the president's wife

Chapter 387: Taking medicine, is it useful?

Chapter 387: Taking medicine, is it useful?Turning around suddenly, Shangguan Jue looked at Peony with icy eyes...

Peony was stunned by the ice-like eyes, and didn't respond for a long time.Until the sound of closing the door with a slam woke Peony up, looking at the door with her beautiful eyes open, the eye sockets were stinging sharply, and there was even liquid swirling inside. Peony raised his head stubbornly, biting his lower lip and holding back his tears forcefully.

Go back to the room, change clothes and go to the kitchen.

He took out the dishes from the refrigerator and was busy in the kitchen wearing an apron.The pool is half filled with water and the tap is turned off. Peony started to wash the dishes on one side with both hands, and slowly, slowly, like a slow motion motion stopped...

The tears she held back burst out of her eyes, and with two slaps, the tears fell on the water surface, rippling and rippling...

The dinner was unusually quiet, and Peony didn't speak, but kept his head down and ate white rice silently with red eyes.In fact, she doesn't like to eat white rice, but in order to integrate into Shangguanjue's life, she worked hard to learn how to love what he loves...

Shangguanjue ate very little, put down the bowl and stood up without saying anything, then turned around and went back to the room again.

Without Shangguanjue, the dining table became calmer. Peony sat there staring at the dishes in front of him, without any appetite.

Stand up and start packing.The carefully cooked dishes were almost untouched, and the pots were poured into the trash can.No matter how much I learn, I can't learn the taste of Han Lei's cooking, no matter how close I cook it, it's not Han Lei's cooking.Therefore, at noon, Shangguanjue can eat two bowls of rice and many dishes, and at night it will be the same as before, like a cat's stomach...

With a slip of his hand, the plate fell into the pool, and the sound of shattering brought Peony back to his senses.First instinct is to reach for the broken dish...


A burst of pain swept from between the fingers, Peony immediately withdrew his hand, looking at the blood slowly oozing out from the finger, Peony was quietly, quietly, for a moment, the heartache was unstoppable.


After everything was done, Peony poured a glass of boiling water and walked to Shangguanjue's door with something in his hand.Knocked on the door, but heard no sound from inside.Taking a deep breath, he tried his best to raise a smile, not wanting Shangguanjue to see anything strange about him.


He actively pushed open the door and walked in, looked at Shangguanjue who was sitting there, and walked over with boiling water.

"It's time to take medicine."

Pass the water and medicine in his hand to Shangguanjue...

Shangguanjue did not turn his head, his eyes were still looking at the lights of Wanjia outside, the indoor lights were not turned on, only the light from the living room came in.Looking at Shangguan Jue's expressionless face through the light, the indifference would make people feel pain.

Seeing that Shangguan Jue ignored him, Peony gently reminded him again: "Jue, take medicine."

"go out."

"You take the medicine first, and I'll go out right away."

"I let you out."

"Jeez, you first..."

"I let you out."

With a strong wave of his big hand, the pills in one hand were scattered all over the ground by Shangguanjue's hand, and the warm water in the other hand was also shaken by that force, and most of the liquid in the cup splashed on himself.The water is not hot, but the liquid is like sulfuric acid, corroding from the place where it was splashed into the heart, and the burning pain is very painful.

In the end, nothing was said. Peony squatted down, picked up the medicines on the ground one by one, then turned around and walked out silently.His shoulders were trembling, his lips were tightly pressed, and he had to work hard to keep himself from crying in front of Shangguanjue.

The door was closed, Shangguanjue was sitting there, there were traces of water spilled on the floor and the capsule pills at the corner of the bed...

is that useful?


Feng Qingyu was sitting on the balcony on the second floor, with a glass of drink by the table, and a famous book in his hand, which he had already read halfway through.

The progress of reading is very slow today, and from time to time, I heard the conversation between my mother and father downstairs last night, and heard a name from my mother's mouth that sounds strange but inexplicably reminds him to remember.


A long-lost voice suddenly came from downstairs. When Feng Qingyu heard Cheng Beibei's voice, he casually put down the book in his hand and stood up.Inherited from his father Feng Tuoxi's tallness, the seven-year-old Feng Qingyu is obviously taller than ordinary children. At this time, with his hands on the railing, he looked at the picture outside the next door outside the garden.

