Ye Kang looked at the position of the giant stone demon's heart.

The little brother has a strong unicorn aura, and the roar of the unicorn can be heard behind him.

The black gold ancient knife trembled slightly, and the little brother's black pupils could see more and more clearly.

Immediately afterwards, his figure flashed, and he stabbed towards the position of the red light of the boulder demon.

The unicorn behind the boulder demon brother wanted to dodge.

But it was tightly controlled by Ye Kang's whip.

"You can't run away."

Ye Kang spoke coldly.

He watched helplessly as the little brother's ancient black gold knife pierced his heart.


There was a red aura coming from the boulder demon's body, and he was struggling in great pain.

After Ye Kang and his younger brother saw it, they left in a hurry.

Wu Xie saw that the boulder demon's body was gradually emerging.

All of them are breathing.

"Get down."

Ye Kang ran straight over and pressed Wu Xie to the ground to prevent him from being hurt.

The little brother looked at the appearance of the boulder demon, and then lay down on the ground.


The whole space is glowing red.

Netizens in the live broadcast room watched the sudden red light.

Very dazzling.

Close your eyes subconsciously.

When I opened my eyes after a while, they were a little white for a moment.

"Oh shit, I fucking thought I was blind, what the hell is this?"

"I don't know. My eyes still have a layer of white light. It will be better now. What's going on? Why does that light dazzle my eyes so much?"

"Oh, I almost feel blind, this is really..."

"Fortunately, it was instinctive, otherwise we would be really blind. Who would have known that the boulder monster would have such abilities? It's really abominable. Fortunately, brother Ye Kang is fine."

"It's probably the happiest thing I've ever done. Fortunately, it's okay."

"Big Brother is Big Brother, it's okay like that."

Netizens were delighted.

In the high-level meeting room of the program group.

The eyes of all the professors were closed tightly, and it took a long time before they opened.

Mr. Guo rubbed his eyes, and it took him a while to get used to it.

"This light... is really exciting."

Old Guo's words were full of joy.

Mr. Lin happened to take a sip of water at that time and didn't pay attention, so his eyes were fine.

Then he looked at Mr. Guo, knowing that he was happy because Ye Kang was alive, but he didn't say much.

In fact, I was also happy for Ye Kang in my heart.

in the tomb.

Ye Kang got up from the ground, and saw the gem filled with souls on the ground.

It was already full of cracks, it had lost its smoothness, and finally it gradually sank and turned into stone.

The little brother's unicorn pattern gradually disappeared, and his black eyes had turned into black and white pupils.

He was looking at Ye Kang who was covered in wounds, there was a little red blood on his arms, the back of his hands, and his face.

Wu Xie looked at Ye Kang in shock, then reached out and touched Ye Kang back and forth.

"Are you okay? Ye Kang, are you really okay?"

Wu Xie's eyes were full of joy.

Ye Kang smiled lightly.

Then sit on the ground and wait for the body to gradually recover.

Although it is impossible to die, it is also really painful, and it is difficult to ignore it.

"You did this on purpose, why?"

The younger brother walked up to Ye Kang and asked coldly.

"Because you need your eyes, only you can see, and the heart of the boulder monster will only appear when you are proud, so I have to do this."

Ye Kang also gambled again.

After all, going through life and death together, there is still some brotherhood.

When the little brother heard the sound, his face was even more indifferent than before.

"You are not afraid that I will disappoint you."

The little brother rarely talked too much.

"The truth is you haven't."

After Ye Kang finished speaking, he closed his eyes and started repairing.

It took Wu Xie a while to realize that what Ye Kang did just now was to expose that guy's weakness.

Ye Kang was wronged.

Wu Xie immediately got up and walked to the side of the gemstone, watching that there was still a little light embellishing it back and forth.

Wu Xie looked at it for a long time, as if he had seen this thing somewhere.

"This is the spirit stone."

The little brother stood behind Wu Xie and explained indifferently.

"Spirit-absorbing stone... No wonder the monsters here are controlled. These souls are absorbed by this gem, and this gem has another function."

"That is copying, but it will take time after copying."

Wu Xie finally understood why the boulder demon didn't release the demon's soul from it.

It turned out to be a stage of rest.

"Ye Kang's luck is also good. If it weren't for this spirit stone to rest, it wouldn't be easily broken."

The little brother looked at this gem and responded calmly.

"Since it's an evil thing, let's destroy it. It's not a good thing anyway."

Wu Xie gave the gem in his hand to his brother.

The little brother threw it away casually, drew out the ancient black gold knife and cut off the gemstone.

The last ray of light completely disappeared in the gem, and then disappeared.

The netizens in the live broadcast room felt distressed watching it.

"It's such a pity. This is a gem. Even if it is worthless, it is worth a lot just for this year."

"Upstairs, are you crazy about wanting money? This thing is an evil thing. Do you want to be like those monsters, waiting to be hacked by the big brother?"

"Haha, will I be able to see big brother this way? To be honest, have you been secretly in love with big brother for a long time, and you don't hesitate to use this way to get big brother?"

"Stop talking nonsense, it's very unfair to big brother."


Netizens are talking nonsense.

Ye Kang's body has recovered, and the first thing to do is to start calculating.

At this moment, Ye Kang felt that his calculation skills seemed to have risen to a higher level.

Counting back and forth with fingers, what finally appeared in my mind was not a hexagram image, but a picture.

This picture shows a big bird inside.

The bird is still dying.

Ye Kang suddenly opened his eyes, his expression serious.

A seriousness flashed through his mind.

The bird cannot die.

Absolutely not.

"Ye Kang, you..."

Before Wu Xie finished speaking, he watched Ye Kang hurried inside.

"Wu Xie, little brother, hurry up, hurry up."

Throwing down these words, he hurriedly walked inside.

Wu Xie and the younger brother were also dumbfounded, and they didn't ask any more questions, but followed closely behind.

In the high-level meeting room of the program group.

Mr. Guo looked at Ye Kang as if something was wrong, as if something had happened.

"Did something happen? Or is there something in it?"

Mr. Guo asked Mr. Lin curiously.

"It should be that there may be something important inside, or some monsters have appeared again."

Mr. Lin was confused, and didn't quite understand why he was in such a hurry.

Lester was silent for a while.

"Look at the corridor here, it seems something is wrong."

When everyone heard the words, they hurriedly looked at the big screen, their eyes flashed with astonishment.

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