the president's wife

Chapter 188: Makeup

Chapter 188: Make up Changes Just as Xu Peifen opened the bathroom door to go out, he bumped into someone.

The shoulders are supported by a pair of big hands...

"Be careful."

this sound...

Xu Peifen immediately took a step back as if startled, and looked at the man standing there who was still handsome and charismatic after 20 years.It never occurred to her that her first love back then would be the current deputy governor.In fact, she just wanted to have fun back then, it was just her body cheating, she never thought about leaving Lei Zhendong.

People like them will not allow stains in their lives.And in order to preserve their own reputation, if they found out that the one-night stand back then left behind evidence, they would probably...

"Excuse me."

Lowering her head and lowering her voice, Xu Peifen intentionally turned to her side, trying to pass her by.Although it has been more than 20 years, Xu Peifen, who has been well maintained, is still very afraid of being recognized by Feng Yusen.

Feng Yusen looked at the flustered woman who lowered her head and turned sideways from his side. He knew this woman and was standing beside Lei Zhendong.Logically speaking, she should have exchanged a few pleasantries when she saw herself, but she looked very afraid of seeing herself.Turning around, looking at Xu Peifen's figure, she frowned inaudibly.


Feng Yusen didn't stay for long, and left soon.

"Commissioner Lei."

A former colleague from the Legislative Yuan greeted Lei Chenyi, and immediately smiled after speaking: "No, no, I should be called Deputy Mayor Lei from now on, congratulations."

"Thank you."

Lei Chenyi walked over, there were a dozen or so people sitting on the sofa, seeing Lei Chenyi approaching, they immediately greeted him.Some are friends of the Legislative Yuan, and some are not very familiar with them.Being pulled to sit down, a group of people chatted while drinking.

"I said, Lao Zhang, should follow the example of Deputy Mayor Lei, and see how responsible he is towards women. He has already given him a title when he was in college. Look at you, he hides and stuffs it. What's the matter, his girlfriend dies at the sight of the light , It's still shameful, it's like an underground affair, no wonder others want to separate from you."

"Where are you going?"

Colleague b sees that colleague a is drinking too much, and even forgets that Lei Chenyi and Feng Zhenzhen have already separated.Lei Chenyi is famous for being affectionate and righteous, so he didn't put his heart and effort into dealing with Feng Haoran.Everyone could see that he was busy running around. With the handling of this matter, others had a better impression of Lei Chenyi.

If it was someone else who encountered these things, they would have put them aside long ago, so they would not be afraid to drag themselves into it.Coupled with Feng Haoran's daughter, not long ago, it was revealed that she had changed her mind a long time ago.I don't know if this matter is true or not, and the two broke up because of this matter.

Some people discussed Lei Chenyi wearing a cuckold behind his back, and some people didn't deserve Lei Chenyi.Although the two broke up, Lei Chenyi never said anything wrong to Feng Zhenzhen.After the Feng family's mansion was sealed, Lei Chenyi actually took the initiative to help them arrange it. This matter made people feel that Lei Chenyi was an object of admiration.

The image score is simply killing both men and women.

"It's okay, we are still friends when we are apart."

Lei Chenyi smiled lightly.

The colleagues saw that Lei Chenyi didn't mind, so they talked more openly.A man sitting on Lei Chenyi's right immediately continued the topic above and said, "What do you think women want now?"

Lei Chenyi, who was about to get up, sat down without a trace when he heard what his colleague C said.

"Yeah, I don't know what women want?"

"You really don't understand women. What women want is very simple, just two words, a name."

On the left is a man who looks like a lover.

The word name made Lei Chenyi frowned slightly, and inexplicably remembered Cheng Hanlei's words that day in his mind.



This was his summary when he got on the plane for the last time. He thought she would be reluctant, but not only did she not stop him, she didn't even make a phone call.This month, he was busy and had no time, and she really didn't have a single call or text message.The determination to separate was obvious, and the anger in his heart grew deeper and deeper with each passing day.

In fact, it was an unreasonable quarrel in his eyes.In fact, he was waiting for her to take the initiative to give in.In fact, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I get very angry when I think about it, and I wish I could tear Cheng Hanlei apart.This little woman really made up her mind to say that she would leave if she broke up.

