Chapter 382: Going back to the room, taking a shower and lying down. It was past three o'clock on the bed, Lei Chenyi hugged Cheng Hanlei into his arms, did nothing but kissed Cheng Hanlei's lips, said good night, and then closed it lights.Cheng Hanlei leaned against Lei Chenyi's arms, but was thinking about what Yuan Diandian said just now.In fact, when it comes to doing test-tube babies, she also found a lot of information on the Internet, which also allowed Meng Ning to introduce a very professional gynecologist to provide her with some professional advice.

In fact, she is only 25 years old, and the doctor does not recommend her to do test-tube babies. After all, she is not old enough to need to do test-tube babies.Although her constitution is not easy to conceive, the chance is pitifully small.But it doesn't mean there is no chance at all, just relax and don't feel too much psychological pressure, wait two years later, if you really haven't conceived, then consider IVF.

She kept the doctor's professional opinion in her heart, but she really wanted to give Lei Chenyi a child as soon as possible...

In fact, what Yuan Diandian said was a bit unreliable. They just talked about it because they mentioned infertility. They wanted to ease this topic and didn't want her to be unhappy in the New Year, so Yuan Diandian was in high spirits. Playing lip service there.But, in fact, what she said can actually be tried...

In terms of a certain aspect of life between the two of them, Lei Chenyi usually took the initiative.And the only time she took the initiative was Lei Chenyi's head, and then she took the initiative.Speaking of taking the initiative is only at the top...

If you take the initiative to seduce yourself, adding some small interest in life, will it make Lei Chenyi more excited and more devoted, and you can also be more devoted, without any psychological pressure.

Thinking about it, I fell asleep unconsciously.


knock knock

An Ran knocked on An Ze's door, then twisted the door and walked in.Anze just took a shower and was still awake. There was a game of Go on the table.And the chess game unfolded was the last game he just played with Qiu Yuan, and the situation was placed on his wrong move.Holding a sunspot in his hand, he was hesitating what to do.


Putting down the chess pieces in his hand, he turned and looked at An Ran.In fact, from today when grandpa asked him to go downstairs, and then told himself that he was going to enter the military academy, he had already seen his mother's expression.After playing chess and returning to the room, he studied the chess game while waiting for An Ran.


An Ran sat on An Ze's bed, stretched out her hand to hold An Ze's little hand.Back then, she couldn't bear to have Ozawa, and the memory of walking into the operating room for the first time was too clear.She killed her and Shangguan Rui's first child with her own hands, and the pain and torture in her heart cannot be described in words.

When she learned of Ozawa's existence, she really had no way to attack the child in her womb again.I couldn't convince myself not to want this child, because I knew it was impossible, so I wanted to keep this child.

After she gave birth to Ozawa, she was very glad that she did not choose not to have Ozawa at that time.Because of Ozawa, she didn't have such a hard time in those four years.

Ozawa is her everything, the person she most wants to protect.He is her son, the most beloved son, the precious son who is most reluctant to let him be hurt.

"Mom, I want to become a man who can truly protect you and Beibei. No matter what happens in the future, I can protect you both."

"Mom, I want to be your pride. Let me go to military school, okay?"

Looking at An Ze's eyes, his eyes are over-aged and mature.

An Ran reluctantly touched An Ze's little face...

"Ozawa, are you really going?"


"Okay, mom agrees with you to go."

Even though An Ran was reluctant, she still respected An Ze's decision.She knew better than anyone else why Anze would choose to enter the military academy and let himself be trained early.Her Ozawa is the most sensitive and obedient son...

An Ze reached out and hugged An Ran, there were some things he didn't understand, but there were some things he vaguely understood.I know more about what my mother is worried about, the conversation between An Ran and Lan Yuan that I heard that day...

If he becomes able to protect himself and Mom, then Mom won't have to do anything she doesn't want to do because of him.



On the third day of Chinese Lunar New Year, when Shangguanjue was about to be discharged from the hospital, Peony was still helping Shangguanjue pack his things.Shangguanjue was changing clothes in the bathroom. After changing his clothes, he looked in the mirror and his complexion recovered a little.After more than a week of recuperation, the thin pointed forehead finally grew some flesh.

His complexion has also improved a lot, and his whole body has become more energetic.

He buttoned the last button of his shirt, put on his coat, turned and walked outside.

Just walked to the door of the bathroom and reached out to pull the door.

A burst of dizziness suddenly swept over, and Shangguanjue felt his eyes go dark, his legs couldn't bear his own weight for an instant, and he fell heavily to the ground with a bang.


