the president's wife

Chapter 237: Hematemesis (5000) Supplement

Chapter 237: Hematemesis (5000) to make up for a big hole in my heart, as if I was forcibly poached away...

"Chen Yi..."

Xia Ruoyu saw Lei Chenyi's series of abnormal actions, his tall body sitting on the sofa seemed to be suddenly pressed down by a heavy stone, and he was shrouded in a wave of sadness.


When these two words flashed into Xia Ruoyu's mind, she couldn't believe it.Standing in front of Lei Chenyi, seeing his hands intertwined in his hair, his body is immovable like a mountain, but the air around his body reveals a wordless pain.

Her heart was seized, seeing Lei Chenyi like this, Xia Ruoyu bit her lips lightly, and finally stretched out her hand to clasp Lei Chenyi's shoulder.Lei Chenyi's body stood there, with a familiar fragrance in his breath.For a while, I couldn't even tell who was who?Just after getting out of the hospital bed, his clothes were messy, and half of his body was covering Lei Chenyi. Lei Chenyi's face was buried against Xia Ruoyu's chest, greedy for the familiar fragrance...

This faint fragrance was just a distraction for a moment, Lei Chenyi quickly calmed down.Pushing Xia Ruoyu away, Jun's face was expressionless, except for some redness around his eyes.Standing up, the voice was hoarse: "The nurse will be here soon, take a good rest, someone is still waiting for you."

The expression on Xia Ruoyu's face froze, she wanted to hold Lei Chenyi with her hand, but before she lifted her hand, Lei Chenyi was already a few steps away from her, not even staying for a moment.


The airport in m city...

Impulsive at the beginning, when the four words Wushengsheng oscillated back and forth in his mind, Shangguanjue only took a puff of the cigarette between his fingers, and fell to the ground dejectedly.In addition to a fishy red in the eyes, there is more disbelief.Everyone inside was cold.It's not that I haven't encountered such a thing as an air crash, and it's definitely not the first time to deal with this kind of incident. In the previous crashes, there were many big figures, but it was the first time I felt this kind of pressure.

With just one look, it seems that the two men standing here will destroy this airport at any time.Let people be buried with them.This kind of pressing pressure finally relieved the crisis when Shangguanjue suddenly turned around and walked out.No one spoke, and Shangguan Rui's face was already ashen.

After leaving the hotel safely that day, on the one hand, he was worried that because of his relationship, Murong Xue would not let it go, which would be detrimental to An Ran.On the one hand, he did feel guilty towards An Ran, but more importantly, he wanted to know about An Ran's current situation. Therefore, after knowing that An Ran had safely returned to City M, he immediately secretly asked people to pay attention to An Ran's situation and report to him at any time.So after learning that An Ran had secretly booked a flight ticket to the United States, and rushing to City M immediately after learning about it, who knew that there was still no rush...

One after the other, walk out.

In the lobby of the airport, more and more people gathered.They formed a group in twos and threes, crying and wailing.Everyone vented the pain of losing their loved ones and friends with tears.Shangguanjue's gaze swept across the crowd indifferently, and he walked straight out, repeating his movements like a machine.

If he could see that Cheng Hanlei was deliberately provoking him to leave, if he could love more deeply, he would not have to worry about the so-called masculine self-esteem.Then, Xiao Hualei would not have a chance to escape from his sight, would not return to City M, and would not even book a plane ticket to the United States.

There will be no air crash, and he will not lose...

Shangguan Rui was no better than Shangguan Jue. After the two walked out one after the other, they ignored the crying voices behind them.They all need to calm down.

Shangguan Rui went directly to An Ran's residence, and the things inside had already been cleaned up.One layer is not stained, when she left, she came here to clean up.Does she also have a little bit of reluctance here?Or, resentment towards him.If he could take control of his life for once, if he could learn to say no to dad.Then, it doesn't matter if it's a child, he won't hurt Anran so far, and make her have to choose to leave her hometown and choose to leave a familiar place and go to a completely strange place...