I didn't realize that the cup in my hand was getting tighter and tighter, and I drank several glasses of wine, pouring it into my mouth like water.

A group of people chatted happily, but they didn't notice Lei Chenyi's abnormality.

He couldn't help it before, he didn't believe it, Cheng Hanlei didn't have him at all.

It's just been a month...

It's been a month...

Suddenly lost his mind, got up and left.Then he handed over the latter to Zuo Jianning, and stopped a taxi instead of giving it away.When the taxi driver asked where he was going, Lei Chenyi leaned on the back seat and hesitated for a while, and the place he hadn't been to for a month flashed through his mind.He didn't report the address of the community, but stopped in the next street.

When Lei Chenyi walked one street and entered the place where Cheng Hanlei and he lived, it was almost ten o'clock at this time.Lei Chenyi threw the phone aside and leaned on the sofa, feeling inexplicably irritable.

Went into the bathroom and took a shower.He picked up a bottle of wine and opened it, leaned there wrapped in a bathrobe, and took a sip of the wine.

Before I knew it, I had already drank a lot of wine.Originally, after taking a bath, the baijiu volatilized, so it got a little hot.And now that he was drinking red wine again, his stomach began to churn.When the doorbell rang, Lei Chenyi leaned on the sofa and opened his eyes, but did not open the door. After a while, the phone rang.The phone on the coffee table flickered in the dark, Lei Chenyi felt a little sick to his stomach, and picked up the phone with a frown.

It's Zuo Jianning.

"It's okay, um."

After a simple perfunctory sentence, he hung up the phone.Just when I was about to throw away my phone again, I saw an unread message.


Cheng Hanlei has been thinking about whether to call Lei Chenyi and say congratulations.No matter what the reason is, shouldn't she say congratulations to him?

She didn't know what to say after calling and saying congratulations, so at the end of her hesitation, Cheng Hanlei just silently picked up the phone, typed a short text message, and then pressed send.

As I expected, there was no response after sending the text message for a long time.

He should be busy...

Or, you don't want to talk to yourself at all.

After Cheng Hanlei sent a text message, she realized that her behavior was a little ridiculous.

Throw your phone aside so you don't have to talk to me anymore. If you don't hold out hope, you won't be disappointed.

In this way, it is actually quite good.

He finally let go of himself, isn't this what he has always wanted?

The screen suddenly turned on, it was already an hour later, the lights in the dormitory had just been turned off for a while, when Cheng Hanlei saw the name displayed on it, she immediately opened her eyes wide as if startled, she woke up from a little drowsiness at first up.

The name displayed on the phone seemed to be eating people, Cheng Hanlei was afraid of waking up the three people who were already asleep, so she picked up the phone, opened the door carefully and walked to the corridor outside.

The screen was still on, and Cheng Hanlei pressed the answer button.

"Aren't you going to separate? What are you sending a message for?"

Lei Chenyi's voice was faintly drunk. In fact, at this time, as long as she made a mistake, it would be fine if she made trouble for no reason.

Hearing Lei Chenyi's scolding voice, Cheng Hanlei leaned against a corner and held the phone, and said calmly, "I just congratulate you."

Thinking over her words, she found that the phone was quiet after she finished speaking. Cheng Hanlei bit her lips, as if trying to cover up her intentions, and instinctively uttered a sentence: "After all, you are my brother in name."

"elder brother?"

Lei Chenyi's voice suddenly became colder, and just when Cheng Hanlei thought that the line had been disconnected, Lei Chenyi suddenly said in a cold voice: "Cheng Hanlei, if you want to separate, do it thoroughly, don't do these little tricks again, You seem ridiculous and hypocritical."


I heard the sound of the phone smashing on the other side.

Then there was a blind tone.

Cheng Hanlei stood there, looking at the cut-off phone on the screen, suddenly her feet went limp, and her body slid down like this.


Indeed, her behavior was indeed ridiculous.Now she has broken away from Lei's family and separated from him.It's not her turn to say congratulations.It should be said that he didn't need to hear her congratulations.

In fact, she was just looking for an excuse, an excuse to get in touch with him.

It is really ridiculous to say that I am the one who is separated, and it is really ridiculous to do this now.