I haven't seen her for a few days, Cheng Beibei is still wearing two soaring shofar braids, and the chubby little face that looks like she got out of the car still has an idiot smile.A small hand that only knows how to eat is still holding a cotton candy and is licking it.The face is full of satisfaction, as if eating delicacies from mountains and seas.In his world, he can never understand how desserts and these things that look like junk food can be eaten with such a face of enjoyment...

Just as he was criticizing inwardly, Feng Qingyu's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Followed down from the car was a boy who looked like a short man, not much taller than Cheng Beibei, with a face that was pretending to be deep and cold, and it looked like he was pretending.Watching him walk into the little idiot, take out a white handkerchief from his pocket and help Cheng Beibei, who eats marshmallows stuck to his mouth, wipe off the residue, and Cheng Beibei looks at the little dwarf with an idiot smile ...

After seeing the little idiot smiling even more idiotly, the little man who pretended to be deep had a smile that looked like an idiot on his face.And that little idiot stood on tiptoe and kissed the little dwarf's face, but he didn't realize that the strength of his hands clasped on the railing became a little stronger.

That's Anze, the little idiot who said he was going to be his wife actually used a handkerchief, what a mother.

Until Cheng Beibei took the initiative to lead Anze to the next door, Feng Qingyu's gaze had not yet retracted, and he was thoughtful, but he didn't know what he was trying to figure out.Yuan Diandian walked upstairs with the dessert she just made, and saw her son standing by the railing looking into the distance.Immediately put down the dessert in his hand, and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Xiaoyu, be careful, come, mommy will take you to a safe place, my baby, I scared mommy to death, are you okay? How could you go to such a dangerous place , what should I do if I accidentally fall down? Mom, you are the only son, mother's heart, mother's baby..."

The black lines all over his face were hugged into Yuan Diandian's somewhat proud chest, and he was almost suffocated to death.He calmly broke free from Yuan Diandian's proud chest, then pushed Yuan Diandian away without a trace, walked back to his original seat and sat down. He was already used to fucking love's off-line scenes from time to time.Although he is used to it, it doesn't mean that he will be an idiot to act together...

"Xiaoyu, are you despising your mother?"

Seeing the obvious disgust on his son's face just now, Yuan Diandian was a little hurt.

Standing beside Feng Qingyu, his eyes were red with grievance.

Feng Qingyu just picked up the famous book that was on the shelf, and before he started to read it, when he heard Yuan Diandian's aggrieved voice, he had to turn his eyes to look at his mother.He is clearly in his thirties, but he still treats himself like a child of a certain age, trying to be coaxed every day.


"You just dislike your mother. I know I'm a bit stupid, not as smart as you and your father. I know..."

There are a few more black lines on Feng Qingyu's forehead. If his mother is to continue talking, at least half an hour should be spent on the topic of dislike...

He rubbed his temples with some headaches, and said in a very serious tone, "Mom, really not."

"Really not?"


A more sincere voice.

"Then why do you never eat the desserts made by your mother? Isn't that disgusting? Look at other people's children..."

Yuan Diandian took advantage of the trend, how she wished to have a caring little padded jacket, so that she could love desserts like herself, and could lean in her arms and act like a baby, just like Beibei.However, she did not live up to expectations and gave birth to a son.She still wanted to have another life, but she kissed her husband but she was unwilling. After Feng Qingyu was two years old, she deeply realized that her son would never act like a baby in her arms, would not appreciate her desserts, would not When she became her intimate little padded jacket, she immediately decided to seduce Feng Tuoxi after discussing it with her sister-in-law Mi Duoduo, and if she wanted him to get out of control, don't take measures every time...

This man is too selfish, for the sake of not abstaining from sex, he is determined not to let her have a second one.Because of the ten months of pregnancy, she reacted too much.And the pregnancy was not very stable, so the two of them couldn't do river and crab sports, so after Qingyu was born, she kissed her husband and never let her give birth again.

On the road of seduction, she made persistent efforts time and time again, but in the end they all ended in failure.

I have been bravely persisting until now, but there is still no success.

Her road to giving birth to a little padded jacket was so bumpy, she could only pin her hopes on her son, but his son really didn't give him any face.

here we go again……

Feng Qingyu couldn't help but rolled his eyes...

"I can't stay in this house anymore, even my son rolled his eyes at me..."

Feng Qingyu was speechless...

Looking at the high points that look good in there, eating these things is more painful than swallowing poison.The brows were tightly furrowed, and the brows similar to Feng Tuoxi's were full of wrinkles.As if something flashed in his mind, Feng Qingyu stood up.