Doing this is nothing more than wanting to forget, wanting to start over completely...

If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have lost her life at a young age, and she wouldn't have had the chance to see the changes in the world before enjoying a good life.

It's him……

Shangguanjue unknowingly walked to the House of Love, in the place he had carefully arranged, even though it was arranged here to punish and revenge Xiaohuabud, but every place was meticulously done.He has never seen the layout of City S, but based on his memory, when he said what needs to be displayed where, it turned out that it had already been engraved in his mind, and he had never forgotten it due to time.

As soon as the door was closed, Shangguanjue's legs seemed to be unable to bear the load.Somewhat embarrassed, he fell to the ground, clasped his head silently, a tear fell on the leather shoes, and fainted...


s city

Darkness hides too many emotional reactions of people.

The flickering sparks occasionally let there be a glimmer of light in the dark world.The air was stagnant, and the smoke filled the darkness.In the occasional spark, the lingering smoke can be seen.

Throat smoked too much, and it was burning with pain.If you have a bad stomach, you can feel the spicy stuff stirring in your stomach after taking a sip of wine.The disturbed Lei Chenyi's complexion became even paler, and he closed his eyes vaguely, as if he could see a figure swaying in front of his eyes.

Here, the familiar scent has long since disappeared.There is no sound of light footsteps, and there is no barefoot figure walking back and forth.Not to mention the warm and soft body moaning softly in his arms, eyes closed, as if everything was still in front of him.Whether it's a frown or a smile, or an angry, hateful look, it's vivid in my memory...

Just in the blink of an eye, just a wrong body, how could I lose...


My heart and stomach turned even more violently.The cigarette in his hand seemed to be burnt out again, the burnt finger, the pain came from between the index finger and the middle finger, the sparks burned the skin and gave off an unpleasant smell, and Lei Chenyi's gaze was fixed on it in the darkness, and he did not throw it away. until the fire goes out automatically.Until the skin between the two fingers is scalded and smells like burnt^...

Compared with the colic in my heart, any pain seems to be in vain.

As soon as the cigarette was extinguished, I stretched out my hand and began to grope for the cigarette in the dark, when I touched the empty box.I went to touch another box, which was also empty.When the third box was the same, Lei Chenyi stretched out his hand to the wine again, picked it up but didn't pour it into the cup, and directly poured it down his throat, as if apart from this, he didn't know how to cover up his aching heart ...

In that area, it seems that someone is taking a blunt knife and cutting slowly one by one...

The wine was poured heavily.The stomach couldn't bear the impact of the strong alcohol, and the alcohol being poured into the stomach almost made the intestines stir together.The churning pain made Lei Chenyi's face more and more ugly, and he couldn't swallow the wine anymore, and the excess alcohol slid down the corner of his mouth.And when the wine in his mouth was swallowed down his throat, there was a sudden violent coughing sound.

Accompanied by the churning of the stomach, a sharp stabbing pain in the throat.All the wine in his mouth sprayed out, splashing all over his body and splashing on the sofa.There was thunder outside, and suddenly there was a flash of thunder, and Lei Chenyi was seen pouring out wine and falling back on the sofa, and there was no more movement.And with the help of lightning, besides the color of the wine, the alcohol splashed on the body and the alcohol on the sofa also had a touch of bloody red...


"Hahaha, Shangguan Rui, this is retribution."

Murong Xue was sitting on the sofa in the living room, seeing Shangguan Rui who came back the next day.As soon as she opened the door and walked in, Murong Xue's eyes turned to the man with red and swollen eyes who obviously hadn't slept all night.Looking at his appearance, the anger in his heart burned even more.

On the TV, the news of the air crash in M ​​city is being rebroadcasted. It is rare that there are no survivors in the air accident.When she saw An Ran in the list, Murong Xue felt a sense of providence.

