God of War: After breaking up, he was confessed by his best friend CEO

Chapter 21 Win the battlefield, bullies block the way

"This..." Wu Di scratched his head, not knowing whether to say it or not.

"Hurry up!" Ning Han stared at Wu Di closely.

"Boss Bai!" Wu Di said, "The last time I brought her here, the owner of the barbecue stall said we are a young couple!"


Ning Han spat out the soda.

"Wu Di, why do you still have the problem of bragging?"

"You still don't believe it?" Wu Di pointed to the barbecue stand and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask the boss!"

Ning Han shook his head: "You may not know Boss Bai, she swore that she would never come to this kind of roadside stall to eat!"

"No way?" Wu Di suddenly remembered that it was indeed the first time for Bai Lu to come to the barbecue last time.

However, I didn't hear about Bai Lu's vow not to come to the roadside stall.

But Ning Han's words should be credible.

Why did Bai Lu come?
Wu Di doesn't think he has such a big face!
"Okay, eat your barbecue, and stop bragging in the future!" Ning Han gave Wu Di a blank look, and stopped talking.

"Brother Di, this!" Lei Zhen quietly gave Wu Di a thumbs up.

"Drink your beer!" Wu Di glared at Lei Zhen.

"Hey!" Lei Zhen scratched his head and smirked.

After eating the barbecue, Wu Di drove the two of them home one after another.

It was past one o'clock in the morning when we returned to the bachelor apartment.

When he walked into the house, Wu Di suddenly felt something was wrong, someone had been to his house.

Wu Di checked every room, and then found that the clothes of his ex-girlfriend in the bedside drawer were missing.

It must be Qin Xiaoya who came to her home again.

And she put down the key and it was still in the bedside table, which meant that she must have a spare key.

Wu Di pushed open the bathroom door, and saw the message Qin Xiaoya wrote on the mirror with lipstick: Don't try to hide from me, this girl will come to you tomorrow night.

"Crazy!" Wu Di felt dizzy for a while, tired all day, went back to his room, lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Wu Di drove the company's business car, carrying Bai Lu and Ning Han to Shahe Town.

On the other side, Lei Zhen also mobilized his own convoy, a total of twelve trucks, one not bad.

At 08:30 in the morning, Wu Di drove a commercial vehicle to the battlefield.

Zhang Xiuqin had been waiting here a long time ago. She changed into a beautiful black gauze skirt, and Feng Yun's figure was tightly wrapped.

The mental state of the whole person has undergone a great change, as if it was a different person.

"Hello, you are the boss of Bai's Group, right?" Zhang Xiuqin smiled and spoke with excitement.

"I'm Bai Lu, the person in charge of the Bai Group. You must be Zhang Xiuqin! Two of my assistants mentioned it!" Bai Lu also smiled back.

"That's right!" Zhang Xiuqin nodded, pointed to the battlefield and said, "We started working here early in the morning, and we're just waiting for you to come!"

In the time it took to say this, Lei Zhen's motorcade had already driven over.

Uncle Zhang excitedly stood on the wall and directed: "Come, come, drive this way!"

"Let's talk in the office!" Zhang Xiuqin dragged Bai Lu to the small bungalow next to the battlefield.

Naturally, Bai Lu was a sensible person, without any nonsense, she directly patted 10 yuan on the table.

Zhang Xiuqin was frightened and dumbfounded: "President Bai, you are..."

Bai Lu immediately said: "You have difficulties, of course I will help you, help each other, everyone can easily overcome difficulties!"

"You are such a nice person, I don't even know what to say!" Zhang Xiuqin's eyes were red with excitement, although she used to be a person who hated money, but now for her to have money means to have everything.

Bai Lu waved to Wu Di, who put another box of cash on the table.

Open the box, inside is a whole box of cash.

"My god!" Zhang Xiuqin covered her mouth in surprise.

Bai Lu smiled and said: "If your battlefield is willing to sign an exclusive cooperation agreement with us, the 20 advance payment will also be given to you!"

"Really?" Zhang Xiuqin was so excited that she was about to cry.

Her battlefield is about to close down, and now someone directly offers her 30 yuan to say that she wants to cooperate with her, it feels like a dream.

"It's absolutely true, once you sign the contract, it will have legal effect!" Bai Lu said with a smile, "You can think about it!"

"Don't think about it, I'll sign it, without you my battlefield would have closed down long ago!" Zhang Xiuqin immediately picked up a pen and directly signed her name on the contract.

"Happy cooperation!" Bai Lu stretched out her hand.

"Happy cooperation!" Zhang Xiuqin held Bai Lu's hand tightly, still unwilling to let go.

Bai Lu also has her own thoughts, although Zhang Xiuqin is a kind person, she is afraid that there will be bad people around her.

Once Sha Jinrui gets involved in the battlefield of Qingshan Village again, then the Bai Group will really have no way out.

Of course, Bailu also has a longer-term plan. If this place stabilizes, she may be able to help sell sand to other construction companies and make a profit for herself.

When Zhang Xiuqin held up 30 cash, she shed tears of emotion.

"Sister-in-law Xiuqin, stop crying!" Wu Di quietly handed her a tissue.

Ning Han also said: "There will be a good life in the future, let's make money with peace of mind!"

Zhang Xiuqin gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "I didn't expect you to trust me so much. After all, many people in my battlefield are jealous. I'm afraid..."

Bai Lu immediately said: "Don't worry! Your battlefield is only responsible for digging the sand, and we are responsible for the rest!"

"En!" Zhang Xiuqin nodded, with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, Lei Zhen ran into the office and hurriedly said, "Brother Di, something happened!"


Zhang Xiuqin's cell phone fell directly on the table, afraid of something.

Wu Di asked: "Speak slowly, what happened?"

Lei Zhen wiped the sweat from his brow, gasped and pointed to the battlefield outside, and said, "Yesterday, that king dog led people to block the battlefield and refused to let our car in!"

"Wang Goudan, you bastard!" Zhang Xiuqin rushed out of the office immediately, followed by Wu Di and the others.

More than a dozen cars were blocked on the side of the road, and Wang Goudan and a dozen bums were sitting in the middle of the village road, each of them smoking cigarettes, five of them and six of them.

Zhang Xiuqin rushed forward and yelled: "Wang Goudan, are you sick? Get out of the way!"

"Oh!" Wang Goudan stood up with his waist supported, "Xiuqin's sister-in-law is tough, and she is dressed beautifully after the battlefield starts!"

"You don't care, hurry up and don't affect our business!" Zhang Xiuqin's tone was devoid of emotion.

"Zhang Xiuqin, get the hell out of here, I'm not looking for you today, I'm looking for him!" Wang Goudan pointed at Wu Di and yelled.

"What do you want to do?" Wu Di asked.

Wang Goudan said: "You are not awesome, you are not rich, you beat me yesterday, you must give me 100 million medical expenses, otherwise don't even think about getting sand from here!"

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