As soon as Jiang Feng finished speaking, there was a flash of the screen in front of the screen. At the end of the show, Qiu Wanying returned to the center.

"Okay, the above is the entire content of this issue of "Xunwei Fengdu". In the end, I would like to thank Mr. Jiang Feng for his help with the material."

"By the way, here is a mention: Mr. Jiang Feng is about to start a parade-style stall setting activity in major cities in Huaiyao Province. In addition to these two new dishes, there will be more creative dishes on the way. make the first sale;”

"If you are interested, please pay attention to Mr. Jiang Feng's Xingyin account - Zhenwei, please ask for advice, now scan the QR code at the bottom of the screen to follow with one click."

Just because of the whole work of this episode of the show, there must be a lot of viewers who pay attention at the first time.

"Jiang Feng... When did this show premiere?"

Nan Leyao asked blankly.

"At eight o'clock last night."

Jiang Feng answered bluntly.

"Oh my god! As of now... isn't it, isn't there only one day?"

Nan Leyao was amazed, took Jiang Feng's cell phone, and played a certain voice in a familiar place——

Unexpectedly, less than an hour later, the number of fans on the account has reached more than 45!

You know, it's late at night now!
At this rate, maybe early tomorrow morning, the number of followers may exceed 50!

This is still an empty number that has not yet released any works!

She has been working as a house girl for several years, and she is well aware of the difficulties of self-media bloggers such as big Vs on the Internet who want to attract fans.

Without absolute attraction, it is impossible to attract users to pay attention to you!

She herself has a deep understanding-she obviously often watches a certain person's work, and even read it several times.

But I just don’t want to click on the “follow”, and usually rely on APP push.

One day you may have a whim, just go to the home page to search.

But Jiang Feng, an empty account with hundreds of thousands of fans, really refreshed her concept.

Because he is neither a celebrity, nor is he a trumpet publicly released by a big V, this inexplicably strong appeal is also rare to see!

Seeing the expression on Nan Leyao's face, Jiang Feng knew what she was thinking at the moment.

"All in all, with the help of this Xingyin account, our parade stalls will not be too deserted."

"Not only that!"

Nan Leyao was even more excited than him: "With these 50 fans, I feel like it's easy to sell out every day!"

"Hehe, although I don't know how many of these fans are black fans."

"Also ha..."

"But it's okay, we are not afraid of the shadow, but anyone who dares to taste it once will not be impressed by the food!"

Jiang Feng, who spoke, looked very confident!

After hearing the words, Nan Leyao was looking forward to the day of departure even more.

Afterwards, Jiang Feng also used his identity as the group leader to post this news that may have already been known to diners in various wechat fan groups.

The fierce reaction was expected. Some people felt sorry, and some cried and begged Jiang Feng not to leave.

But more rational diners also choose a certain degree of understanding.

In line with the delicacy that he agrees with, Amway will be given to more people in the world. In fact, most people think that Jiang Feng's move is not bad.

Now that everything is ready and the itinerary is basically drawn up, the two of them can embark on the long-awaited journey with only a caravan missing!

In a flash, the next day came.

"Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng!"

"what happened?"

"Is it possible that being too excited will increase the efficiency of weight loss?"

"Huh? Why did you say that?"

"That's right, I weighed myself this morning, and I lost three and a half catties!"

"Really? Then this is probably the best weight loss result in the past ten days, right?"

"you do not say!"

The triumphant Nan Leyao, wearing the red and white chiffon skirt, showed Jiang Feng her increasingly "hands-on" figure.

Jiang Feng also admired it without hesitation: "Well, if those people on the Internet saw your appearance like this, they shouldn't have the face to call you a fat girl, right?"

"More than 140... is still very fat?"

Nan Leyao responded not very confidently.

"That's because there is no comparison. If you really want to compare with you more than ten days ago, wouldn't it be clear?"

"That's true..."

Nan Leyao kept swaying at the full-length mirror next to the restaurant, muttering to herself: "Hmph, you know, I won't be able to wear this dress for five or six years."


Suddenly, the sound of a camera sounded behind him.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that Jiang Feng was secretly taking pictures with his mobile phone.

"Ahh! Jiang Feng!"

Nan Leyao had a bad feeling and rushed forward to take Jiang Feng's phone.

"What's wrong?"

"Delete, delete!"

"Such a beautiful photo, wouldn't it be a pity to delete it?"

"Hmph, you are definitely not just collecting things!"

"Hey, that's really what you said... I feel that it's time to post a post on Xingyin now, so that the whole world can see the transformation of my fiancée!"

"Ahh! You are not allowed to do this, do you want to let the society die?"

Just as the two were having a great time, Jiang Feng's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Okay, okay, I'll delete it later, good boy, I'll answer the phone first."


Jiang Feng answered the phone while nodding in agreement.

After a brief conversation, a smile instantly appeared on Jiang Feng's face.

"Oh, is that right? Well, um, I'll be right out!"

Listening to the excited tone overflowing with words, Nan Leyao's interest was immediately hooked.

"what happened?"

"Hmph, it's just right, I'll take you to see it too!"

With that said, Jiang Feng took her hand and opened the door of the villa.

Standing outside the courtyard and looking left and right for a while, Jiang Feng connected the phone again and said, "Here, here, the direction behind you!"

Not long after, a black and white RV drove up to the villa!
The car window was lowered, and an old man with a strange face cast a sudden glance at the two of them.


Jiang Feng hurriedly said hello!
"Come on, let's see the car."

The uncle was not sloppy, and said in a hurry as soon as he got out of the car.

"Jiang Feng, this, who is this?"

Holding Jiang Feng's arm, Nan Leyao felt a little timid.

"Hehe, what do you say, my acquaintance?"

Jiang Feng introduced it meaningfully.

After further questioning, Nan Leyao found out——

It turned out that Jiang Feng's snack cart was made by the auto repair shop uncle.

Even the first birth of the "claypot fried rice" originated from that dilapidated shack!
It is said that he is the "noble man" in Jiang Feng's life, and he can live with it.


[Five stars!small gift!woo woo woo~~]

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