The insult on the wedding night was vivid in his memory, and he made him go to that little tramp behind his back.She is still thinking about what to do to get that little tramper punished, and now even God is helping her.Look, this is retribution.This is the retribution for seducing someone else's fiance.

God has eyes...

Haha ...

Murong Xue's gloating face caught Shangguan Rui's eyes.I didn't sleep all night, my eyes were bloodshot.Looking at Murong Xue, the lips covered in lipstick looked like a big mouth full of blood.There was a hint of disgusted anger in his eyes.Step by step, he approached Murong Xue on the sofa.

Murong Xue didn't know it yet. Watching TV, she leisurely picked up the pastry and ate it, and said: "God has eyes, don't you want to be with that little Jianren? Let me see how you are with her." , Shangguan Rui, you are destined to be mine. Without her, I see how you can have other ideas."

"what are you doing?"

Murong Xue had just swallowed a mouthful of pastry, but she hadn't swallowed it yet.Suddenly feeling an overwhelming pressure, she turned around and saw Shangguan Rui approaching her with an oppressive force.The body couldn't help feeling cold and weak, and shrank a little.Watching Shangguan Rui speak nervously.

Shangguan Rui didn't answer, but just put one hand on the sofa, looking at Murong Xue with dark eyes, he had never looked at her with such eyes, and Murong Xue shivered for a while.His complexion also changed involuntarily, and his smile seemed to be unstoppable.Mingming was terrified to death, but he still pretended to be ruthless.

Shangguan Rui looked at Murong Xue coldly, and suddenly pinched Murong Xue with his big hand, and said coldly: "Murong Xue, let me hear the words Xiaojianren from your mouth again, try it."

Shangguan Rui's eyes were too cold, too icy.It was empty inside, as if it had been hollowed out.Looking at Murong Xue like this is shocking enough.

"It hurts...don't forget that I'm still pregnant with your stop..."

Murong Xue's forehead was pinched in pain, and it was tightened in her big palm.Struggling but still unable to break free, Shangguan Rui ignored Murong Xue's struggle, but slowly grabbed Murong Xue's neck with his other hand...

"Next time, it will be here. To be buried with..."

"you dare!"

She held on strongly, but when she felt her neck tighten, Murong Xue finally felt scared, and the pupils of her eyes dilated.He said submissively: " calm down. I won't say anything, I won't say anything."

Losing her manners, she shouldn't have messed with Guan Rui at this time.Shangguan Rui tightened his hands, looking at Murong Xue's terrified face, he felt sickly lumpy.For a moment, I really wanted to strangle the woman in front of me, and then go to accompany An Ran by myself...

Tiger poison does not eat children...

His gaze was fixed on Murong Xue's abdomen, where, after all, was his child.With his blood flowing...

He let go of his hand suddenly, turned around and strode away.Murong Xue was left sitting on the sofa alone, panting heavily.Her chest was heaving violently, just for a moment, she really thought he would strangle her to death.

He is terrible.


Half a month later

The major newspapers were dominated by a piece of news.The previous air crash in City M has long been submerged in the new news.Those who are not those who have lost their loved ones will not deeply remember the pain at that moment.I don't know who exclusively revealed that the photos published in the newspaper were Xia Ruoyu's hospitalization and Lei Chenyi's care in and out of the hospital.And some ambiguous intimate photos.

After these news, Lei Chenyi drank too much and was hospitalized with stomach bleeding again. Xia Ruoyu's meticulous care, entering and leaving the hospital, carrying love soup in his hand, was exaggerated.Seemingly true or false, there were signs, and soon, all the past between Lei Chenyi and Xia Ruoyu were unearthed.

When Feng Xirui was pulled out, the rumors of stepping on two boats with one foot made the province of Y boil even more.And a piece of paper stated that Feng Xirui already had a fiancée, and that person was not Xia Ruoyu.Xia Ruoyu and Feng Xirui have always been friends.

Thousands of tents are gone, only first love, a romantic love story composed.The twists and turns are moving and convincing.

