the time.Sometimes I will study until late at night, just because I am too focused on watching.

There is a notebook on one side, which he picked out after careful research to pay special attention to.The way he took it seriously seemed like he was about to face a very important matter. At first, Cheng Hanlei was very moved by Lei Chenyi's busy devotion to himself, but gradually Cheng Hanlei became really depressed.

It has been more than half a month, Lei Chenyi finished researching what he bought last time, went to the bookstore yesterday, and bought a bunch of them back.It's really a bunch, Lei Chenyi's study room is already big, it's a separate study room for two people.Originally, his books were already full, but now, Lei Chenyi put away the books he used frequently and put them aside, and half of the bookshelves were about pregnant women.

It is already eleven o'clock, and the lights in the study are still on.

Cheng Hanlei endured it for half a month, this feeling was sweet at first.But gradually, Lei Chenyi couldn't stand Lei Chenyi's desperation.If this continues, he will buy back no matter if it is from famous artists or the miscellaneous notes written by those famous people who gave birth to a child.

The problem is, how could he be so cautious in giving birth to a child? The extent of his appearance is really scary...

Pushing open the door of the study, Cheng Hanlei walked in.

Lei Chenyi, who has studied the gods, didn't notice Cheng Hanlei's appearance at all, until Cheng Hanlei closed the book in his hand.

With a snap, Lei Chenyi recovered from his concentration.

"why are not you sleeping?"

Lei Chenyi raised his head, his face still focused.In the first few days, every time she saw Lei Chenyi's concentrated appearance, Cheng Hanlei felt very happy, but now when she saw this concentrated appearance, Cheng Hanlei felt an unknown fire burning.

Try to wake up every night, surrounded by cold.He won't hug her and kiss her before going to bed again, just like having a mistress all of a sudden.What makes people even more tangled is that the third party between them is still these books.He is still completely for her and the child in his womb, but...

She has had enough...

"Lei Chenyi, you are enough."

She told herself to endure every day, he was for herself.But she really couldn't bear it!

"What's the matter? Wife, pregnant women can't be too emotional. Otherwise, my daughter will have a big temper in the future. Come on, follow me, take a deep breath, one...two..."

"Your head."

Cheng Hanlei was already angry, but after hearing Lei Chenyi's words, the anger became even more raging.Listen, she has been tortured like this for the past half month.When sitting, he would come over and adjust her posture.When walking, he wished that there was a stone in front of him and he would remove it.In the garden, this pollen cannot be smelled much.When the wind blows, he will immediately take her home, saying that pregnant women cannot blow the wind.To bask in the sun, he would say, the sun cannot be basked in.It will be bad for the unborn baby.

To eat, you can’t eat this, but you should eat more of that.How much does this need to be taken every day, and how many cc should be drunk every day.You can't touch this thing, what will happen to your daughter in the future, you need to touch that more, what will happen to your daughter in the future...

He has simply become an extremely wordy man, and he has been exhorting her every day so that she has endured to the edge...

"Daughter, daughter, daughter again."

That's enough, he talks about his daughter every day...

"Do you love your daughter or me?"

The small universe exploded, well, she admitted that she was already jealous with her daughter.This hasn't been born yet, and she already has a feeling of jealousy.His daughter is long and his daughter is short, and he seldom thinks about her.

Lei Chenyi's eyes softened immediately, he turned around and put his arms around Cheng Hanlei, who had grown bigger, and pecked and kissed her pouting lips twice.In fact, he really loved her appearance when she was acting like a baby, and the changes after pregnancy, which really made him very fond of it.I didn't like acting like a baby before, and I was too independent and strong.His little woman, he still likes her very much. Even though he loves the life of a strong woman, at home, she is still his little woman.You can act like a baby, and you can be willful in front of him.

He is willing to tolerate her like this, and also thinks that she is so cute.

"Of course I love you the most."

"You are a liar. You also said that you love me the most. You said, ever since you knew that I was pregnant with your favorite daughter, you have been thinking that your daughter can't do this and that, and you hang your daughter on the bed all day long. On the edge of your mouth, you still said you love me the most!"

Her lips pursed even more, Cheng Hanlei bit Lei Chenyi's lips dissatisfied.

"Isn't my daughter a piece of your body? If I love her, don't I love you?"

Lei Chenyi was good-tempered and patient, pinching Cheng Hanlei's small face and coaxing her.

"Husband, why don't you lose your temper with me?"

After Lei Chenyi followed her again, Cheng Hanlei leaned into his arms with some murmurs.Because her stomach was getting bigger and bigger, when Cheng Hanlei leaned into his arms, her stomach pressed against her, and she felt like she was flying.It was not comfortable to lean on, and the face could hardly touch his shoulders.

The two hadn't quarreled for a long time, and he let himself do everything.Don't people say that the occasional bickering and quarrel between husband and wife will make the relationship deeper and deeper.The so-called beating is love, scolding is love, isn't that the truth.But the two of them couldn't argue.The degree to which Lei Chenyi accommodated her was almost to the point where no one could beat her...

"Cheng Hanlei, how can you be so seductive with your coquettish appearance?"

Lei Chenyi held Cheng Hanlei's face seriously, and deliberately spoke in a low voice.The expression on that face looked like he was arguing with Cheng Hanlei, but what he said didn't mean anything...

"Okay, the tantrum is out. Time to sleep."

Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei's speechless little face with a funny face, bowed his head and kissed it in a gesture of cupping his face.He hugged Cheng Hanlei in his arms easily, and then walked towards the room.

Cheng Hanlei's figure has obviously gone out of shape because she was well made up.It was much bloated than before, but Lei Chenyi was hugged easily, as if it didn't take any effort at all.Cheng Hanlei leaned in his arms, looked up at Lei Chenyi's handsome face, and found that she had nothing to find fault with and couldn't find sparks, so she gave up silently and helplessly...

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