the president's wife

Chapter 117: Breaking

Chapter 117: Breaking up is the same as every time in the past, but what's different this time is that Cheng Hanlei closed her eyes at the critical moment, and called out two words with a face full of intoxication...


As if a pot of cold water had put him out, and he was suddenly let go, Cheng Hanlei didn't seem to know what happened for a moment. Those beautiful eyes looked at Lei Chenyi, and the fragrant breath was full of the smell of disinfectant. Chen Yi stared at Cheng Hanlei...

In Lei Chenyi's cold eyes, Cheng Hanlei seemed to react suddenly.Her lips were tightly pursed, looking at Lei Chenyi's eyes that were about to devour her, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly bitterly.

"Cheng Hanlei..."

That look seemed to kill Cheng Hanlei.

Cheng Hanlei seemed to be startled when she called someone's name, and the bitterness in her eyes was even worse.Looking at Lei Chenyi, her tender lips were pursed gently.

"I have always loved Jue. From the day he left, my heart was also taken away by him. I lost my only support. I can only use my own body to plan for myself. I know that I am like this The behavior is very dirty, like a person who is selling his body for what he wants... I cater because I know I am selling my body, the only thing I can protect is my heart, which belongs to Lord's..."

Gently pressing on her chest, Cheng Hanlei's eyes blurred for a moment.It seems to be looking at a certain place, and it seems to be missing a certain person.

Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei's floating expression, his chest heaved violently, as if someone had squeezed his heart tightly, his eyes just became more and more gloomy and cold...

"Lei Chenyi, let me go. I don't want to be tortured anymore."

"Torture? Is being with me torture?"


Cheng Hanlei uttered a word softly with a painful face.The words that made Lei Chenyi's face more and more ugly.

Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei's small face, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his hand to gently caress Cheng Hanlei's tender cheeks, the tender skin was between his fingers, his fingertips were so cold, piercing Cheng Hanlei's body He flinched back slightly.

"Cheng Hanlei, do you think it's possible to leave without my permission? Don't you know that your words will only make a man burn with the desire to conquer?"

They overlapped Cheng Hanlei's small hand, pressed it hard, and made Cheng Hanlei's hand tightened in front of her own body.

"Lei Chenyi, it's not up to me, why don't you let me go?"

"Because I'm not tired of playing."

Lei Chenyi hugged Cheng Hanlei, no longer caring about her rejection.Cheng Hanlei struggled, her heart was almost out of control.This kind of entanglement only made her finally sink into it.

When the weather was calm, Lei Chenyi let go of Cheng Hanlei, and looked down at her.

"Cheng Hanlei, if you want to escape from me, you'd better get rid of this idea before I get tired of playing with it, otherwise, you will only suffer."

Turning around and leaving indifferently, there was a bang, and there was a strong breath lingering in the ward.The body is floating on the edge of the heat wave, but the heart is so cold.


three days later

Feng family

"Chen Yi, when will you arrange for the two families to meet and talk about your engagement to Zhen Zhen?"

Feng Haoran sat in the living room, looking at the young couple sitting opposite the sofa, leaning against each other.His precious daughter is almost calling out her ears.

"Dad, you hate it. Don't be in a hurry."

Feng Zhenzhen pretended to be shy and leaned on Lei Chenyi's shoulder, his face full of impatience.

"That's right, Chen Yi, I've already picked a date, just the 22nd of this month, it's a good day. It's better to hit the sun than the sun, or the two families will meet tomorrow night and discuss it. You don't have to worry about the engagement." Leave it to our elders. You see, Auntie is fine, you two just mind your own business."

Seeing the look in her daughter's eyes, Xu Shan immediately followed suit.

Lei Chenyi listened to it, but his mind seemed to drift to the ward.After hearing Xu Shan's words, she nodded.Then I found a reason to go home and discuss it with my parents, and then left.

Feng Zhenzhen followed behind and sent Lei Chenyi away, standing by the car, leaning on the car window, with his mouth pursed high.

"Chen Yi, it's been a long time since we..."

Looking at Lei Chenyi with some resentment in his eyes, he didn't dare to be presumptuous at the door of his house, but looking at Lei Chenyi, Feng Zhenzhen's eyes were full of seduction.

"I've been too busy recently, so I ignored you."

Pulling Feng Zhenzhen's head, he kissed her lightly on the lips.There was no warmth in the eyes.

"Or, I'll tell my parents that I'll go home with you."

"Zhenzhen, I have to discuss with my parents until very late when I go back tonight. I'll make it up to you after I've been busy for a few days."



"Okay then, don't be so busy trying to put me down all the time, you know how much I miss you."

This time Lei Chenyi didn't answer, but just smiled faintly at Feng Zhenzhen, then he closed the window and the car slowly left.

Along the way, Lei Chenyi drove the car, looking straight ahead.After the unhappy breakup that day, Lei Chenyi deliberately ignored Cheng Hanlei for two days.In order to leave him, he dared to say that the person he was thinking of was Shangguanjue, his defeated subordinate, and he was not qualified to snatch a woman from him.

How could he let go of a woman he wasn't tired of playing with.Cheng Hanlei is too naive to want to use such a reason to leave her.

Obviously he was only infatuated with Cheng Hanlei's body, but at the moment when he called Shangguanjue's name, he was still overwhelmed by the word jealousy.Jealousy, how long has it been since I tasted these two words.

The cell phone used to communicate with Cheng Hanlei has been turned off for two days, and Lei Chenyi endured for three days without turning on that cell phone.

