Nan Leyao was caught in a tangle, seemingly in a dilemma.

Jiang Feng stared at the troubled little face, and after a while, smiled faintly.

"Okay, just kidding, it doesn't matter if you don't want to, idiot!"

As he said that, he seemed to have returned to his previous pampering appearance, and patted Nan Leyao's head.

"However, since we are both prospective couples on the surface, we still have to be mentally prepared for some things. This is not a request~"

Hearing this, Nan Leyao felt a little inexplicably sour in her heart.

What kind of face is she trying to hold on to?

Jiang Feng's loss could be sung from the words he pretended to laugh.

She regretted it for a moment, and as soon as she looked up, she found that Jiang Feng had disappeared from sight.

Looking towards the quiet place, he was rummaging for something in the storage room.

"Jiang Feng..."


Jiang Feng responded softly, and pulled out a cotton blanket and air-conditioning quilt from the dark compartment.

"You want this?"

Nan Leyao was a little taken aback.

"Needless to say? Of course it's on the floor."

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "You won't really have the heart for me to eat and sleep outside the RV, will you?"

Nan Leyao frowned slightly, and said distressedly: "How is it possible, am I so unreasonable?"

"Haha, that's good..."

As Jiang Feng said, he tidied up a floor quickly.

As mentioned earlier, the space in the bedroom is inherently small, and it is impossible for two people to pass side by side in the aisle.

It can be seen from this that Jiang Feng's simple floor in the aisle is so narrow that he has to pay attention to turning over at night.

Nan Leyao frowned silently, looking at Jiang Feng who had no complaints, she just felt that she had really done something too much just now.

But now, it seems too late to regret.

"It's late, go to bed and have a good dream."

Jiang Feng picked up the remote control to turn off the lights, by the way.

"OK, good night……"

In the darkness, Nan Leyao tucked her head into the bed again, combing a strand of hair thoughtfully.

Jiang Feng fell asleep very quickly, almost as soon as he closed his eyes, he snored faintly.

After all, this night was really too hard.

Nan Leyao really wasn't much better, but now, her heart was weighed down by so many worries, she was still unwilling to let her go to sleep.

Ahhh!Why is Jiang Feng so full of thoughts at this time?

Nan Leyao curled up her delicate body, feeling uneasy.

She secretly lifted a corner of the quilt to see Jiang Feng's current state.

In the darkness, the silhouette of a man sleeping could be faintly seen.

Although he was very safe, Jiang Feng, who was driven to sleep in the aisle by himself, looked extremely pitiful at the moment under the exaggeration of Nan Leyao's perspective.

Is it ice on the floor?Will I catch a cold if I sleep like this all night?

In such a narrow piece of land, Jiang Feng's 1.8 meters tall must be too restrained to let go of his hands and feet, right?
Ahhh!She is also really, why can't she let go of that ridiculous airs?
For a long time, Jiang Feng always seemed to have an invisible "thin cloth" for himself.

I thought it was due to Jiang Feng's gentle personality, but now that I think about it... Maybe it's because of her?

The more she thought about it, the more difficult it was for Nan Leyao to fall asleep.

Tossing and turning on the spacious bed where she slept alone, sometimes her eyelids almost drooped, but she was still abruptly swept away by her sudden guilt!

10 minutes……

Two 10 minutes...

more than half an hour...

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore!

It's just a matter of sleeping together, what is there not to dare?

Nan Leyao's eyes widened in the night, and they were firmly locked on Jiang Feng's body!

A few seconds later, like a thief, she quietly slipped out of the bed and approached the sleeping man on tiptoe.

"Jiang Feng...are you asleep?"

"Jiang Feng?"

She yelled a few times and there was still no response. Feeling guilty, she stretched out her finger again, and gently poked the side face of the man in the night.

Still no response.

"You didn't wake up now, and you are not allowed to wake up later! Did you hear me!"

Nan Leyao lowered her voice and "advised" the sleeping Jiang Feng.

"Even if you wake up, you have to pretend to be asleep!"

After fooling around with Jiang Feng for a while like this and "how to do it", she was timid and finally planned to do it.


In the night, Nan Leyao fumbled for the edge of Jiang Feng's quilt, and then quietly lifted it.

Her movements were extremely slow. In the bedroom, Jiang Feng's breathing and her own breathing sounded "deafening"!
Until enough gaps were opened, she swallowed, and moved her body into the bed very slowly, starting from her toes, step by step...

Five minutes later, she was only halfway through.

Except for the waist, it is also exposed outside the quilt.


hiss! ! !
Jiang Feng's sudden heavy snort almost made her soul fly out!

As a result, nothing happened.

Nan Leyao, who made a false alarm, quietly regretted it.

"Oh, what the hell am I doing?"

She made up her mind to just stay in Jiang Feng's bed for a while, and it will be fine for a while.

At the latest, at the latest, get out of it before dawn.

Quan took it as a rejection of Jiang Feng's compensation.

But she made up her mind not to let Jiang Feng know. She did this more because she wanted to relieve herself, otherwise she might not even think about sleeping tonight.

Since Jiang Feng didn't know anything, was he really going to do this just for peace of mind?

Nan Leyao fell into a dilemma again for a while.

"Forget it, we've come to this point..."

After a while, she still convinced herself.

After nearly ten minutes, everything is finally done!
When Nan Leyao lay down on Jiang Feng's bed and covered her with the quilt, a wonderful feeling arose spontaneously.

This, is this the feeling of sharing the same bed?
Well, it's amazing!
The first feeling is that it is warmer than the bed here!

What I was worried about before was purely self-indulgent.

Is it because men have strong yang qi, while women are relatively weak?
Secondly, it is...

This aisle is really narrow.

Nan Leyao had already tried her best not to compete with Jiang Feng for a seat, but in the posture of sleeping on her back, her arms were still close to Jiang Feng's.

Jiang Feng wouldn't suddenly wake up because of this, would he?
Nan Leyao pondered uneasily in her heart.

Jindu came in, for complete peace of mind, why don't you take a sneak peek at him?

Turning your head like this is so uncomfortable...

Forget it, turn your body sideways...

In the next second, Nan Leyao panicked.

This feeling of hiding under the arms of a man is, well, amazing!

Feeling his temperature, unconsciously, even breathing is at the same frequency!

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