Yuan Diandian, who was immersed in acting, heard Feng Qingyu calling her, and immediately broke away from the play and looked at Feng Qingyu...

"Would you like to eat these desserts?"


"Feng Qingyu, you bad boy, why do you..."

"Don't you little idiot love to eat?"

"Little idiot?"

Yuan frowned in confusion, and suddenly realized who Feng Qingyu was talking about...

"Little Feng Qingyu, why are you so rude? She's not called a little idiot, she's called Cheng Beibei."

Feng Qingyu directly ignored his mother, unwilling to get entangled in the question of whether she was a little idiot or Cheng Beibei. No matter what she was called, she was still a little idiot.

"Hey, my baby Beibei went to pay New Year's greetings, hasn't she come back yet?"

She also knew that her baby Beibei liked to eat. If Beibei was at home, she wouldn't let her son despise her carefully made pastries.

"She has come back."

Feng Qingyu's faint words made her really speechless to her mother.Last night, she took the initiative to tell Feng Tuoxi excitedly that her precious Beibei was finally coming back, she was as excited as if Beibei was her own daughter.It's fine now, turn around and forget...

"Yes, my baby is back."

Yuan Diandian's eyes sparkled with folds, and he stretched out his hand to take the cakes downstairs, and then went to ask Beibei to come and share with him.

"Wait, Xiaoyu, how do you know?"

Looking at Feng Qingyu with scrutiny, something is wrong with his son.He has always regarded Beibei as a little idiot, why is he paying so much attention to Beibei all of a sudden.Just now the son was standing by the railing, looking outside.Could it be that his son was standing here waiting for Beibei to come back just now, could it be that his son is interested in Beibei?

Yuan Diandian was so excited about the thoughts in her heart, she turned around and prepared to get excited|Pressed her son if he was interested in his favorite daughter-in-law...

Looking down, she realized that Feng Qingyu had already walked out of the balcony with her pastries, and was about to go downstairs.


"I'll send you to the next door."

Feng Qingyu said calmly, leaving the curious Yuan Diandian behind.

Just meeting his father at the stairs, Feng Qingyu nodded to Feng Tuoxi.

"Dad, Mom gave it to you."

In this world, the person who can tolerate Yuan DianDian the most and also eats the most is his great father whom he admires.


Nodding to his son, he didn't ask his son what he was doing with the pastry, but he just strode forward to catch up with Yuan Diandian who went next door with Feng Qingyu.With big hands, he easily took Yuan Diandian into his arms...

"Husband, I want to talk to Xiaoyu...ah, husband, what are you doing..."

"Do what you haven't finished yesterday. You haven't told me why you found the corpse of potato chips under the bed, or the five kinds of potato chips that were crushed..."

Feng Tuoxi hugged his wife and walked to their room with ease.

As soon as Feng Tuoxi's voice fell, Yuan Diandian immediately silenced it.The whole body was buried in Feng Tuoxi's chest, and she said softly and coquettishly: "Husband, during the day, people will be shy..."

She said she would be shy, but her hands were already wrapped around Feng Tuoxi.In fact, secretly speaking, she still likes to do things she loves to do with her husband...


next door

Cheng Beibei sat in the garden, rubbing against Lei Chenyi's body, unwilling to get off.I haven't seen her for more than a week, and she misses her father and mother.

Tired of crooked rubbing rubbing rubbing rubbing ah, just when they were enjoying themselves, the doorbell rang outside the door.

Seeing that it was the young master next door, the aunt immediately opened the door to let Feng Qingyu in.Feng Qingyu walked into the garden, watched Lei Chenyi and Cheng Hanlei call their uncles and aunts...

"Why did you come here?"

When Cheng Beibei saw Feng Qingyu, he looked at Feng Qingyu unfriendly.Now it's her territory, so she doesn't want to tolerate him.Cheng Beibei didn't forget that she called her a little idiot that day.

Send 4000 words first, and 3000 words later.

I recommend Zizi's old article: "Fatal Marriage: Woman, You Are Just a Pawn" is said to be very sadistic. Those who don't like sadism can ignore it. Children's shoes of sadomasochistic articles can be pitted, and they should like it. "Fenfen Wife: Woman, you have to be responsible. "The story of Mi Keer and Feng Chebing who are playing soy sauce in fake love, the hero is affectionate and the heroine is infatuated. (A side story by Yuan Diandian and Huangfu Gufeng is attached.) Welcome to the pit.

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