Get a death system at the beginning

Chapter 80 Let Everyone Explode Their Clothes On The Spot

Soon, Wang Ruiqi flew to the square outside the suzerain's main hall. At this time, almost all the elders and law enforcement officers of Qianyuanzong had arrived, and they were all whispering to each other, with solemn expressions on their faces, as if something important had happened.

"What happened? There was such a big fight. It wasn't so solemn when I went to build a foundation to practice." Wang Ruiqi has been immersed in alchemy and imperial objects for a while, and has paid little attention to the affairs of the sect.

Feeling curious, before he could open his mouth to ask, he just slightly stepped forward and took a few steps.Immediately, the faces of the Foundation Establishment disciples within a radius of ten feet from him changed drastically.

In fact, most of the disciples present had noticed Wang Ruiqi's existence early on. Looking at his embarrassed appearance, they all chose to turn a blind eye. After all, they might not want to call the three words "Uncle Wang" for the rest of their lives.

But just when Wang Ruiqi took the initiative to step forward, and approached them within a distance of nearly ten feet, several disciples were shocked, and the hidden spiritual power in their bodies began to inexplicably agitate, constantly colliding with external pressure, and finally all the clothes on their bodies exploded in an instant .

Everyone trembled, and before they could figure out what happened, they felt a gust of wind blowing over them, making them feel chilly.Looking down, his eyes instantly turned red.

Fortunately, they had a storage bag, and put a few clothes in it, and after quickly changing them, they backed away quickly.They stared at Wang Ruiqi one by one, their eyes were full of anger.

Although they know that they are not opponents, it does not mean that they can be bullied and insulted by others at will.However, they didn't choose to take action directly. Apart from their lack of cultivation, it was also because they noticed that Wang Ruiqi was different from usual, and it became very strange at this moment.

"Wang Ruiqi, what on earth do you want to do!" Everyone was driven into a hurry, regardless of their seniority or not, they were all of the same age, if it wasn't for the suzerain's will, who would be willing to call such a peer uncle, let alone Some were even older than him.

But this wasn't over yet, the moment they spoke, Wang Ruiqi took a few steps forward, and this time, more Foundation Establishment cultivators felt their bodies trembling at the same time.The clothes that were still clinging to their bodies just now were all shattered at this moment, and there was a constant roar in the sky.

All of this happened too fast, not to mention them, even Wang Ruiqi himself was still in a daze, and he didn't know how it happened.At this time, the clothes of dozens of Foundation Establishment cultivators around him were all torn, and some of them had just changed their front feet, and their back feet were broken again.

Among all these people, Lin Tianyao is one of them.

"Wang Ruiqi!"

"Uncle Wang, what do you want to do!" The dozens of foundation-building monks were furious, and they didn't care about anything. They changed their clothes from their storage bags one by one and wanted to go up to him to reason, but once they got close to the clothes, will all shatter.Everyone panicked for a moment, although they were out of breath, they didn't dare to move forward.

Wang Ruiquan was puzzled by the monk, and he didn't understand why this happened, and he hoped that someone could give him an answer.He was stunned for a while, knowing that he had caused trouble, he stepped back again and again until the entrance of the square, and took a deep breath.

Wang: "This... I really don't blame me, I don't know why it happened."

"Nonsense! Since you came, our clothes... must be your fault!"

"That's right, what exactly do you want? Don't think that you are the suzerain's younger brother, you can do whatever you want as a disciple of glory in the inner sect!"

"We didn't do anything sorry for you, didn't we just call you uncle when we didn't meet each other, as for revenge on us because of this?"


Wang Ruiqi was stunned speechless for a moment, suddenly, he thought of the only difference between himself and usual.

"I see, it's this bead. If you don't believe me, look at it!" Wang Ruiqi let go of his hand, and the bead suddenly flew out of his hand and floated in the air. The powerful spiritual power even distorted the space.Within the effective range of this bead, only Wang Ruiqi entered the arena intact, if someone else stepped in, his clothes would be shattered in an instant.

Wang Ruiqi was so anxious that he didn't know how to contain this force at this moment, the only way was to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.But by coincidence, at this time, several elders including Xue Gaojie and Liu Shuxue came up from behind.

Hearing a voice from behind, Wang Ruiqi turned his head subconsciously, seeing that it was the suzerain and the elders, Wang Ruiqi suddenly felt bad.He just wanted to speak to dissuade them from stopping, but before he could finish speaking, several people had already stepped into the range of the beads.

Hearing a "bang", Xue Gaojie's clothes were directly shattered, and basically everyone present was stunned, including himself.At his level of cultivation and age, even if it was only for a moment, it was enough for him to know what happened.

The whole person was blown by the wind, and his whole body was suddenly chilly, his eyes showed a sluggishness and bewilderment, and he froze in place for a moment, not knowing what to say or do.

As for the elders behind him, most of them followed Xue Gaojie into that area.The originally dignified and neat clothes were about to collapse under the strong pressure from the outside world.

A few people suddenly felt bad, and tried to resist with their spiritual power, but the more they resisted, the faster their clothes shattered, and within a moment, they heard a few "bang! bang!", and their clothes fell into place. The explosion shattered.

Dozens of foundation-building monks of a sect, and even the suzerain and several elders' clothes exploded one after another, and they were naked in public. This was the first time in the history of Xiahe Basin.

Among the accompanying elders, only Liu Shuxue, an elderly female elder, and Zhang Zhihao were still fully clothed.

In fact, it's not that Wang Ruiqi's cultivation has reached such a high level, he is still the disciple of the third grade of foundation building, it's just that the bead he made after practicing the spirit control technique is weird.

The shattering of everyone's clothes was not simply caused by the influence of spiritual power, and it was overwhelmed that they shattered.The more direct reason is actually because that force affects the cultivation and spiritual power of the people in that area, and the two become restless and vibrate, which will eventually cause the clothes to burst.

Accompanied by Xue Gaojie and the elders, whose clothes were torn and their breasts exposed, there was a deathly silence in the square, and no one dared to speak.Beads of sweat rolled down Wang Ruiqi's forehead. He knew that this time, he really made a big mistake.

Without further ado, Xue Gaojie flicked his sleeves and changed into a complete set of clothes in an instant. Unfortunately, before three seconds, the clothes were completely shattered with a bang.

Seeing that something was wrong, Wang Ruiqi continued to stay here and didn't know what would go wrong, so his body turned into a rainbow and flew away into the distance.

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