the president's wife

Chapter 208: Dissolution of Engagement

Chapter 208: Disengagement Shangguanjue was eating porridge and talking calmly.An Ran stood aside, looking at Cheng Hanlei's frown, while Shangguan Jue's face was obviously softer than before.Because Shangguan Rui had something to go back to City S, that's why he allowed himself time to take care of Shangguan Jue, taking care of Shangguan Jue instead of him.

"You are not feeling well, go back to school early to rest."

Shangguanjue was eating a bowl of porridge, and looked at Cheng Hanlei with a frown.Reaching out and rubbing Cheng Hanlei's hair, she said with a concerned face.


"Go back. After reading the documents all morning, I'm too tired and want to take a rest."


Nodding, Cheng Hanlei watched Shangguanjue lie down, helped Shangguanjue pull up the quilt, and then left with Anran.

Walking out of the hospital, the two of them didn't get in the car immediately, but walked side by side.

"Han Lei, I started over with Shangguan Rui."

She almost guessed that An Ran would come here, even though An Ran was hesitant to speak just now, but after thinking about it, she knew that An Ran would come to see Shangguan Jue not because of herself, but more because of Shangguan Rui.

Reaching out to hold Cheng Hanlei's hand, An Ran gently leaned her head on Cheng Hanlei's shoulder.

"Han Lei, I feel so happy now."

"Have you thought it through? Where's Murong Xue?"

"He went back to make it clear to Murong Xue that Rui Hui and Murong Xue had an engagement at the beginning because of the power of Murong Xue's family. Now, the senior is back. He doesn't need to rely on the power of Murong Xue. He promised me that I would marry Murong Xue. Break off the engagement and we'll get married as soon as we graduate."

The corner of An Ran's mouth rose slightly, she never thought that the return of the senior would bring a turning point between her and Rui.Rui no longer has to work so hard to support the pressure of reviving the Shangguan family, and can finally choose what he wants.

"Where's Qiu Ze?"

An Ran's footsteps paused, and the smile on her face froze.

Qiu Ze...

"An Ran, Qiu Ze is serious about you, so if you choose to start with Shang Guan Rui again, then you should make it clear to Qiu Ze earlier."


An Ran nodded heavily, Qiu Ze had been by her side all this time.They are already a well-recognized couple on campus, and it would be a lie to say that they are not touched by their kindness, but now, Rui has changed his mind.The two of them have already started to welcome a new life, and they can be together as soon as they graduate from university...

She has kept watch over her own happiness, so she should make it clear to Qiu Ze.But every time he sees Qiu Ze, the words get to the tip of his tongue and he can't speak.In fact, two days ago, after restarting with Shangguan Rui, I wanted to tell Qiu Ze that Qiu Ze called herself that night, she was waiting for Shangguan Rui to take a bath, so she should have told him that she was with Shangguan Rui, but, she said no export...

"The longer it drags on, the worse the injury will be."

I don't know if I said this sentence to myself or to An Ran.

Holding hands together, walking in the crowd, silence spreads between the two.

There are some things that can be said clearly without wanting to say them.


The familiar restaurant is the restaurant where Shangguan Rui proposed to Murong Xue.

Same table, same dishes.Same wine, same lighting, same waiter.Murong Xue just flew back, when she received a call from Shangguan Rui, she changed clothes and came to the restaurant.From a distance, I saw Shangguan Rui sitting there, and walked over with a smile.

The coat in his hand was handed over to the waiter, and then he sat in the seat that Shangguan Rui had taken. Seeing Shangguan Rui sitting back in the seat, Murong Xue's delicately made-up face evoked a smile: "How do you choose this restaurant? Isn't there good news for me?"

Shangguan Rui looked at Murong Xue's excited light, and didn't answer, just poured wine and said: "You're hungry, let's eat first."


Murong Xue was also really hungry, and the food on the plane was not tasty as soon as she got off the plane.

In front of her was her favorite dish, she lowered her head and ate gracefully.Shangguan Rui didn't eat much, but just watched Murong Xue eat.Murong Xue's appetite is very small. After eating for a while, Murong Xue put down the tableware in her hands. This is an independent box. After filling her stomach, Murong Xue stood up and walked in front of Shangguan Rui, and put her arms around Shangguan Rui's. neck, looked at Shangguan Rui and said tenderly: "I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss me?"

Taking advantage of the situation, she sat on Shangguan Rui's body, with a gentle and charming smile on her face.

