Whew~ Should I say it was expected?

Accompanying each other day and night these days, Jiang Feng also has a good grasp of Nan Leyao's personality.

The love is naturally getting stronger and stronger, and correspondingly, more and more minor shortcomings have been discovered from the former "Flower of Gaoling".

These shortcomings did not affect Jiang Feng's liking at all. Rather, it was because of these cute flaws that Nan Leyao was more vivid in his eyes.

It is no longer the Chang'e in the Guanghan palace in the imagination, but a real person who can be touched delicately.

Seeing Nan Leyao's lazy look, Jiang Feng was not unprepared.

She is occasionally enthusiastic about things, but she always inadvertently broods over something.

Just like...

"Oh, you really don't want to go?"

Jiang Feng quietly put the corner of his mouth against Nan Leyao's ear——

"You love me~I love you~Mixue Bingcheng is sweet~"

As soon as this familiar brainwashing melody sounded, Nan Leyao's face became "bleak" as if she had eaten a bitter melon!

She covered her head and shook it again and again, for fear of listening to a sentence!
Jiang Feng's singing was like a "curse", haunting Nan Leyao's mind.

A little inattentive, the "Snow King" with a simple face was all over his mind, and then his face was replaced with his own!

Seeing that Jiang Feng didn't intend to stop at all, Nan Leyao hurriedly regretted: "It's wrong, it's wrong, can't I be wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Feng smiled but wasn't smiling.

"Wait! Me, I'll go up and change right away!"

Nan Leyao said the most embarrassing words in the hardest tone, then put down the snacks in desperation, and went upstairs in a hurry.


Jiang Feng nodded in satisfaction.

"Occasionally, it feels good~"

After a while, Nan Leyao, who was dressed in loose casual attire, finally dawdled down.

"Why don't you wear sportswear?"

Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows.

Nan Leyao looked at her knowingly and questioningly, then looked down at herself and muttered: "Isn't this nonsense?"

"With my current figure, how can I have the confidence to wear that kind of tight equipment?"

"Ha ha."

Jiang Feng couldn't say anything, so he could only laugh it off.

After leaving the gate of the villa, Jiang Feng took out the phone map and searched.

"There is a river more than 300 meters away. The scenery looks good. There is a newly built walking trail beside the stream. Let's go there for a night run?"

Jiang Feng suggested.

"Yeah, up to you."

Nan Leyao nodded obediently.

The two walked together, taking a walk, and came to the bank of the stream before they knew it.

After all, the neighborhood is a well-known area of ​​villas and wealthy people, so the landscape construction here is naturally good as expected.

The river stream shimmers under the night moonlight, the river slopes are covered with green grass, and the rows of fine willows are still taking green shoots after autumn.

After some warm-up exercises beforehand, Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and played a piece of light music at random, before taking the lead.

"You don't need to be too fast at the beginning, just follow your speed to find the right rhythm?"

Jiang Feng said.

"I, I think the most suitable rhythm for me is to take a walk."

Nan Leyao retreated and muttered.

"You love me, I love you, Mi Xuebing..."

"Ah ok ok, I was wrong!"

Nan Leyao hastened to quicken her pace and finally started to trot.

"Imagine having a string of drums that belong to you in your heart, and then run forward with the drums;"

"There is no need to do extra exercise, the center of gravity is forward, and avoid too much up and down, otherwise it will be dragged down by the chest;"

"Try to make your steps lighter, but it's still too heavy."

Jiang Feng ran by Nan Leyao's side every step of the way, giving some very appropriate guidance from time to time.

Following Jiang Feng's prompts, Nan Leyao comprehended quickly.

"Hey! It's really effective!"

Nan Leyao's uncomfortable breathing was gradually slowing down.

Not only that, but the footsteps have gradually become lighter, no longer like stepping on hard ground, but on soft cotton candy!
"Jiang Feng, I found that you seem to know everything!"

Nan Leyao said with a look of admiration.

"Hehe, it's an illusion, it's just that the fields I just encountered are all areas I know a little bit about."

Jiang Feng said modestly and touched the bridge of his nose.

But in fact, during these nights when he didn't see Nan Leyao, except for the most basic sleep, he was never idle.

Force myself to learn more, and more, just to help her more.

Jiang Feng's suggestion was indeed effective, but for Nan Leyao, who stayed at home all the year round and was still obese, it was impossible to make substantial progress after all.

After Mo Yue jogged for 10 minutes, Nan Leyao was already panting from exhaustion, complaining endlessly while running.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Although Jiang Feng kept emphasizing that breathing with his mouth was a supplement.

But facing her depleted lungs, it was too late for her consciousness to control her body.

Her forehead was dripping with sweat, her face was haggard, and she looked like she was about to fall to the ground and become unconscious at any moment.

Seeing that she was almost at the limit, Jiang Feng frowned slightly.

Although it was a bit different from what was expected, he still softened his heart.

"Now, slowly slow down, from jogging to brisk walking;"

Jiang Feng guided gently, and gently wiped away the sweat stains on her face with a sweat towel without affecting Nan Leyao with one hand.

Seeing that Nan Leyao did the same, he continued to instruct: "Adjust your breathing, slow down your rhythm, and your steps can be slower...but don't stop suddenly."

"Well, I, I know..."

Nan Leyao's chest was thumping wildly. Whether it should be said or not, this journey was really terrible for her.

Is it a bit harsh?
Jiang Feng suddenly felt distressed.

If she had followed her original plan, there was a high probability that Nan Leyao would not have to suffer like this, and would be able to complete the set goal.

He has tried rock climbing before, but he has a deep understanding of the pain of being exhausted but still trying to squeeze his strength out of the cracks in his bones.

Maybe Nan Leyao's suffering now is no worse than that of herself at that time.

But she persisted all the way. Although she was reluctant at first, she never asked to give up.

If, if at this time, I take the lead in choosing to retreat...

Isn't that equivalent to "betraying" her?

Instead of worrying about these things, it's better to think about how to help her run to the end!
There was a flash of light in Jiang Feng's pupils, and he suddenly realized something.

After walking slowly for about 5 minutes, Jiang Feng glanced at the time on the phone.

"It's almost time to continue walking, Le Yao."

he said softly.

"Well, I, I'm going to..."

"If you really can't hold on at the end, just try and hold my hand?"

Jiang Feng said quietly.


[Ahhh, the manuscript fee is getting less and less.Give some strength, everyone!Ask for a gift~~]

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