"Since there is no objection, let's all go back and prepare. The martial arts tournament will be officially held tomorrow."

Finally, You Donglei announced with a final word.

This made Ximen Hai very upset, because in his opinion, no matter from which angle, it should not be You Donglei who announced this matter.

Either Master Mingdeng, who is the host of this martial arts conference, or Ximen Hai, after all, his prestige is much higher than that of You Donglei.

Therefore, there is absolutely no reason for this matter to be announced from You Donglei's mouth.

But the matter has come to this point, Ximen Hai can't force You Donglei to swallow back what he said, and let him say it instead.

So he could only embarrassingly add another sentence: "I hope everyone can actively participate, the most important thing is to participate."

However, it was fine if he didn't say anything. The moment he opened his mouth, the expressions on everyone's faces immediately became strange.

What does it mean to focus on participation?Could it be that the final champion has already been determined by you?

But after thinking about it for a while, everyone can understand that even if there is no internal decision, the champion of the final martial arts competition will not fall on the head of ordinary martial artists.

After all, there are three big mountains standing there, ordinary warriors have no chance.

Even if there is a dark horse, it can only appear in the other five sects.

Of course, this is what most people think.

There are also a very small number of people who are either full of self-confidence or do not have a good enough understanding of reality. They think they have opportunities and look eager to try.

Of course, if it's a mule or a horse, you'll know if you pull it out for a while, and the answer will naturally be revealed at tomorrow's martial arts tournament.

The matter was settled in this way, and then, everyone disbanded in place and went about their own business.

Now that the conflict had been resolved, Lin Hao did not do anything to the great monk Zhizhang, and let the monks of Tianlong Temple carry the great monk Zhizhang away.

As for Lin Hao, he planned to continue eating, because he was interrupted by the woman before he had eaten a few bites of breakfast, and he was not full yet.

But at this moment, You Donglei walked towards Lin Hao.

"Mr. Lin, we meet again."

You Donglei smiled and said the opening remarks.

"Yes, it's a coincidence to meet Mr. You again."

Lin Hao spoke politely, but when he spoke, he didn't look at You Donglei at all.

He didn't even lift his head, because he was concentrating on the food in front of him, gruel and steamed buns.

In fact, many people were secretly looking at this scene, and after seeing this scene, they all complained about You Donglei.

Lin Hao is so disrespectful!
How could he have such a casual attitude towards Mr. You?
What's more, he just relieved you of the big siege, so you have to thank him and say something polite.

It's a pity that Lin Hao does his own thing like this. How others see him and think of him is more meaningful to him than the big steamed bun in front of him.

You Donglei was also slightly embarrassed. He touched his nose and said, "Mr. Lin, I have something to tell you."

"Oh, tell me, what do you want to say?" Lin Hao's words were still very direct, but he finally raised his head.

You Donglei glanced around and said, "Mr. Lin, why don't we take a chance to talk!"

You Donglei's meaning is obvious, there are many people here, and what he wants to tell Lin Hao obviously doesn't want to be heard by too many people.


Lin Hao agreed immediately, but then said, "But I have to wait until I finish eating."

The people around couldn't stand it any longer, and they had never seen anything like this.

Mr. You obviously wants to tell you something private. This is a matter of flattering you. You can't ask for it. It's good for you. It's outrageous to ask others to wait for you to finish eating. .

Although there was a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts, no one dared to express it. After all, they touched their weight and felt that they would definitely not be better than the monk Zhizhang, but Lin Hao crushed the monk Zhizhang.

Finally, Lin Hao finished his meal, wiped his mouth, raised his head, and said to You Donglei, "Let's go, where to talk?"

"Mr. Lin, come with me."

You Donglei took Lin Hao to an empty room.

You Donglei spoke first: "Mr. Lin, you don't have to thank me for what happened today, I just did something I thought I should do."

When You Donglei said this, he was very righteous, but Lin Hao's answer was: "Of course I don't need to thank you, because the one who should thank you is the light."

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean?" You Donglei frowned and asked, "Could it be that you really think that you can fight against the entire Tianlong Temple and the entire martial arts world with your own strength?"

Lin Haoyun asked calmly, "You think I can't?"

You Donglei let out a long sigh before suppressing the anger in his heart. He didn't care about Lin Hao's arrogance and Lin Hao's disrespect towards him. He just made the choice to befriend Lin Hao at first. After that, you can only continue to stick to this choice.

"Mr. Lin, I don't understand." You Donglei shook his head and said.

"What don't you understand?" Lin Hao asked him with a faint smile on his lips.

You Donglei said: "I don't understand, why do you have such deep hostility towards me?"

"Since the first time we met, I have been very respectful to you. You hurt my You family members, and even made my disciples who I cultivated vigorously dig out their own glasses. I didn't ask you for an explanation, and this time , If it weren't for me, Master Mingdeng, the entire Tianlong Temple, and even the entire Chinese martial arts world, would not let you go so easily, it's difficult, isn't what I did to you not good enough?"

"But your attitude towards me is indifferent, even arrogant and rude, and as far as I know, you are not such a person in private, so I don't understand why you have such deep hostility towards me. "

Lin Hao said lightly: "You know what I do in private? Are you investigating me?"

"Mr. Lin, what you have done is on the surface, do you still need me to investigate?" You Donglei asked back.

Lin Hao thought for a while, and said, "You're right, I really don't have a good impression of you, since the first time we met, I think you are..."

Lin Hao thought for a while, and finally thought of a word, "Very hypocritical."


You Donglei showed astonishment on his face, and finally said with a wry smile, "Maybe, but people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes, how many people can live without wearing a mask?"

"Mr. Lin, not everyone can travel freely like you!"

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