After that, it was even rumored that during Lei Chenyi's hospitalization, Feng Yusen flew from province y to city s more than once, showing extraordinary concern for Lei Chenyi.And the news that Governor Feng is optimistic about Lei Chenyi once again set off a peak.There is new content in the news every day, and the key person in it is around one person——Lei Chenyi...

I habitually read the newspaper every day, but I also habitually stop my gaze for a moment and then sweep it away.His eyes were only fixed for a second, and his eyes had already moved away.Randomly flip through and read some of the following news.After reading it, fold it and put it under the coffee table.Then he stood up, picked up the down jacket hanging on the side, and put it on.He took the hat and put it on, and walked out.

The feet on the snow are as soft as stepping on cotton balls.I haven't seen such snow, such white for a long time.Such a world of snow, trees and silver flowers is very beautiful.The sky seems to be much more empty. It turns out that life can be very beautiful.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he tightened his clothes and gloves, stepped on the snow, footprints on the ground, slender figures, disappeared at the end of the snow...


half year later

J&C entered China's M city more than half a year ago. In just half a year, with lightning speed and precise vision, it quickly occupied a place in the country, and swept faster to become the top [-] domestic companies.The speed of development is astonishing.And the president of j&c, ​​Shangguanjue, has earned the title of Yan Luo with a cold face in the mall.

He has a sharp style of work and does not show affection. Everyone knows that when discussing business with J&C's Shangguanjue, you must be fully prepared, otherwise you will be killed by his sharpness, and you will be in a mess.At this time, j&c has moved back to city s, city m has become a branch, and the head office is finally settled in city s.

Sitting in a spacious office, the simple space is very monotonous.Early in the morning, Shangguanjue walked in wearing a black suit with a solemn expression.When you open the office door, you will look at the desk at a glance.When his eyes swept to the sky, his face instantly became gloomy.

"President, the flower shop opened late this morning, so the change was late. There will be no next time."

Hurrying over, the secretary held a bouquet of red tulips in his hand.That was the flower he once gave to Cheng Hanlei - the waiting love.

After seeing the flowers inserted into the vase, Shangguan Jue's face remained gloomy.

"go out."

With a cold voice, the secretary immediately retreated tremblingly.Following a boss with first-class looks and body is originally the object of fantasies of all women, but if this boss will erupt like a volcano at any time, it will be scolded by everyone regardless of men and women. Even if this fantasy has been derived, it will be completely destroyed of disillusionment.

Shangguanjue sat back in his seat and looked at the brightly blooming red tulips on the table.The cold light in his eyes gradually softened, as if he was looking at something through the flowers.

It's been half a year, some people have really left, but some people still can't forget...

While meditating, there was a knock on the office door.Looking back, the softness in the eyes has been put away.

"Come in."

With a deep voice, there was an inexplicable sense of oppression. As soon as the words came out, the door was pushed open.The assistant came in with a document in his hand.

"President, this is a cooperation plan with the United States. I have already booked a ticket to the United States, and I will fly to the United States in the afternoon. This is a good opportunity to enter the American market, and I will definitely win it."

The assistant has been with Shangguanjue for more than half a year, but he still can't figure out Shangguanjue's style.He was just looking at the results, but this time he was well prepared and would definitely satisfy the president.


When these two words flashed through his mind, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the expressionless Shangguanjue.

"Book me an air ticket with you immediately."

"Coming together?"

"something wrong?"


The assistant shook his head immediately.Seeing Shangguan Jue's expression that didn't seem to be joking, he bent over and said, "I'll do it right away."

Shangguanjue didn't speak, and when he heard the door was closed, his eyes were once again tinged with light.It was because the plane that had the accident was flying to the United States, so as long as it related to these two words, he seemed to have an inexplicable emotion...

With that expectation, even knowing that the probability is zero.

Woohoo, silently raised his head.Ask for a monthly pass.

5000 words.Make up.Updates will be notified in the group.Parents can join the group.In the message board sticky announcement.

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