Cheng Hanlei, are you really the old Cheng Hanlei?

You, can you go back to the past?


On the second day, the first day he took office, Lei Chenyi's eyes were gloomy.The whole day, after socializing, Lei Chenyi drank even more.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, until the sixth day.

After Zuo Jianning sent Lei Chenyi back, he watched Lei Chenyi drink more and more day by day, and he didn't dare to drink with Lei Chenyi these days.Looking at Lei Chenyi who was sitting on the sofa, he drank more wine these days than he drank in a year.The corner of his mouth was smiling, but his eyes were very dark.

In the same way, after Zuo Jianning sent Lei Chenyi back, he was called to leave by Lei Chenyi.

No matter how much Lei Chenyi drinks, he can still maintain a good quality of wine, good self-control, and will always relax a little when he returns to a place where he can lose his image. After telling Zuo Jianning that it's okay, Zuo Jianning Jianning couldn't hold back Lei Chenyi, and finally turned around and left.

In fact, the more he drank, the clearer his brain became. A text message that day, followed by a phone call, set off a flame deep in Lei Chenyi's heart.

Cheng Hanlei.

Mentioning these three words, Lei Chenyi gritted his teeth with hatred.

In fact, it's not that I like things in alcohol, it's just that in the past few days, by socializing, drinking outside, and drinking some more when I come back, I can sleep peacefully without having to think about that heartless person.

Picking up the wine he drank half of yesterday, Lei Chenyi poured himself a glass.I can't figure it out, what is Cheng Hanlei thinking?If it's true what those people said, what women want is status, and she should know that he can't give her these.Even if he gets married, he will not change to her.

When Feng Zhenzhen was there before, she should have known it very well.Is a name really that important?I still use this reason to leave myself, there was no way before, but now that Shangguanjue is back, so I try my best to leave myself.Those words were as if he had been forcing her all along.

At first he forced it, but then...

This heartless woman!

Lei Chenyi took another sip, and the flame in his heart burned even more.He had never been so nice to a woman, nor had he seen such a ignorant woman.Thinking of what she said that day, it was enough to give him face that he didn't tear her up.No one has ever dared to say that in front of him, let alone a woman.

Did she think that everyone was worth letting him use all means to get it?Does she think anyone is worthy of his domineering demands?

Isn't it just her?

The half bottle of wine was bottomed out again, Lei Chenyi was a little confused.When I'm drowsy these days, I like to think about many things.Until now, he still doesn't understand whether Cheng Hanlei really wants to leave him or just wants to leave him. In the past, she didn't care about these at all...

In the middle of the night, Lei Chenyi opened his eyes, his stomach was churning.Lei Chenyi frowned in pain, and fell asleep with a little consciousness in his brain.Still lying on the sofa, propped up, ready to find medicine.The body fell back on the sofa limply, top-heavy.I forgot to go back to bed, and slept without a quilt until now. My body was sweating from drinking alcohol, and now my brain is dizzy. Not only is my stomach hurting badly, but my body has no strength at all.

By the time I took the medicine and went back to bed, it was already midnight.Lei Chenyi was half asleep and half awake, and touched the phone.

Cheng Hanlei was soundly asleep. For some reason, her body trembled and she opened her eyes.There was a gleam of light in the originally dark dormitory, but Cheng Hanlei turned her head and found that it was the mobile phone beside her bed.When seeing the phone number displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, Cheng Hanlei thought that she hadn't woken up and read it wrong.

Straightening her mind, Cheng Hanlei immediately got up when she was sure that it was really Lei Chenyi's call, put on her clothes, picked up the phone and went out.

In the middle of the night, the corridor was quiet, and Cheng Hanlei stood there, answering the phone.

The phone was picked up for a long time, but there was no sound.Cheng Hanlei thought that Lei Chenyi was playing tricks on her deliberately, and when she was about to hang up the phone, Cheng Hanlei heard a painful voice coming from the phone.


The painful and suppressed voice seemed to come out involuntarily, and Cheng Hanlei's heart tightened, worry overcame everything.

"Lei Chenyi?"

no response.

"Lei Chenyi, what's wrong with you?"

Still no response.


40000, 8000 is over today.

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