Peony was just finishing halfway, when he suddenly heard a sound, turned around and saw Shangguanjue fell to the ground.

The clothes in his hands fell to the ground, and Peony ran towards Shangguanjue with great strides...

Throwing to Shangguanjue's side, looking at his tightly closed eyes, tears rolled out immediately...

"Doctor, doctor..."

The frantic screams were hoarse with fear...


Cheng Hanlei spent almost three days together with Yuan Diandian, Mi Duoduo and Mi Ke'er, and the four women would get together and talk about something from time to time.

When I first came to S City, there were very few people visiting during the New Year.And those who want to curry favor with them are not allowed to enter, Lei Chenyi has few relatives, and they are all irrelevant.In the morning, Cheng Hanlei finished her work at home, and in the afternoon, the four of them gathered at a table.In the evening, it was even two or three o'clock in the morning.It went on for three nights.

Yuan Diandian and the others are very loyal. After planning for three days, Mi Duoduo even took the initiative to help Cheng Hanlei prepare a pair of sexy pajamas.I did an experiment with myself, and the next day I used a staggering and abnormal walking posture to prove how amazing the effect of the same style of pajamas is.How much love is Huangfu Gufeng, how uncontrollable, how passionate...

So on the fourth night, Cheng Beibei happened to be picked up by Qiu Ze to City C.Yuan Diandian, Mi Duoduo and Mi Ke'er three women tried their best to use themselves as an exchange condition, as long as they kissed their husbands, they could trick Lei Chenyi to come here or something, and let them toss about at night. Shout tired, promise to stick to the end, promise not to protest, and promise to cooperate throughout the whole process.Yin, if you cooperate, you won't faint, and you won't be able to pretend to be a dead body at the end...

You must know that a few women are usually sexually happy women who want to complain about their sexual happiness, and their husbands are all the wolf in the novel.And the frequency is high, estrus regardless of time and place regardless of any occasion.As long as the sexuality comes, they will immediately throw themselves down... They will often pretend to be dead in a coma due to exhaustion.

Although they are the ones who move, they also have to follow suit.If you don't pretend to be a dead body or something, you're too sexually blessed to die.It's the most embarrassing thing to react to yourself who obviously has no strength and is not in good health.

Lei Chenyi was called to the next door by three men, half an hour later.Lei Chenyi went back when the men looked at him with wretched eyes despite their serious expressions.

Master bedroom on the second floor

All four men heard the eager discussion of the four little women that day.And these three days, what are the four women doing together, how can they hide from the eyes of the four men.And they are all profit-seeking types, such a good opportunity, my wife will definitely use them, and when the time comes, how can I not make a good fortune.

You must know that after being married for a long time, their enthusiasm for their wives has not diminished in the slightest.But on the other hand, the wife who used to be equally enthusiastic seems to have gradually faded away from the enthusiasm for doing bed and exercise. This cannot be... When they are still like tigers, how can they tolerate their wives treating their bodies badly? So enthusiastic.

It's getting a little tiresome to use domineering every time. It's rare to have the opportunity to negotiate terms. If you don't grasp it, you will be a fool.It's a pity to say that they are all smart people with high IQs, so they will never do stupid things...

Whether Lei Chenyi would stop Cheng Hanlei and Yuan Diandian from being together, the main reason was that the three women actually stopped him from something that he couldn't even persuade.Temporarily rescinded Cheng Hanlei's decision to be a test-tube baby.

The test tube baby is not a last resort, Lei Chenyi is unwilling to let Lei Lei suffer this.

There was a warm lamp in the living room, Lei Chenyi gently closed the door, and walked to the second floor.

Standing in front of the bedroom door, there was a ray of warm light inside the slightly closed door.Before Lei Chenyi saw Cheng Hanlei, a certain part of his body began to tighten up.I endured it for three days just to give Cheng Hanlei a chance to perform today.

Slowly opened the door, Cheng Hanlei was not seen in the room, but the bathroom door was closed to cover it up, a slender figure could be faintly seen standing inside through the frosted glass, only one figure was seen through the frosted glass. Not sure what she was wearing.

Cheng Hanlei heard the sound of Lei Chenyi closing the door.

Although it is said that two people have faced each other naked more than once or twice, but this is the first time I have dressed like this...

Brilliant clothes...

First of all, it is difficult to pass the level of one's own psychology, even in front of Lei Chenyi.Let him see her like this under the light, Cheng Hanlei's face is almost spontaneously combusted.


After waiting for a while, there was still no movement inside.Lei Chenyi's breathing began to lose frequency, and he knocked on the bathroom door, seeing his very honest reaction, his breathing became short of rhythm.

Second update. . .

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