While driving the car with one hand, he couldn't help touching the phone.After turning on the phone, Lei Chenyi had just turned it on, but he heard the phone vibrate.All from the same phone number...

"Mr. Lei, I finally found you."

Before Lei Chenyi had time to call back, the call had already come in.Hearing the flustered voice of the invited nurse, Lei Chenyi frowned slightly, and his face also changed slightly.


Lei Chenyi's expression changed drastically, and the car stopped quickly.

"I'll come right away."

The phone in his hand was thrown aside, Lei Chenyi's car quickly turned around and headed towards the hospital.

When the bodyguard left at the door saw Lei Chenyi, he immediately pushed the door open.As soon as the door was pushed open, the sound of porcelain falling to the ground came from inside.Lei Chenyi saw Cheng Hanlei lying on the bed at a glance, while the nurse stood aside, looking at the debris on the ground, and turned around anxiously.

When he heard the sound of the door opening, he turned his head immediately, and when he saw Lei Chenyi, it was like seeing a savior.

For the past three days, she was going crazy, and she couldn't find Lei Chenyi, and Cheng Hanlei hadn't eaten for three days.The only way is to infuse some glucose when the doctor sedates her to sleep.Otherwise, as long as Cheng Hanlei is awake, the glucose will be unplugged directly.

For three days without eating or drinking, if it wasn't for the support of glucose, Cheng Hanlei would have difficulty opening her eyes now.

"Mr. Lei, Ms. Cheng has been reluctant to eat for the past three days. She always pulls out the tube when she is given glucose. Her body is already weak. If this continues, she will not be able to hold on. I'm afraid..."

"Go out first, and come over if you are ready to eat."


The nurse immediately turned and left, Cheng Hanlei heard Lei Chenyi coming, but she just leaned there without saying a word.Her lips were so dry and chapped from not drinking water for three days, and her face was terribly pale.His entire face was pale, and he managed to raise some flesh, and lost weight quickly in three days.

"Cheng Hanlei, what are you doing?"

Lei Chenyi's chest heaved violently, and when he heard the nurse say that Cheng Hanlei had gone on a hunger strike for three days...he couldn't believe that Cheng Hanlei would use such a childish method to make fun of her own life...

Cheng Hanlei didn't speak, just leaned there, like a lifeless creature.


Lei Chenyi grabbed Cheng Hanlei's forehead, and looked at Cheng Hanlei fiercely.

Cheng Hanlei's forehead was pinched, and her eyes turned slightly to Lei Chenyi, her eyes were a little loose, she didn't eat or drink for three days, and her consciousness was a little loose.Sometimes I feel that I am dying, but my brain is abnormally awake.

"What about the food, bring it in."

"Here we come, Mr. Ray."

Amidst the roar, the nurse brought in the prepared food, put it aside, and left quickly.

Lei Chenyi held the porridge in his hand, squeezed Cheng Hanlei's forehead with one hand, and fed the porridge directly into the pinched lips.

When Cheng Hanlei felt the smell of food, her face changed.He wanted to squeeze his lips tightly, but Lei Chenyi's force was so strong that the porridge was still fed in.When Cheng Hanlei tasted the porridge, her expression became even uglier.Before swallowing it, he spit it out.

Lei Chenyi's hands are full of the porridge that Cheng Hanlei vomited out, and Cheng Hanlei not only vomited out, but also kept retching, Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei with both eyes, she was resisting the food that was suitable and conditioned reflex Into the stomach, this is a kind of self-hypnosis.As long as she eats it, she will be spit it out. She uses this method to force herself to go on a hunger strike.

Cheng Hanlei was already dizzy from hunger, but after the violent retching, her eyes turned black, without Lei Chenyi clasping her forehead with her big hand, her body fell back limply, leaning against the head of the bed, panting.

He no longer asked Lei Chenyi to let him leave, but just protested silently in this way.

"If you want to go on a hunger strike, it depends on my permission."

Seeing that Cheng Hanlei had vomited it all out, Lei Chenyi took a bite by himself, lowered his head and kissed Cheng Hanlei, and forcibly fed the porridge in his mouth into Cheng Hanlei's mouth.There was still the filth that had just been vomited in her mouth, and Lei Chenyi continued to feed it until she felt Cheng Hanlei swallowed the porridge, and when she was about to take another bite, Cheng Hanlei's weak face changed again Changed, put one hand on the side, and the porridge that had just entered the throat was spit out again.Then there was the sound of retching again, until he vomited out the yellow bile in his stomach, and then he lay down on one side, panting...

This time, Cheng Hanlei didn't even have the strength to straighten her body.Lie there panting non-stop, I always feel that I am getting closer and closer to death.

"Cheng Hanlei, you..."

Lei Chenyi dragged Cheng Hanlei up, took the porridge and prepared to pour Cheng Hanlei.Cheng Hanlei looked at the food with fear on her face, her lips were trembling, and her eyes were full of resistance.Looking at it like that, Lei Chenyi's eyes became more sinister, and the porridge in his hand finally hit the wall with a bang.

He stared at Cheng Hanlei intently, wishing he could tear Cheng Hanlei apart.

"Very well, do you want to use a hunger strike to force me to let you go? Do you think I care about your life? If you want to make fun of your own life, then keep playing. I want to see how long you can last." .”

She let go of her hand suddenly, and Cheng Hanlei was thrown on the hospital bed just like that.Even though the hospital bed was very soft, Cheng Hanlei's eyes went dark when she was pushed.There was a momentary short circuit in the brain, and Lei Chenyi's indifferent voice was heard in his ears when he left the ward door: "Call me when you die."

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