Shangguan Rui clasped Murong Xue's waist with one hand and stood up, and Murong Xue had to stand up too.It was only then that Murong Xue realized that there was something wrong with Shangguan Rui's expression, since he walked in, he didn't seem to have smiled.At first, he didn't feel relieved, but now seeing Shangguan Rui's expression, it was obviously wrong.

"Rui, what's wrong with you?"

Leaning on the table, raised his head slightly and looked at Shangguan Rui.

"Starting tomorrow, I will go to City M."

"M City, does Dad have business in M ​​City? Why didn't I hear what Dad said?"

Murong Xue's face changed slightly, could it be that little Jianren An Ran hooked up with Rui again?There was a hint of sinisterness in the eyes, it seemed that the warning was too subtle?That little Jianren didn't care about it...

"It has nothing to do with Murong's family. I will live in M ​​City in the future. Today's meal is to tell you about it."

"What do you mean?"

The gentle expression on Murong Xue's face was no longer there, and when she looked at Shangguan Rui, her expression became more and more ugly.

"It means breaking off the engagement."

"Break the engagement? Shangguan Rui, do you know what you're talking about? Impossible! Without the Murong family, what do you think you have?"

Murong Xue's voice raised slightly uncontrollably...

Shangguan Rui didn't speak, looked at Murong Xue, and said in a calm voice: "Tomorrow I will tell my uncle personally that the engagement will definitely be broken."

"Why did you suddenly break off the engagement? Is it because of An Ran, that little tramp, has she come to pester you again?"

Shangguan Rui frowned, looked at Murong Xue's face that had lost his composure, and caught some words between the words.

"Have you looked for her?"

During the words, the time when An Ran took the initiative to say that she wanted to separate suddenly flashed in her mind, and when she asked why, she just kept saying that she didn't love herself anymore.But anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that she was lying.

"You threatened her to leave me? Huh?"

Shangguan Rui's calm face suddenly became a little colder, and his body moved a little closer to Murong Xue. Murong Xue leaned on the table, her body slightly bent back, and seeing Shangguan Rui's changed eyes, the anger in her eyes grew even stronger.She has always been the one who has the final say, Shangguan Rui relies on the Murong family, and has always given in to her, but now she talks to herself in such a tone...

"So what? Am I wrong? She's just a petty person, she knows how to seduce other people's fiancé when she was a teenager, what qualifications does she have to compare with me. I've been kind enough to her, she didn't make trouble It's already a good face for you to be known by the whole school. I just let her leave you, did I do something wrong? If she still dares to pester you in the future, it's not as simple as threatening her, I will let... "

Shangguan Rui looked at Murong Xue with cold eyes for a while, then straightened up, and said coldly: "There is no future."

Pick up the coat, put it on, and walk out.

"Shangguan Rui, stop there, don't regret going out."

Shangguan Rui didn't even pause for a moment, and went out directly.

"Shangguan Rui, you will regret it."

Murong Xue screamed uncontrollably, seeing Shangguan Rui walking out, she didn't even pause.


What was supposed to be a romantic dinner turned out to be like this.How could she leave so easily after getting her heart, and how could she allow herself to lose to a little girl with nothing.It's not that easy to break off the engagement...

With a wave of his hand, the unfinished red wine mixed with the unfinished dishes on the table was scattered all over the floor. After hearing the noise, the waiter immediately opened the door nervously and came in.I saw that Murong Xue had recovered her elegance, she was putting on a red overcoat, and she was leaving with graceful steps amidst the mess that the waiters were watching.

Even though his heart was filled with anger, his face always had an elegant look, preventing outsiders from seeing any emotional fluctuations...


At noon, Cheng Hanlei bought some nourishing ingredients and went back to the place where she lived to make soup.Turn up the fire and go to school for class.After class, I went back to where I lived, took the soup and went to the hospital.

Walking to the door of the ward, I heard arguing inside...

One is Jae, and the other voice is that man called makkr...

"When I went back to England, you made yourself like this. You clearly know that it because of that Cheng Hanlei? Baron, I don't understand. Except for her pretty face, what is there about that Cheng Hanlei that is worthy of your heart and mind? It's been so long. Even if she was in a coma for half a month, she still called her name in a daze."

"In the name of revenge, what's the result? I still can't bear it. Is she so good that you make fun of your life like this? If you continue like this, even the gods will not be able to save you."

"It's my business."

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