Tomb Raider: The Young Captain Mojin

Chapter 48 Huge cave, white phosphorous ghost fire

Seeing the cave, Wu Sihua suddenly woke up.

It seems that Tie Mubobo'er should also be in charge of the Alchemy Immortal Palace below.

The reason why he built the tomb here is that he often haunts here, and occasionally found a large cave, so he built the tomb here.

in ancient times.
There are many legends about fairy caves.

Many people regard the karst caves with strange landforms as fairy caves, and believe that there were gods who practiced here and became immortals.

Just as Wu Xie and the others entered the cave, they heard the faint sound of running water in their ears, and the air was much fresher than before.

It seems that there should be a small river in the mountains in front of it. I don't know if it is connected to the Alchemy Immortal Palace and the Yulong River below.

It is not uncommon for water to appear in the cave. Wu Xie and the others slowed down and walked slowly on the slippery ground.

This karst cave is not long, the more you go in, the bigger the space.

After only walking 30 meters, everyone's eyes suddenly became very open.

The cave in front is very large, about 30 meters high, with an area of ​​more than [-] square meters.

The flashlight shines from a distance, and there are many mountains and puddles, which are colorful and beautiful under the light of the flashlight.

This scenery is very beautiful in the eyes of others. Even Johnson and his party were shocked by the beautiful scenery, so they couldn't help but take a few more glances.

It fell into Wu Sihua's eyes, but he couldn't help but shudder.

Some of the water pools in the cave have dried up.

In the dry potholes, there are some waxy crystals, white, red, and black.

Wu Sihua couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Those crystals are none other than white phosphorus, red phosphorus and black scales with extremely low ignition points.

This kind of thing is extremely flammable. If anyone who doesn't open their eyes shoots it, it may immediately trigger a raging will-o'-the-wisp and burn people to powder.

Wu Sihua hurriedly grabbed Wu Xie, and said softly to him, "Be careful, don't touch those colorful things."

Before Wu Xie realized what was going on, one of Johnson's subordinates didn't know what to think, and even stabbed the dry white phosphorus in the pit with a submachine gun.

Very harsh in the silent cave.
Wu Sihua yelled inwardly, but before he could speak, the man who stabbed Baiphos with a gun suddenly let out a scream.

A yellow-white flame burned along the barrel of the gun to his body in an instant, and the entire pit was ignited with raging fire, illuminating the entire cavern brightly.

The man let out a scream, dropped the submachine gun in his hand and wanted to run wildly, but the younger brother suddenly threw out his black gold ancient knife, instantly chopped off his head, and the body fell to the ground with a thud.

Oh shit
Fortunately, the white phosphorus pit that the man poked was not big, and it was very independent. There were water pools nearby, and there were no other phosphorus pits.

Otherwise, the phosphorus pit in the entire cave would be ignited in an instant, burning all of them to pieces.

Before finding the main tomb, one of Johnson's men died, which made him very angry.

In the anger, there was also a trace of inexplicable fear.

Before that, Wu Xie reminded him more than once that there were many dangers in the ancient tomb, but he didn't take it seriously.

If he hadn't witnessed his subordinates being burned to ashes in an instant, he might still not want to believe Wu Xie's words.

The man gradually burned to white ashes, and the white phosphorus fire in the small pit was also carefully doused with water by Da Panzi and others, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's also fortunate that there is no wind in this cave, otherwise if the white phosphorous powder is blown up, the cave may be burned to ashes in an instant.

Things like phosphorous powder have a very low ignition point in a humid environment, and if you are not careful, they will misfire and spontaneously ignite instantly.

In ancient times, the "ghost fire" that appeared on summer nights was phosphine burning freely in the air. Because phosphine burns with blue-green flames, the phenomenon of "ghosts appearing" appears.

Johnson vented his anger on Wu Xie, the team leader, and picked up the butt of his gun and smashed it on his back, Wu Xie almost lost his breath in pain.

"You bastard, why didn't you remind us that there are will-o'-the-wisps here, trying to kill us?"

Wu Xie looked bitter.

Johnson has wronged him so much.

He, Wu Xie, didn't know that these things could spontaneously ignite, and spread extremely fast.

Da Panzi roared angrily, "Damn it, if you dare to hit the third master again, I will fight you."

Just as Da Panzi raised his diamond axe, a submachine gun was pressed against his back, "Don't move. If you move again, I'll kill you."

Wu Xie staggered from being hit by Johnson, and hurriedly waved his hand at Da Panzi, "Pan Zi, don't be impulsive, I'm fine. Damn, it really hurts"

Wu Sihua's eyes flickered a few times, and he wanted to kill Johnson and the others, but he knew that this was not the place to do it.

If a bullet hit the phosphorous powder, it would cause an instant fire.

Lisa looked around, except for the mafia member who was burned to white powder just now, there were no other people who were burned to death here, and she felt a burst of gratitude in her heart.

It seems that their dad didn't break down here.

The group didn't stay in this dangerous place for long, they went straight through the cave and found a passage deep inside.

This passage is much wider than the previous one, five meters wide and six to seven meters high.

Wu Sihua raised his flashlight to take a picture. Compared with the previous ones, the murals here seem even weirder.

Wu Sihua and his younger brother walked behind, while Wu Xie and Da Panzi were escorted by Qiang Sen and others to walk ahead.

The group of people had just walked more than ten meters in the passage when Wu Xie suddenly stopped and looked at a strange mural on the right.

This time, Johnson didn't urge him, he was also attracted by this weird and beautiful mural.

This mural is about five meters high and ten meters long, surrounded by beautifully crafted pottery bricks, which frame the mural.

The content of the mural depicts a palace.

It looks like a palace to others, but in Wu Sihua's eyes, what he sees is an underground palace.

The reason why he called it the underground palace was because in the depths of the palace, he saw an almost transparent human-shaped coffin.

The coffin is very strange. If you are inexperienced, it is easy to take it as a long table with a strange shape.

The grandeur and luxury of this underground palace is far from comparable to this place.

It can also be said that it is not comparable to all the underground palaces that Partridge Whistle has seen before.

From the color description, it can be seen that this magnificent underground palace is all made of gold, revealing extreme luxury and imperial aura everywhere.

On the walls of the palace cast in gold, there are dazzling luminous pearls and exquisite jade articles inlaid everywhere. The simple and elegant shape is unparalleled.

The human-shaped coffin is located in the middle of the palace, and the painting is a little blurry.

In Wu Sihua's view, it should be a metaphorical technique.

If someone really entered this underground palace, they should not be able to see this set of strangely shaped coffins from the outside.

The coffin is surrounded by strange and atmospheric reliefs, guarded on three sides, surrounding the human-shaped coffin.

On the top of the relief, there are eight huge dragon heads with ferocious faces and extremely ferocious.

In front of the coffin is a tall Fengshui wall carved with dragon patterns, the shape is exquisite and majestic, which is rare in the world.

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