When Bayern coach Van Gaal and the fans are still confused...

On the pitch!

The players on both sides have gone through the corresponding procedures, and then the captains of the two teams flipped a coin and decided that Schalke 04 would kick off first, and chose to attack from left to right first.


Amidst the cheers and cheers of countless fans, the referee blew the whistle to start the game as soon as he saw that the players of both teams were standing in their respective positions!

And soon!
Rakitic, a 19-year-old teenager from Croatia, was in the center of the center circle, and carefully passed the ball back with one kick, and handed the ball to Hao Junmin on the side...

Just hearing the sound of "boom" when hitting the ball, this key battle for the half-time Bundesliga championship this season has officially started!
At this moment, Hao Junmin had just used the inner instep of his right foot to stop his teammate's pass. Before he had time to observe the situation on the field, two figures appeared in front of him, and the strong wind hit him!

"Oh! Bayern's young midfielder Alaba was very active. As soon as Hao Junmin received the pass, he immediately blocked the opponent's attacking route by taking advantage of his unpreparedness!"

Seeing this, Zhan Jun gasped, and secretly sighed in his heart that Alaba's swift speed and physical flexibility were indeed extraordinary talents. In comparison...Hao Junmin was much inferior.

"Muller also rushed through the half at this moment, blocked Hao Junmin's side, cooperated with Alaba, and completely blocked the opponent's cross or through route!"

Before he finished his words, Hao Junmin, under the pressure of the two, turned around with a frown, intending to pass the ball back to his defender.

But right now!
Alaba suddenly strode forward and rushed to Hao Junmin's side, as if intending to intercept the ball the moment the opponent's foot touched the ball!
Hao Junmin, on the other hand, immediately realized Alaba's intentions, and quickly spread his shoulders, using muscle strength and positioning to expand the defense area as much as possible.

Next up!

Hao Junmin frowned!
He looked as if it took a lot of effort to push Alaba behind him.

At the same time, he gritted his teeth, touched the ball under him with great difficulty, and finally successfully passed it to the foot of the full-back Pajan who stepped forward to respond.

Seeing this, more than 2 fans of the visiting team present were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but they saw Muller, who was wearing a red and blue jersey on the field, quietly appearing in front of Pajan at this moment!

In fact, Muller and Alaba did not intend to target Hao Junmin from the very beginning. Instead, they targeted Pajan, who is closest to the Schalke 04 penalty area!

It's just that when Pajan realized the opponent's intention to press the high position this time, he didn't make corresponding psychological preparations, as if he didn't enter the game state in time, and there was a momentary pause.

But just in an instant...

Muller suddenly strode forward, successfully seized the opportunity, grabbed Pajan who had stopped the ball, and stretched out his left foot before he had time to figure out how to deal with it!

With the sound of "boom"...

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Muller successfully poked the ball with his toe, causing it to hit Pajan's ankle and bounce off, falling in front of him...

"Wow! Less than ten seconds into the game, Muller was near Schalke 04's penalty area and successfully completed the steal!"

Seeing this, Zhan Jun immediately became nervous:
"The football has rolled down the penalty area, to the penalty spot twelve yards from the goal post, and there is no defender next to Müller!!"

"If he can successfully receive the ball, there is a great chance that he will directly form a few very good one-handed goals!"

As soon as he said this, a tall yellow figure suddenly appeared in front of Muller and touched the ball first...


After a loud noise, the football flew high and far out of the penalty area and landed on the sideline of the midfield, successfully defusing the danger of Schalke 04!

It was only then that Müller noticed that when he stepped forward to press Pajan, the opponent's goalkeeper was so bold to attack ahead of time, and then decisively kicked this powerful and heavy clearance ball!
"Hahaha, good job, young man."

Muller adjusted his breathing unwillingly, stood up, and smiled at Neuer: "Just, how many times can you block it?"

"To put it bluntly, we have hundreds of ways to penetrate a defense line like yours that is thinner than paper."

"So how do you make sure that you don't make mistakes in the face of countless attacks?"

His tone is playful: "You can kick seven, eight clearances, even the whole backfield, make countless interceptions."


"Even if you only make a small mistake in the whole game, we have countless ways to penetrate the goal guarded by both hands behind you!"

Neuer smiled coldly: "Look behind you."

Hearing this, Mu Le was slightly taken aback, and turned his head subconsciously, and the one who came into view... was Su Fan who had just stood up!

"Even without my attack, you may not be able to get the chance to kick!"

at the same time.

After seeing the replay on the big screen, all the fans and spectators widened their eyes in astonishment!
When Muller and Alaba came forward to grab Hao Junmin, Su Fan, who was standing near the middle circle a moment ago, seemed to have received some signal, and immediately got up and ran towards the penalty area!

When Muller successfully steals from Pajan's feet and is about to touch the ball, Su Fan's figure has already rushed into the penalty area.

The moment Mueller was about to lift his right foot, Su Fan had quietly come to the right front of his body, and his body center of gravity had already leaned forward, ready to put the shovel at any time!

"Su Fan...Even if he is the opponent, I have to admit..."

Taking advantage of this short break, Muller put pressure on Su Fan with a smile like an old German cannon:
"Your speed, consciousness, muscle explosiveness, endurance, and metabolic ability are all top-notch, and even some of your physical fitness..."

"Compared to those of us who have received advanced professional training since childhood, they are stronger and more terrifying, but even if you are in good condition, what can you change if you use these qualities to the extreme?"

"Even tigers in the wild doze off sometimes, not to mention your defense line is full of loopholes, you can return to defense once, twice, can you still return to defense all the time?"

"As the center forward at the top, don't you need to grab the header?"

"Don't need to organize an attack, try to break through and shoot?"

"Even if it's a counterattack, you need someone in front of you, right?"

Su Fan smiled when he heard these words:
"Of course we will have our own way of dealing with it."

"It's yourselves, be careful."

He responded unceremoniously:

"It's best not to let us catch any opportunities to play a defensive counterattack, or the loss will be too ugly. Not only will Coach Fan be dismissed from get out of class, you stars will also be forced to cut their salaries!"

Muller laughed and applauded when he heard the words, with a slight joke in his voice: "Okay, okay!"

"I must stare wide-eyed and take a good look at how you played a defensive counterattack that forced us to cut our salary when the center forwards all ran to the penalty area to help defend!"

At this moment, "Little Pig" Schweinsteiger tried his best from the sideline near the middle circle and threw the ball vigorously to a position less than ten meters away from the Schalke 04 penalty area.

Robben, who had been ambushing nearby, immediately took advantage of his position and easily used the outer instep of his inverted foot to stop the ball in front of his body with no one marking him.

"Hey... Schalke 04's defenders should be careful now, hurry up, keep up!"

The commentator Zhang Lu had just arrived in the studio at this time, and when she saw the scene happening on the broadcast screen, she immediately said:

"Roben seems to have made a small mistake in stopping the ball this time, and the trip was a little bit bigger."

"But in fact, like Ribery who is wandering on the right wing, he likes to observe the position of the defender in front of him when he is ready to receive the ball, so as to deduce the next attack route."

"If the opponent's positions are dense, and one link is linked to another, it is difficult to make a breakthrough for a while..."

Director Zhang seriously analyzed; "They will make full use of the width of the court, first quickly dribble to the sideline, and then wait for the opportunity to cut inside or cross..."

"Under the premise of ensuring not being intercepted or blocked by the opponent, always maintain a forward attacking trend and maintain high-intensity pressure on the opponent's defense line!"

His voice has not yet fallen...

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound of "boom" on the broadcasted scene!
Take a closer look...

The moment Robben received the ball, he immediately used his speed, constantly changed direction, kept tiptoing the ball, dribbling horizontally to the penalty area, then found a gap in the defense, and kicked fiercely...


hit the door! !
next moment!
Under everyone's breathless gaze...

Robben shot vigorously with this foot, and after a loud "bang", it hit the crossbar of the goal heavily!

Seeing this, tens of thousands of home team fans in the audience immediately let out a wave of regret, and then a large group of angry fans shouted at the players on the field:

"Faknima's! No entry here? Schalke 04 is so lucky! Robben! Hurry up and smash them! Break them!"

"Five to zero! Five to zero! Kick them to five to zero! If Su Fan, a yellow-skinned pig, dares to block another, he will kick them to six to zero! Damn, I just can't stand the arrogance of Shenzhou players coming to us !"

Seemingly stimulated by the shouts of the fans in the main stand, Bayern's offensive with Robben and Ribery as the core on the front line became more and more fierce and penetrated deeper into the hinterland of Schalke 04! !

In just 5 minutes!
The Bayern players, who were all pressed into the opponent's half, used crazy high-position pressing combined with a fast-paced pass and control offensive...

He kicked a terrifying ball possession rate of 89℅, and there were eight shots, three kicks on goal, two corner kicks, and two set kicks outside the penalty area...

However, under the strict guard of Su Fan and others, they returned without success.

However... They are also trying again and again, gradually discovering more and more loopholes and weaknesses in the opponent's defense that can be exploited.

Coupled with the mediocre strength of the opponent's midfielder, they can still launch extremely threatening attacks from the two wings to Schalke 04's goal one after another.

However, Su Fan and the others were still unable to pass the ball across the half court under the active fighting of the opponent's high position, and it was difficult to even stop the ball.

All he can do is make continuous interceptions and kick them out of the touchline.

Or after successfully intercepting near the penalty area, immediately clear the sideline with a big foot.

Every player's physical fitness and energy have been greatly challenged.

The goal guarded by Neuer seems to be in danger of being pierced by the opponent's offensive player at any time, with a sudden volley from any position and any angle!
It's Robben...

Or Ribery, Klose...

Or Muller, Schweinsteiger? !
Facing such a dense attacking point, Su Fan's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he suddenly felt unprecedented pressure! !

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